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National Tracking Poll

Project: 2111084
N Size: 1998 Registered Voters
Margin of Error: ± 2%
Topline Report November 13-15, 2021
Question Response Frequency Percentage
P1 Now, generally speaking, would you say that things in the country are going in the
right direction, or have they pretty seriously gotten off on the wrong track?
Right Direction 722 36%
Wrong Track 1276 64%
nr2b Do you approve or disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing as President?
Strongly Approve 406 20%
Somewhat Approve 470 24%
Somewhat Disapprove 249 12%
Strongly Disapprove 816 41%
Don’t Know / No Opinion 58 3%
nr2bNET Do you approve or disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing as President?
Total Approve 876 44%
Total Disapprove 1064 53%
Don’t Know / No Opinion 58 3%
P3 Now, thinking about your vote, what would you say is the top set of issues on your
mind when you cast your vote for federal offices such as U.S. Senate or Congress?
Economic Issues – like taxes, wages, jobs, 828 41%
unemployment, and spending
Security Issues – like terrorism, foreign policy, and 298 15%
border security
Health Care Issues – like the 2010 health care law, 212 11%
Medicaid, other challenges
Seniors Issues – like Medicare and Social Security 253 13%
Women’s Issues – like birth control, abortion, and equal 109 5%
Education Issues – like school standards, class sizes, 62 3%
school choice, and student loans
Energy Issues – like carbon emissions, cost of 116 6%
electricity/gasoline, or renewables
Other: 119 6%

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Question Response Frequency Percentage
POL1 Thinking about the November 2022 midterm elections for U.S. Congress, how
enthusiastic would you say you are about voting in the midterm elections?
Extremely enthusiastic 550 28%
Very enthusiastic 390 20%
Somewhat enthusiastic 527 26%
Not too enthusiastic 347 17%
Not at all enthusiastic 184 9%
POL2 If the election for U.S. Congress in your district was held today, which one of the
following candidates are you most likely to vote for?
Democratic candidate 857 43%
Republican candidate 851 43%
Don’t know / No opinion 290 15%
POL3_1 Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the
following? The economy
Strongly approve 331 17%
Somewhat approve 464 23%
Somewhat disapprove 222 11%
Strongly disapprove 840 42%
Don’t Know / No Opinion 140 7%
POL3_2 Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the
following? Jobs
Strongly approve 368 18%
Somewhat approve 470 23%
Somewhat disapprove 240 12%
Strongly disapprove 752 38%
Don’t Know / No Opinion 168 8%
POL3_3 Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the
following? Health care
Strongly approve 361 18%
Somewhat approve 503 25%
Somewhat disapprove 249 12%
Strongly disapprove 683 34%
Don’t Know / No Opinion 202 10%
POL3_4 Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the
following? Immigration
Strongly approve 213 11%
Somewhat approve 414 21%
Somewhat disapprove 303 15%
Strongly disapprove 879 44%
Don’t Know / No Opinion 189 9%

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Question Response Frequency Percentage
POL3_5 Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the
following? Climate change
Strongly approve 382 19%
Somewhat approve 464 23%
Somewhat disapprove 258 13%
Strongly disapprove 665 33%
Don’t Know / No Opinion 230 11%
POL3_6 Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the
following? The environment
Strongly approve 394 20%
Somewhat approve 500 25%
Somewhat disapprove 243 12%
Strongly disapprove 654 33%
Don’t Know / No Opinion 207 10%
POL3_7 Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the
following? Energy
Strongly approve 345 17%
Somewhat approve 465 23%
Somewhat disapprove 262 13%
Strongly disapprove 717 36%
Don’t Know / No Opinion 211 11%
POL3_8 Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the
following? Education
Strongly approve 333 17%
Somewhat approve 504 25%
Somewhat disapprove 249 12%
Strongly disapprove 692 35%
Don’t Know / No Opinion 220 11%
POL3_9 Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the
following? National security
Strongly approve 326 16%
Somewhat approve 441 22%
Somewhat disapprove 249 12%
Strongly disapprove 764 38%
Don’t Know / No Opinion 217 11%

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Question Response Frequency Percentage
POL3_10 Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the
following? Gun policy
Strongly approve 254 13%
Somewhat approve 375 19%
Somewhat disapprove 314 16%
Strongly disapprove 781 39%
Don’t Know / No Opinion 274 14%
POL3_11 Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the
following? Protecting Medicare and Social Security
Strongly approve 353 18%
Somewhat approve 474 24%
Somewhat disapprove 245 12%
Strongly disapprove 667 33%
Don’t Know / No Opinion 259 13%
POL3_12 Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the
following? Coronavirus
Strongly approve 554 28%
Somewhat approve 398 20%
Somewhat disapprove 215 11%
Strongly disapprove 714 36%
Don’t Know / No Opinion 117 6%
POL3_13 Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the
following? Voting rights
Strongly approve 371 19%
Somewhat approve 458 23%
Somewhat disapprove 227 11%
Strongly disapprove 711 36%
Don’t Know / No Opinion 233 12%
POL3_14 Do you approve or disapprove of how President Biden is handling each of the
following? Foreign policy
Strongly approve 286 14%
Somewhat approve 473 24%
Somewhat disapprove 232 12%
Strongly disapprove 779 39%
Don’t Know / No Opinion 228 11%

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Question Response Frequency Percentage
POL4_1 Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements: Joe Biden
Is a strong leader (N=903)
Strongly agree 154 17%
Somewhat agree 195 22%
Somewhat disagree 119 13%
Strongly disagree 390 43%
Don’t know / No opinion 46 5%
POL4_2 Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements: Joe Biden
Is trustworthy (N=919)
Strongly agree 191 21%
Somewhat agree 203 22%
Somewhat disagree 106 11%
Strongly disagree 365 40%
Don’t know / No opinion 55 6%
POL4_3 Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements: Joe Biden
Is honest (N=886)
Strongly agree 197 22%
Somewhat agree 174 20%
Somewhat disagree 104 12%
Strongly disagree 348 39%
Don’t know / No opinion 64 7%
POL4_4 Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements: Joe Biden
Keeps his promises (N=883)
Strongly agree 132 15%
Somewhat agree 214 24%
Somewhat disagree 115 13%
Strongly disagree 348 39%
Don’t know / No opinion 74 8%
POL4_5 Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements: Joe Biden
Is knowledgeable (N=966)
Strongly agree 229 24%
Somewhat agree 239 25%
Somewhat disagree 136 14%
Strongly disagree 315 33%
Don’t know / No opinion 47 5%

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Question Response Frequency Percentage
POL4_6 Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements: Joe Biden
Is energetic (N=889)
Strongly agree 115 13%
Somewhat agree 185 21%
Somewhat disagree 164 18%
Strongly disagree 376 42%
Don’t know / No opinion 49 5%
POL4_7 Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements: Joe Biden
Is a clear communicator (N=874)
Strongly agree 126 14%
Somewhat agree 198 23%
Somewhat disagree 139 16%
Strongly disagree 354 41%
Don’t know / No opinion 56 6%
POL4_8 Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements: Joe Biden
Is too conservative (N=932)
Strongly agree 75 8%
Somewhat agree 91 10%
Somewhat disagree 182 20%
Strongly disagree 463 50%
Don’t know / No opinion 121 13%
POL4_9 Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements: Joe Biden
Is too liberal (N=970)
Strongly agree 280 29%
Somewhat agree 132 14%
Somewhat disagree 192 20%
Strongly disagree 234 24%
Don’t know / No opinion 133 14%
POL4_10 Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements: Joe Biden
Is sexist (N=843)
Strongly agree 140 17%
Somewhat agree 129 15%
Somewhat disagree 112 13%
Strongly disagree 286 34%
Don’t know / No opinion 176 21%

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Question Response Frequency Percentage
POL4_11 Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements: Joe Biden
Is racist (N=935)
Strongly agree 146 16%
Somewhat agree 115 12%
Somewhat disagree 131 14%
Strongly disagree 394 42%
Don’t know / No opinion 148 16%
POL4_12 Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements: Joe Biden
Is reckless (N=883)
Strongly agree 250 28%
Somewhat agree 123 14%
Somewhat disagree 136 15%
Strongly disagree 303 34%
Don’t know / No opinion 71 8%
POL4_13 Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements: Joe Biden
Cares about people like me (N=903)
Strongly agree 159 18%
Somewhat agree 187 21%
Somewhat disagree 103 11%
Strongly disagree 371 41%
Don’t know / No opinion 82 9%
POL4_14 Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements: Joe Biden
Is thin-skinned (N=885)
Strongly agree 216 24%
Somewhat agree 157 18%
Somewhat disagree 136 15%
Strongly disagree 214 24%
Don’t know / No opinion 163 18%
POL4_15 Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements: Joe Biden
Is compassionate (N=918)
Strongly agree 221 24%
Somewhat agree 210 23%
Somewhat disagree 120 13%
Strongly disagree 277 30%
Don’t know / No opinion 90 10%

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Question Response Frequency Percentage
POL4_16 Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements: Joe Biden
Is stable (N=911)
Strongly agree 197 22%
Somewhat agree 202 22%
Somewhat disagree 109 12%
Strongly disagree 347 38%
Don’t know / No opinion 56 6%
POL4_17 Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements: Joe Biden
Is mentally fit (N=907)
Strongly agree 249 27%
Somewhat agree 171 19%
Somewhat disagree 88 10%
Strongly disagree 343 38%
Don’t know / No opinion 56 6%
POL4_18 Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements: Joe Biden
Is in good health (N=908)
Strongly agree 130 14%
Somewhat agree 233 26%
Somewhat disagree 132 15%
Strongly disagree 320 35%
Don’t know / No opinion 92 10%
POL4_19 Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements: Joe Biden
Is capable of leading the country (N=913)
Strongly agree 210 23%
Somewhat agree 165 18%
Somewhat disagree 96 10%
Strongly disagree 389 43%
Don’t know / No opinion 52 6%
POL4_20 Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements: Joe Biden
Discourages the more extreme elements in the Democratic Party (N=942)
Strongly agree 108 11%
Somewhat agree 193 20%
Somewhat disagree 132 14%
Strongly disagree 309 33%
Don’t know / No opinion 200 21%

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Question Response Frequency Percentage
POL4_21 Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements: Joe Biden
Encourages the more extreme elements in the Democratic Party (N=885)
Strongly agree 261 30%
Somewhat agree 149 17%
Somewhat disagree 152 17%
Strongly disagree 171 19%
Don’t know / No opinion 152 17%
POL4_22 Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements: Joe Biden
Motivates his party (N=926)
Strongly agree 132 14%
Somewhat agree 232 25%
Somewhat disagree 176 19%
Strongly disagree 295 32%
Don’t know / No opinion 91 10%
POL5_1 How would you rate each of the following on their handling of the coronavirus?
President Joe Biden
Excellent 418 21%
Good 430 22%
Just Fair 269 13%
Poor 798 40%
Don’t Know / No Opinion 82 4%
POL5_2 How would you rate each of the following on their handling of the coronavirus?
Excellent 119 6%
Good 388 19%
Just Fair 661 33%
Poor 670 34%
Don’t Know / No Opinion 158 8%
POL5_3 How would you rate each of the following on their handling of the coronavirus?
Congressional Democrats
Excellent 227 11%
Good 513 26%
Just Fair 373 19%
Poor 717 36%
Don’t Know / No Opinion 167 8%

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Question Response Frequency Percentage
POL5_4 How would you rate each of the following on their handling of the coronavirus?
Congressional Republicans
Excellent 132 7%
Good 397 20%
Just Fair 495 25%
Poor 789 40%
Don’t Know / No Opinion 184 9%
POL5_5 How would you rate each of the following on their handling of the coronavirus? The
World Health Organization (WHO)
Excellent 321 16%
Good 569 28%
Just Fair 355 18%
Poor 582 29%
Don’t Know / No Opinion 171 9%
POL5_6 How would you rate each of the following on their handling of the coronavirus? The
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Excellent 402 20%
Good 672 34%
Just Fair 354 18%
Poor 477 24%
Don’t Know / No Opinion 93 5%
POL5_7 How would you rate each of the following on their handling of the coronavirus? Your
state’s governor
Excellent 406 20%
Good 562 28%
Just Fair 408 20%
Poor 516 26%
Don’t Know / No Opinion 107 5%
POL5_8 How would you rate each of the following on their handling of the coronavirus? Dr.
Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Excellent 504 25%
Good 459 23%
Just Fair 250 13%
Poor 640 32%
Don’t Know / No Opinion 145 7%

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Question Response Frequency Percentage
POL6 Generally speaking, would you say you are more concerned about...
The economic impact of coronavirus including the 879 44%
effect on the stock market and increased unemployment
The public health impact of coronavirus including the 924 46%
spread of the disease which would cause more deaths
Don’t know / No opinion 195 10%
POL7 Currently, do you believe it’s more important for the government to address the:
The spread of coronavirus 800 40%
The economy 1041 52%
Don’t know / No opinion 157 8%
POL8 Even if neither is exactly correct, which of the following comes closest to your opinion?
Americans should continue to social distance for as 1143 57%
long as is needed to curb the spread of coronavirus even
if it means continued damage to the economy
Americans should stop social distancing to stimulate 604 30%
the economy even if it means increasing the spread of
Don’t know / No opinion 251 13%
POL9 Who would you say is most responsible for the current state of the economy?
Donald Trump 575 29%
Joe Biden 1080 54%
Don’t know / No opinion 343 17%
POL10_1 How concerned are you, if at all, about each of the following? The U.S. economy
Very concerned 1182 59%
Somewhat concerned 624 31%
Not too concerned 140 7%
Not concerned at all 52 3%
POL10_2 How concerned are you, if at all, about each of the following? The COVID-19
Very concerned 864 43%
Somewhat concerned 611 31%
Not too concerned 330 17%
Not concerned at all 193 10%
POL10_3 How concerned are you, if at all, about each of the following? Conflict between
political parties
Very concerned 841 42%
Somewhat concerned 709 35%
Not too concerned 309 15%
Not concerned at all 139 7%

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Question Response Frequency Percentage
POL10_4 How concerned are you, if at all, about each of the following? Inflation
Very concerned 1201 60%
Somewhat concerned 548 27%
Not too concerned 190 10%
Not concerned at all 59 3%
POL10_5 How concerned are you, if at all, about each of the following? Illegal immigration at
the U.S.-Mexico border
Very concerned 872 44%
Somewhat concerned 544 27%
Not too concerned 378 19%
Not concerned at all 204 10%
POL10_6 How concerned are you, if at all, about each of the following? Climate change
Very concerned 780 39%
Somewhat concerned 549 27%
Not too concerned 317 16%
Not concerned at all 352 18%
POL10_7 How concerned are you, if at all, about each of the following? Political correctness
Very concerned 512 26%
Somewhat concerned 496 25%
Not too concerned 528 26%
Not concerned at all 463 23%
POL10_8 How concerned are you, if at all, about each of the following? Terrorism in the United
Very concerned 876 44%
Somewhat concerned 700 35%
Not too concerned 336 17%
Not concerned at all 87 4%
POL10_9 How concerned are you, if at all, about each of the following? Economic inequality
Very concerned 691 35%
Somewhat concerned 688 34%
Not too concerned 386 19%
Not concerned at all 233 12%
POL10_10 How concerned are you, if at all, about each of the following? Cyber-attacks on the
United States
Very concerned 873 44%
Somewhat concerned 815 41%
Not too concerned 227 11%
Not concerned at all 82 4%

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Question Response Frequency Percentage
POL11 Do you think the U.S. economy will get better or worse in the next year, or do you
think there will be no change?
Much worse 503 25%
Somewhat worse 438 22%
No change 315 16%
Somewhat better 448 22%
Much better 148 7%
Don’t know / No opinion 146 7%
POL12 In the past month, would you say that overall, prices on items you’ve purchased have
Higher than usual 1645 82%
The same as usual 250 13%
Lower than usual 33 2%
Don’t know / No opinion 70 4%
POL13 And would you say that prices being higher than usual overall has had? (N=1,645)
a negative impact on your finances 1344 82%
no impact on your finances 203 12%
a positive impact on your finances 62 4%
Don’t know / No opinion 36 2%
POL14_1 How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following? The international
climate change conference, COP26, in Glasgow, Scotland
A lot 348 17%
Some 716 36%
Not much 460 23%
Nothing at all 474 24%
POL14_2 How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following? Consumer prices in
October 2021 rising 6.2% from a year ago, a 30-year high in inflation
A lot 721 36%
Some 718 36%
Not much 260 13%
Nothing at all 299 15%
POL14_3 How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following? Rep. Paul Gosar
(R-Ariz.) sharing an animated video of him killing Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
(D-N.Y.) and swinging swords at President Biden on his social media
A lot 252 13%
Some 384 19%
Not much 318 16%
Nothing at all 1045 52%

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Question Response Frequency Percentage
POL14_4 How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following? The U.S. House of
Representatives passing a bipartisan infrastructure bill
A lot 613 31%
Some 722 36%
Not much 337 17%
Nothing at all 326 16%
POL14_5 How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following? The U.S. House of
Representatives passing a bipartisan bill to develop advanced air mobility, which will
make way for innovations such as flying cars and drones
A lot 172 9%
Some 329 16%
Not much 480 24%
Nothing at all 1018 51%
POL14_6 How much have you seen, read, or heard about the following? Pfizer Inc. and
BioNTech SE asking the FDA to authorize a booster dose of their COVID-19 vaccine
for anyone 18 years of age and older
A lot 682 34%
Some 786 39%
Not much 267 13%
Nothing at all 263 13%
POL15_1 As you may know, inflation reached a 30-year high in the United States in October. To
what extent do you think each of the following is responsible for the increasing
inflation in the U.S. economy? Americans returning to pre-pandemic behaviors
Very responsible 314 16%
Somewhat responsible 603 30%
Not too responsible 414 21%
Not responsible at all 429 21%
Don’t know / No opinion 237 12%
POL15_2 As you may know, inflation reached a 30-year high in the United States in October. To
what extent do you think each of the following is responsible for the increasing
inflation in the U.S. economy? The Biden administration’s policies
Very responsible 844 42%
Somewhat responsible 398 20%
Not too responsible 335 17%
Not responsible at all 221 11%
Don’t know / No opinion 201 10%

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Question Response Frequency Percentage
POL16 As you may know, the U.S. House and Senate passed a $1 trillion bipartisan bill to
improve America’s infrastructure. Do you support or oppose this infrastructure bill?
Strongly support 475 24%
Somewhat support 520 26%
Somewhat oppose 301 15%
Strongly oppose 400 20%
Don’t know / No opinion 302 15%
POL17 As you may know, a bipartisan bill to develop advanced air mobility passed in the
House, which will make way for innovations such as flying cars.Would you be willing
to ride in a flying car if they were available?
Yes, definitely 288 14%
Yes, probably 430 22%
No, probably not 422 21%
No, definitely not 619 31%
Don’t know / No opinion 239 12%
POL18 Do you support or oppose government regulation of advanced air mobility, such as
flying cars and drones?
Strongly support 345 17%
Somewhat support 507 25%
Somewhat oppose 320 16%
Strongly oppose 437 22%
Don’t know / No opinion 389 19%
POLx_1 Next we will look at a list of names that are active in politics. It is a long list, please
take the time to go through the list carefully and give an individual answer for each
name below. For each person, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat
Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each If you have
heard of the person, but do not have an opinion, please mark ’Heard Of, No Opinion.’
If you have not heard of the person, please mark ’Never Heard Of.’Mitch McConnell
Total Favorable 477 24%
Total Unfavorable 1097 55%
Heard Of, No Opinion 299 15%
Never Heard Of 125 6%
POLx_2 Favorability for Nancy Pelosi
Total Favorable 648 32%
Total Unfavorable 1180 59%
Heard Of, No Opinion 131 7%
Never Heard Of 39 2%

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Question Response Frequency Percentage
POLx_3 Favorability for Charles Schumer
Total Favorable 516 26%
Total Unfavorable 913 46%
Heard Of, No Opinion 352 18%
Never Heard Of 217 11%
POLx_4 Favorability for Mike Pence
Total Favorable 814 41%
Total Unfavorable 970 49%
Heard Of, No Opinion 170 8%
Never Heard Of 44 2%
POLx_5 Favorability for Donald Trump
Total Favorable 866 43%
Total Unfavorable 1066 53%
Heard Of, No Opinion 57 3%
Never Heard Of 9 0%
POLx_6 Favorability for Republicans in Congress
Total Favorable 734 37%
Total Unfavorable 1112 56%
Heard Of, No Opinion 117 6%
Never Heard Of 34 2%
POLx_7 Favorability for Democrats in Congress
Total Favorable 801 40%
Total Unfavorable 1049 53%
Heard Of, No Opinion 122 6%
Never Heard Of 26 1%
POLx_9 Favorability for Kevin McCarthy
Total Favorable 486 24%
Total Unfavorable 788 39%
Heard Of, No Opinion 430 22%
Never Heard Of 295 15%
POLx_10 Favorability for Joe Biden
Total Favorable 904 45%
Total Unfavorable 1042 52%
Heard Of, No Opinion 50 2%
Never Heard Of 2 0%

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Question Response Frequency Percentage
POLx_11 Favorability for Kamala Harris
Total Favorable 815 41%
Total Unfavorable 1065 53%
Heard Of, No Opinion 90 5%
Never Heard Of 27 1%
Note: Group proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. All statistics are calcu-
lated for registered voters with demographic post-stratification weights applied.

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Morning Consult
Respondent Demographics Summary

Respondent Demographics Summary

Summary Statistics of Survey Respondent Demographics

Demographic Group Frequency Percentage

xdemAll Registered Voters 1998 100%

xdemGender Gender: Male 942 47%
Gender: Female 1056 53%
N 1998
age Age: 18-34 514 26%
Age: 35-44 307 15%
Age: 45-64 679 34%
Age: 65+ 497 25%
N 1998
demAgeGeneration GenZers: 1997-2012 188 9%
Millennials: 1981-1996 523 26%
GenXers: 1965-1980 453 23%
Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 740 37%
N 1904
xpid3 PID: Dem (no lean) 781 39%
PID: Ind (no lean) 531 27%
PID: Rep (no lean) 686 34%
N 1998
xpidGender PID/Gender: Dem Men 352 18%
PID/Gender: Dem Women 429 21%
PID/Gender: Ind Men 266 13%
PID/Gender: Ind Women 265 13%
PID/Gender: Rep Men 323 16%
PID/Gender: Rep Women 363 18%
N 1998
xdemIdeo3 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 570 29%
Ideo: Moderate (4) 542 27%
Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 795 40%
N 1907
xeduc3 Educ: < College 1206 60%
Educ: Bachelors degree 501 25%
Educ: Post-grad 290 15%
N 1998
Continued on next page

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National Tracking Poll #2111084, November, 2021
Respondent Demographics Summary

Summary Statistics of Survey Respondent Demographics

Demographic Group Frequency Percentage

xdemInc3 Income: Under 50k 866 43%

Income: 50k-100k 764 38%
Income: 100k+ 368 18%
N 1998
xdemWhite Ethnicity: White 1537 77%
xdemHispBin Ethnicity: Hispanic 222 11%
demBlackBin Ethnicity: Black 260 13%
demRaceOther Ethnicity: Other 201 10%
xdemReligion All Christian 1008 50%
All Non-Christian 120 6%
Atheist 85 4%
Agnostic/Nothing in particular 472 24%
Something Else 314 16%
N 1998
xdemReligOther Religious Non-Protestant/Catholic 138 7%
xdemEvang Evangelical 555 28%
Non-Evangelical 733 37%
N 1287
xdemUsr Community: Urban 463 23%
Community: Suburban 971 49%
Community: Rural 564 28%
N 1998
xdemEmploy Employ: Private Sector 678 34%
Employ: Government 119 6%
Employ: Self-Employed 161 8%
Employ: Homemaker 137 7%
Employ: Student 77 4%
Employ: Retired 536 27%
Employ: Unemployed 193 10%
Employ: Other 97 5%
N 1998
xdemMilHH1 Military HH: Yes 377 19%
Military HH: No 1621 81%
N 1998
Continued on next page

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Morning Consult
Respondent Demographics Summary

Summary Statistics of Survey Respondent Demographics

Demographic Group Frequency Percentage

xnr1 RD/WT: Right Direction 722 36%

RD/WT: Wrong Track 1276 64%
N 1998
xdemBidenApprove Biden Job Approve 876 44%
Biden Job Disapprove 1064 53%
N 1940
xdemBidenApprove2 Biden Job Strongly Approve 406 20%
Biden Job Somewhat Approve 470 24%
Biden Job Somewhat Disapprove 249 12%
Biden Job Strongly Disapprove 816 41%
N 1940
xdemBidenFav Favorable of Biden 904 45%
Unfavorable of Biden 1042 52%
N 1946
xdemBidenFavFull Very Favorable of Biden 434 22%
Somewhat Favorable of Biden 470 23%
Somewhat Unfavorable of Biden 221 11%
Very Unfavorable of Biden 821 41%
N 1946
xnr3 #1 Issue: Economy 828 41%
#1 Issue: Security 298 15%
#1 Issue: Health Care 212 11%
#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 253 13%
#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 109 5%
#1 Issue: Education 62 3%
#1 Issue: Energy 116 6%
#1 Issue: Other 119 6%
N 1998
xsubVote20O 2020 Vote: Joe Biden 946 47%
2020 Vote: Donald Trump 864 43%
2020 Vote: Other 35 2%
2020 Vote: Didn’t Vote 153 8%
N 1998
xsubVote18O 2018 House Vote: Democrat 759 38%
2018 House Vote: Republican 704 35%
2018 House Vote: Someone else 54 3%
N 1517
Continued on next page

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National Tracking Poll #2111084, November, 2021
Respondent Demographics Summary

Summary Statistics of Survey Respondent Demographics

Demographic Group Frequency Percentage

xsubVote16O 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 680 34%

2016 Vote: Donald Trump 779 39%
2016 Vote: Other 92 5%
2016 Vote: Didn’t Vote 442 22%
N 1993
xsubVote14O Voted in 2014: Yes 1330 67%
Voted in 2014: No 668 33%
N 1998
xreg4 4-Region: Northeast 353 18%
4-Region: Midwest 444 22%
4-Region: South 746 37%
4-Region: West 455 23%
N 1998
xdemPidLean Party: Democrat/Leans Democrat 914 46%
Party: Republican/Leans Republican 846 42%
N 1760
Note: Group proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. All statistics are calcu-
lated with demographic post-stratification weights applied.

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Morning Consult

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