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Bulacan State University

City of Malolos, Bulacan

College of Engineering
Industrial Engineering Department


Juan C. Dela Cruz

Juana D. Dela Cruz
Juanito E. Dela Cruz

Engr. Jeremy Laurence M. Bañez


January __, 2020

Rubric for Assessment

Exemplary Good Satisfactory Poor Scor

4 3 2 1 e
Uses a strategy
Uses an efficient Uses an Uses a strategy to solve the
Strategy and
and effective effective to solve the problem but is
strategy to solve strategy to solve problem but it is not appropriate
the problem the problem not effective to solve the
Interpreting Student provides
Student provides Student provides
Findings and an inadequate Student does
Solving the a logical an adequate
interpretation of not interpret the
Problem (30%) interpretation of interpretation of the findings and findings or does
the findings and the findings and does not derive a not reach a
clearly solves the solves the logical solution to conclusion
problem problem the problem
Mathematical Shows
Concepts Shows complete substantial Shows some The underlying
(20%) understanding of understanding of understanding of concept needed
the mathematical the the mathematical to solve the
concepts used to mathematical concepts needed problem is not
solve the concepts used to solve the written and not
problem to solve the problem utilized
Mathematical Advanced, Correct
Terminology correct Correct terminology and There is little
and Symbols terminology and terminology and symbols are use, or a lot of
(10%) symbols are symbols are used, but it is inappropriate
used, making it used to sometimes not use of
very easy to understand what easy to terminology and
understand what was done understand what symbols
was done was done
Neatness and The work
Organization The work is The work is appears sloppy
The work is
(10%) presented in a presented in a and
presented in an
neat, detailed, neat and unorganized. It
organized fashion
organized organized is hard to know
but may be hard
fashion that is fashion that is what
to read
easy to read easy to read information
goes together


Evaluated by:

Engr. Jeremy Laurence M. Bañez

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• Font: Arial, Font size: 12
• Spacing: 1.0
• Margin: 0.5” on all sides
• A4 size bond paper
• Number of real-life problems will depend on the number of members per group including
the leader
• 1 problem per page of album with introduction, detailed solution with discussion,
illustrations/figures/diagrams, final answer and interpretation of your answers
• Problems and solutions are handwritten or typewritten

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