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3rd Pay Revision to BSNL Executives

An Overview
After the release of 3 PRC recommendations Pay Revision and Pension
Revision took place in some PSUs in accordance with the guidelines of DPE.
Due to the affordability clause and the guidelines on Profit- Oriented Pay rise
have disallowed any Pay as well as Pension revision in BSNL. Though pension
is the commitment of DoT, but DoT categorically clarified that the pension
revision will only follow the Pay revision and the revision of IDA Pension will
not be done automatically. The DPE guidelines on 3rd Pay Revision have
disallowed pay revision in BSNL on the plea of not earning profit for the last
three consecutive years. AIBSNLEA & AUAB continuously put the demand
that BSNL as a PSU under the control of Central Government and being the
Strategic Sector purely a Service Oriented Organization should not be
brought under the DPE guidelines in respect of Profitability clause which
permits Pay Revision.
The then Hon’ble MoSC Shri Manoj Sinha ji assured the AUAB leaders on
03.02.2018 & 24.02.2018 that the relaxation on affordability clause for the 3 rd
pay revision for BSNL employees will be sought from the Union Cabinet.
However DoT deliberately delayed the proposal.
During the discussions had with CMD BSNL and the AUAB leaders held on
13.02.2019 and 15.02.2019 (before 3 Days strike from 18.02.2019 to
20.02.2019) it was offered by the then Hon’ble MoSC that 3rd Pay Revision
with 0% fitment with an assurance that the proposal will be sent to Digital
Communication Commission (DCC) for clearance and thereafter it will be
taken up in the Union Cabinet for approval for any relaxation in affordability
clause for BSNL Employees.
AUAB leaders categorically told the Management that we are prepared to
accept 3rd Pay Revision with minimum 5% fitment as offered by DoT on
30.01.2019 and demanded that this commitment should be given in writing by
the DoT so that AUAB can consider deferment of the proposed strike.
The demand of AUAB has not been accepted and even DoT has not come
forward to give 0% fitment as offered by the then Hon’ble MOSC in writing.
Then AUAB has decided to go ahead with 3 days strike.
In this regard, the then Hon’ble MOC Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad ji mentioned
in the meeting held on 04.11.2019 with AUAB leaders that 3rd pay revision is
not possible in BSNL at present due to continuous losses shown by BSNL for
more than 3 consecutive years and also in lieu of affordability condition and
Profit during three consecutive years is mandatory as per DPE guidelines.
However, he further assured that if BSNL post EBITDA positive (Operating
Profit) for 3 years and increase of 17% Market Share of BSNL, then DoT/
Govt. will consider 3rd Pay Revision to BSNL employees.
However, keeping in view of the approved Parameters mentioned in DPE OM
dated 24.11.2017 now BSNL Management again going to start the wage
negotiation for Non- Executives since the settlement has already been expired
on 31.12.2016
Pursuant to the guidelines contained in DPE O&M Dated 03.08.2017 &
24.11.2017, the 3rd PRC Wage negotiation settlement with 0% or 5% fitment
in respect of Non-Executives should be approved by the Remuneration
Committee of BSNL Board, BSNL Board of Directors and the same will be
sent to DoT/ DCC for approval. Thereafter it will be taken up in the Union
Cabinet for any relaxation in affordability clause.
In the recent meeting of CMD BSNL & Board of Directors with the AUAB
leaders held on 05.10.2021 & 27.10.2021, it is agreed by the Management
that Wage Revision Committee for 3rd PRC in respect of Non-Executives will
be reconstituted and the meeting will be held after Diwali. The Unions should
submit their suggestions/ inputs for 3rd wages revision with 0% fitment for
Non- Executives to address the stagnation issue.
As regards the implementations of 3rd PRC in respect of the Executives, the
CMD BSNL told that this issue should be discussed with the Secretary,
Telecom. He further assured that a meeting will be arranged between the
Secretary, Telecom and the AUAB Leaders.
Now the Joint Committee has reconstituted to recommend the wages
structure for Non- Executives w.e.f. 01.01.2017 in BSNL and the meeting is
scheduled to be held on 18.11.2021.
We have a fond hope that 3rd PRC with any fitment will definitely address
the Stagnation, improved Pensionary benefits, Commuted Value of Pension,
Enhanced HRA, Annual Increment, Pay fixation benefits etc.
All the Executives Associations and AUAB leaders are eagerly waiting for the
meeting with Secretary Telecom for the discussion regarding 3rd PRC for
BSNL employees.
We are waiting for a long time for the revision of pay since it is due from
01.01.2017. In view of the abnormal delay, the BSNL Employees and
Pensioners are not getting their due benefits in time. Hence, it is suggested
that AUAB or likeminded Associations and Unions should come forward and
appeal to the Govt./ DoT & BSNL Management to consider as a interim
Measure/ interim relief till such time 3rd PRC got approved and implemented
in BSNL.
“Portion of IDA (119.5% as on 01.01.2017) equal to either 75% or 60% of the
existing basic pay in respect of the employees of BSNL/ CPSEs following IDA
pattern of pay scales at 2007 levels for employees of BSNL/CPSEs may be
distinctly shows as Dearness Pay (DP) w.e.f. 01.01.2017, which would be
counted for the purposes like:
Retirement benefits, Payment of Allowances, Transfer grant, Contribution to
Provident Funds, Licenses fee & Various Advances etc.”
There is precedence also in this regard during the 2nd Pay Revision time,
where portion of IDA equal to 50% of existing Pay was shown as Dearness
Pay (DP) w.e.f. 01.01.2007 vide DPE OM No. 2(7)/2005 DPE –(WC) GL-III
dated 26th Feb 2008.
Now the BSNL Management is serious and responsive to the demands of
Unions and Associations and has shown sincerity time and again.
To mitigate the suffering of BSNL employees and to get the due benefits
without any delay and till such time3rd PRC for BSNL employees got
approved and implemented we should strengthen our demand of portion of
IDA equal to either 75% or 60% existing Basic Pay may be distinctly declared
as Dearness Pay w.e.f. 01.01.2017 and shown separately.
All the AUAB Leaders, likeminded Associations and Unions should come
forward to achieve the genuine demand!
Unity Is Always Our Strength!
General Secretary AIBSNLEA

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