How To Deal With The Problem of Homelessness

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How to deal with the problem of homelessness?

Nowadays, poverty has come a long way. If we look at the statistics, numbers
have drastically decreased over the past 50 years. Although we don't notice
that if we visit some wealthy nations, homelessness is still a problem virtually
every society suffers from. Of course, this can vary depending on the place,
person, etc. According to studies, a 2005 survey by the United Nations shows
that 1.6 billion people lack adequate housing. But let us find out, what can
efficiently help with this problem. As once a wise man said: "To every problem,
there's already a solution whether you know it or not."
To begin with, everyone that is able to should donate food or money to
homeless shelters or charities that work to help. As a result, these funds would
be used to open more homeless shelters and destitute people would have a
safe and caring place to go.
Secondly, one of the main solutions to ending homelessness is increasing
employment and income. The reason for being roofless is often because of a
lack of finances - the inability to pay rent and utilities. To resolve this problem
the government could raise the minimum wage and make more jobs available,
consequently, the homeless would benefit greatly by being able to earn
enough money to pay for their living expenses.
All things considered, I see a lot of opportunities that can influence some
changes and it is not that impossible. It saddens me knowing some filthy rich
people do not take this matter into their hands despite having all the
possibilities and options. This problem is everyone's responsibility and we have
to tackle it collectively.

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