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Fill in the blanks with A or An.

Rellena los huecos con “a” o “an”

1. Ronaldo is famous football player.

2. Jessica is hardworking student.

3. Is Dr. Phil smart man?

4. A tiger is animal.

5. Is that old book?

6. Is tea beneficial drink?

7. Mustang is American brand.

8. This is eraser.

9. New York Times is popular news company.

10. Derek is fisherman.

11. It's honor to meet you.

12. Angelina Jolie is actress.

13. GrammarBank is educational website.

14. Bart Simpson is child.

15. Superman is hero.

More examples of a, an or the

1-2. We have beautiful garden. garden is full of roses.

3-4. Is curling popular sport in world? No, it isn’t.

5. I want glass of orange juice please.

6. Can you give me envelope, please?

Certainly. Oh! Where’s envelope?

7. Is there post office near here?

8. They’re at cinema.

9. My brother is in classroom.

10. Do you want hamburger?

11. Selena has got cat.

12. What is cat’s name?

13. school is very cold.

14. Mary likes ___________ ice-cream

¿Hay alguna qué te suene bien sin artículo? ¿Cuál?

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