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Purok Tugas, Balangasan Dist., Pagadian City, Philippines

Document Title:
ISO 9001:2015


Rene Jan V. Hilbero

BSMT-2 Bravo

Task 1.
Learning Activity 3.0
Instruction: List down five other concepts of groups that you can think of. Discuss them
effectively and cite examples that can support your ideas by completing the matrix below.
Strengths of the Filipino Characteristics and Your explanation which
Examples provides wholesome
understanding from the
concepts of groups have
Pakikipagkapwa-Tao Helpfulness, Ability to This is one that comes to
emphasize. An example for mind when it comes to
this is helping fellow Filipinos; pakikipagkapwa-
Filipinos when they are tao. It became a habitual
being hit by the calamities practice for the Filipinos to
through relief goods. how they interact to each
other and the way they
think that they should help
each other despite their
difference in cultures.
Practices like this made
them form a group that
ranges in the Philippines
and to include that
Filipinos will also help
other races in other
countries. A unity is
formed through a basic
practice performed in
Family-Oriented Genuine Love and It is a rare positive trait to
Responsibility towards the that the Filipino has; being
role. Example for this family-oriented. Through
Purok Tugas, Balangasan Dist., Pagadian City, Philippines

Document Title:
ISO 9001:2015


would be the identification this, Filipinos have the

of one’s role such as “ilaw capability to survive in
ng tahanan” or “pader ng amidst of difficult
lipunan”. Also the families conditions as they have the
shares deeper relationship person/someone to rely on.
that maintains an They help each other as
emotional support to each one even without
other. incentives or benefits
provided as long as they
can help each other to the
future. Unconditional love
it may seem, yet this is
what makes Filipinos as it
is today.
Faith and Religiosity Sets proper practices of Influenced by the other
moral and values that countries, Filipinos
appreciate the society. continues their faithful
Example would be the beliefs and trust to their
trust of God in His actions religions that made the
that made people Philippines more bountiful.
appreciates on what they By comprehending the
have than to what they context of God’s will, it
don’t have. made the Filipinos
genuinely accept the reality
and made them have the
practice of being thankful,
forgiving and having
compassion to one’s action.
Ability to Survive Can adjust to almost any Despite the many
situations despite the lack calamities that the Filipino
of resources provided. has experienced, the
Having a good adaptability tendency that makes them
and will to make a living survive that also improves
out of it. their ability to be flexible at
all times. Obtained from
previous generations that
Purok Tugas, Balangasan Dist., Pagadian City, Philippines

Document Title:
ISO 9001:2015


manifested the Filipinos up

to date from the harshest
economic and situation
that they experienced.
Respectful With proper manners The world has known the
especially to older ones Filipino for being respectful
and the ability to take care and as a result, they are in
of foreigners even they are high demands for works in
a stranger to them. overseas with high
Examples would be the payment salaries. Due to
“mano-mano” po and the Filipinos respect for their
hospitability that the higher ups they will
Filipino has. perform exceedingly well
for better appreciation for
them even not to include
their work ethic. Also, the
Filipinos tend to respect
the elders as a way of
being thankful to their
services before that they
show a high priority choice
for elders in terms of
services. In addition,
Philippines is one of the
countries that provides
beneficiaries towards

Task 2.

Learning Activity 3.1

Instruction: Share your ideas following the five-paragraph essay, how is it important for you
to know the different circumstances under which groups can come into existence? Explain
your answers through examples.

Five-paragraph essay contains the following parts;

1. Introduction
Purok Tugas, Balangasan Dist., Pagadian City, Philippines

Document Title:
ISO 9001:2015


2. First part of the body

3. Second part of the body
4. Third part of the body
5. Conclusion consists of summarization and findings with the topic being studied.

According to Hughes & Kroehler in 2009 that one of the most essential topics of
sociological research is the idea of group. Entering groups fulfills our desire to belong, allows
us to obtain information and understanding via social comparison, and defines our sense of
self and social identity which allows us to attain goals that we may not be able to reach if we
worked alone. In this case, I will discuss my insights in regards to the term to where groups
come into a circumstance.

Right now, there is a rapid progress of development in the world and to how they
encounter it. The reason for the growth of the majority in the world is to how the group
interacts to it; Governments, Peer groups, Schools, Law firms and such. Through their
contributions to the society, there may have been differences to how they contribute but we
can interpret to how they provide information, help the individuals and the restructure of the
world. An example for this is the situation that the Philippine has experienced today; the

The election has been the highlight news in the Philippines nowadays as it can greatly
affect the whole nation. It became an important factor for Filipinos to be updated on politics
in order for them to make a change for themselves that the politics does have the capability
to do so. Another example would be the influence from the society. In terms of society,
majority would be peer friends and families that greatly affect your perspective in life.
Although clubs and other group gatherings can be included but to take note that it is based
on the person’s majority of time to spend with.

We also need to take note of the culture’s influence to us. Actually, cultures are
related to the society but it is quite a narrow from my discussion earlier so we will need to
factor again as it has one of the greatest influence that a person can have. Groups have their
own culture based on the information, beliefs, traditions, and behaviors that its members
share. Members develop trust, cohesiveness, and a sense of safety as they become more
aware of their common culture, which promotes collaboration. Therefore, we should
comprehend that information on culture can help us understand to how we interact and
adjust to the situation given.

Overall, group is very important to us as we can improve our outputs and results as
individual or as a group for which it can greatly affect the attitudes, behaviors, objectives and
roles that we have obtained from different groups. Not only is limited of the possibility of the
group changing the present, but also to the future.

Task 3

Learning Activity 3.2

Instruction: Provide at least 5 exact/accurate examples of any of the In-group and Out-group
showing their differences and similarities by completing the matrix below.
Purok Tugas, Balangasan Dist., Pagadian City, Philippines

Document Title:
ISO 9001:2015


In-group Out-group Similarities Explain their

1. Family 1. Different 1. They have a To explain their
2. Dance Club Political sense of interconnectednes
3. Christians parties objectives s, it would likely to
4. Filipinos 2. Water polo 2. Formed as a point out their
5. OLT members group objectives and
Students 3. Atheists 3. Collaboration values as they
4. Foreigners of Interest were formed to
5. Another 4. A place where that particular
school aside they find reason. There is a
from OLT themselves in commitment to
5. They have their ones group as they
own specific feel a sense of
type of function belonging such as
based on their similar to interest
values. and such that
made them have
an interconnected
ness despite their
views of in and
out-groups of life.
To sum up things,
identities were
formed in these
given examples
which has
relations to their
group to other
group outside
their range.
Rene Jan V. Hilbero
BSMT-2 Bravo

Task 4.
Learning Activity 3.3
Purok Tugas, Balangasan Dist., Pagadian City, Philippines

Document Title:
ISO 9001:2015


Instruction: Answer the following questions to the best of your ability.

1. Explain the major characteristics and functions of primary groups and secondary
Primary groups, based from the word primary where a group of people that
makes it as an important part of the individual’s social life. Mostly it is where the
majority of one’s life has been involved to. We can determine the characteristics of
primary groups as long as they are in; personal relationship, deeper communication
especially face to face, stability in communication, sense of loyalty, mostly small in
size, informal structure, their approach to decision-making (non-rational). Primary
groups also have a common sense of goals and values that their relationships to each
other were unconditional.
Secondary groups are by disparity of having formal, large groups that has a
limited purpose due to its either defined or structured principle. There were most
likely formed to attain the specific objective as they can have aloof relationship at
times. Indirect communication, temporary duration, weak group, rational decision-
making and formal structure is important to take note for the characteristics of the
secondary group.
2. What is the difference between an in-group and an out-group? Formal and informal
boundaries? Cite examples of these differences.

The difference between an in-group and an out group is likely to be related to

the formal and informal boundaries. Each of these groups has their own specific
boundaries that made them belong to a specific group with same interest, objectives
and such. An in-group would be defined to the relationship of the individual where
he/she feel belongs and to who identifies with. They tend to view these things positive
and view other parties, especially to opposite interest of theirs to negative light.
Meanwhile, out-group is where the individual feel that they do not belong to that
specific group. An example would be a member of basketball club does not feel
belonged to soccer club and different political parties have set a rivalry towards the
Lastly, formal boundaries were mostly setting a form of agendas through formal
intentions such as rules and agreements to comply to. Whereas, the informal group
were based on psychological factor to how they understand with each other (mostly on
positive feeling) that makes them establish a specific boundaries. An example would
be families and business; the families, friends or loved ones were sharing a specific
interest and approach while businesses needed rules to sign for in order for them to
build a relationship (workers to their boss) to reach a specific agreement.

3. Scoring Rubric:
Content Coherence Clarity
Purok Tugas, Balangasan Dist., Pagadian City, Philippines

Document Title:
ISO 9001:2015


15 Has delivered his/her ideas All statements in the Has very good
well and have clearly discussion have a clear sentence
supported it with logical direction; all statements construction and
explanation; supports contribute to make the does not provide any
his/her ideas with concrete discussion more vague statements.
examples. comprehensible.
12 Has delivered his/her ideas All statements in the Has a good sentence
well and have clearly discussion have a clear construction with
supported it with logical direction; all statements little grammatical
explanation; did not contribute to make the mishaps and vague
support his/her ideas with discussion more statements
concrete examples. comprehensible.
9 Ideas are not supported A lot of statements create Has a good sentence
with logical explanation; an unclear understanding construction with
did not support his/her of the discussion. little grammatical
ideas with concrete mishaps and vague
examples. statements
6 Ideas are not supported There is no proper Sentence
with logical explanation; discussion construction has a
did not support his/her moderate number of
ideas with concrete grammatical
examples. mishaps and ague
3 Ideas are irrelevant to the There is no proper Poor sentence
topic and were not discussion construction and no
explained at all. idea can be easily
Rene Jan V. Hilbero
BSMT-2 Bravo

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