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This experiment aims at studying the behaviour of single degree of freedom

system under free vibration and forced vibration. We are able to find out the
factors affecting natural frequency of a single degree of freedom system
(SDOF). How the natural frequency is varying according to its dependent
factors are studied. A virtual lab setup is used for varying frequency depending
factors and to measure corresponding frequency. By varying excitation
frequency, the variation in response of the structure is studied which is of very
much practical significance.


Here we are extensively dealing with single degree of freedom system. Several
mechanical and structural systems can be idealized as single-degree-of-freedom
systems. In many practical systems, the mass is distributed, but for a simple
analysis, it can be approximated by a single point mass. A system is said to
undergo free vibration when it oscillates only under an initial disturbance with
no external forces acting afterward. Some examples are the oscillations of the
pendulum of a grandfather clock, the vertical oscillatory motion felt by a
bicyclist after hitting a road bump, and the motion of a child on a swing after an
initial push. Simplest possible example for SDOF is mass suspended by means
of a spring. Here we are interested in finding natural frequency of SDOF system
and variation of frequency according to different parameters.
Studying about variation of natural frequency can help a lot in
practical circumstances. The importance of excitation frequency on a structure
needs to be very much clear. because it is the key factor which controls the
displacement of the structure. By performing this experiment, we aim at
understanding the structural behaviour under various circumstances and have a
clear knowledge about how can we control the responses.


1. Factors responsible for natural frequency of a single degree of freedom

system is identified as mass, Stiffness and damping ratio.

2. In order to find out the individual effect of above-mentioned parameters

on natural frequencies, one parameter is varied at a time keeping other
two constant and corresponding natural frequency with variation of one
parameter is determined.

3. In the virtual experiment we can choose different values for mass

stiffness and damping ratio and determine the response of the structure
after giving an excitation. After examining the displacement response of
the structure we can determine its natural frequency.

4. As an Initial observation we are changing the mass keeping other two

constant and measure the natural frequency from displacement response
and plot the variation of natural frequency with respect to mass for

5. Same things are repeated on the other two parameters also for finding the
variation in natural frequencies according to corresponding variable.

6. Same experiment can also be conducted theoretically by using the

formula for natural frequency for a damped structure as given below

W d=
√ M
∗ √1−φ2

W d =damped natural frequency

k =stiffness of system
M =mass
φ=damping ratio

7. Here we are dealing with theoretical perspective of the experiment. That
means we are finding natural frequency theoretically using above formula
not by experimental.

Fig 1. Single degree of freedom system

8. After finishing free vibration analysis perform forced vibration

experiment. which include varying excitation frequency and observing
the change in magnification factor and phase angle of the displacement


1. Variation of natural frequency with respect to Mass

K= 50 N/m

Mass(kg) Natural frequency

10 2.190825963
15 1.788801908
20 1.549147895
25 1.3856
30 1.264873959
35 1.171045735
40 1.095412981
45 1.032765263
50 0.979767156
55 0.934171329
60 0.894400954
65 0.859312641
70 0.828054381
75 0.799976533
80 0.774573947
85 0.751447106
90 0.730275321
95 0.710797802
100 0.6928

Table 1. variation of natural frequency with mass


Natural frequency



0 20 40 60 80 100 120


Fig 2. Variation of Natural frequency with mass

2. Variation of natural frequency with respect to stiffness

Constants ( m=100 kg φ=0.2)



Natural frequency





40 60 80 100 120 140 160


Fig 3. Variation of Natural frequency with stiffness

3. Variation of natural frequency with respect to damping ratio

Constants (mass= 100kg K= 100 N/m)


Natural frequency

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Damping ratio

Fig 4. Variation of Natural frequency with damping ratio

Response of structure under forced vibration

a. Variation of magnification factor with respect to excitation


Fig 5 . Variation of Rd with respect to excitation frequency

Note : As damping ratio decreases sharpness of curve increases pink colour represents an
ideal case of zero damping

b. Variation of phase angle with respect to excitation frequency

Fig 6 . Variation of phase angle with respect to excitation frequency


When a single degree of freedom system is studied when it is subjected to free

vibration following observations and conclusions are made.

1. Natural frequency is a function of mass stiffness and damping ratio of the


2. Natural frequency and stiffness are directly proportional (

W d is proportional ¿ √ k )

3. Natural frequency and mass are inversely proportional. (wd is

proportional to
√ M

4. Natural frequency does not vary much by varying damping ratio(keeping

mass and stiffness constant).while changing damping ratio from 0 to 0.2
there is no much distinction between Wn and Wd .Wd approximately
equals Wn.

When a single degree of freedom system is subjected to forced vibration

following conclusions are made

1. Rd (magnification factor) increases up to w = wn and then decreases and

finally reaches to zero value for higher frequencies.

2. Phase angle increases from zero to 180 degrees with increase in

excitation frequency. Irrespective of the damping ratio all structure is
having a phase angle of 90 when W= Wn.


1. Dynamics of structures by Anil k. chopra

2. Mechanical vibration by singiresu s. Rao

3. Virtual lab on Structural dynamics :

Data’s used in calculation of natural frequency

K(N/m Natural damping Natural Mass(kg Natural

) frequency ratio freequency ) frequency
50 0.692964646 0.01 0.999949999 10 2.190825963
55 0.726787452 0.02 0.99979998 15 1.788801908
60 0.759104736 (1) 0.03 0.999549899 20 1.549147895
65 0.790101259 (2) 0.04 0.99919968 25 1.3856
70 0.819926826 (3) 0.05 0.998749218 30 1.264873959
75 0.848704896 0.06 0.998198377
35 1.171045735
80 0.876538647 0.07 0.997546991
40 1.095412981
85 0.903515357 0.08 0.996794864
45 1.032765263
90 0.929709632 0.09 0.995941765
50 0.979767156
95 0.955185846 0.1 0.994987437
0.11 0.993931587 55 0.934171329
100 0.98
105 1.004201175 0.12 0.992773892 60 0.894400954
110 1.027832671 0.13 0.991513994 65 0.859312641
115 1.050932919 0.14 0.990151504 70 0.828054381
120 1.073536213 0.15 0.988685997 75 0.799976533
125 1.095673309 0.16 0.987117014 80 0.774573947
130 1.117371917 0.17 0.985444062 85 0.751447106
135 1.138657104 0.18 0.98366661 90 0.730275321
140 1.159551637 0.19 0.98178409 95 0.710797802
145 1.180076269 0.2 0.979795897 100 0.6928
150 1.200249974 0.21 0.977701386
Table 1, 2 and 3 showing variation of of
natural frequency with respect to mass stiffness and natural frequency


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