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Animal extinction

Animals are disappearing at hundreds of times the normal rate , they are
being vanquished from nature due to human’s hunger for money. To stop this we
need to act fast because there are 28000 species that are almost extinct , roaming
around the world , which are being hunted by humans.
Primarily , a useful solution is to apply the law , it is the mo way to save the
animals. This way you would need an authorization from the government to tear
the place apart and make your own buildings. In case this isn’t happening , the
person that is doing illegal actions to the place should be sued for illegal
deforestation or illegal digging. Another way is to reduce the rate of illegal hunting
and fishing. Again , this cand be done with the help of the law and some people to
watch over restricted areas , where you are not allowed to fish or hunt.
Another way to solve this problem would be to stop gobal warming , but this
is very difficult to do. There are many factors that cause global warming but we
can try to stop it simply by recycling , it’s not hard.
Measures should be taken to deal with the industry that is making clothes
from animal fur or skin . We need to stop buying their products. This will lead to a
decrease of the company's annual budget , eventually , leading to bamkruptcy.
To sum up , I think that the law is the most powerful tool against animal
extinction. We should take action before it’s too late. Animals are part of the
ecosystem , by killing them we also kill the balance in the ecosystem , leading to a
global catastrophe.

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