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Major: E-Business

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Strategic Plan for activating the digital
transformation mechanism to develop and improve
the Ministry of Aviation in accordance with Egypt
Vision 2030

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Section (1) Vision, Mission & Generic strategies.........................................................................................4
Section (2) External Environment Analysis & Issue Priority Matrix..............................................................5
(PESTEL) Analysis.....................................................................................................................................5
1. Political factors............................................................................................................................5
2- Economic Factors.............................................................................................................................7
3- Social Factors...................................................................................................................................9
4- Technological.................................................................................................................................11
5- Ecological.......................................................................................................................................13
6. Legal factors...................................................................................................................................15
Competitor Analysis...............................................................................................................................17
PESTEL Analysis Conclusion...................................................................................................................18
EFAS Matrix...........................................................................................................................................21
SECTION (3) INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT ANALYSIS.....................................................................................22
VALUE CHAIN ANALYSIS.........................................................................................................................22
VRIO ANALYSIS......................................................................................................................................23
IFAS MATRIX..........................................................................................................................................25
SECTION (4) STRATEGIC FACTORS ANALYSIS.............................................................................................27
SFAS MATRIX.........................................................................................................................................27
TOWS MATRIX.......................................................................................................................................28
SECTION (5) Strategies that can be used...................................................................................................29
Expansion through Concentration.........................................................................................................29
Strategic objectives in the next phase...................................................................................................30
Internal Policies and Procedures...........................................................................................................31
Section (6) Evaluation and Control Mechanisms.......................................................................................32
Balanced Score Card..............................................................................................................................33
Gantt Chart............................................................................................................................................34

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After Covid-19 Pandemic, the world is changing very quickly as a consequence of this pandemic
the economy of scale is shifted exponentially.
The most important factor that will improve and manage this type of pandemic is using the
digital transformation mechanism to achieve our vision smoothly as called "Egypt2030" we
need to build rapidly a new mechanism that will face the pandemic spread, and without the
help of the new technology's trends and digital transformation methods the size of threads due
to this virus will be amplified exponentially.

The definition of digital transformation is defining as the process of using digital technologies
that will modify the current business process to cope up with the rapid change worldwide that
occurred during this pandemic and to suite the market needs and the demand of consumers.
The most important objective of inventing the digital transformation in our country is to deliver
a VALUE for the consumer either employee, tourist, or any stakeholder in general.

In this case study, we are going to cover the strategic plan that will be used to enhance and
develop the Ministry of Civil Aviation in Egypt in a manner that achieves the strategic goals of
the tourism sector in accordance with the Egypt Vision 2030 and the sustainable development

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, were adopted by
all United Nations Member States in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, care for
the planet, and confirm that all people enjoy peace and opulence by 2030.
The 17 SDGs are incorporated- that is, they known that action in one area will affect outcomes
in others and that growth must balance social, economic, and environmental sustainability.

The Ministry of Civil Aviation understands the importance of preserving the rights of future
generations to live a more luxurious life and the rights of the current generation as well.
Also, as a fundamental pillar for achieving sustainable development (development for people),
the vision of the Ministry was formed, which featured the aviation sector strategy for
sustainable development (Egypt Vision 2030) on a group of intellectual, philosophical, and
scientific frameworks within the framework of realizing the Egyptian, Arab, African and global
dimension, which we will discuss later.

Corresponding to the 2030 agenda, the Egyptian Government has initiated a working plan
called Egypt's Vision 2030, also known as Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS). The SDS
indorses economic growing based on justice, social integrity, and participation. It is under the
SDS that all development plans in Egypt are integrated while at the same time being strongly
guided by the SDGs.

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Section (1) Vision, Mission & Generic strategies

"Enhancing the civil aviation sector to aim the global levels through the industry competitive
determinates (quality-price - flexibility - time), to keep up with the internal and external
variables to ensure the customer satisfaction with the services provided. Achieving the civil
aviation sector plan goals for sustainable development in the state public policy framework."

"A discrete civil aviation sector at worldwide and a pioneer upon the black continent and the
Middle East. Contributor in Supporting the Egyptian economy in a human rights framework to
guarantee more prosperity for the Egyptian human life."

The ministry of Aviation's vision is an inspirational long-term target that will be continuously
able to work on it throughout the life of the organization at the same time it demonstrates its
capabilities in providing its services and keeping its superior level as the only national aviation
company with such scope.

But based on Egypt 2030 strategy, the vision statement should be modified to express the
national direction towards the digital era, by delivering unique digital services that will be
satisfying for both employees and external stakeholders

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Section (2) External Environment Analysis & Issue Priority Matrix
The External Assessment, or External Environmental Scan, is an array of the political, economic,
social, and technological forces that impact the mission and goals of an organization, and how it
operates. It includes an analysis of the current environment and the trends. It also includes an
analysis of competitive and collaborative forces and agents (if applicable). The result of an
external assessment shows the opportunities and threats that face the organization
(PESTEL) Analysis

1. Political factors
Issue Priority Matrices for Political Factors:

Impact on Corporation
1.1 Political Policy
High Medium Low
High 1 2 5
Probability of Medium 3 4 7
Low 6 8 9
Current situation: Egyptian government is investing in the aviation sector to meet Egypt 2030
Impact: High as there is an opportunity to increase the Demand for Egyptian Aviation services.
Occurrence: High as The Arab Republic of Egypt commends laws and initiatives to stimulate

Impact on Corporation
1.2 Stability of Government
High Medium Low
High 1 2 5
Probability of Medium 3 4 7
Low 6 8 9
Current situation: In the last years, Egypt successfully achieved a stable government
Impact: High as the Ministry of Aviation's stability is dependent on the Egyptian government as
it's a part of the Egyptian government itself
Occurrence: High as the government developed the 2030 strategy and working in achieving it.

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1.3 Governmental attitude Impact on Corporation
towards Foreign Firms High Medium Low
High 1 2 5
Probability of Medium 3 4 7
Low 6 8 9

Current situation: Egypt is developing incentives to allow foreigners to invest in Egypt and
induce foreign tourism.
Impact: high as the government allows the foreign companies to invest in Egypt which might
create competition.
Occurrence: high as The ministry of Aviation owns the only Egyptian national aviation company

Impact on Corporation
1.4 Foreign Policy
High Medium Low
High 1 2 5
Probability of Medium 3 4 7
Low 6 8 9

Current situation: The Egyptian government is working to improve relations with all countries
of the world.
Impact: Medium Ministry of Aviation delivers services for many foreign aviation companies
around the globe (star alliance)
Occurrence: High the Egyptian government is working to improve relations with all countries of
the world

2- Economic Factors
One of the most important economic factors that could affect the ministry of Aviation before
and during the COVID19 Pandemic is the fluctuations in the prices which will surely affect the
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revenue in general, and for tourism purposes specifically while expanding and launching new
tourism initiatives applying the digital transformation mechanisms.

Issue Priority Matrices for Economic Factors:

2.1 Level of economic Impact on Corporation

development High Medium Low
High 1 2 5
Probability of Medium 3 4 7
Low 6 8 9

Current situation: The Egyptian government is working on developing its economics.

Impact: Medium as Ministry of aviation is dependent on the government, but it sustains its
business through its companies under EGYPTAIR umbrella.
Occurrence: Medium the Egyptian government is facing a lot of challenges like the low wages
and the infrastructure.

Impact on Corporation
2.2 Population income
High Medium Low
High 1 2 5
Probability of Medium 3 4 7
Low 6 8 9

Current situation: The Egyptian government is working on increasing the population income.
Impact: Medium Ministry of Aviation will be impacted positively in case of increasing minimum
Occurrence: Medium the Egyptian government is facing a lot of challenges like the low wages
and the infrastructure.

2.3 Wages and Salary Level Impact on Corporation

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High Medium Low
High 1 2 5
Probability of Medium 3 4 7
Low 6 8 9

Current situation: The Egyptian government is working on defining laws to improve the salaries
Impact: Medium as to increasing salaries will impact the ministry positively, it'll increase
employee's satisfaction and increase productivity as well
Occurrence: Medium as the Egyptian government is still discussing the new salaries law

Impact on Corporation
2.4 Inflation
High Medium Low
High 1 2 5
Probability of Medium 3 4 7
Low 6 8 9

Current situation: The Egyptian government is working on facing the high inflation rate.
Impact: Medium Ministry of Aviation provides services to foreign countries
Occurrence: Medium as Egypt still working on economic developments.

Impact on Corporation
2.5 Interest Rates
High Medium Low
High 1 2 5

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Probability of Medium 3 4 7
Low 6 8 9

Current situation: The Egyptian government is working on defining laws to increase investment
incentives and reduce interest rates.
Impact: low the government is providing the aviation ministry with needed financial support
when needed
Occurrence: Medium as periodically the central bank reviews the interest rates for credit

3- Social Factors

Issue Priority Matrices for Social Factors:

Impact on Corporation
3.1 Values and Beliefs
High Medium Low
High 1 2 5
Probability of Medium 3 4 7
Low 6 8 9

Current situation: but Egypt's vision to expand tourism activities may affect extremists and
induce terrorist activities
Impact: medium as values have no impact on the digital transformation Projects, but terrorist
activities negatively affect the tourism
Occurrence: medium as the ministry is complying with values and beliefs all the time.

Impact on Corporation
3.2 Languages
High Medium Low
High 1 2 5

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Probability of Mediu 3 4 7
Occurrence m
Low 6 8 9

Current situation: Mistry of aviation has qualified calibers with needed language capabilities
Impact: low as English is the main language
Occurrence: Medium as most of the project depend on the English language

Impact on Corporation
3.3 Motivations
High Medium Low
High 1 2 5
Probability of Medium 3 4 7
Low 6 8 9

Current situation: Egypt is turning to tourism as a main source of income, and that requires a
new strategy for aviation that enables digital transformation
Impact: Medium due to the increase in demand for Egyptian tourism
Occurrence: Medium as this is the country's direction to use tourism as a main source of

Impact on Corporation
3.4 Religious beliefs
High Medium Low
High 1 2 5

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Probability of Medium 3 4 7
Low 6 8 9

Current situation: Egypt respects all religious beliefs

Impact: Low as it does not affect the operation of the Ministry
Occurrence: Low, Religious beliefs do not contradict with the Aviation industry nor tourism.

4- Technological
Technological forces became a very important factor, and we can't dispense with this factor as
during the COVID-19 pandemic the whole world is turned on using digital transformation to
eliminate the physical interactions between human beings.

Issue Priority Matrices for Technological Factors:

4.1 Possibilities for new Impact on Corporation

products High Medium Low
High 1 2 5
Probability of Medium 3 4 7
Low 6 8 9

Current situation: The ministry of aviation provides maintenance and transportation services
Impact: low, Company periodically revisits the available technology to upgrade the latest one
Occurrence: Medium because this requires more investment in R&D.

4.2 Possibilities for improving Impact on Corporation

existing product & services High Medium Low

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High 1 2 5
Probability of Medium 3 4 7
Low 6 8 9

Current situation: the ministry has a clear vision to implement new technologies to enable
digital transformation for better service quality
Impact: High this will increase the income for the ministry as well as the tourism industry
Occurrence: High as the ministry is trying to improve the operation process.

4.3 Possibilities for improving Impact on Corporation

Manufacturing Techniques High Medium Low
High 1 2 5
Probability of Medium 3 4 7
Low 6 8 9

Current situation: Currently the ministry uses services techniques that need to be improved
Impact: Medium as the large investment required for aircraft maintenance
Occurrence: Medium because the ministry will face obstacles from aircraft manufacturers

4.4 Possibilities for improving Impact on Corporation

Marketing Techniques High Medium Low
High 1 2 5
Probability of Medium 3 4 7

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Occurrence Low 6 8 9

Current situation: this type of industry depends on marketing techniques

Impact: high as the services will be reached by a larger group of audience
Occurrence: high the industry of aviation and its impact on tourism is dependent on marketing
techniques, and there're multiple initiatives to improve the Ministry's marketing.
5- Ecological
Environmental issues are one of the most important challenges facing the civil aviation sector,
as the last General Assembly announced that it will continue to address the harmful effects on
the environment that may be related to civil aviation activities,
ICAO also emphasized the vital role played by civil aviation in achieving economic and social
development at the global level and the need to ensure the continued growth of international
aviation sustainably.
Issue Priority Matrices for Ecological Factors:

5.1 reduce the number of Impact on Corporation

people affected by aircraft
High Medium Low
High 1 2 5
Probability of Medium 3 4 7
Low 6 8 9

Current situation: ICAO regulates this aspect by limiting or reducing the number of people
affected by aircraft noise.
Impact: high this may increase the expenditure on reducing the noises
Occurrence: low this because the ministry already complies with noise regulations

5.2 impact of aircraft Impact on Corporation

emissions on local air quality High Medium Low
High 1 2 5
Probability of Medium 3 4 7

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Low 6 8 9

Current situation: ICAO regulates this aspect by limiting or reducing the impact of aircraft
emissions on local air quality.
Impact: low this because the ministry already complies with noise regulations
Occurrence: low, the roles that regulate emission control are matured.

5.3 Redesign Production Impact on Corporation

Equipment High Medium Low
High 1 2 5
Probability of Medium 3 4 7
Low 6 8 9

Current situation: ICAO regulates this aspect by limiting or reducing the impact of greenhouse
gas emissions from aviation on the global climate and causing the greenhouse effect.
Impact: low this because the ministry already complies with noise regulations
Occurrence: low, the roles that regulate emission control are matured

6. Legal factors

Issue Priority Matrices for Legal Factors:

6.1 Effectiveness of the legal Probability Impact on Corporation

High Medium Low

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High 1 2 5
Probability of
Medium 3 4 7
Low 6 8 9

Current situation: Egypt government is trying to enforce laws and digital transformation
policies across all sectors
Impact: The ministry of Aviation is very powerful within gov sectors so that its part of the
decision-making cycle and welling to transform
Occurrence: the government is struggling in implementing the new laws and regulations to
level up political maturity

Probability Impact on Corporation

6.2 Treaties with foreign nations
High Medium Low
High 1 2 5
Probability of
Medium 3 4 7
Low 6 8 9

Current situation: the government is formulating new treaties and cooperation protocols with
neighboring countries
Impact: the new treaties will form a new market for tourism that will impact the aviation
Occurrence: the new treaties are an ongoing process and may be changed in the near future

Probability Impact on Corporation

6.3 Taxes
High Medium Low
High 1 2 5
Probability of
Medium 3 4 7
Low 6 8 9

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Current situation: instability in the Egyptian tax system
Impact: instability in the Egyptian tax system will affect the prices and the Ministry revenue
Occurrence: fluctuation in tax laws is very regular in the current period

Probability Impact on Corporation

6.4 Laws affecting business firms
High Medium Low
High 1 2 5
Probability of
Medium 3 4 7
Low 6 8 9

Current situation: the government is forming new regulations and laws to encourage business
expansion especially in the tourism sector
Impact: encouraging tourism will impact positively the aviation in Egypt
Occurrence: the Egyptian government is struggling to apply these laws due to the lack of
foreign investment

Probability Impact on Corporation

6.5 Salaries
High Medium Low
High 1 2 5
Probability of
Medium 3 4 7
Low 6 8 9

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Current situation: Egyptian gov starts to enforce minimum salaries range across gov and public
Impact: The aviation sector provide high salaries already
Occurrence: the Egyptian government is struggling to apply minimum wage laws due to the lack
of income

Probability Impact on Corporation

6.6 location
High Medium Low
High 1 2 5
Probability of
Medium 3 4 7
Low 6 8 9

Current situation: Egyptian government is investing in opening new airports with the increased
importance of Egypt's location
Impact: this will increase the Ministry duties and number of flights
Occurrence: opening a new airport is a huge investment

Competitor Analysis

There is no direct competitor in Egypt as such because the Ministry of Aviation is governed by the
government and a regulatory body for airline services in Egypt. Each country has its own Aviation
Authority working separately. We could say that those aviation authorities are indirect competitors.

PESTEL Analysis Conclusion

From the above analysis, the main challenges that face the aviation industry in Egypt are
the following:

 Since 2014; Egypt has a newly elected president and the house of representative with
many lows in favor of reforms, tax regulation, and regain of security
 Regional political instability is an obstacle to sustained regional development
 Now Egypt has signed a peace process with Israel, new threats come from neighboring
countries: Ethiopia and Libya with the shadow of war approaching.

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 The Egyptian government has launched the 2030 ambitious reform plan and undertaken
multiple serious decisions regarding tax reform and control of the process
 Egypt has regained its regional and international political role since the 2013 revolution.
 Regional political instability and slow economic growth.
 Several serious political reforms in in many sectors have been implemented.
 The overcrowding of air routes over many regions of the world, as well as the cost of
covering navigation paths by satellite.
 The security and safety of civil aviation are one of the pressing challenges, as the civil
aviation industry is not the oldest. They are the most developed, the fastest changing,
and the first to influence the environment and the events surrounding it.
 Terrorism is the biggest challenge facing civil aviation, as the Regional Conference for
Civil Aviation Security, August 2012, affirmed that terrorism comes at the top of the
challenges facing the sector.
 Finance is one of the important challenges facing civil aviation, as the civil aviation
industry is an expensive industry that needs huge investments and, in these
circumstances, the country is going through makes financing an important challenge as
this is due to:

o The high price of the foreign currency, which is considered one of the important
difficulties facing the implementation of projects, and its impact on the operating
expenses of the airports and airlines, whose activities focus on dealing in foreign
o The high cost of debt itself, where debt (loans or bonds) is the best source of
financing for implementation Projects, whether from within the aviation sector
o Interest rate rise.
o Increase in the price of labor.

 The difficulty of changing the organizational culture of the employees to match the
continuous change of the external environment and the industry environment being a
major determinant of the organizations' success in achieving their goals.
 The high cost of health and social services provided to workers.
 Intellectual and ideological extremism within organizations, whether governmental or
 The high cost of tools of new technology: computer programs, new maintenance
machines, network and hardware
 The high cost of training personnel on this new technology
 Limit or reduce the number of people affected by aircraft noise.
 Limit or reduce the impact of aircraft emissions on local air quality

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 Limiting or reducing the impact of greenhouse gas emissions from aviation on the global
climate and causing the greenhouse effect.

Factors Rate on IPM Opportunity/Threats

The Egyptian government is investing 1 O

in the aviation sector to meet Egypt
2030 strategy
Stability of Government 1 O
Governmental attitude towards 1 O
Foreign Firms
Egypt is developing incentives to 1 O
allow foreigners to invest in Egypt
and induce foreign tourism
The Egyptian government is working 2 O
to improve relations with all
countries of the world
The Egyptian government is working 3 O
on developing its economics
Economic The Egyptian government is working 7 O
on increasing the population income
The Egyptian government is working 4 O
on defining laws to improve the
The Egyptian government is working 4 T
on facing the high inflation rate
The Egyptian government is working 7 T
on defining laws to increase
investment incentives and reduce
the high-interest rate
Values and Beliefs: tourism activities 4 T
Social may affect extremists and induce
terrorist activities
Mistry of aviation has qualified 7 O
calibers with needed language
Egypt is turning to tourism as a main 4 O
source of income, and that requires a
new strategy for aviation that
enables digital transformation
Technologica Possibilities for new products 7 T

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the government has a clear vision to 1 O
implement new technologies to
enable digital transformation for
better service quality
l the ministry uses services techniques 4 O
that need to be improved
Possibilities for improving marketing 1 O
Modifying Process 3 O
Effectiveness of the legal system 7 O
instability in the Egyptian tax system 1 T
government is formulating new 1 O
treaties and cooperation protocols
Legal with neighboring countries
government is forming new 4 O
regulations and laws to encourage
business expansion especially in the
tourism sector
Ecological Limit or reduce the number of 6 T
people affected by aircraft noise
Limit or reduce the impact of aircraft 9 T
emissions on local air quality
Limiting or reducing the impact of 9 T
greenhouse gas emissions from
aviation on the global climate and
causing the greenhouse effect

EFAS Matrix

Opportunities Weight Rate Weighted

The Egyptian government is investing in the aviation
sector to meet Egypt 2030 strategy 0.069 4 0.276
Stability of Government 0.069 4 0.276
The Egyptian government is working to improve
relations with all countries of the world 0.069 4 0.276
Egypt is developing incentives to allow foreigners to 0.061 4 0.244

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invest in Egypt and induce foreign tourism
The Egyptian government is working on developing
its economics 0.0441 3 0.1323
Population income 0.045 3 0.135
Wages and Salary level 0.045 3 0.135
Interest Rates 0.021 1 0.021
Language 0.021 1 0.021
Motivations 0.0445 3 0.1335
Possibilities for existing products and services 0.0686 4 0.2744
Possibilities for improving manufacturing techniques 0.013 1 0.013
Possibilities for improving marketing techniques 0.069 4 0.276
Reformulating Products 0.013 1 0.013
Modifying Process 0.053 3 0.159
Effectiveness of the legal system 0.021 1 0.021
Treaties with foreign nations 0.069 4 0.276
Salaries 0.0208 1 0.0208

Threats Weight Rate Weighted

The Egyptian government is working on facing the
high inflation rate 0.045 3 0.135
Possibilities for new products 0.021 1 0.021
instability in the Egyptian tax system 0.069 4 0.276
Redesign Production equipment's 0.029 2 0.058
Values and Beliefs: Terrorism 0.069 4 0.276

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The most valuable asset of the internal organization factor is its most valued Human Capital.
The ministry of aviation has improved employee engagement mechanisms to improve the value
offering. The organization is geared towards the enabling the millennial workforce and reaching
the balance with the current middle-aged workforce where a culture that is both traditional
and responsive to new ways of doing business can co-exist. This is also mirrored in the industry
we serve. The organizational culture represents the values that will serve the implementation
of the strategic objectives.
It is for these purposes that the development of the new strategic plan was both a bottom-up
approach alongside a top-down approach. The employees have been involved and consulted
carefully on the value creation for clients, and other related stakeholders whom the ministry
serves. Having recognized all the organizational strengths and weaknesses, the key themes for
the internal organization on which to focus and improve, are the following:

1. Customer-Centricity
a. Building a customer-centric culture, that seeks to provide effective regulation through
multiple partnerships with other countries.
b. The enhancement of internal processes to reduce delays, and bureaucracy.

2. Building organizational capability and capacity

a. We are facing a changing business and aviation sector environment, with the beginning
of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), and this provides relevant opportunities to
transform the organization, review traditional methods, enhance the workforce skills to
guarantee relevance of required capabilities to achieve the ministry's vision
b. Review of organizational processes to be more responsive to the business needs and
ultimately provide a good customer offering.
c. Automation of business processes to simplify regulatory processes and make it smooth to
transact with any facility that belongs to the ministry of aviation.

3. All-inclusive administration and Governance factors

The role of the Regulator involves administrative functions and actions, which require the
efficient and effective management of all resources employed. In the mission to remain
financially stable, the operational elements of the business must be performed in a cost-
effective manner that is sensitive to the commercial factors affecting the ministry's
stakeholders. There is a strong correlation in the compliance to legal, and other
administrative factors with financial sustainability. Internally, the ministry of aviation must
pursue the optimization of internal operations, without affecting the quality of work.

From the analysis above, the key internal factors impacting the ministry of aviation are the

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Activity Description
Value Rareness Inimitable Organized

Effective and appropriate civil aviation legislation Yes Yes Yes Yes S
Appropriate automation of production processes No No Yes Yes W
The efficiency of workflow design Yes Yes Yes No W
Effectiveness of market research to identify
customer segments and needs Yes Yes Yes No W
Innovation in sales promoting and advertising No No Yes Yes W
Development of an image of quality and a
favorable reputation Yes Yes Yes Yes W

The extent of brand loyalty among customers No No Yes Yes W

The extent of market dominance within the
market segment or overall market Yes Yes Yes No W
Defined customer service standards No No Yes No S
Having the only aviation services training institute
of International standard in Cairo Airport Yes Yes Yes Yes S
State of the Art air navigation and Radar system is
being used across the country Yes Yes Yes Yes S
General Administration

Strong leadership focused on growth and

development of the industry and Authority,
Transformed and stable leadership team
Yes Yes Yes Yes S
Having 23 International Airports certified by the
International Civil Aviation Organization.
Yes Yes Yes Yes S
Quality of the strategic planning system to achieve
corporate objectives Yes Yes Yes Yes S
Coordination and integration of all value chain
activities among organization subunits Yes No Yes Yes W
Due to the strategic importance of the
geographical location of Egypt, International Air
Routes use Egypt's Air space
Yes Yes Yes Yes S
The increasing number of alliances and Yes Yes Yes Yes S
partnerships with regional and world airlines,
optimizing operations to Egypt's connectivity

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(example: Star Alliance).
Lack of a customer-centric culture. Poor response
timelines to customer queries. No No Yes Yes W
Strong, favorable international reputation with
multiple agreements between countries to benefit
domestic and international airlines
Yes Yes No Yes S
Good governance and ethics Yes Yes No Yes S
Attained above world average Effective
Implementation of ICAO critical elements Yes Yes No Yes S
Lack of monitoring tool to measure the success
levels of the Service Level Agreements (SLA's). No No Yes Yes W
Trusted and recognized as expert Aviation
Regulator Yes Yes No Yes S
Effectiveness of procedures for recruiting, training,
and promoting all levels of employees Yes No No Yes W
Appropriateness of reward systems for motivating
and challenging employees No No Yes Yes W
A work environment that minimizes absenteeism
Human Resource

and keeps turnover at desirable levels No No No No W

Highly skilled persons are required in every field,
but deficiency still exists. No No Yes No W
Slow career progression for employees. No No Yes No W
Retention of skilled employees is also a problem No No Yes No W
Highly skilled human capital, with Continuous
investment in human capital development Yes Yes Yes Yes S

Levels of employee motivation and job satisfaction

and Attractive salary for the employees No No Yes No W

IT Sections are not established at most of the Yes

airports due to a shortage of infrastructure and
relevant manpower. No No No W
MIS system has not been implemented in almost Yes
all the airports. Yes No No W
Timeliness of technology development activities in
meeting critical deadlines No No Yes No W
Lack of automated systems to manage customer
transactions and queries No No Yes Yes W
The ability to work environment to encourage No Yes Yes Yes W

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creativity and innovation
Level of information systems support in making
strategic and routine decisions Yes No Yes No W
Timely and accurate management information on
general and competitive environments Yes No Yes No W
Lack of secure ICT system that can detect and
prohibit cyber-attacks Yes No Yes No W

S. Factor Weight Rating W. Score
Effective and appropriate civil aviation legislation 0.013 1 0.013
Defined customer service standards 0.027 2 0.053
Having the only aviation services training institute of
International standard in Cairo Airport 0.040 4 0.160
State of the Art air navigation and Radar system is being used
across the country 0.020 3 0.060
Strong leadership focused on growth and development of the
industry and Authority, Transformed and stable leadership
team 0.033 4 0.133
Having 23 International Airports certified by the International
Civil Aviation Organization. 0.027 4 0.107
Quality of the strategic planning system to achieve corporate
objectives 0.040 4 0.160
Due to the strategic importance of the geographical location of
Egypt, International Air Routes use Egypt's Air space 0.033 4 0.133
The increasing number of alliances and partnerships with
regional and world airlines, optimizing operations to Egypt's
connectivity (example: Star Alliance). 0.040 4 0.160
Strong, favorable international reputation with multiple
agreements between countries to benefit domestic and
international airlines
0.020 1 0.020
Good governance and ethics 0.020 1 0.020
Attained above world average Effective Implementation of
ICAO critical elements
0.020 4 0.080
Trusted and recognized as expert Aviation Regulator 0.013 4 0.053
Highly skilled human capital, with Continuous investment in
human capital development 0.013 1 0.013

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Appropriate automation of production processes 0.027 3 0.080
The efficiency of workflow design 0.040 4 0.160
Effectiveness of market research to identify customer segments
and needs 0.013 1 0.013
Innovation in sales promoting and advertising 0.013 1 0.013
Development of an image of quality and a favorable reputation 0.020 1 0.020
The extent of brand loyalty among customers 0.020 1 0.020
The extent of market dominance within the market segment or
overall market 0.013 1 0.013
Coordination and integration of all value chain activities among
organization subunits 0.013 1 0.013
Lack of a customer-centric culture. Poor response timelines to
customer queries. 0.027 4 0.107
Lack of monitoring tool to measure the success levels of the
Service Level Agreements (SLA's). 0.033 4 0.133
Effectiveness of procedures for recruiting, training, and
promoting all levels of employees 0.020 4 0.080
Appropriateness of reward systems for motivating and
challenging employees 0.040 4 0.160
A work environment that minimizes absenteeism and keeps
turnover at desirable levels 0.027 3 0.080
Highly skilled persons are required in every field, but deficiency
still exists. 0.020 3 0.020
Slow career progression for employees. 0.020 1 0.020
Retention of skilled employees is also a problem 0.027 2 0.053
Levels of employee motivation and job satisfaction and
Attractive salary for the employees 0.007 1 0.007
IT Sections are not established at most of the airports due to a
shortage of infrastructure and relevant manpower. 0.040 4 0.160
MIS system has not been implemented in almost all the
airports. 0.033 4 0.133
Timeliness of technology development activities in meeting
critical deadlines 0.033 4 0.133
Lack of automated systems to manage customer transactions
and queries 0.033 4 0.133
The ability to work environment to encourage creativity and
innovation 0.013 1 0.013
Level of information systems support in making strategic and
routine decisions 0.040 4 0.160
Timely and accurate management information on general and
competitive environments 0.033 4 0.133
Lack of secure ICT system that can detect and prohibit cyber-
attacks 0.033 4 0.133

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No. Factor Weight Rating Weighted
1 Operations 0.06 4 0.24
2 General Administration 0.04 5 0.2
3 Service 0.03 3 0.09
4 Procurement 0.07 4 0.28
1 Technology 0.07 4 0.28
2 Technology in R&D 0.03 3 0.09
3 New technology process 0.04 3 0.12
4 Technology innovation 0.04 3 0.12
5 Human Resource 0.04 3 0.12
1 Political policy 0.07 4 0.28
2 Treaties with foreign nations 0.07 4 0.28
4 Possibilities for improving marketing techniques 0.069 4 0.276
5 International Market growth 0.07 4 0.28
1 Inflation 0.045 3 0.135
2 Possibilities for new products 0.021 1 0.021
3 Tax 0.069 4 0.276
4 Redesign Production equipment's 0.029 2 0.058
5 Values and Beliefs 0.005 1 0.005

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Strengths Weaknesses
S1. Strong leadership focused on W1. Lack of a customer-
growth and development of the centric culture. Poor
Internal Factors industry and Authority, Transformed response timelines to
and stable leadership team customer queries.
S2. Having 23 International Airports
certified by the International Civil W2. Lack of automated
Aviation Organization. systems to manage customer
transactions and queries
S3. Quality of the strategic planning
system to achieve corporate W3. Level of information
objectives systems support in making
strategic and routine
S4. Due to the strategic importance decisions
of the geographical location of
Egypt, International Air Routes use W4. Highly skilled persons
Egypt's Air space are required in every field,
but deficiency still exists
S5. The increasing number of
External Factors alliances and partnerships with W5. Lack of secure ICT
regional and world airlines, system that can detect and
optimizing operations to Egypt's prohibit cyber-attacks
connectivity (example: Star
Threats esOpportuniti

O1. Political policy Improved stakeholder

Innovation and Technology
O2. Treaties with foreign engagement and service
nations excellence
(Service Development)
O3. Possibilities for (Market Development)
improving marketing
T1. Inflation
Enhanced Human Capital
T2. Possibilities for new Financial Sustainability
products (Market Development)
(Service Development)
T3. Tax
T4. Redesign Production

SECTION (5) Strategies that can be used

Expansion through Concentration

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Intensive strategies are those strategies, which require additionally intensive efforts to enhance
the performance of existing products or service in the market. and when an organization strives
to enhance its competitive position with the current products or service then different types of
intensive strategies should be considered.
The Ministry of Aviation in Egypt should follow the below intensive strategies to achieve the
required objectives:

1- Market development
The Market development definition is to gain market share of the same services in a
new market either demographic (new segment) or geographic. This could be happened
by Increasing the number of countries where tourism offers initiatives are initiated and
flight routes are offered are applied.
Using the momentum of Egypt 2030 strategic plan regarding expanding Egyptian
international presence, the ministry of aviation in Egypt would be able to form new
initiatives and partnerships with foreign countries for the benefit of Egyptian tourism, as
well as the economy in general, and Building a customer-centric culture.

2- Product-Service development
Product-service development is a strategy that strive for increased sales by enhancing or
changing present products or services.
Develop existing products or service is important, as there are many factors such as
government financial support as well as the strength of the ministry's leadership will
certainly support this strategy, by implementing a digital transformation initiative that
will increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the services provided by the ministry
and will give the aviation services in Egypt the opportunity to join the global era of

Strategic objectives in the next phase

The key to accomplishing strategy execution lies in the effectiveness of measuring outcomes
from the objectives. The Ministry of aviation in Egypt has designed key priorities, aligned to the
long-term vision to enable the delivery of safer skies, the objectives have been selected against

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the background of understanding of the driving forces of the business environment, the above
analysis, and emerging issues, the following is the breakdown of the strategic objectives:

Financial Sustainability
 Percentage increase in revenue collection by 10%
 Percentage reduction of operating costs by 40%
 Implementation of a marketing plan

Enhanced human capital management

 To attract and retain critical talent, by increasing the percentage engagement levels
from 75% to 90%
 To build a pool of qualified human capital and to contribute to transformation, Increase
the percentage of youth in transformation programs by 20%
 To optimize the productivity of the workforce for sustainability, by minimizing
operational errors by 50%

Innovation and technology management

 Business process redesign by reviewing all business processes and reduce inefficiencies,
bureaucracy, and non-value-adding processes.
 Business intelligence capability (data analytics tools and techniques) To streamline all
information and data in the organization in a centralized manner to support smarter
business decisions and effective reporting mechanisms to reach maturity level 3
 Increase the percentage of system reliability to 85% by the end of 2023. To ensure
business continuity and service level standards are met.
 Increase the percentage of automation of manual operations from 30% to 90% and
systems upgrade for obsolete systems, to ensure efficient service excellence.
 To build cyber resilience against threats, reduce the number of times there are
successful cyber-attacks to Zero

Improved stakeholder engagement and service excellence

 To ensure that the SLA measurements are met, Increase the customer satisfaction index
from 0% to 70%
 To support the Egyptian tourism strategy, Increase the number of countries where
tourism offers initiatives and flight routes are offered to 15 country
 Increase in the number of passengers per year from 27 million to 30 million in 2021

Internal Policies and Procedures

1- Increase the state's expenditure on aviation, tourism, and infrastructure.

2- Fight against corruption which can drive economic activity into the informal sector, and
Enforcement of legislation and low applications against fraud and corruption

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3- Improving governance which affects all aspects of economic and social development
through a more productive economy and higher government revenues, both of which
enhance the government's ability to provide better services.
4- Improve infrastructure to enable the digital transformation initiative.
5- Enhance training services for aviation staff to improve their practice and keep up to date.

Section (6) Evaluation and Control Mechanisms

We need to measure some outputs to evaluate the applying of digital transformation
mechanism in all ministry's facilities and for the success of strategic plan implementation in
general in both quantitative and qualitative methods, and those measures are: -

 Providing the framework alignment with its objectives.

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 Following up of this framework implementation by its time and objectives.
 Following up of several key indicators (Qualitative and quantitative)

Quantitative Indicators
This is for Short term KPIs, called Lead KPI
 The percentage of using digital transformation in the activities in all facilities.
 Passengers and employees in facilities that are using the digital transformation
 The ranking of Egyptian airports in comparison with all airports worldwide
 The percentage of minimizing errors after using the digital transformation

Qualitative Indicators
This is for Long term KPIs, called Lag KPI
 The percentage and rate for the employee's dedication and satisfaction after
using the digital transformation mechanism? (Degree of satisfaction among
employees of the aviation sectors)
 The percentage and rate for the passenger's satisfaction after using the digital
transformation mechanism?

 Follow up of budget allocated to implement the plan

 Semi-annual documents report from the concerned people.
 Regular check-up visits to ministry's facilities to follow up on the implemented reforms
 Sever punishments to the frauds.
 Number and quality of innovative ideas delivered, and the value created from them.

Balanced Score Card

Market Development for the
KPI Target 202 202
international market (Products) 2021 2023 2025
2 4

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Percentage increase in revenue collection. Actual/Target 10% 11% 22% 33% 25% 9%
Percentage of cost reduction of
operating Actual/Target 40% 11% 22% 33% 25% 9%
Implementation of a marketing plan Number of passengers
per year 100% 100%
Percentage of
attract and retain critical talent retained employees 100% 100%
Increase the percentage of youth Percentage of hired
employees employees 20% 100%
Minimizing operational errors Actual/Target 50% 11% 22% 33% 25% 9%
Increase productivity Actual/Target 5% 11% 22% 33% 25% 9%
Number of
Business process redesign redesigned processes 100% 11% 22% 33% 25% 9%
Number of valuable
Business intelligence BI reports 100% 11% 22% 33% 25% 9%
Increase the percentage of system
reliability Actual/Target 85% 11% 22% 33% 25% 9%
Number of fully
Automation of manual operations automated processes 90% 11% 22% 33% 25% 9%
Number of successful
To build cyber resilience against threats attacks per year 100% 100%
Increase the customer satisfaction index Actual/Target 70% 11% 22% 33% 25% 9%
Increase the number of countries where
tourism support initiatives Number of new
alliances 100% 50% 50%

Gantt Chart

2021 2022 2023

Action Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Launching new training will be introduced
by digital transformation professionals for

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employees for what is the importance of
applying digital transformation
Development and implementation of
Process automation systems for internal
Development of technological
Holding training for operation employees
and admin employees to train them on
how to use digital transformation

Implementation of a marketing plan


1- Sustainable development goals report: Egypt 2030.

2- Sustainable Development Strategy for Civil Aviation in Egypt Vision 2020

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3- The website of the ministry of civil aviation in Egypt

4- Comprehensive exam pocket

5- Strategic Management Guide by Prof. Dr. Ashraf Labib

6- Challenges in airport digital transformation, Sorin Eugen Zaharia ,2018

7- Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities website

8- 6 goals of a plan for the tourism plan in 2019/2020 before Parliament article

9- The Sustainable Development Goals in Egypt,

10- Five inspiring examples of digital transformation in aviation, By Hélène Dubos

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