Software Development Model: Objective

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Slot : A1 + TA1

Name of the student : ANCHIT AGARWAL

Registered Number : 19BCE2279

Software Development Model

​Objective To identify the suitable software development model for the given scenario.

Designing a smart incentive-based recycling system for household recyclable waste

Case Study 1 Household waste recycling is a significant challenge for society. Cities worldwide
have been exploring how to reduce waste through recycling. Incentive mechanism is one of the
promising measures to improve the participation of residents in waste recycling activities.
However, several defects have been observed in the incentive-based waste recycling systems:
(1) inefficient allocation of resources in recycling services, (2) deficient systems lacking future
planning, and (3) limitations in circulating responsive feedback amongst stakeholders. For
overcoming these defects, a smart incentive-based recycling system is designed using the
Internet of Things and data analysis technologies. Four key components in the designed
system—namely, amount pattern discovery, price adjustment suggestion, waste-collection
amount forecasting, and information sharing amongst stakeholders—assist in constructing a
smarter system to enhance waste recycling.

An implementation for Smart Manufacturing Information System (SMIS) from an

industrial practice
Case Study 2 ​Countries around the world have put forward the Smart Manufacturing System
(SMS), and described its implementation process from different dimensions. Even though, there
is not much research on more specific and further in-depth application scenarios for

Smart Manufacturing Information System (SMIS). Scholars’ research on smart manufacturing is

focus on a part of the production system, but there is little research on toplevel design from the
perspective of the overall system to outline most of the elements covered by enterprises in the
implementation of smart manufacturing process and the relationship between them. Especially,
there is little research on the detailed step-by-step implementation steps of top-level planning
and design for the implementation of smart manufacturing system in enterprises.

IoT based smart water management systems

Case Study 3 Water is an all-important need of all living beings. With the exponential growth of
the human population, the need for conservation of water resources is gaining greater
importance. Many water management systems have been proposed in the past using different
technologies to address the issue which are high in cost and energy consumption. With the
advent of the Internet of Things (IoT), the pursuit of the smart water management system is
gaining momentum. This study first discusses the architecture and various components of IoT
based water management system in detail followed by in-depth survey of all existing IoT based
water management systems. Various measurement parameters such as water level, pH level,
turbidity, salinity, etc. used in different water management systems proposed in the literature
have also been identified and a comparison of various systems based on these parameters has
also been presented.

Developing a personalized recommendation system in a smart product service system

Csse Study 4 ​Contemporary consumers have begun shifting their focus from product
functionality toward the value that can be derived from products. In response to this trend,
companies have begun using product service systems (PSS), business models that provide
customers not only with tangible products but also with intangible services. Moreover, with the
increasing use of smart devices, services providers can offer customized services to customers
based on user-generated data with smart product service systems (Smart PSS). Despite
extensive research on Smart PSS framework, few of these frameworks treated customer as an
active data producer, which means producing data for the Smart PSS actively. Additionally,
most of them proposed a general solution instead of a personalized one. To bridge the research
gap, this study proposed a method that includes: (1) unsupervised natural language processing
(NLP) methods to analyze user-provided data. (2) a recommendation system integrating deep
learning to offer customers with personalized solutions. Thus, the role of customers is not only a
service receiver but also an active data producer and forms a value co-creation process with
service providers.

Description ​In the context of this background, identify a suitable life cycle model to

discuss how software has been leveraged extensively to meet the customer’s

Scenario Recommended Preferred Justification

Model Domain

Case Study 1 INCREMENTAL ​Smart collection of Since all requirements are locked no change
MODEL garbage is expected, we can use incremental model to
start with a simple software and enhance it by
making more and more iterations. It will be
easy to debug and test. Every functionality
can be treated as one different addition to the
previous software.
Case Study 2 PROTOTYPE I​mplementation for Requirements are not very clear. We can also
MODEL Smart Manufacturing observe high user involvement. Reusability is
another reason to use this type of model. First
Information System a prototype can be made then it can be
(SMIS) from an ]enhanced further as it is given that the user
has not done much research.
industrial practice

Case Study 3 WATERFALL OT based smart water ​All research has been done before itself.
MODEL management system. Also verification and validation have been done with
in depth analysis. We need a basic, and rigid
process model for this type of situation.
Case Study 4 RAD MODEL Developing a ​ here is high user involvement as customisation is a
personalized requirement. Also many products needs to be build
recommendation which should also be compatible with other types of
system in a smart software.This means we need to build many
product system. components. RAD will give the opportunity to build
different components parallely. RAD will also make
the software to be prepared in less time and cost.
This also ensures re usability.

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