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PT3 ENGLISH Examination Format (Question Analysis)


Useful link(s)
PT3 ENGLISH - Introduction to English Language (Listening and Speaking
PT3 ENGLISH – Writing Test/Listening Test


PAPER 1, 2 and 3
PAPER 1: READING AND WRITING (100 marks)/2 hours
Section A: Grammar / Error identification 
(10 marks)/Time allocation: 15 minutes/Question 1
Section B: Information Transfer and Comprehension
(30 marks)/Time allocation: 40 minutes
Question 2 (10 marks)/25 minutes
Question 3 (20 marks)/15 minutes
In this section, you will be introduced to Question 2 and Question 3 of PT3 Written
It consist of a text and a graphic organiser.
There are 10 blanks in the graphic organiser.
The types used may vary.
They may include articles, diary entries, messages, emails, letters and brochures.
So, you will be tested  on your skill in transferring information.
The idea of this task is to test your understanding of the text by means of a graphic
Guidelines and Tips
(1) 10 marks are allocated for this task. In this question you are required to transfer
information from the text to a graphic organiser.
(2) First read the text. Ensure that you understand what the text is about.
(3) Next, study the graphic organiser. Determine the information you need from the text to
complete the graphic organiser.
(4) Then, find the information you need from the text to complete the information in the
(5) Copy the required word or phrases straight from the text.
(6) Check all  your answers. Make sure they are logical and appropriate and that you have
copied the information correctly.
Take note: 
Read the text carefully.
Study the graphic organiser provided.
Determine the information that you need.
Find the information in the text.
Write your own answers in the space provided.
Check that answers are correct.


(20 marks)/Time allocation: 20 minutes
Question 4 and Question 5

(1) In this chapter, you will be introduced to Question 5 and Question 7
of the PT3 Written Test.
(2) Question 5 is based on a poem selected from the six poems studied in
Forms 1, 2 and 3. There are four open-ended questions; (a) - (d).
(3) Question 7 is based on one of the novels you read in Form 3.
(4) To answer the questions based on the poems and novels, you should
be able to:
-understand all the texts thoroughly
-retell the content of the poems and novels using your own words
-describe elements of the poems and novels
-find the meaning of unfamiliar words using contextual clues
-present ideas about the poems and novels
-give opinions and relate them to your own life using your own words
(5) The following are the poems and novels studied from Form 1 until
Form 3:       

Guidelines and Tips

Literature Component
Form 1
The River by Valerie Bloom
Mr Nobody (Author unknown)
Form 2
I Wonder by Jeannie Kirby
Heir Conditioning by M SHANmughalingam
Form 3
A Fighter's Lines by Marzuki Ali
Leisure by William Henry Davies

(1) 5 marks are allocated for Question 5. Questions 5(a) - (c) are
allocated 1 mark each while 5(d) is allocated 2 marks.
(2) Read the poem and questions given. Refer to the poem to write the
best answer.

Guidelines and Tips

Literature Component

Form 3
(a) Around the World in 80 bays by Jules Verne
(b) How I Met Myself by David A. Hill
(c) The Railway Children by Edith Nesbit

(1) 10 marks are allocated for Question 7.

(2) Read the question and identify what you must write. You may be
asked to write about an event, a character or a lesson you learnt from
the story.
(3) Choose a novel you want to base your answer on and write a draft.
Give reasons and evidence from the novel to support your answer.
(4) Write in the correct tense; use the present tense if you are giving
your opinions and use the past tense if you are writing about past events
or actions of the characters in the story.
(5) Write in continuous form and make sure that your answer is not less
than 50 words.
(6) You should spend 15 minutes on Question 7.

What is a POEM
(1) A poem is a piece of writing which is written in verse by a poet.
(2) A poem is an expression of a poet's ideas, emotions or experiences.
(3) A poet uses rhythm and sound creatively in his poem to convey his
feelings or thoughts.
(4) A poem can be short or long (epic poem). Besides that, it also may or
may not rhyme.
(5) The words used in a poem are fewer if compared to prose.
(6) Each word is carefully chosen because it is important in delivering
the meaning of the poem.
(7) If you do not understand certain words, look them up in the
dictionary. It is essential that you understand each and every word of a
poem to get its full meaning.
(8) A poem can be written based on any subject. The following is the
subject matter for the poems in Forms 1, 2 and 3.

Subject Matter
Nature: (1) The River, (2) I Wonder, (3) Leisure
Life: (1) Mr Nobody, (2) Heir Conditioning
Inspirational: A Fighter’s Lines

Elements of a POEM
A poem has several elements.
They are as follows:
Literal and Figurative Meaning
Literary Devices
Moral Values
Tone and Mood
Point of View

Literal and Figurative Meaning

Mien you first read a poem, you will get the literal meaning of it.
(A poem is not usually so straightforward. You might have to read the
poem several times before you understand what it is really about.)
Setting - This refers to the place, time or background of a poem.
Theme - This is the message that the poet wants to convey to the reader. It could
be the main idea of a poem or a point of view which the poet wants to express.

Point of View
(1) The point of view of a poem is based on the persona.
(2) The persona refers to the speaker in the poem.
(3) The poet refers to the person who wrote the poem.
(4) If the persona and the poet are the same person, then the poem is in the first
person point of view. The words T or 'we' are used in the poem.
(5) However, if the persona is someone else other than the poet, then the poem is in
the third person point of view. The words ’he', ‘she, ‘if or ‘they are used in such

Tone and Mood

(1) Tone is how the poet expresses his feelings about the subject matter in the poem.
We can know the tone by the choice of words he uses to express his feelings.
(2) Mood refers to the emotions the reader feels when reading the poem.
Moral Values
This refers to the lessons we can learn from the poem.
Literary Devices
These literary devices are usually associated with poetry.
Alliteration - The repetition of the beginning consonant sounds Example: Creeps in
this petty pace from day to day
Assonance - The repetition of vowel sounds Example: green... trees
Contrast - Used to show two opposite ideas
Example: The river has contrasting qualities in The River- a baby, a monster.
Free verse - A poem that does not have a rhyme scheme
Example: the poems Heir Conditioning and A Fighter's Lines
Imagery - Words that create a mental image in our mind as they appeal to our
senses Example: torn books (sight), fluffy clouds(touch)
Irony - A situation where the opposite of what is expected happens Example:
In Heir Conditioning, modern-day comforts (invention5) are causing us to suffer
(stress,; pollution, etc.) 
Metaphor - A comparison that says one thing is another thing Example: Life's but a
walking shadow, a poor player
Onomatopoeia - Words that represent the actual sound of something Example: the
buzzing of bees, the rustling of the wind
Personification - To give human qualities to things, animals or ideas Example:
The trees waved their arms in distress...
Repetition - Words that are repeated to give emphasis to a particular thing
Example: the words no time 'm Leisure
Rhyme - Words that sound alike, placed at the end of the line in a poem or at certain
fixed points in the poem
Example: Through valley and hill... He just cannot be still
Simile - A comparison that uses the words 'like' or as'
Example: as quiet as a mouse
Symbolism - An object that represents something else
Example: In Heir Conditioning, paper fans represent a time before modern

SECTION C - Question 4 and Question 5
(20 marks) /(Time suggested : 20 minutes)

Question 4
Read the text below.
Children of the past spent their time playing outdoor games or staying indoors,
pursuing a hobby or participating in activities such as carrom and monopoly.
However, the introduction of technology and computers has completely
transformed the lives of children today.
Many children are addicted to playing computer games instead of taking part in
physical activities that are beneficial and healthy. Sitting down for long hours in
front of the computer and snacking on junk food might lead to many disadvantages
which include health complications. Among these complications are obesity, sleep
problems and chronic diseases.
It is time something is done to prevent this situation from getting out of hand.
Children should be protected from becoming victims of a situation that may be
beyond their control. Parents and guardians must take the necessary steps to
ensure that their children grow up in a safe and healthy environment. One of the
best ways is to encourage our children to participate in outdoor activities. This could
be swimming, playing tennis, squash or even a team event like football, hockey or
There are many reasons why we should encourage children to be actively involved
in outdoor activities. Besides making them healthy and preventing chronic diseases,
children will have an excellent opportunity to make new friends. This will help
children develop social skills and racial tolerance. When participating in outdoor
activities, children get the opportunity to mix with other children who may not
come from similar ethnic backgrounds.
As outdoor activities are less structured, children are also able to let their hair
down. Moreover, taking part in outdoor activities is an effective way for them to
keep fit. Last but not least, children will develop self-esteem and a sense of
confidence which will help them survive in the real world.

Read the text carefully and answer questions (a) - (h).

(a) What has caused the change in the lives of children today?
___________________________(1 mark)
(b) State two factors that contribute to health complications.
(i) _______________________(1 mark)
(ii)_______________________(1 mark)
(c) Who plays a major role in ensuring children’s well-being?
(i) _______________________(1 mark)
(ii)_______________________(1 mark)
(d) State 2 ways in which outdoor activities help children.
(i) _______________________(1 mark)
(ii)_____________________(1 mark)

(e) Fill in the table with an appropriate word from the text.
                            Meaning Word
 (i) an activity done for relaxation
 (ii) changed
 (iii) take part
 (iv) chance
(4 marks)

(f) How would outdoor activities help children survive in real life?

_________________________(1 mark)
(g) Why does the writer state that by playing computer games, children
are becoming victims of a situation that may be beyond their control?
_________________________(1 mark)
(h) Provide two other reasons why one should participate in outdoor
_________________________(1 mark)
_________________________(1 mark)
(15 marks)

Question 5
Read the poem below carefully.
Then, answer questions (a) - (d).

William Henry Davies

What is this life if, full of care,

We have no time to stand and stare.

No time to stand beneath the boughs

And stare as long as sheep or cows.

No time to see, when woods we pass,

Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.

No time to see, in broad daylight,

Streams full of stars, like stars at night.

No time to turn at Beauty’s glance,

And watch her feet, how they can dance.

No time to wait till her mouth can

Enrich that smile her eyes began.

A poor life this if, full of care,

We have no time to stand and stare.
(a) What does the phrase full of care refer to?
_________________(1 mark)
(b) In stanza 5, what is nature being compared to?     
_________________(1 mark)
(c) According to the poem, what kind of life are we living?
_________________(1 mark)
(d) Do you think we should make time to stand and stare? Give a reason
for your response.
_________________(2 marks)
(5 marks)

Model Answer
Model answer for Question 4
Question 4
(a) The introduction of technology and computers has caused the change in the lives of
children today.
(b) (i) Leading a sedentary lifestyle by sitting down for long hours in front of the
computer. (ii) Snacking on junk food.
(c) (i) Parents (ii) Guardians
(d) (i) Children are healthier. (ii) Children learn to mix with friends from different ethnic
(e) (i) hobby (ii) transformed (iii) participate (iv) opportunity
(f) Participating in outdoor activities allows children to develop self-esteem and
confidence which are important qualities to have in order to survive in the real world.
(g) The writer thinks that children should be protected from becoming computer game
addicts. Children may lack the will power to limit the time spent playing computer games
or knowledge of leading an active and healthy lifestyle.
(h) (i) Outdoor activities help children learn about team work. (ii) Outdoor activities help
children identify their strengths and weaknesses. Working to improve their weaknesses
will help them do their best.

Model Answer for Question 5

(a) This phrase refers to a life filled with worries and responsibilities.
(b) In stanza 5, nature is being compared to a beautiful woman dancing.
(c) According to the poem, we are living a meaningless life.
(d) Yes, I think we should make time to “stand and stare” because when we do so, we are
making time to relax and enjoy the simple joys of life. Doing this will help us lead a
balanced and fullfilling life.


(40 marks)/Time allocation: 45 minutes
Question 6 - Short writing task (Guided Writing/Composition)
(15 marks)/20 minutes
Question 7 - Long writing task (Novels)
(30 marks)/35 minutes
Guided Writing
(1) In this task, you will be introduced to Question 6 of the PT3 Written Test. 
The question appears in Section D. 
(2) Question 6 is a stimulus-based writing question . It tests on your ability to write
a composition in a specific writing format.
(You need to be familiar with the format for different types of compositions to be
able to complete the task successfully.)
(3) Among the types of compositions that you should know how to write are:
(a) Formal letters
(b) Informal letters
(c) Reports
(d) Speeches/talks
(e) Recounts
(f) Expressing Opinion
(g) Writing an Article
(h) Writing a News Report
(i) Describing Place or Scene
(j) Interpreting Chart, Graph and  Table
(k) Dialogue/Conversation 

Guidelines and Tips

(1) Question 6 consists of a stimulus and key words on what you should write in
your composition.
(2) Besides that, ample writing space is provided for you to write the composition.
(3) You should write a composition of between 120 and 150 words.
(4) 30 marks are allocated for this question and you should write within 30
(5) First, you will be instructed to write a specific type of composition.
(6) Read the instruction carefully so that you understand what is required. If you
make a mistake because of careless reading, you will lose marks.
(7) Then, study the stimulus given before you proceed with writing. The stimulus
contains information that you should include in your composition.
(8) Think carefully about how you want to start your composition. It is very
important to start with a sentence that grabs the attention of the readers.
(9) Select those ideas that you think are important. Arrange the ideas in a proper
(10) Make it a habit to have one idea for one paragraph. That way, you will not
repeat ideas.
(11) As you are writing, make sure the verb agrees with the subject. Also, be
consistent with the use of tenses throughout your composition.
(12) Write clear sentences because short and crisp sentences are better to read than
long, clumsy ones. Your ideas should flow smoothly from one sentence to another.
(13) Generally, when you are given a composition question:

Take Note:
First, brainstorm for ideas. Make short notes of ideas that come to your
Draft a simple essay.
Then, edit the composition by:
-reordering and rephrasing sentences
-substituting words
Check for grammar, spelling and punctuation mistakes.
Write the final draft of the composition.

What is a NOVEL
(1) A novel is a story which usually describes fictional characters and events.
It is longer than a short story though the elements in novels are the same.

Elements of a NOVEL
(1) The setting refers to the place, time and people or society where the story takes
(2) The physical setting of the story means the geographic location (place) of where
the story takes place. In a novel, there is usually more than one physical setting.
(3) The time setting of a novel lets us know when the story took place and how long
it lasted. The story may be in the past, the present or the future.
(The story may also happen in a very short time; for example, a
few days or weeks, or it could be told in many months oryears.)
(4) The social setting of a story refers to the social background of the people in the
story. It helps us learn about them better.

(1) The outline of events in the story is called the plot.
(2) The plot often develops in four stages:
Exposition - This is the part of the story that introduces the readers to the
characters and provides the background of the story.
Conflict - This is the point in the story where the main characters face problems or
Resolution - Here the solution to the problem or conflict is introduced which will
lead to the end.
Climax - This is the most exciting part of the story.

(1) The characters are the people in the story.
(2) The main people in the story are known as the main characters. The story
revolves around them. In certain novels, there may be more than one main
(3) The other people in the story are known as minor characters. They play a
smaller role in the story.

(1) The main idea or message that the writer wants to convey in the novel is the
(2) A novel may have more than one theme.

Moral Values
(1) Moral values refer to any lessons learnt from the novel.

Tone and Mood

(1) These are the feelings that the novel invokes in the reader. The story may be
interesting, sad,
horrifying or humorous.

Point of View
(1) When a writer decides to write a novel in the first person point of view, he will
write it as if he is one of the characters in the story. He will use pronouns such as "I"
or “we" when he is narrating the story.
(A novel may also be told in the third person point of view. The
writer will use pronouns such as “he”, “she” , “it” or “they”. The writer knows
everything about the characters; how they feel and their thoughts.)

Language and Style

(1) Language and style refers to how the novel is written. The writer may use any
number of ways to write the novel and achieve the effect he wants.
(2) The narrative devices that a writer may use are:
Simile - Here two things are compared using words such as “like" or "as".
Metaphor - This is a comparison made between two things without the use of the
words “like" and "as".
Personification - This is a way of writing about ideas, animals and things as
though they have human qualities.
Symbolism - A specific object is used to represent abstract ideas
Flashback - This is a past event that is connected or relevant to present events.
Imagery - Words or phrases are used to appeal to the reader's senses; this means,
what we see, hear or feel while we are reading the novel.

The following are the novels studied in the literature component in English

Around the World in Eighty Days - Jules Verne
The Railway Children - John Escott
How I Met Myself - David A. Hill

Based on one novel above, describe one act of bravery by some of the characters
in the story.
Support your answer with evidence from the novel.

Your response should be:

• not less than 50 words
• in continuous writing (not note form)

Note: To answer this question, you need to be familiar with the

novels and characters in the stories. Use incidents and examples
from the story to support your choice of a kind character.

Model Answer

In the novel The Railway Children by John Escott, one act of bravery by

some of the characters is when the children decide to climb down the cliff to
reach the railway track. Along the way, they witness a landslide that covers part
of the railway track. The children decide to stop the train in order to avoid a
terrible accident. To do this, they tear up the girls' red petticoats and use them
as flags to wave to the train. Bobbie even stands on the track until the train
stops. Despite the danger involved, the children manage to stop the train and
save several lives. This shows that although the children were young, they were
very brave.

SECTION D - Question 6 and Question 7

(40 marks)/(Time suggested : 45 minutes)

Question 6

You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

Your school is celebrating the National Reading Month. As the president of the English
Language Society, you have been asked to give a talk to students on the benefits of reading.


widen general knowledge improve language skills help reduce stress make use of our free

When writing out your talk:

you must use the notes given

suggest two ways to encourage the reading habit

add any other relevant information

write between 120 to 150 words.

(30 marks)

Question 7

You should spend 15 minutes on this question.

The following are the novels studied in the Literature Component in English Language.

Around the World in 80 Days - Jules Verne

How I Met Myself    - David A.Hill

The Railway Children - Edith Nesbit (retold by John Escott)

Based on one of the novels above, write about an interesting event.

Why do you find it interesting?

Support your answer with evidence from the novel.


-in not less than 50 words

-in continuous writing (not in note form)

(10 marks)

Model Answer

Model Answer for Question 6

Suggested answer

Good morning friends. In conjunction with the National Reading Month, I would like to
share with you the benefits of reading. Reading is the window to a world of knowledge.
We can widen our general knowledge in different subjects.

Another benefit is it improves language skills. We can widen our vocabulary and learn
different writing styles. Reading helps reduce stress too because it is relaxing and
entertaining. In addition, it helps us use our free time wisely. It is a good hobby to enjoy
with friends too.

In order to enjoy these benefits, we must read. We can do this by attending story-telling
sessions in the library. This helps create interest in storybooks so we want to read.
Another way is to enjoy it with friends. Talk about the stories, read and discuss them. Our
interest to find out more about the characters in the stories will help us cultivate the
reading habit.

So dear friends, I hope that I have convinced you that reading is beneficial to everyone of

Model Answer for Question 7

Suggested answer

Around the World in 80 Days - An interesting event in the story ‘Around the World in
80 Days’ is when Aouda wants to be Fogg’s wife. She wants them to have a future
together. After that, Fogg proposes to Aouda and she accepts. In the midst of despair,
there is hope for a happy life together. They both think that all is ruined because Fogg has
lost the bet. Each person feels bad for the other. Fogg apologises to Aouda for not being
able to help her start a new life in England and she thinks that she has delayed him, thus
causing him to lose the bet. I like the interesting twist in Fogg's life. He has found love and
will live a happy life with Aouda.

How I Met Myself - An interesting event in the story ‘How I Met Myself is when John
Taylor meets himself one January evening. The event is strange and frightening. It
changes John's life because there are so many unanswered questions. The man not only
looks like John but he has left no footprints on the snow too. He seems to have
disappeared without a trace. John has dreams about the strange meeting which leaves
him confused and afraid. This evpnt is interesting because it is mysterious and puzzling.

The Railway Children - An interesting event in the story The Railway Children’ is when
Bobbie and her siblings, Peter and Phyllis, prevent a terrible train crash. The children
notice that a landslide has covered part of the train tracks. They think of a plan to warn
the driver. They make flags using the girls’ red petticoats and then wave them frantically
to get the driver’s attention. This part is very exciting because the train is approaching
but not stopping. The danger and suspense make this event interesting. Bobbie stands on
the tracks even when the train is getting close. Thankfully the driver sees her and stops.

PAPER 2: SPEAKING (30 marks)/10 minutes

Section A: Reading Aloud (10 marks)
Section B: Spoken interaction (20 marks)

PAPER 3: LISTENING (20 marks)/30 minutes

Section A: MCQ questions (10 marks)
Time allocation: 15 minutes
Section B: Limited response (10 marks)
Time allocation: 15 minutes


Total Marks/Scores and Question Analysis

Total Marks/Scores
Question         Full Marks      Scores
Question (1)            10                    ______
Question (2)            10                    ______
Question (3)            20                   ______
Question (4)            15                    ______
Question (5)            5                      ______
Question (6)           30                    ______
Question (7)           10                     ______
Total                        100                   ______

Question Analysis
Question 1: Noun, Verbs, Preposition, Conjunction, Articles, Adverbs, Adverb of
manner, Demonstration Pronouns, Personal Pronouns, Possessive  Adjectives,
Adjectives, Subject –verb Agreement and Tenses
Question 2: Passage – P. Ramlee, English Language Week, and The Hibiscus Plant
Question 3: Brochure, Review and Pamphlet – Tips for better sleep, Movies and
National Park
Question 4: Factual and Story
Question 5: The River, Mr Nobody, I Wonder, Heir Conditioning, Leisure and A
Fighter’s Love
Question 6: Letter – Complain about school canteen, Share about your holiday,
and Share tips on how to prepare for exam
Question 7: A memorable event, A character admired, A character who shows a
senses of responsibility   

(10 marks)
Time suggested: 15 minutes
Answer all questions in this paper.

The text below is about a flood

Question 1
Read the text below.
There are grammatical errors in the text.
The errors have been underlined for you.
Write one word to correct the error in the space provided.
An example has been given.
The correct word must not change the meaning of the sentence.

(30 marks)
Time suggested: 40 minutes

Question 2:
Read the following text.
Then, answer questions (a) – (j)

Questions: (a) – (j)

Date of birth: (a) __________
(b) Primary:______________
(c) Secondary:____________
Reason for not continuing school: (d)______________
Entertained his friend with:
(e) ____________________
(f) ____________________
Favourite musical instruments:
Language learnt during the war:
Famous movies:
-Bujang Lapok

Question 3
Read the brochure below.
Then answer questions (a) – (h).
Tips for a Better Sleep

Question (a) – (d):

Based on the brochure state whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE
(a) Afternoon naps should be longer than an hour. _______________ (1 mark)
(b) We need to be physically tired to sleep better. _________________(1 mark)
(c ) Taking food with high sugar content helps us to relax. ___________ (1 mark)
Gaming before bed can cause sleep difficulties. __________________ (1 mark)

Questions (e) – (g): Read the brochure carefully and answer the questions below.
(e) Why are afternoon naps important?
(1 mark)
(1 mark)

(f) Fill in the table with an appropriate word from the brochure.
Meaning                                Word
            (i) very tired                             _______________
            (ii) to stabilise and control    _______________

(g) Besides jogging and swimming, suggest two other physical activities to help you
sleep well.
(i)______________________________________________________  (1
(ii)______________________________________________________ (1
(Total 10 marks)

(h) Your friend is having trouble sleeping at night and needs your advice.
In about 50 words, write a note to your friend.

In your note:
-suggest ways to help your friend sleep better
-give reasons  to support your answer.

(10 marks)

(20 marks)
Time suggested: 20 minutes)

Question 4
Read the text below.

Read the text carefully and answer questions (a) – (j)

(a) Who competed with each other?
_______________________________________________________ (1

(b) What was the first object that the old woman told Salman to make?
_______________________________________________________ (1

(c) Why were the two men jealous of Salman?

(i)_____________________________________________________ (1
(ii)_____________________________________________________ (1

What was so special about the second canoe Salman built?

_______________________________________________________ (1

Fill in the table with an appropriate word from the text.

Meaning                              Word
(i) handicapped                    __________
(ii) found                               __________
(iii) collected                        __________
(iv) remaining/excess        __________
(4 marks)

(FORMS 1, 2, 3)
(1)In the Pentaksiran Tingkatan 3 (PT3) Written Test your knowledge of English grammar
will be tested in Section A.
(2)You will be tested on the grammar items which you learnt in Forms 1, 2 and 3 such as:
-tenses - past, present, future;
-nouns - countable and uncountable nouns, collective nouns, gender;
-concord (subject-verb agreement);
-connectors - conjunctions, sequence connectors
-model verbs
-gerunds and infinitives
(You will be given a passage which contains grammatical errors.
You will be asked to correct them.)


There are 10 questions (a-j) in Section A. You must answer ALL the questions.
You should allocate only about 15 minutes for this section.
Before you attempt the task, read the passage at least twice to understand the gist of it.
There is one error in every line. Each error has been underlined for you.
Your task is to write the correct word in the space provided.
Read the line again (with your answer) to make sure it is grammatically correct. Ensure that
your answer has not changed the meaning of the sentence.
For questions on tenses, look for clues in the text. Usually the tense is consistently used
If you come across a difficult question, read the whole passage again and try to look for
clues. Sometimes the answer may be inferred from the text.

In order to excel in Chapter 1, you should follow these tips:

Read widely to gain more exposure on grammar usage and sentence
structures. This will enable you to better identify and correct the errors.
Read grammar books to improve your knowledge. You must be familiar with
grammar rules.
Do as many grammar practices and exercises as you can.
Remember! There are no spelling or punctuation errors in the text. Do
not correct what appears to be a spelling error.

- In this chapter, you will be introduced to Question 2 of the Pentaksiran Tingkatan 3 (PT3)
Written Test.
- It consists of a text and a graphic organiser. There are 10 blanks in the graphic organiser.
- The types of texts used may vary. They may include articles, diary entries, messages,
emails, letters and brochures.
You will be tested on your skill in transferring information. The idea of this task is
to test your understanding of the text by means of a graphic organiser.


-10 marks are allocated for this task. In this question, you are required to transfer
information from the text to a graphic organiser.
-First, read the text. Ensure that you understand what the text is about.
-Next, study the graphic organiser. Determine the information you need from
the text to complete the graphic organiser.
-Then, find the information in the text.
-Copy the required word or phrase straight from the text.
-Check all your answers. Make sure they are logical and appropriate and that you have 

In order to excel in Chapter 2, you should follow these tips:

Copied the information correctly!
Study the graphic organiser provided.
Read the text carefully.
Determine the information that you need.
Find the information in the text.
Write your answers in the space provided. Check that your answers are correct.

The question for Reading Comprehension

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