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1st semester Test

Academic Year 2018 – 2019
Name : ........................................... Subject : ENGLISH
Grade : ........................................... Day/Date
: ........................................
Score :
KD.... KD.... KD....


Please choose the best answer by marking it using (x) from the following alternatives given!

1. Eidul Fitri and Eidul Adha are ....

A. Two Muslims Festival C. Two Buddhas Festival
B. Two Hindus Festival D. Two Christian Festival

2. What is the thing that the arrrow pointed to?

A. A Comb C. A Lamb
B. A Bee D. A Thumb
3. Where will you pray on Eidul Fitri?
A. At Prayer Ground C. At Tree
B. At Masjid D. At Home
4. Interrogative sentences is ....
A. A Sentence which asks a question
B. A Sentence which tells you to do something
C. A Sentence which express a strong feeling
D. A Sentence which tells something

5. What am i?
A. A Bicycle C. A Car
B. A Motorcycle D. A Boat
6. ‘Drawing’ is ....
A. A Subject C. An Object
B. A Verb D. A Sentence
7. Azzam : Wow! Is that your new bicycle Erik?
Erik : Yes, It is.
Azzam : May i try your new bicycle, Erik?
Erik : ....
A. No, you can’t try it C. Yes, you can try it
B. Yes, you may try it D. No, you don’t try it.
8. Do you usually go cycling on Sunday?
A. No, I can’t C. Yes, I can
B. Yes, I do D. No, you may not
9. “a sentence which tells something” is called .... sentence.
A. Exclamatory C. Interrogative
B. Declarative D. Imperative
10. Which one is the ‘Subject’?
A. Run C. Eat
B. You D. Sleep
11. “a sentence which tells you to do something” is called ... sentence.
A. Exclamatory C. Imperative
B. Interrogative D. Declarative

12. Nussa is a boy, so the right subject is ....

A. We C. He
B. It D. She
13. How many Obligatory Prayer (Shalat Fard’) are performed a day?
A. Two times C. Five times
B. Three times D. Six times

14. This position in Shalat is called?

A. Prostration C. Bow down
B. Takbiratul ihram D. Salaam
15. What is the right position after ruku’?
A. Salaam C. Prostration
B. Takbiratul ihram D. Ruku’ again
16. Where is Puncak Pass located?
A. It is in Jakarta C. It is in Bandung
B. It is in Surabaya D. It is in Regency of Bogor

17. What is the picture above?
A. Toba Lake C. Pelabuhan Ratu
B. Safari Zoo D. Puncak View

18. Do you have to pray(Supplicate) before go on vacation?

A. No, do not have to C. No, will not have to
B. No, you can not D. Yes, you have to
19. Who builds Ka’bah?
A. Prophet Yusuf C. Prophet Ibrahim
B. Prophet Muhammad D. Prophet Adam
20. Ka’bah is located in ....
A. Indonesia C. Madinah
B. Jabal Nur D. Makkah

Please answer the questions with the right answer.

1. What is the picture above ?

2. What is the meaning of ‘Wheel’ ?
3. Please write 7 subjects ...
4. Please write 4 verbs ...
5. Why people go to puncak?
6. Please mention 2 muslims festival ....
7. You can sacrifices lambs on Eidul ....
8. Where did you go on your eidul fitri ....
9. Please give the example of ‘Declarative text’ ....
10. Please give the example of ‘Imperative text’ ....


1. Please write down your activities on Ramadhan

2. Please mention the Benefits of Cycling

3. Please explain the picture above.

4. What did you find in Puncak?
5. What do you know about Subject and Verb?


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