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Aviation Security Basic

Handout Restricted
Page 11 219

duthorities to leave that State, Note.- The competent authorities may provide an escort tor sucn

or seizure
piomatiC pouch (bag): A shipping container having diplornatic immunity from search
when actompanied by the required official documentation.
the public
Direct transit area. A special area established in an international airport, approved by stay
authorities concerned and under their direct supervision or
control, where passengers caf
during transit or transfer without applying for entry to the State.
or on
an airport
passenger:A passenger who fails to respect
the rules of conduct at
DIsruptive members and therecy
follow the instructions of the airport staff
board an aircraft or to
on board the
disturbs the good order and discipline at an airport or
of ditterent
coordinating the response
forth the procedures for
EmergencY plan. plan setting
A community that could
agencies in the surrounding
derodrome agencies or services and ofthose
be of assistance in responding to an

or combination of different technologies

Explosive Detection System (EDS). A technology system an alarm, explosive
means of
to detect, and so to indicate by is made.
which has the ability of the material from which the bag
baggage or other articles, irrespective
Contained in

or combination
of different
A technology system
Detection System (EDDS). means of an alarm,
Explosive Device and so to indicate by
the ability to detect,
technologies which has of such a device
contained in baggaga
detecting one or more components
explosive device by or article is
material from which the bag
or other articles,
irrespective of the
in itself
mixture of substances) which is
A solid or liquid substance (or
Explosive substance. a temperature
and pressure and at
of producing gas at such
capable, by chemical reaction, Included are pyrotechnic
substances ave
damage to the surroundings. which can farm
a speed as to
an explosive but
evolve A substance which is not itself
when they do not gases.
not included.
or dust is
an explosive atmosphere of gas, vapour
or inadvertently
Goods other than mail and accompanied or baggage involuntarily aircraft
Express cargo. on priority basis by an
or crew which is required to be carried
separated fron passengers
of the necessary control process, with the obiective
Facilitation. The efficient management
unnecessary operaticnal delays.
and preventing
expediting the clearance of persons or goods

Freight. See Cargo.

baggage), but not reported

Passenger who has checked in (may have registered
( Gate-no Show:
Tor boarding)
cOmercia air trarsport
Ganeral aviation operaiion. An aircraft operation ciher than a

operation or an aerial work operation.

AVSEC BASIC Handout/2019 Restricted

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