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Aviation Security Basic

Handout Restricted
Page 17 of WD

Travel document: A passport or other official document of identity issued by a State or

organization which may be used by the rightful holder for international travel.

NUnaccompanied baggage: Baggage that is transported as cargo and may or may not be carried
on the same aircraft with the person to whom it belongs.

Unclaimed baggage: Baggage that arrives at an airport and is not picked up or claimed by a
(Unidentified/Unattended baggage. Baggage at an airport, with or without a bagg age tag
which is not picked up by or identified with a passenger.

Unpredictability. The implementation of security rneasures in order to increase their deterrent

effect and their efficiency, by applying them at irregular frequencies, different locations and/or
with varying means, in accordance with a defined framework.

Unruly passengers: Persons who commit on board a civil aircraft, from the moment when the
aircraft door is closed prior to take-off to the moment when it is reopened after landing, an act
assault, intimidation, menace or wilful recklessness which endangers good order or
the safety of property or persons;
assault, intimidation, menace or interference with a crew member in the performance
of duties or which lessens the ability to perform duties;

wilful recklessness or damage to an aircraft, its equipment, or attendant structures and

equipment such as to endanger good order and safety of the aircraft or its occupants,

communication of information which is known to be false, thereby endangering the

safety of an aircraft in flight;

Disobedience of lawtul commands or instructions for safe, orderly or efficient operaticns

Vehicle Entry Permit. Vehicle permits issued and used to allow vehicular access to restricted areas
of the airports.

Vita! instalation. Any facility on or cannected with an aerodrome, which, if damaged or

destroyed, would seriously impair the functicning of the aerodrome.

Vulnerable point: Any facility on orconnected with an airport, which, if damaged or destroyed
would seriousty impair the functioning of ithe airport. Exampie ATC, Fuel storage area etc)

AVSEC BASIC Handout/2019 Restrictead

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