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1º Passive Voice : rewrite the sentences in the passive:

1. You should open the wine about three hours before you use it.
2. Did previous climbers cut steps in the ice years ago?
3. They showed her the easiest way to do it.
4. Will the author l write a special edition for children?
5. The milkman brings the milk to my door but the postman leaves the
letters in the hall.
6. Do people steal things from supermarkets every day?
7. Someone left his purse in a classroom yesterday, the cleaner found it.
8. Will Susan write the story ?



1. A man has gone to prison. He shot two policemen. (defining)

2. I send mails to my friend . He is very considerate. Start like this :
The friend .....................................................................................
3. A scientist has won the Nobel Prize. He discovered a new planet. (defining)
4. This is the story of a man. His wife suddenly loses her memory.
5. I went to Munich. I was born there .
6. We lit a fire. It soon dried out our clothes.
7. Saturday is the day . We play football then
8. Beverley is a small town in East Yorkshire. My parents live there. (non-
9. I read the children a fairy tale. It was very long . Start like this :
The fairy tale .........................................................................
10. Jane Austen was a talented British writer. I read her novels (non-
defining) Start like this :
Jane Austen

1. If he sold his car he .................................(not get) a lot of money
2- They ............................(go) to the party if you had invited them
3. Leroy won't pass his exam unless he .............................(study) much
4 If I .........................(know) your address I would have invited you at
5- They wouldn't survive in Siberia if they ................................(not have)
6- If I baby is hungry he ........................................(cry)
Complete with your ideas ;
7 If you hadn't drunk all the milk .......................................................
8 She wouldn't be sad if .....................................................................
Translate :
Si no hubiéramos perdido las llaves no habríamos dormido en el coche

Put the verbs in brackets in the right form.

1. Where _____________ your daughter _____________ (spend) winter holiday this year?
2. Why _____________ you _____________ (sell) your car last month?
3. What time _____________ they _____________ (open) ‘Biedronka’ on Sundays?
4. My sister _____________ (get) married next month.
5. What _____________ Jim _____________ (watch) at the moment?
6. _____________ you ever _____________ (drink) tea with milk?
7. It’s a really fascinating story. I’m sure you _____________ (like) it.
8. I am so tired. I think I_____________ (go) to bed.
9. Dogs _____________ (not fly).
10. I don’t think she _____________ (understand) the native speaker, she _____________ (not
speak) English.
11. My son _____________ (never, try) seafood, so I am sure he _____________ (like) sushi.
12. While we _____________ (play) hockey last night, my son _____________ (break) his leg.
13. Can I speak to Mrs White? No, she _____________ (go) out. She _____________ (call) you
back when she comes back.
14. Jenny _____________ (sleep) badly last night.
15. I _____________ (buy) the tickets for the match. Would you like to come with me?
16. _____________ we _____________(have) a lunch at a new bistro tomorrow?
17. When I arrived home, she _____________ (make) dinner.
18. The police _____________ (catch) hime while he _____________ (run) out of the bank.
19. When _____________ they _____________ (move) out of the house?
20. How many cups of coffee _____________ you _____________ (have) today?
21. Look! It _____________ (rain) soon.
22. I _____________ (lie) on the beach when it suddenly _____________(start) to rain.
23. ‘I can’t move that table’. ‘I _____________ (help) you.
24. ‘Would you like some tea?’ ‘No, thank you, I _____________ (already, drink) two cups.
25. _____________ you _____________ (see) a dentist soon?


1. No me llames a las cinco . A esa hora estaré dando una conferencia.

2- No lo he visto por ninguna parte aunque miré por todos lados.

3- Mi jefe no me dijo nada aunque le pregunté varias veces.

4- La compañía necesia a alguien con talento y listo para trabajar .¿ Conoces a alguien con esas
características ?

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