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Instituto Especializado de Estudios Superiores Loyola

San Cristóbal, Rep. Dom.

Technical English 2


Carla Heredia

The world is constantly changing and in the same way the way things are
done too, a few years ago companies advertised by paying a person to walk
around a certain area with a sign and a loudspeaker promoting a product or
service of that company, or with a recording, newspaper promotions were very
popular as well, then radio and television ads.

with the technological era and the development of social networks, it is

much easier for companies that their product reaches many more customers in a
more economical way.

When we talk about advertising, we basically talk about the methodology

that the company uses to reach a certain audience and show its products to
encourage the viewer to buy that product. Advertising creates a need that most
of the time does not exist causing that feeling in the viewer and making him buy
a product that he does not really need.

Advertising or business marketing, is a resource widely used in

companies, crucial and important and far from being a cat but rather an
investment that companies make so that their product or service obtains greater
reach in the market, a company that does not invest in advertising is a company
that is lost and is for the simple question of How will you know about it?

With technological advances and the progressive development of social

networks it is much easier for companies to do marketing and this is no matter
the type or size of thecompany. Some time ago companies were very limited in
terms of advertising spaces, advertising was done by pamphlets, radio,
television, fairs, newspapers, magazines, etc. Then it went on to advertise on
websites such as YouTube and then social networks such as Facebook and
Instagram were added.

According [ CITATION Ale20 \l 7178 ] to In the Digital Age, it's critical for
brands to have a social media presence so people know they exist, and this is
only achieved with a digital marketing plan that combines organic content and
ad advertising. Organic content is any content that is published on digital
platforms at no cost. For it to be effective it has to be genuine, contagious and
interesting work; however, the chances of going viral or shared are always
lower if paid advertising is not used. This type of content helps to offer valuable
information to the audience, maintain presence and establish relationships with
potential customers. Undoubtedly, it is a challenge for companies since it
requires constancy to always be updated.

According to [ CITATION Ale20 \l 7178 ] the advantages of advertising through

social networks are:

 Increase visibility
 Possibility to segment your target audience
 You can reach a potential audience
 It is less expensive than off-line advertising
 Allows budget control
 Allows variations and tests
 Offer detailed analytics of results

Advertising is an investment that every company should contemplate, at

present, a company that does not make such an investment takes the risk of
disappearing since it is very difficult to reach many people just by

Thanks to digital marketing, investments in advertising are reduced and

have greater reach, thus projecting more income for the company.

Ruibal, A. (27 de 10 de 2020). Grupo Endor. Obtenido de


Ruibal, A. (27 de 10 de 2020). Grupo Endor. Obtenido de

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