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1 – Create a sense of urgency

For a change to occur effectively, the first step is to involve the people who are going
to participate in that change. From senior management, through employees and
reaching investors and customers.

It is necessary that all people understand the reasons for the change, and the
importance of acting immediately, so that motivation is awakened in each of them.
2 – Form strong alliances

Another critical step during change management is the identification of officials and
managers who can serve as agents of change.

These people can be chosen not only for the position they hold, but also for their
status, experience in the subject, or even for their political importance.

In practice, they can influence the people in your circle during the change process and
help eliminate problems before they surface.

3 – Create a vision for change

Just as companies use the vision of the future to guide teams in the pursuit of strategic
business objectives, they can take advantage of the same tool for change processes.

Here, it is necessary to elaborate a vision with the main values related to change, in a
highly concise and objective way, allowing everyone to quickly understand what must
be done on a day-to-day basis to adapt to the new situation.

4 – Invest in communication

The change management process will likely divide the team's attention with many
other priority issues in the organization.

Therefore, it is essential to direct efforts so that the vision of change is properly

communicated to the different organizational levels to ensure that all people in the
company are aware of such change.

5 – Empower the entire base Many leaders do not give voice to the base, and they are
precisely those professionals who deal with failures every day, so they are fundamental
when it comes to solving problems and making changes.
This is a well-worked concept in Lean Manufacturing, where Kaizen is applied to make
changes with the aim of improving processes, and you should always go to the Gemba
to see how the process actually works.

6 – Define short-term goals

People feel more motivated when they perceive some progress in the activities being

In this way, another important step is the creation of goals and incentives for teams, in
the short term, with the aim of commemorating the objectives achieved and giving
rewards for those who act in favor of change.

During change planning, this step also refers to prioritizing initiatives, the effects of
which can be felt immediately, which will help test how the process can be beneficial
to the organization.

7 – Do not slow down

Although short-term gains are attractive at an early stage, true changes take some
time until they are absorbed.

Therefore, do not lose focus on structural and deeper changes, as only these will be
able to bring continuous improvements to processes and projects.

8 – Make change part of the culture Integrating change into the company's culture will
prepare your team for future changes. It is up to managers to foster an appropriate
environment for organizations to go through the processes of change without

To change is to continuously improve!

As you should know, a company needs to be constantly changing and improving its
processes, to stay alive in the middle of an increasingly competitive market.
Professionals with the ability to do good change management stand out in that
scenario, because they have both the technical ability and the human ability to do so.

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