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Energy, Technology and

Climate Change: A New


Malcolm Brinded
Executive Director, Upstream International
Royal Dutch Shell plc

Simon Henry
Chief Financial Officer,
Royal Dutch Shell plc

Churchill College, Cambridge

November 11, 2010
Malcolm Brinded and Simon Henry: Energy, Technology and Climate Change: A New World

Malcolm Brinded is Executive Director,

Director Upstream
Malcolm Brinded has been on the Shell Board since 2002,
and Executive Director of the Upstream
eam International business
since July 2009.
He joined Shell in1974 after obtaining a first-class honours
degree in Engineering from Churchill College.
College He has
worked for Shell companies in Brunei, the Netherlands,
Oman and the UK. In 1998 he became Managing
Managin Director
of Shell UK Exploration and Production – responsible for a
fifth of the UK’s offshore oil and gas business – and from
1999 until 2002 he was also Shell Country Chairman in the
He continues as a member of the Royal Dutch Shell plc
Board, a role he has held since its formation in 2004.
2004 He
was a member of the Boards of the two former parent
companies since 2002. From March 2004 until his current
appointment, he was Executive Director in charge of Exploration & Production.
Malcolm is a Fellow of the Institutions of Civil and Mechanical Engineers and of the Royal Academy of
Engineering. He is a member of the Nigerian President’s Honorary International Investor Council and a
Trustee of the Emirates Foundation and the International Business Leaders
Leaders Forum. He is also the
Chairman of the Shell Foundation. In 2002 he was appointed CBE for services to the UK oil and gas
industry. Malcolm, a British national, was born in 1953. He is married to Carola and they have three
adult sons.

Simon Henry became ame Chief Financial Officer of

Royal Dutch Shell plc on May1, 2009.
Simon became Chief Financial Officer on May
1, 2009, and Executive Director on May 20,
2009. In this role he is responsible for all aspects
of finance and information technology
management in Shell, for global business
strategy development and has oversight
responsibility within the Executive Committee for
Shell’s business activities in the Asia Pacific
He joined Shell in1982 after obtaining a first-
class honours degree in Mathematics from
Churchill College, starting as an engineer at the Stanlow refinery in the UK. After qualifying as a
member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants
Accountants in 1989, he held various finance posts,
including Finance Manager of Marketing in Egypt, Controller for the Upstream business in Egypt, Oil
Products Finance Adviser for Asia Pacific, Finance Director for the Mekong Cluster and, up to the end of
00, General Manager Finance for the South East Asian Retail business.
He was appointed Head of Group Investor Relations in 2001 and most recently served as Executive
Vice President Finance for Exploration & Production from 2004 until his current appointment.
Simon is a British national born on July 13, 1961. He is married to Jonquil, and they have three

Malcolm Brinded and Simon Henry: Energy, Technology and Climate Change: A New World

Growing population levels and surging economic growth are driving rising energy demand across the
world. But with greenhouse gas emissions continuing to rise, all countries must find more energy at a
much-reduced cost to the environment in the coming decades. In this speech, Malcolm Brinded,
Executive Director of Upstream International at Royal Dutch Shell,
Shell and Simon Henry, the company’s
Chief Financial Officer – both Churchill graduates – discuss four ways Shellll is using its technological
and scientific expertise to help the world develop a secure and
and sustainable energy supply.
supply First,
advances in seismic technologyy that are allowing the company to open up resources from hard-to-reach
locations. Second, new techniques in gas production that are opening up vast resources of natural gas,
which is the quickest and cheapest way to cut CO2 emissions from the global
bal power sector.
secto Third, Shell’s
development over more than three decades of the technology that converts natural gas into int liquid fuels.
And fourth, the company’s imminent move into the large-scale production of biofuels in Brazil.

Introduction And, of course, many Churchill alumni

have joined Shell over this period –
As Churchill graduates, we’re especially we’re not sure of the exact number, but
proud of the links between Shell and the we think it works out at about one every
college. They could hardly be stronger or two years.
more significant.
As you know, the college’s origins can (Malcolm Brinded) With that in mind, we
be traced back to the early 1950s, and will focus on some of the ways in which
Winston Churchill’s desire to establish
esta a Shell is using science and technology to
postgraduate institute for engineers and help the world develop a secure and
scientists to rival the Massachusetts sustainable global energy system.
Institute of Technology. In Shell’s day-to-day work we draw
Shell played a crucial role in realising upon all manner of scientific and
this aspiration in the form of Churchill technical disciplines, from materials
College. John Oriel, who had been the science to advanced mathematics,
General Manager of the Shell Refining from chemical and civil engineering
and Marketing Company, was one of to agricultural science – and an array
the two prime movers in the drive to of specialised fields in between.
establish the college, alongside Sir John And the need for these advanced
Colville, Churchill’s Private Secretary. skills
ills will only grow more important
In fact, thanks to his efforts, Shell as the energy landscape is reshaped
pledged 100,000 pounds – the by surging demand and global efforts
equivalent of around
round 2 million pounds to tackle CO2 emissions.
today – to help set up the College. And I’ll begin by describing these trends,
Oriel became one the college’s founding before addressing two ways in which
fellows. Shell is responding through the
Over the subsequent half century, Shell application of new technology.
and Churchill have maintained a strong First, I’ll focus on some recent
relationship. For example, as Shell advances that we’ve made in seismic
Industrial Fellow Commoners,, members technology that are allowing us to
of industry would stay at Churchill while find oil resources that had earlier
conducting research at Cambridge. been concealed.
Moreover, to mark Churchill’s Silver I’ll then discuss the ongoing boom
Jubilee in 1986, Shell funded a in unconventional gas production.
Lectureship in Control Engineering at the Here, technological
ological advances are
college. driving a massive expansion in the

Malcolm Brinded and Simon Henry: Energy, Technology and Climate Change: A New

world’s gas resources. This matters explain why China’s gas

because natural gas is the quickest consumption could treble by 2020.
“...fossil fuels
and cheapest way to cut CO2 To keep pace with rising demand,
will continue to
emissions from the global power the world will need to invest heavily
meet the
sector. in all energy sources, from oil and
(Simon Henry) I’ll then pick up the natural gas, to biofuels, nuclear majority of
thread with another major power, solar and wind. global demand
breakthrough in the global gas Not to do so will leave billions of for decades.”
market: the conversion of natural gas people in the energy poverty and
into liquid fuels – soon to begin on a deprivation they face today – for
scale at Shell’s massive $18-19
$18 example more than1.4 billion are
billion Pearl GTL plant in Qatar. without access to electricity (IEA),
Next, I’ll describe some of the while nearly a billion people still use
science and technology underpinning unsafe sources of drinking water (UN
the expansion of the biofuels industry, – 884 million).
which will be critical to tackling CO2 At the same time, we must urgently
emissions in the transport sector – tackle greenhouse gas emissions.
before finishing with a word on the According to the consensus of climate
broader geo-political
political context in scientists, CO2 emissions should
hould be
which the energy industry takes its limited to 450 parts per million to
place. avoid levels of global warming with
significant negative consequences.
The global energy challenge On one estimate (Mauna Loa,
(Malcolm Brinded) Inn the first half of Hawaii) they have now reached
the century, global demand for 390ppm – so just 60ppm to go – yet
energy could double, according to they continue to rise at an annual rate
the International Energy Agency, of 2ppm. The clock is clearly ticking.
driven by a rising global population Over time, cleaner energy sources
– 9 billion compared to today’s 6.5 will meet a growing share of
billion or so – and especially by demand, as global efforts to tackle
economic growth
owth in the developing climate change gather pace. For
economies. example, the Chinese government
has announced a 40–45% 45% voluntary
reduction off carbon intensity per unit
of GDP by 2020 compared to
2005. And in the US, the
government has committed to an “Our industry is
ambitious 17% reduction in CO2 very different to
emissions by 2020 compared to consumer
2005. electronics,
But even so, fossil fuels will where
continue to meet the majority of businesses are
global demand for decades. under pressure
After all, there are significant to develop and
technical and financial constraints to
market new
deploying alternative sources on a
Figure 1 – Rising energy demand mass scale.
China’s GDP growth is running at phones.. within
Our industry is very different to
some 10% per annum, while India consumer electronics, where eighteen
and Brazil are not far behind. And businesses are under pressure to months.”
it’s this kind of growth that helps to develop and market new mobile

Malcolm Brinded and Simon Henry: Energy, Technology and Climate Change: A New

phones, for example, within 18 come from resources that haven’t even
months. been found yet.
At Shell, we’ve researched all That is why the oil and gas industry
current energy types. And we found continues to explore all over the world.
that in the 20th century, it took Shell remains one of the world’s biggest
around 30 years for new energy explorers. In the last
ast three years we have
rces and carriers to capture 1% of spent around $3 billion a year on
the market after commercial exploration. And we are conducting
introduction. seismic surveys and drilling wells in the
For example, the first liquefied natural 38 countries shown on this map.
gas plant came on-stream
stream in 1964 in Almost half of the world’s yet-to-be
Algeria, using Shell technology. Since found oil lies offshore, according to a
then the growth of LNG has been comprehensive global assessment done
spectacular. But four decades later, the by the US Geological Survey in 2000.
share of LNG in the global energy mix is For that reason, we’ve been developing
still only 2%. technology to help us explore and
Yet we still think that by the middle operate safely in deeper and deeper per
of this century, up to 30% of the water.
world’s energy could come from
wind, solar and other renewable
And that would represent a historic
formation from the 13% they
represent today. In absolute terms
that would represent an increase in
output from renewable sources of
more than 300%.
But it would also mean that, even
then, fossil fuels would still supply
almost two-thirds of global
So the first question is whether that
can be provided.

Figure 2 – Perdido project

Seismic technology
I’ve already described how long-term
energy demand is rising. That includes
Some of this technology is contained in
demand for oil at least until 2030. But
new, safer-design
design floating platforms like
the natural decline in the production rates
this Perdido installation – which started
of developed fields will make keeping
production in March this year in the
pace with this demand all the more
deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico.
This is, in fact, the world’s deepest
In fact, thee combined effect of offshore producing platform, set in
increasing demand and falling
2.2km water depth – that’s 50% deeper
production rates means that the world
than the Macondo well site where BP
will need to produce an additional 40
had the Gulf of Mexico blowout.
million barrels of oil a day by 2020.
Such a major platform – and the oil wells
Forty million barrels a day is about four
that supply it from the seabed – costs
times what Saudi Arabia produces, or
over $5 5 billion to build and install. So
ten times what at the UK and Norway
together produce. Most of it will need to
Malcolm Brinded and Simon Henry: Energy, Technology and Climate Change: A New

one thing’s for sure – we need to be The salt had a tendency to rise in
certain we put it in the right place! columns, forming mushroom-like “Imaging what
That’s why we spend our exploration canopies – some six kilometres high. The lay below such
dollars – trying to be sure we know underside of such salt overhangs a salt structure
where the oil and gas is. sometimes serves as structural “traps” with seismic
where oil and gas can accumulate. waves shot
Seismic surveys Conventional marine seismic surveys from directly
And one of the key exploration were thrown off track by another
above was a bit
operations we conduct is a seismic property of underground salt: the speed
like looking
survey. It results in images of of sound in it can be twice as fast as that
underground rock layers. of the surrounding sediments. The salt
In an idealised situation the basics of structures of the Gulf thus refracted and roughly
marine seismic exploration are easy to diffracted seismic waves every which textured glass
grasp. A ship tows a source of sound way. Imaging what lay below such a blocks.”
waves that travel down into the layer-
layer salt structure with seismic waves shot
cake rockk formations beneath the from directly above was a bit like
seabed. At each of the interfaces looking
ing through roughly textured glass
between layers the waves are reflected blocks.
back to the surface, where they are Still, we thought that we had sussed
picked up by pressure sensors strung out out the geological situation at the Deimos
behind the same ship. prospect at a water depth of between
If the time between a seismic “shot” 1000 and 1300 00 metres in the Gulf of
and the detection of its echoes is plotted Mexico. And in 2004 we drilled an
for each reflection point, then the layers exploration well that we thought had a
can be traced out. And if the speed of 70% chance of striking oil.
sound through each of the layers is The well – which cost in the order of
known, then the image can be converted $100 million – was “dry”: it did not
into a cross-sectional
sectional image of the earth. show signs of oil or gas. Geologists
Of course, the real world is not ideal. were at a loss to explain the absence of
Rock strata are often faulted and the reservoir, and the exploration
deformed. And geophysicists don’t know programme in this location was
the different speeds of sound in each suspended.
layer; they have to estimate them.
Still, by the 1980s science, “All-azimuth” seismic survey
engineering, mathematics and computers A few years later, however, the Deimos
had managed to produce images of the area was once again slated for a
earth’s rock layers that were accurate seismic survey as part of a
enough in most situations. redevelopment project involving a couple
of nearby fields, including the prolific
Challenge in the Gulf of Mexico Mars field. We took advantage age of the
But one prospect that tested the limits of opportunity to make clearer seismic
marine seismic imaging was located in images. One way to do this would be to
the deep rock layers under the Gulf of let the seismic waves strike the area
Mexico. under the Deimos salt structure more from
There sediments had been deposited the side rather than from directly above.
on a thick and extensive bed of rock salt: And not just from one side, but from all
the remains of repeatedly evaporated sides.
seas of primordial earth. Rock salt is a Think of a torch shining obliquely on
misnomer: over geological timescales it a rough surface. Ridges and grooves
flows like putty, driven by the uneven perpendicular to the light beam cast
weight of overlying sediment. shadows that can perplex the viewer. But
Malcolm Brinded and Simon Henry: Energy, Technology and Climate Change: A New

by illuminating the surface from various already prolific Mars Basin area. That
directions, the orientations of the ridges would mean over $12 billion of
and grooves can be better determined. revenues at current oil prices.
To make such an “all-azimuth”
azimuth” seismic And so we have just announced our
survey possible, we dispensed with the decision to develop these two fields in
towed sensors. Instead, we set the the go-ahead
ahead of the Mars B development
sensors down on the ocean bottom – project, installing another giant 21,000-
807 of them, to be precise – with the tonne floating platform designed
igned to
aid of deep-diving
diving remotely operated process approximately 100,000 barrels
vehicles. of oil equivalent per day from as many
We also so processed the acquired as 24 subsea wells in water 1,000000
data with more intensive computations metres deep. Six of those wells will come
that improved upon earlier mathematical from West Boreas and South Deimos.
approximations for solving the equations
governing seismic waves. These The natural gas revolution
computations no longer made the I’ll now switch focus to natural gas,
simplifying assumption that the seismic which as you can see, has grown
waves could uld be modelled like light rays dramatically in importance as a
in geometric optics, for example. Nor global source of energy since the
did they ignore various wave-interference
interference middle of the twentieth century. And
phenomena. This type of processing only recent technological advances are
became possible with the recent making an even bigger impact than
increases in the number-crunching
crunching power deep-water seismic.
of computers. Their number of
lculations per second has increased a Natural gas advantages
few thousand-fold
fold over the past decade. This is great news for the world
Our ocean-bottom all-azimuth
azimuth survey because the quickest and cheapest
– only the second one done in deep way to cut CO2 emissions from the
water and at a total cost of some $28 global power sector is to grow the
million – did indeed reveal a clearer presence of natural gas at the
picture. It showed why the 2004 well expense of coal. Natural gas is the
had missed the oil: it was drilled with the cleanest-burning
burning fossil fuel: modern
wrong geologic model in mind. Nothing gas plants emit half the CO2 of
in the earlier fuzzy seismic images had modern coal plants, and 60-70% 70% less
suggested that geological faults were CO2 than old coal plants, of which
found in the relatively young Miocene there are still hundreds in operation
formations underlying the salt. The new today in China, North America and
seismic images,es, however, clearly Europe.
showed faulting to be an important Natural gas capacity is also
feature of the sub-salt
salt formations. They considerably faster and cheaper to “..the quickest
also showed where the oil was likely to install than other new build sources of and cheapest
be found. electricity. And gas-fired power way to cut CO2
On the basis of this updated stations can be switched on and off emissions from
imaging, another exploration well drilled with relative ease, making them ideal the global power
in 2009 confirmed the existence of the allies of the intermittent power sector is to grow
reservoir. We now call it the West generated by wind turbines and solar the presence of
Boreas field. Another discovery – South panels.
natural gas at
Deimos – was also found nearby on the
the expense of
basis of the new seismic imaging. Advances in “tight” gas production
Together, they add the equivalent of Only a few years ago, it looked as if
more than150 million barrels of oil to the North America’s domestic gas

Malcolm Brinded and Simon Henry: Energy, Technology and Climate Change: A New

production would decline. But in fact its the fracking kit. The pieces of kit can
gas production has increased include multiple 1,500-horsepower
dramatically. The reason is that drilling pumps that can achieve rock-fracturing
nies managed to the unlock the pressures as high as 1,000 bar and
gas resources in rock so “tight” that the proppant-carrying
carrying flow rates as high as
gas seeps through the rock – at best – 260 litres per second.
cond. (For comparison:
about a thousand times slower than it a typical fracking pump is more powerful
would through an ordinary reservoir. than a Formula 1 engine and moves
They developed a method to crack open liquids at 20 times the rate of the race
the rock to allow the gas to flow
ow into car’s pit-stop refuelling.)
wells much more freely. For tight gas to reach its full potential,
These rock-cracking
cracking operations, known more targeted ways of planning,
as hydraulic fracturing or “fracking”, executing and monitoring these fracking
involve pumping liquids into a sealed operations have also had to be
well section under such high pressure developed.
that the rock around the well splits open. In particular, our study of fluid and rock
As the crack widens and lengthens, it is mechanics under the high-pressure
filled with a granular material known as conditions of fracking has enabled us to
proppant, through which gas can readily program computer applications that
flow. The proppant keeps the crack open predict where the rock is most likely to
after the pressure is released. yield and how long and wide the crack
will grow. They model the e complex
interplay of fluid pressure and flow with
rock stresses and strains in three
dimensions. We thus have a good idea
of how best to orient a well in the
reservoir and what the optimal
combination of pressure, flow rate and
proppant volume is for fracking
cking it even
before we begin drilling the well.
As we undertake fracking operations,
Figure 3: Fracking in the field around 20 micro-seismic
seismic sensors in a
nearby well listen to the popping and
creaking of growing cracks. The sounds
Fracking – not only of gas wells but enable us to map out the contours of a
also of oil wells – has actually been growing crack and d adjust the pump
practiced in the field for several programme accordingly.
decades. But these operations did We also have moved from fracking
not always result in increased predominantly vertical wells to fracking
production. Sometimes the proppant mainly horizontal wells. Only a small
plugged up the crack, stunting its segment of a vertical well – perhaps 15
growth. Sometimes the cracks curled metres – intersects the gas-bearing
bearing zone.
But with a horizontal well, a thousand “…in the last
around the well before extending into
metres or more can lie entirely within the decade,
the formation, creating gas-flow
detours. And the power and pressure gas-bearing
bearing zone, providing plenty of major leaps
available were sometimes not up to potential locations for fracturing. have been
the job. And if we align the wellbore axis to the made in the
minimum horizontal stress, then the size and
“Fracking” improvements fractures should sprout around the efficiency of
But in the last decade, major leaps have wellbore, yielding the highest fracking kit.”
been made in the size and efficiency of productivity increase.
Malcolm Brinded and Simon Henry: Energy, Technology and Climate Change: A New

At Groundbirch in western Canada we Shell having a total of around 85 million

have gone from fracking at 300-metre
300 cubic metres per day of production from
intervals to fracking at 100-metre
metre our North American tight gas operations
ations “…the race is
intervals. And this year we have reduced in five years’ time. That’s almost three now on to
the spacing to 50 metres. times what we produced in 2009, 9, and unlock
A full-scale tight gas development takes enough gas to provide power to around unconventional
hundreds of wells, each with multiple
mu 13.6 million American homes. gas resources
fractures. The key to a profitable At the current US wholesale gas price in other parts
development is to use the learning curves of about $4 per million BTU (which is of the world
from these large-scale
scale drilling and roughly one half of the average including
fracking programmes to drive down wholesale UK price), that production
costs. yields an annual operational cash flow
Our operations at Pinedale, in the US of more than $3.5 billion.
state of Wyoming, are a great example. At a broader level, the IEA thinks that
In 2002 it took uss an average of 60 the world now has enough technically
days to drill a well there. Today, an recoverable gas resources for 250 years
average well takes just over 25 days – at current production rates.
tes. And the race
60% quicker. And that’s to a depth of is now on to unlock unconventional gas
over 4,500 metres. resources in other parts of the world,
The other thing to note from the slide is including China.
that we are learning faster – the later Thus the global gas market is
curves are steepening. ng. At Groundbirch, expanding rapidly on the back of these
which we acquired in 2008 as part of technological advances. That will
our purchase of the Canadian company accelerate the pace of global CO2
Duvernay, it took us only three years reductions as new gas-fired
fired power
rather than eight to achieve nearly the reduces the need for more coal.
same improvement as at Pinedale.
Being able to drill and frack wells more Gas-to-liquids Technology
quickly gives us greater flexibility to (Simon Henry) I’ll focus on another
adjust operations according to the important innovation in the global gas
prevailing economics, our capital market: the large-scale
scale conversion of
resources and other extraneous natural gas into liquid fuels, lubricants
constraints, such as lease expiry dates. and chemical feedstocks. This will carry
We also lower temperature-sensitive
sensitive gas into new markets, and create
optic strands to monitor production. cleaner products.
The fibre-optic
optic readings can confirm the As I mentioned earlier, our flagship
inflow of gas. As the gas enters the well, project in Qatar, Pearl GTL, is nearing
it expands; and as it expands, it cools. completion. When finished, it will be the
(This phenomenon will be familiar to world’s first world-scale GTL plant – that
some of you as the Joule-Thomson
Thomson effect.) is, on a scale equivalent to a large oil
Cooler zones thus show where gas is refinery. At one point, more than
flowing freely into the well. If not enough 50,000 workers from 60 nations were
gas is flowing into the well, we can frack at work on a site the size of 350 football
again. fields, one of the world’s largest
industrial developments.
The broader implications
So what does all this mean?
In financial terms, we reckon that an
annual investment of about $4 billion
between 2011 and 2015 – mostly for
drilling and fracking wells – will result in
Malcolm Brinded and Simon Henry: Energy, Technology and Climate Change: A New

Cleaning up the gas

Pearl is linked to the world’s largest “Pearl will
single gas field, the North Field, which produce
stretches from Qatar’s coast out into the enough GTL
Gulf. The field contains some 25 trillion gasoil to fill
cubic metres of gas, about 15% of over 160,000
worldwide gas resources. The cars a day…”
production process begins withh the
transporting of this gas to the shore,
Figure 4: Pearl GTL – nearing completion through pipelines.
In gas-liquid
liquid separation and clean-up
Pearl will produce enough GTL gasoil units, we then remove all of the naturally
to fill over 160,000 cars a day and occurring hydrocarbon liquids, such as
enough syntheticc base oil each year to condensates and liquefied petroleum
make lubricants for more than 225 gas, as well as ethane. We also remove
million cars. contaminants like sulphur.
Last year, we secured approval for the This leaves methane, which is, off
use of a GTL kerosene blend in course, the simplest hydrocarbon, made
commercial aircraft, only the fourth time up of one carbon atom and four
in 100 years of aviation history that a hydrogen atoms (CH4). Next begins the
new fuel has been approved. process of conversion, which takes place
Most of the GTL gasoil will be blended over three stages. Uniquely, Shell’s
into the global diesel pool. But when technology covers all three stages.
blended with conventional diesel in high First, the pure natural gas is partially
concentrations, it can also help to tackle oxidised with pure oxygen to make the
the pollution that dogs many of the synthesis gas. This is done at
world’s cities. It burns with lower sulphur temperatures of up to 1,300 degrees
dioxide, nitrogen
gen oxides and particulate Celsius and under high pressure.
emissions than conventional oil-based
diesel. That’s been proved by trials of The catalysts: converting the syngas to
100% GTL gasoil in several urban bus wax
and taxi fleets. The second stage is the heart of the GTL
GTL gasoil has also proved itself in process. We pass the hydrogen and
altogether harsher conditions. It helped carbon monoxide mixture through the “...our GTL
to power the winning ing Audi car in the Le Fischer-Tropsch reactors, thereby process converts
Mans 24 hour race in France in 2006, converting it into both long chain wax natural gas
2007 and 2008 as part of a specially molecules (a liquid wax, but which into… a mixture
designed diesel fuel. In fact, 2006 was becomes solid at room temperature) and an of hydrogen and
the first time a diesel powered car had water. carbon
won what is reputed to be the world’s I should explain that these reactors take
toughest car race. their name from two chemists, Franz
which, with the
Let me give a brief overview of how Fischer, a German, and his Czech-born
we will create all these products at our help of catalysts,
partner, Hans Tropsch, who in the
Pearl GTL plant. 1920s developed a chemical process to is then converted
Put simply, our GTL process converts produce synthetic liquid fuels from coal. into liquid
natural gas into synthesis gas, a mixture They publisheded their first findings in hydrocarbon
of hydrogen and carbon monoxide, 1923, showing how they had produced products ”
which, with the help of catalysts, is then a synthetic gas from coal, before using
converted into liquid hydrocarbon
rocarbon an alkali-iron
iron catalyst to convert it to
products. hydrocarbons.

Malcolm Brinded and Simon Henry: Energy, Technology and Climate Change: A New

Within our Fischer-Tropsch

Tropsch reactors at catalysts, including conditioning the
Pearl,, the conversion is triggered by synthesis gas and regenerating the “Over three
carefully designed cobalt based catalysts in-situ. decades, we
catalysts. Our catalysts are the result of three have developed
Over three decades, we have decades of close collaboration between catalysts that
developed catalysts that are able to our laboratories, our pilot plant in are able to
support a large-scale
scale and efficient Amsterdam and the world’s first support a
commercial operation. What that means commercial GTL plant of its type, at large-scale and
is that they are highly active, yet able to Bintulu in Malaysia, which we opened in
remain stable. And they also have high 1993.
levels of what we call “selectivity” – that To produce the thousands of tonnes of
is the ability to produce the highest yields catalysts we need at Pearl GTL, we will
of the molecules representing the desired have spent around four years using
products. dedicated facilities in full-time
To develop these catalysts, we had to production. Although, as I’ve said, the
get their precise chemical composition catalysts consist of fine, nano-scale
right – although cobalt is the main pores, they cover an enormous surface
element, they also include a number of area. And the catalysts will be fed into
other metals. And we had to ensure that 24 Fischer-Tropsch
Tropsch reactors, each of
these metals were correctly dispersed on which weighs about 1,200 tonnes and
the surface of the catalysts. contains tens of thousands of tubes for
Critical to all this is the size of the the catalysts.
cobalt particles. At the outset of our GTL
work, in the 1970s and early 80s, the Creating the final products
received wisdom was that the most In the third stage of the GTL process, the
active catalysts, and thus the most long-chain
chain liquid wax is refined into the
effective, were those with the smallest final products.
possible cobalt particles. In chemistry terms, what we are doing
But by working in partnership with is changing the molecular structure of the
several universities, we discovered that syncrude. To do this, we e use cracking to
this is not the case: in fact, it became convert the long carbon chain molecules
clear that if the particles were too small into smaller chain molecules. And we
their level of activity actually declined. convert them into branch chain molecules
That’s because the most active particles by a process of “isomerisation”.
consist of certain configurations of cobalt After processing in the hydro-cracker,
atoms, which themselves can only be the resulting syncrude is fed into a
rmed if there are enough atoms. Thus distillation
ion column or synthetic crude
the main challenge in producing effective distiller, where it is separated into various
catalysts is ensuring that as many of the fractions according to their boiling
cobalt particles as possible are of the points.
right size – which is at the nano-scale.
nano Thus we are left with our products,
Another focus of our research has been ready for customers across the world.
on ensuring that
hat the catalysts remain
highly active, even after lengthy periods Biofuels
in use. This matters because, over time, I’ll now describe another way in which
their level of activity can slow as the we are using technology to satisfy rising
cobalt becomes agglomerated or demand for cleaner transport fuels:
“sintered”, which increases the size of biofuels.
the particles. Indeed at Shell, we believe that, of all
We’ve developed several techniques the low-carbon
carbon transport fuels, biofuels
to counter the deactivation of the can make the biggest contribution to

Malcolm Brinded and Simon Henry: Energy, Technology and Climate Change: A New

tackling CO2 emissions in the next two Geographical information system ystem
decades. We expect their share of the Cosan’s highly advanced geographical
road transport fuel mix to increase from information system
ystem is also at the heart of
somewhere approaching 3% today to its success. The system processes and
“Cosan is fast
around the 9% mark by 2030. interprets vast quantities of information phasing out
about all aspects of Cosan’s 800,000 manual cane-
Cosan hectares of sugar cane – including the cutting”
Shell is already one of the world’s largest topography of the fields, data about soil
distributors of transport biofuels. And we nutrients and pest infestation
on levels.
are now moving into production, further If you think of 800,000 hectares as a
to the recent agreement of a proposed circle with a radius of around 30 miles,
$12 billion dollar joint venture with it would, if centred here on the College,
Cosan, Brazil’s largest biofuels producer. stretch as far as Bury St Edmonds and
This will allow us to produce ethanol Bedford to the East and West, and to
from Brazilian sugarcane, which can Peterborough and Bishop’s Stortford to
reduce fuel-related
related emissions by between the north and south.
outh. That is a lot of
0% and 90% compared to standard sugarcane!
petrol. The geographical information system
Yet there are concerns in some quarters draws its data from all manner of
about the sustainability of the biofuels sources, including government soil
industry, not least its impact on areas rich records, public weather stations, and,
in biodiversity and the conditions of its indeed, satellite imaging of the
workforce. So I’ll describe how Cosan company’s crops. The company also
uses itss technological expertise not just to produces
duces detailed climate reports, based
boost production, but also to improve the on records that go back 30 years.
sustainability of its operations. Complex algorithms then convert all
I should first mention that the main area this data into digital maps that display
of sugarcane production in south-central
south detailed information about all 800,000
Brazil is some 2,000 kilometres from the hectares. Cosan has been developing
fringes of the Amazon
mazon Rainforest. And the system since 2003, drawing on
sugarcane grown for ethanol in Brazil advanced skills in mathematical
uses less than 1.5% of the country’s modelling, the agricultural sciences,
arable land. There are strict legal limits informatics and statistics.
on the expansion of sugarcane crops And it brings the company several
into new areas. powerful advantages. Cosan can make
Cosan is fast phasing out manual extremely accurate predictions about its
cutting. In fact, more than 60% likely crop yields. And it is able to
of its sugarcane is harvested by identify and rectify any problems with its
mechanical cutters. crops quickly.
These machines can harvest some Moreover, the system also produces
600 tonnes of sugarcane in a day, significant environmental benefits.
depending on the location – around Because it records data about soil “Cosan’s highly
60 times the amount typically nutrients and pest infestation levels, it can advanced
harvested by a single cane-cutter
cutter calculate the exact amount of fertilisers
working manually. That reduces and herbicides needed at each site. As
Cosan’s reliance on manual workers, a result, Cosan can limit its use of these
system is at the
while creating some new jobs in the chemicals to what is strictly
ly necessary –
operation and maintenance of this something that would otherwise be heart of its
machinery. impossible across such vast and varied success”
tracts of land.

Malcolm Brinded and Simon Henry: Energy, Technology and Climate Change: A New

To further limit its use of pesticides, For example, at the Costa Pinto mill
Cosan uses natural pest control. For two high-pressure boilers together
example, to counter the moth caterpillars generate 66MW of electricity. One-third
that prey on its sugarcane, Cosan
Cosa of this is used to power Cosan’s
breeds small wasps, the caterpillars’ operations, and the remaining two--thirds
natural enemy. It then releases the wasps are sold to the Brazilian national grid.
among its crops, which kill the In late September the company
caterpillars by laying eggs in their opened a new sugar and ethanol mill in
larvae. the city of Caarapo, with
ith an annual co-
All told, some 40 million wasps are generation capacity of 76MW. To put
released every month – but only this in perspective, Cosan estimates that
when the company judges thatt they this would be enough to supply a city of
are really necessary. And because half a million people.
the wasps have a lifecycle of just 4-64 Thus Cosan is also helping Brazil to
days, they are unable to spread far develop a secure and sustainable power
beyond the sugarcane fields. In fact, sector.
the geographical information system
also guides decisions about when Geopolitics: supply security
and where these wasps are used. By way of conclusion, I’ll finish with a
word on the broader geo-political
Co-generation context in which the industry takes its
Cosan’s sugarcane is also helping to place – a key feature of the industry ever
tackle CO2 emissions beyond the since Winston Curchill decided to
transport sector. For many years, Cosan convert the Royal Navy from coal to oil
has used co-generation
generation plants to produce just over 100 years ago.
electricity from the residue of its crushed I studied Maths. My daughter is now
sugar cane. This provides the company studying Politics and International
with a cheap and low-carboncarbon source of Relations – perhaps
erhaps rather more relevant
power. In turn, this has boosted the to my role today.
company’s profitability, while A good example is the expansion of
significantly reducing the CO2 emitted in the global gas market on the back of the
the course of its biofuels production. technological advances
ances described by
The company is now also supplying Malcolm. This has many energy security
this electricity to Brazil’s national grid, implications.
thanks to high pressure boilers at its co-
co For one thing, the opening up of so
generation plants. much unconventional gas in North
America means that the continent will be
sufficient for decades to come. This is
just a few years after it feared
eared that its
production would decline.
The growth of unconventional gas is
acting in concert with the expansion of
the market for liquefied natural gas – gas “..Cosan is also
that has been supercooled so that it can helping Brazil
be transported by tanker in liquid form. to develop a
LNG is growing ng fast on the back of new
secure and
supplies and new customers – in fact at
Figure 5: Costa Pinto Mill three times the rate of the overall gas
power sector.”
That strengthens supply security
because LNG allows supplies to follow
Malcolm Brinded and Simon Henry: Energy, Technology and Climate Change: A New

demand as it shifts and fluctuates around This is happening in China, where the
the world. After all, you can’t easily government has thrown its weight behind
change the supply source for a pipeline natural gas. It aims to more than double “…the opening
but you certainly can for an LNG import the gas share of the primary energy mix up of so much
terminal. to around the 8-10%
10% mark by 2020. unconventional
This is important for the UK and other China is seeking to import gas from the gas in North
EU countries facing declining production Caspian region, from Russia, via LNG America means
from their domestic gas sources. The and also to develop its own production. that the
world’s growing LNG network will allow New pipelines are being built. This will continent will
them to buy their gas from a diverse create a more flexible and integrated be self sufficient
range of sources. gas market. Ultimately demand will be for decades to
By 2020, LNG is likely to account for driven by security and cost of supply. come.”
nearlyly 30% of Europe’s gas needs. The And Shell is helping the country’s
number of regas facilities in Europe is national oil companies to tap a
growing extremely fast. In practice this significant unconventional gas resource
means competition between indigenous base.
supplies, Russia, Africa and the Middle We already operate the Changbei
East. The competition to build new tight gas field in Shaanxi Province under
facilities and pipelines, while
ile developing a production sharing agreement with the
the market for such an important fuel, are China National Petroleum Corporation.
Corporatio It
challenges in which Shell can and does supplies gas to Beijing and other cities in
play a significant role. eastern China.With CNPC we are also
appraising and developing
National oil companies unconventional gas resources elsewhere
When thinking about the geopolitical in the country.
context, the rise of the national oil And our partnership is now extending
companies is now key – these beyond China’s shores. Together, we
companies are owned or controlled by have purchased Arrow Energy, an
governments. Australian gas company, in a $3.2
In recent decades, the national oil billion deal. The joint venture plans to
companies have risen to prominence, as convert coal bed methane – an
major resource holding countries
untries have – abundant unconventional gas source – to
understandably – sought to obtain full LNG for export to China.
value for their natural resources. So it’s a great example of how strong
This has transformed the energy relationships between Shell and national
industry. Our ability to win important oil companies can drive advances in gas
business opportunities now hinges on our production.
ability to develop productive
relationships with these resource holders. Conclusion
At Shell, we have the utmost respect for That is an appropriate place to finish.
“By 2020, LNG
the NOCs – their skills, their investment This evening, we’ve shown how Shell’s
in researchh and development and their scientific and technical experts are is likely to
stewardship of their national energy already doing much to drive progress account for
resources in best interests of their towards a secure and sustainable global nearly 30% of
countries. energy system. Europe’s gas
But we believe that we have much to I hope we’ve also shown that Shell’s needs”
offer them, especially our scientific, need for highly capable chemists,
technical and management expertise.
For example, Malcolm’s story on
unconventional gas production.

Malcolm Brinded and Simon Henry: Energy, Technology and Climate Change: A New

geologists, engineers, and So we very much look forward to o

mathematicians is only growing stronger. welcoming more Churchill graduates to
Indeed, without the rigorous grounding our ranks in the future, further
in the hard sciences provided by strengthening the relationship between
Cambridge and the world’s other top Shell and our great college.
universities, it will be impossible to meet Thank you.
the global energy challenge.

…we very much look forward to welcoming more Churchill graduates to our
ranks in the future, further strengthening the relationship between Shell and our
great college.”

Malcolm Brinded and Simon Henry: Energy, Technology and Climate Change: A New

Recent speeches by Executive Directors

The Singapore Energy Summit

Malcolm Brinded

Natural gas: key to green energy future

Peter Voser

The natural gas revolution is changing the energy landscape

Peter Voser

The global energy challenge: the importance of human capital

Hugh Mitchell

Meeting the energy challenge through innovation

Peter Voser

Challenges and developments in the NOC-IOC

NOC relationship
Malcolm Brinded

Technology and Sustainable Development

Simon Henry

The global context: the importance of innovation

Jorma Ollila (Chairman)

Natural gas: changing the Middle East energy landscape

Malcolm Brinded

Natural gas: a vital part of Europe’s energy future

Malcolm Brinded

Breaking the cycle of volatility

Simon Henry

This publication is one of a range published by Shell International BV, Carel van Bylandtlaan
30, 2596 HR The Hague, The Netherlands. For further copies, and for details of other titles
available in English or as translations, please write to the above address, or contact the
External Affairs
rs department of your local Shell company.

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The companies in which Royal Dutch Shell plc directly and indirectly owns investments are separate entities. In this
publication the expressions “Shell”, “Group” and “Shell Group” are sometimes used for convenience where references
are made to Group companies in general. Likewise, the words “we”, “us” and “our” are also used to refer to Group
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identifying specific companies


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