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Moving Towards Sustainable MSME, Creating Disability Friendly MSME

Proposed by:

Mohammad Feisal Pangestu 2018




Praise and Gratitude Writer prayed to the Presence of God Almighty for blessing
abundance of His Grace and Gifts so that the author can compile this paper in a timely
manner. This research proposal discusses a modal of an online platform called Bifabel:
Moving Towards Sustainable MSME, Creating Disability Friendly MSME.

In the preparation of this proposal, the author faces many challenges and obstacles but
with the help of various parties these challenges can be overcome. Therefore, the authors
would like to thank profusely to all those who have helped in the preparation of this proposal.

The author realizes that this proposal is still far from perfect, both in terms of form and
material. The writer hopes that constructive criticism from readers will improve the next

Finally, I hope that this proposal can benefit us all.

Malang, 5 November 2021


Table of Contents

Cover Page ………………………………………………………

Preface ................. ..... …………………………………………………. ii
Table of Contents ………………………………………………… .. iii
Product Description …………………………………………………… iv
Abstract …………………………………………………………… iv
A. Background ………………………………………………………. 1
B. Problem Formulation …………………………………………… ... 1
C. Innovation Objectives ……………………………………………… 1
D. Innovation Benefits ………………………………………………… 1
A. Theoretical Basis ……………………………………………… .. 2
A. SWOT Analysis ……………………………………………… .. 2
CHAPTER IV – CONCLUSION…………………………………….. 3
REFERENCES …………………………………………………… .. 4
Attachment ……………………………………………… …………… ..


BIFABEL is an online platform that provide MSME and our disabled sibiling some features
to expand the business, create a sustainable cycle for MSME, and help our friends with
disability to get the same opportunity. With the online platform consist of education room to
expand the knowledge of enterprises, innovation chamber to create ideas of projects, and
through funding program with p2p method, MSME could grow with the current momentum
of positive growth that has been occured. BIFABEL could create sustainable cycle for
MSME to expand more and get our friends with disability to work together in the enterprises,
thus it's not only creating opportunities for MSME but also creating opportunities for our
disability friends.

In the era of COVID-19 Pandemic, the circumstances of the world economic has been
unpredictable. When the early wave of COVID-19 occurred, in the early year of 2020,
Internatonal Monetary Fund (IMF) stated the economic growth plummeted to -4.9 percent.
This factor had an impact on small busineses especially Micro, Small, and Medium
Enterprises (MSME). The effect of lockdown for each country made MSME detoriating and
some had fallen into bankruptcy. Futhermore, with the current economic growth has been
improving, MSME should be assist with the momentum of growth. Through online platform,
the enteprises could expand and it could provide opportunities for our disability friends.
The program is designed to help MSME expand and to help our friends with disability to
work together with the enterprises. Thus, the equality of income would be created with this
platform. With the online platform consist of education room to expand the knowledge of
enterprises, innovation chamber to create ideas of projects, and through funding program with
p2p method, it would be the media to assist MSME and our friends with disability to build
our economy.

A. The Background of The Problem
Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the world economy has been severely
declined. This has an impact on local businesses, especially Micro Small Medium Enterprises
(MSME) with devestating impacts. The rise of unemployment, crime rates, and poverty will
be the promblems for the economy. Not to mention, our friends with disability that have been
struggling not just for equality but also for having a proper way of living. Thus, this program
will offer MSME to innovate and to sustain the enterprise with various programs that will
urge MSME to empower our friends with disability as part of the enterprises. Therefore, the
economy could prosper for many generations.
B. Problem Formulation
1. How to assist MSME growth in the era of COVID-19 Pandemic?
2. How to enhance the equality of income amongst our friends with disability?
C. Invention Objectives
1. To help increase opportunities and sustainability for local MSME.
2. Functional objective of this study, namely that the results of the study can be used as
basis program to help our disability friends to achieve income equality.
3. The individual purpose is to enhance knowledge, experience, recognition and
observations around vicinity to create solutions.

D. Invention Benefits
1. Creating sustainability for MSME.
2. Empowering peoples with disability.
3. Building business environmental friendly for people with disability.
4. Helping local communities to recover from the impact of COVID-19 Pandemic.
5. Emerging equality within community.

A. Theoretical Basis
The impacts of COVID-19 pandemic are devastating, from the increasing of crime rate
to unemployment. Our communities need to be assist to surpass the impacts of pandemic.
Through an online platforms, the programs could reach local businesses and our communities
with disability peoples. The programs is acting as an innvation creator that has been designed
to create a harmony between MSME and our friends with disability to reach the goal of
income equality, disability friendly vicinity, and prosperous local economy growth. With
innovation, it could grow into business that could benefit the investor and enterprises with
p2p funding.

A. SWOT Analysis
1. Strength
 It could reach in any communitites with technology.
 Creating creativity within the enterprises.
 Leading towards sustainablity with innvations.
 Benefit to the investor of business with p2p funding.
 Emerging local products to grow vastly.
 Building communities with disability friendly environment.
2. Weakness
 The burdens of certain remote areas.
 Fraud by the enterprises with empowering the disability peoples.
 Lacks of recognition for disability people that has not been reached by local
3. Opportunity
 It could lead the locals to create disability friendly environment.
 Helping our disability friends and the locals to build businesses.
 Creating equal opportunities for eveybody without borders.
4. Threat
 Stagnation of ideas.
 The statist growth of interest.


A. Conclusion
Bifabel could be opportunities for local MSME and our friends with disability to grow
together and creating beneficial impacts for both sides. From enhancing creativity with
innovation chambers, educating business to the locals, crerating collaboration with MSME
and our friends disability, and funding the innovations through p2p funding. The programs
has been designed to make various benefits, despite the weaknesses that has been stated. The
programs resut might be various but it could be decided by the excutions of the ideas and the
will to create an ideal community for all of us.

A. Bibliography
B. Appendix

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