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Adviser as Teacher Rubric

Draft 1

Philosophy - Effective education reaches far beyond the classroom through a co-curricular approach to student activities. Among the goals of student organizations is the opportunity
for development of the whole person and for creating a sense of belonging. A critical component is leadership development, which may encompass experiences at the university,
college, department, or community levels. The adviser holds the key to the progression of leadership development. The Adviser as Teacher approach to advising is antithetical to the
laissez-faire position, which holds that the responsibilities for organizations reside fully with students.

The following benchmarks recognize the elements that contribute to excellence in advising:

5-4 3-2 1-0

Standards Score
Exemplary Satisfactory Unacceptable
Institutional Responsibility Benchmarks
Value for the role of student organizations in student learning and development Perceives value of student Perceives value of student Shows no interest in
organizations and organizations student organizations
encourages alignment of
goals with the curriculum
Standards for institutional recognition of student organizations Requires that student Requires student Lacks standards for
organizations meet organization registration chartering student
standards for chartering organizations
Commitment to a support system and recognition of advisers Has a well-established Responds to requests of Has no support system nor
program for supporting support and adviser adviser recognition
student organizations and recognition program
recognition of advisers
Technical support and training Conducts an annual training Responds to requests for Has no technical support
program for student officers support and training or training program
and advisers
Expectations of accountability Requires annual registration Expects student Has not requirements for
of officers and adviser(s), organization to be accountability
filing of bylaws, and audited accountable to national or
financial report international headquarters
Commitment to staffing of advisers Acknowledges advising in Staffs advisers of student Gives no credit for
tenure and promotion organizations at department advising student
level organizations
Plan for providing continuity of advising for the organization Establishes a system for Establishes a system at Shows no interest in
continuity of advisers department level continuity of advising
Commitment to funding adviser participation in National Conference Establishes grants for Supports adviser Does not support adviser

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adviser participation participation at department participation
Criteria for assessing adviser performance Establishes a university- Establishes a method for Has no criteria for
wide method for assessing assessing advising at the advising
advising department level
Adviser Selection Criteria Benchmarks
Relevant education, training, and work experience Requires chief adviser to be Requires at least one adviser Has no criteria for
a faculty member and to be from the academic advising
requires participation in at program
least one adviser training
Personal skills and competencies Sets minimum criteria for Accepts skills and Has no criteria for skills
personal skills and competencies of faculty and competencies
Potential for promoting student learning and development with effective Has skills in mentoring, Is effective as an educator Has no interest in
educational practices team building, goal setting, promoting learning and
and establishing the development
environment for student
Enthusiasm for the role of student organizations in learning and development Shows enthusiasm and Shows commitment Fills role without
encourages others to support enthusiasm
student organizations
Belief in the role of adviser as teacher Accepts the role of adviser Accepts the role of adviser Holds laissez-faire
as teacher and sets goals for as teacher position
improving competency
Adviser Responsibility Benchmarks
Awareness of institutional procedures, standards, and regulations Knows institutional Knows how to find Lacks knowledge of
procedures, standards, and information about institutional infrastructure
regulations and interprets institutional procedures,
for students standards, and regulations
Commitment to the following functions: maintenance or custodial, group growth, Works with students to Shows concern for Commits to maintaining
program content increase the effectiveness of developing the group and the organization
the organization in delivering programs
achieving its goals
Commitment to personal relations and task functions Is effective in mentoring Develops relationships with Does not develop personal
students and facilitating students and helps them relations with students
leadership development identify organizational tasks
Continuity and history of the organization to new members Helps students communicate Helps students plan Holds laissez-faire
organizational outcomes to recruitment position

2006 – Dorothy I. Mitstifer – page 2

attract new members and
plan for recruitment
Resource for ideas and solutions for the organization Creates environment that Suggest ideas and solutions Offers no ideas
seeks a variety of ideas and when requested
solutions for decision
Commitment to modeling leadership principles Models leadership and sets Models leadership Does not model leadership
goals for increasing
A climate and structure that facilitates leadership development Engages students in Show commitment to Is unconcerned about
developing a leadership leadership development leadership development
development program
Coach and consultant for individuals in their duties within the organization Creates a system for Offers to provide coaching Holds laissez-faire
mentoring and coaching and consulting for position
organization leaders
Expectations of accountability Engages students in States expectations for Show no concern for
planning for accountability accountability accountability
Gives public support to Gives feedback about Does not assess student
Assessment of student performance – give positive and negative feedback positive student student performance performance
performance and gives
feedback regarding negative
performance in private

Commitment to helping students

Teaches basics of Works with officers to plan Holds laissez-faire
Effectively conduct meetings parliamentary procedures so agendas position
that meetings are effective
in achieving goals
Helps the officers focus on Believes that building Holds laissez-faire
Build group feeling and purpose building relationships and relationships and position
strategic thinking to establishing vision are
establish goals important
Helps members set high Has interest in organization Shows no interest in
Set high standards standards for organization standards standards
Helps officers develop and Accepts national vision and Lacks information about
Articulate a vision and mission for their organization communicate vision and mission vision and mission
mission to members/recruits
Helps members identify Believes that goal-setting is Holds laissez-faire
Set annual and long-term goals based upon the needs and capabilities of the needs and set short- and important position

2006 – Dorothy I. Mitstifer – page 3

long-term goals
population served
Assists officers and Helps group develop action Holds laissez-faire
Establish action plans, including budget, and implement programs to achieve committees to adhere to plans position
goals calendar of activities
Helps officers establish Shows interest in Holds laissez-faire
Be accountable for follow-up plans for evaluation and accountability position
follow-up of items in the
action plan
Helps members set goals for Believes that organizations Shows no interest in
Promote student learning and development learning and development should promote student student learning and
learning and development development
Helps members interpret Values role of ethics in Shows no interest in the
Prescribe and practice ethical behavior ethical behavior in organizations ethical component of
organizations organizations
Helps students examine Helps students follow Holds laissez-faire
Recruit, select, supervise, and develop others in the organization bylaws and policies to established policies position
improve recruitment,
selection and initiation of
members, supervision, and
student development
Helps students evaluate Helps students follow Holds laissez-faire
Manage financial resources rules and policies and established policies position
change those that would
strengthen internal controls
Helps student review Helps students follow Holds laissez-faire
Maintain up-to-date governance documents and policies governance documents and established policies position
policies to strengthen the
Helps students evaluate the Helps students follow Holds laissez-faire
Maintain centralized storage of organization records and documents efficacy of present policies established policies position
for storage of records and
historical documents and
strengthen them
Helps students evaluate use Helps students follow Holds laissez-faire
Coordinate human resources of human resources and established policies position
strengthen them
Helps students evaluate Helps students follow Holds laissez-faire
Apply effective practices to educational and administrative processes educational and established practices position

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administrative practices and
strengthen them
Helps students examine Helps students follow Holds laissez-faire
Communicate effectively communication methods established practices position
and vehicles to increase
Initiate collaborative interaction between individuals and agencies that Helps students identify Helps students continue Holds laissez-faire
possess legitimate concerns and interests in the organization other partners and choose established partnerships position
those that promote interests
Helps students examine Encourages students to give Holds laissez-faire
Assessment of student performance – give positive and negative feedback practices to improve feedback position
Helps students examine Helps students continue Holds laissez-faire
Celebrate accomplishments and recognize leadership ways to improve celebration established practices position
of accomplishments and
leadership; explores
opportunities for
organizational and
institutional recognition
Helps student examine the Helps students continue Holds laissez-faire
Conduct election of officers and implement officer transition processes of electing established practices position
officers and transitioning so
that they can be improved

Conduct annual evaluation in order to

Helps officers evaluate Encourages students to Holds laissez-faire
Determine quality of programs programs and make evaluate quality of programs position
recommendations for the
Help officers evaluate Encourages students to Holds laissez-faire
Improve chapter based upon evaluation chapter operations and evaluate chapter operations position
activities and make
recommendations for
Helps officers evaluate Encourages students to Holds laissez-faire
Improve leadership development and officer training leadership development and evaluate leadership position
officer training and make development and officer
recommendations for training

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Helps officers evaluate Encourages participation of Holds laissez-faire
Improve structure for member input into setting goals for chapter structure for member input all members in giving input position
activities in setting goals and make
recommendations for
Improve process for planning annual activities to respond to goals Helps officer evaluate Encourages students to Holds laissez-faire
planning process and make evaluate planning process position
plans for improvement
Learning Benchmarks
Co-curricular activities that enhance academic goals Helps students make Helps students identify Holds laissez-faire
contacts with program activities to enhance position
administrators to identify academic goals
activities to enhance
academic goals
Educational activities that respond to shared goals Helps officers to obtain Encourages interest in Holds laissez-faire
input about goals from identifying shared goals for position
members in order to choose educational programming
educational activities
Commitment to leadership development Helps officers prepare for Encourages interest in Holds laissez-faire
increasing interest in leadership development position
leadership development
Participation in national initiatives Helps students explore Encourages participation in Holds laissez-faire
national program initiatives national initiatives position
and choose initiatives based
upon shared goals

National Support Benchmarks

Technical assistance for operational procedures Help officers take advantage Makes officers aware of Is not aware of national
of the available technical available technical support and resources
assistance assistance
Guidelines for maintaining chapter excellence (benchmarks) Provides training in using Provides national rubric for Is not aware of national
benchmarks to evaluate evaluating chapter support and resources
chapter excellence excellence
Effective distribution of orders and supplies Helps officers give input on Distributes order forms and Is not aware of national
effectiveness of distribution supplies support and resources
of orders and supplies
Awards and recognition for excellence Helps officers make plans to Provides information about Is not aware of national
take advantage of awards awards and recognition support and resources
and recognition

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Standards for Chapters in Good Standing Helps officers meet Makes officers aware of Is not aware of national
standards for chapters in standards for good standing support and resources
good standing
Program resources Helps officers examine Provides information about Is not aware of national
resources and choose those program resources support and resources
that fit program planning
Officer training program Help officers conduct Provides national plan for Is not aware of national
officer training officer training support and resources
Adviser standards (benchmarks) Uses benchmarks in Is aware of national rubric Is not aware of national
evaluating practices for evaluating adviser support and resources
Leadership training program Helps officers institute a Provides leadership training Is not aware of national
plan for annual leadership resources support and resources
Legal structure for protecting the rights of members Helps officers make Is aware of constitutional Is not aware of
members aware of protection of rights constitutional protections
membership rights for the rights of members

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