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Vocabulary Grammar focus 1

Leisure activities Revision of questions

1a Complete the phrases with the verbs in the box. 2 Complete the questions about Parcheesi, the
national game of India, with the question words in
play (x3) use watch (xZ) listen (xZ) go (x4) the box.

what kind how how long where which who why

1 12 /a )t_ sport
how many what when
2 TV
3 to music
Parcheesi! The national game of India
4 live music
1 A: What kind of game is Parcheesi?
5 to the gym
B: It's a board game -like chess or backgammon.
6 to the radio
2 A: country does it come from
7 the internet originally?
8 to the cinema B: India .
9 out with friends 3 A: do people play it now?
10 computer games B: All over the world- it's very popular in the USA.
11 a musical instrument 4 A: does 'Parcheesi' mean?
12 to evening classes B: It comes from 'pacis', which means 25.
5 A: did people start playing it?
b Complete the sentences with the correct form of the B: Hundreds of years ago. But it only came to
verbs in exercise a. Europe in the 19th century.
1 My sister always goes out with friends on 6 A: invented it?
Saturdays. B: Nobody knows!
2 Do you _ _ _ a musical instrument? 7 A: people can play?
3 I the internet every day at work. B: Four.
4 Do you _ _ _ to the gym every day? 8 A: do you play?
5 She doesn't TV because she doesn't B: By moving all your pieces to the centre of the
have much time. board.
6 My dad to evening classes on Tuesdays. 9 A: does a game last?
He's learning to dance! B: Usually about half an hour.
7 Jon computer games every day. 10 A: is it so popular?
8 I often to the radio in the car. B: Because it's easy to learn ... but difficult to
9 Why don't you ever sport? play well!
10 He to lots of music, like jazz and rock.
11 Do you often live music?
12 They to the cinema on Saturdays.
3a Michael Aarons, World 100 metres Champion, is in 4a Complete questions 1-6 with one word in each gap.
Rome for an important athletics meeting. Put the
1 What time is it?
words in the correct order to make the journalists'
questions. 2 How _ _ _ __ CDs have you got?
3 do you live?
4 often do you play tennis?
5 How does each lesson last?
6 do you live with?

b Match the answers with the questions in exercise a.

a In London. QJ
b My parents and my two sisters. D
c Three times a week. D
d 4 o'clock. D
e A lot! D
f 45 minutes. D

Stress in questions

Sa Read the questions. Which words should be stressed?

Choose a or b.

1 0 What's your favourite programme?

b What's your favourite programme?
2 a Why do you like it?
1 first time I this I Is I here in Rome I your?
b Why do you like it?
Is this vour first time here in Rome? 3 a How many TVs do you have?
No, I first came here about eight years ago. b How many TVs do you have?
2 your family I with I here I Is I you? 4 a Who do you watch TV with?
b Who do you watch TV with?
fvly wife is here; my children are with their 5 a How long do you watch TV every day?
grandparents in the United States.
b How long do you watch TV every day?
3 enjoy I wife I Does I athletics I your?
6 a What kind of programmes do you never watch?
b What kind of programmes do you never
She says so, but I think she's really here because she watch?
likes shopping!
4 life I you I here in Italy I like I Do?
b ~ 1.2 Listen and check.
Of course, especially the food and the sunshine!
5 you I about I the Italian champion, Giacomo
Zanetti I Are I worried?

Giacomo is a great athlete and a good friend .. . but I

think I can win!
6 you I Do I have I for young athletes I any advice?

Sure. Train hard, live a healthy life and you can be a

champion, too!

b ~ 1.1 Listen and check.

Listen and read
TV classics

6a '"' 1.3 Read and listen to the text about TV classics.

TV. What are the most popular TV

programmes in your country?

Here are five classic TV
programmes which are famous
in many parts of the world.

Baywatch Fawlty Towers Pop Idol

Internationally, Baywatch is the most popular In this classic British comedy of the In 2001, British music boss Simon Fuller
TV show in history Baywatch has appeared 1970s, John Cleese plays Basil Fawlty, had the idea of a TV 'talent show' fo r
in 148 countries in every continent (except the owner of a hotel in a small town by members of the public who wanted to be
Antarctica!), which means that about one the sea. Basil is always angry: angry with pop singers. Thousands of singers, good
half of the world's population has seen it at his wife, Sybil, angry with the people and bad, appeared in front of three judges
some time. From its first episode in 1989, who work in his hotel (inCluding Manuel, and TV viewers could vote for the best
this TV drama had everything: beautiful the waiter from Spain) and even angry ten by telephone, text message or over
young men and women in swimming with the hotel guests. The last episode the internet The idea was a big success
costumes, fantastic sunshine and perfect of Fawlty Towers appeared more than 30 internationally and the United States
California beaches. And it wasn't just men years ago, but you can still see this classic soon had its own American Idol. Similar
who liked it 65 percent of the people British comedy all over the world. shows appeared all over the world, from
watching it were female. Russia to the Arab world. Diana Karazon,
Big Brother 19, from Jordan, won the first Arab Super
Walking with Dinosaurs Some people loved it, some people hated
Starin August 2004. Also in 2004, Simon
Cowell created another TV talent show
Walking with Dinosaurs first appeared on it, but one thing is certain: Big Brother, called The X Factor, which replaced Pop
British television in 1999. Using modern the world's first reality TV show, changed Idol, and this became even more popular
computer technology, it showed dinosaurs TV for ever What happens when you put around the world.
walking, eating, sleeping and fighting 65 a group of young men and women in a
million years before TVI The series cost house together and allow them no contact
£6 million and it took three years to make. with the world outside? And what happens
Some scientists said that the programme if they are on television 24 hours a day?
invented facts about how the dinosaurs A Dutchman called John de Mol had
lived, but that wasn't a problem for the the original idea, and the first Big Brother
millions of people who watched it When appeared on TV in the Netherlands in
it appeared on The Discovery Channel, it 1999. More than 40 countries have had
became the most popular documentary their own Big Brothers since then.
programme ever on cable TV The series
has appeared in more than 90 countries
and has been so successful that a 3D film
version is being made.
Leisure and sport I 01

b Read the text again and complete the information

below with a name or number.
Grammar focus 2
Present simple and frequency phrases
1 the number of countries where Baywatch has
Sa Read the text about the Wilson sisters.

2 the year Baywatch first appeared on TV

. '. .. . . -. ' .
· . The Wilson Sisters - '
3 the number of years it took to make Walking with
jennifer and Rosemary Wilson are
twin sisters and they're both famous.
4 the number of countries where Walking with
But they have very different lives!
Dinosaurs has appeared
jennifer lives in London. She's a well-known TV
5 the name of the most important character in presenter and she gets up at 3 a.m. every day
Fawlty Towers to introduce the popular breakfast TV show
Good Morning, UKI She finishes work at about
1030 a.m.
6 when the last episode of Fawlty Towers appeared
Rosemary is a profess ional tennis player. She
now lives in Beverly Hills, USA with her American
7 the person who had the original idea for Big Brother husband, Ron. Rosemary comes to England two
or three times a year to play She always stays
8 when Big Brother first appeared on Dutch TV with her sister.

9 the person who had the original idea for Pop Idol
b Correct the sentences about the Wilson sisters.

10 the winner of Super Star in 2004 1 Jennifer and Rosemary have very similar lives.
Thev don't have verv similar lives. Thev have verv
different lives.
2 Jennifer and Rosemary live in the same country.
Sports and games
3 Jennifer lives in Beverly Hills.

7a Complete the words by adding the missing vowels.

1 b.i!ll 5 k_ck 4 She works in the evening.

2 equ_pment 6 te_m
3 pl_yer 7 sc_re
4 w_nner 8 thr_w 5 Rosemary plays golf.

b Complete the text with the correct form of the

words in exercise a. 6 She lives with her mother.

7 She stays in a hotel when she comes to England .

You don't need much 1 to play

8 Jennifer and Rosemary see each other every
football. You only really need a 2 _ _ _ __
and a place to play. Two 3 play
a game of football and each team usually has
eleven 4 • They 5_ _ _ __

the ball with their feet and can only use their
hands to 6 the ball if it's gone
off the pitch. They try to put the ball into a net
and when they do this, they 7_ _ _ __
a goal. The team with the most goals is the
_ _ _ _ _ of the match.
c Write the questions for the answers below. 10 Replace the phrase in bold with a frequency phrase.
1 Where does Jennifer Wilson live? Use the word in brackets to help you.
She lives in Lond on. 1 I go to English lessons on Tuesdays and
2 Thursdays.
At 3 a.m. I go to English lessons twice a weei<
3 (week)
At about 10:30 a.m. 2 We usually go on holiday in April, in July and
4 in December.
In Beverly Hills. We usually go on holiday _ _ _ _ _ __
Two or three times a year.
3 We go swimming every Sunday.
6 We go swimming . (week)
To play tennis. 4 It's important to visit the dentist every six
It's important to visit the dentist
With her sister.
_ _ _ _ _ _ . (year)
5 My friend goes running on Mondays,
d ~ 1.4 Listen and check. Practise saying the questions. Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays.
My friend goes running _ _ _ _ _ __
9a Read about John's family. Put the phrases in the (week)
correct order to make a text. 6 I check my email in the morning and in the
a meals together and at meals we usually D
b us and they love sports, too. My grandfather D I check my email . (day)
7 I go to visit my cousin in Madrid about every
c talk about sports. My grandparents often visit D four weeks.
d I come from a really sporty family. We always
e to the gym in the morning before breakfast.
m I go to visit my cousin in Madrid about
_ _ _ _ _ _ .(month)

We D 8 She washes her hair on Mondays, Wednesdays

and Saturdays.
f we never watch sport on TV because we're
too busy! D She washes her hair . (week)
g occasionally go to a football match together, 9 He sees his doctor every 15 days.
w hich is fun . But D He sees his doctor . (month)
h often plays tennis and he's 70. And my 10 I go to the gym at 7 a.m. on Monday, Tuesday,
grandmother usually goes D Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and
I go to the gym at 7 a.m. _ _ _ _ _ __

b ~ 1.5 Listen and check.

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