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Irfan Khan 2020-2533


The Islamic Republic of Pakistan is a culturally and linguistically diverse large South Asian
country bordered by Afghanistan and Iran to the north and west, China to the northeast, India to
the east and the Arabian Sea to the south. The Muslim-majority country was established in its
current form after the partition of former British India into India and Pakistan in 1947, and the
subsequent secession of Bangladesh, formerly known as East Pakistan, in 1971.
Currently the sixth most populous country in the world with 212 million people, Pakistan is
characterized by one of the highest population growth rates worldwide outside of Africa. Even
though the roughly 2 percent rates are now slowing, the country‟s population is estimated to
reach 403 million by 2050 (UN median range projection). There are more young people in
Pakistan today than at any point in its history, and it has one of the world‟s largest youth
populations with 64 percent of Pakistanis now under the age of 30. Consider that Karachi is
projected to become the third-largest city in the world with close to 32 million people by the
middle of the century.

Educational policies of Pakistan

The founder of Pakistan made the first attempt after the country's birth on August 14, 1947. In
his letter, he emphasized the importance of improving the country's educational system. In 1947,
a National Education Conference was held to receive proposals for implementation. Following
that, a variety of education initiatives, studies, policies, and programs for educational
improvements were approved. A detailed „Report of the Commission on National Education,
1959' had been recorded in this regard, with an emphasis on the overall issues of educational
The government published the New Education Policy in 1970, The Education Policy in 1972/80,
National Education Policy in 1979, National Education Policy in 1992, and National Education
Policy in 1998/2010, according to the chronology of policy growth. In this respect, a variety of
development plans were also introduced at the same time. The National Plan of Educational
Development from 1951 to 1957, the First Five Year Plan from 1975 to 1980, the Sixth Five
Irfan Khan 2020-2533

Year Plan from 1980 to 1985, the National Literacy Plan from 1984 to 1986, the Seventh Five
Year Plan from 1988 to 1993, and the Eighth Five Year Plan from 1993 to 1998 are all included.
Long-term development plans, in addition to adaptable policy manuals, have been in effect for
the past four decades. It included a '10-Point Program, 1983' and a 'National Literacy Program
(Nai Roshni Schools), 1986-90,' as well as an appraisal of the 'Iqra Pilot Project, 1986-89' at the
Federal Government level.
Another effort has also been made at National level for raising the literacy and numeracy level in
the country. Thus, the „Literacy and Mass Education Commission, 1981‟ was established to meet
the objectives set at National level. People have been granted education as a basic right for their
well-being as a result of the announcement and introduction of policy frameworks. As a result,
the people of our country have gained the ability to live their lives as well as people from other
countries. Throughout Pakistan's past, the mission of nation building has been accomplished by
providing education to the masses. In all areas of life, there had been a need for trained and
skilled manpower to run the country. Priorities, goals, and even action plans were established as
a result of the policies.
The Prime Minister advised the Ministry of Education to design a new Education Policy in
January 1998. The first revised draft was submitted to the Cabinet on 18 February, 1998. The
Policy was announced in March 1998. In 2009, the current Education Policy was revealed.
Main Emphasis of these policies
 Orientation towards Islamic ideology and character building.
 Expansion of primary education and eradication of illiteracy.
 Quality improvement of education at all levels.
 Orientation towards science and technology.
 Provision of equal educational opportunities to all citizens of Pakistan.
Progression and Stages of Education
 Pre-Primary Stage
 Elementary Education (Primary and Middle)
 Secondary Education (class IX-XII)
 Tertiary Education/ Higher Education (after class XII)
Diversification of Education
Irfan Khan 2020-2533

 Vocational Education
 Technical Education
 Commerce/ Business Education
 Agricultural Education
 Medical Education
 Engineering on-Formal Education
Kinds of Institutions
 Government Institutions
 Federal Government Institutions
 Garrison Institutes
 Cadet Schools & Colleges
 Local Bodies Institutions6.Public Sector Institutions
Procedure of Curriculum Development and Implementation
 Initial drafts of curricula are prepared by the Provincial Curriculum Centre sand then sent
to the Curriculum Wing.
 A National Committee representing all the provinces is constituted.
 The committee develops one draft curriculum which is then sent to provinces for
 Micro-testing of the curricula is carried out by the provinces.
 Final curriculum is developed by the National Committee and is implemented throughout
the country.
“Our education system must provide quality education to our children and youth to enable them
to realize their individual potential and contribute to development of society and nation, creating
a sense of Pakistani nationhood, the concepts of tolerance, social justice, democracy, their
regional and local culture and history based on the basic ideology enunciated in the Constitution
of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.”(Ministry of Education, 2009)
At the time of the first census in 1950, the overall literacy rate was 14% in Pakistan, according
to UNESCO. An ultimate, Objectives of Pakistani Education policy is advancing literacy rate up
to 80% in 2018 from 57% in 2009. As of 2012, Pakistan has achieved 58% literacy rate.

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