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SUPER 7 6 5 4 3 2 HUMAN










THE NATURE OF HUMANITY When the situation causes you trouble because of your FLAW, RUNNING THE GAME
roll HUMANr with an extra die and take the LOWEST result.
This game is about the corrupting nature of power. Your Present your players with hard moral choices and nefarious
character will wrestle with the moral obligations and To use an EXPERTISE describe how it applies to the situation. If villains that have views the exact opposite of your players’
temptations that come with immense power. it sounds fair to the GM, roll HUMANr with an extra die and characters. When creating a Nemesis for each hero, think about
take the HIGHEST result. who would be the best foil to really get under the hero’s skin.
To do good (or evil) with your powers are arguably a matter of Give them a clear goal and purpose. Chuck in a few minions
perspective. SUPER FRIENDS and other villains if you like too.
YOUR STARTING BALANCE NUMBER Your character knows both everyday heroes and superpowered This game is played in EPISODES. Each Episode should start
ones. They will be there when you need them to lend a hand with an exciting resolution to the CLIFFHANGER of the previous
Do you look upon your connection to humanity as a sign of or give you valuable information in your quest to do what you
WEAKNESS? Is your conscience a burden or obstacle to your episode.
see as right and just.
greater goals? If so, start at 5. Shamelessly steal plots, ideas and tropes from your favourite
To enlist the help of an ALLY, CONFIDANTE or MENTOR, simply superhero movies and remix them. Go dark or silly, the tone is
Do you feel the immense weight of responsibility upon your describe how you enlist their aid, and how they will help, then
shoulders caused by your POWER? Do you value your humanity up to everyone at the table to decide together.
roll HUMANr. If you succeed, add an extra die to your next
and empathy as a source of great strength? If so, start at 4. roll to represent their help. If you fail, they are unwilling or WHEN TO ASK FOR DICE ROLLS
The best way to keep track is by placing a token on the number unable to help.
The players take turns describing what they want their
you’re currently on. To help another character, describe your actions and roll character to do. You listen, and when an action sounds risky or
CREATING YOUR CHARACTER HUMANr. If you succeed, they add an extra die to their next like something interesting might happen if they fail, ask them
roll. to roll.
Give your character a super POWER, (unbelievium skeleton,
always on fire, mind-control, etc.) a related and appropriate RESETTING YOUR BALANCE NUMBER If ithey want to do something that sounds super, ask them to
WEAKNESS (electromagnetism, water, thick hats, etc.) and a roll SUPERq versus their balance number (Roll below the
Spend a private scene confiding in an ALLY, CONFIDANTE or number to succeed).
wicked-cool, very obvious and punny super name. MENTOR and realise something about the difficult nature of
Give your character an EXPERTISE - something they know well, superhumanity to reset your score to your default (5 or 4). If they want to do something that sounds human, ask them to
and a personality FLAW that they struggle with. Don’t forget roll HUMANr versus their balance number (Roll above the
MOMENT OF TRUTH number to succeed).
their human name. It’s recommended that the first and last
name start with the same letter. If you roll equal to your current balance number exactly, the When they succeed, tell them the good news and ask what
GM will present you with a MOMENT OF TRUTH, which will happens next.
With the GM’s input, also create the following characters: impact your character’s story.
• An ALLY - A superhuman sidekick or teammate. This might be When they fail, tell them the BAD NEWS, but don’t just kill
Depending on how you react, SUPER or HUMAN, you will be them. Superpowered people are very hard to kill anyway,
another player’s character. If not, the GM will fill their boots. asked to change your balance number.
• A normal human CONFIDANTE - the only person to know your and death is always the least exciting option. Create drama by
making the situation worse. Add risk to the scenario. Threaten
super secret identity, always there to lend a helping hand or OUT OF BALANCE
need to be rescued. the people and things they care about.
• A superhuman nemesis to do battle with. If your balance number rises above 5, you finALLY shed the MOMENTS OF TRUTH
• A superhuman MENTOR to consult for guidance. last vestiges of your humanity; you disavow your emotional
connections and surrender completely to the cold, iron will of When a players’ roll result is EQUAL to their current balance
Give each of these characters a complimentary POWER, your immense POWERs, for better or worse. Your hero’s story number, you may present them with a MOMENT OF TRUTH:
EXPERTISE, WEAKNESS or FLAW as appropriate. ends here. Hand your Character Sheet to the GM and describe
what your character does as they exit humanity. In a Moment Of Truth, give the character a hard choice to make
ROLLING THE DICE between two terrible outcomes. Put the safety of one against
If your balance number drops below 2, your super POWER no the safety of many. Offer the opportunity to attain POWER with
During the game, take turns describing your actions as longer work. You may “go normal”, choosing a life of quiet,
appropriate. When you do something risky or interesting, the a capital P at the cost of their humanity. Play to their FLAW by
humble humanity; helping others on a more basic level and offering them something tempting to ignore their duties.
GM will ask you to roll an eight-sided die to see if you succeed. living for yourself, for better or worse. Your hero’s story ends
When you do something related to your super abilities, roll here. Hand your Character Sheet to the GM and describe how Let them decide how they react to this terrible situation, and
SUPERq under balance number to succeed. If you roll a 1, your hero will live the rest of their life as a normal. ask them to roll accordingly. They MUST roll one way or the
something extra good happens. Ask the GM what it is. other. No other player can help them in this decision, but they
WAIT, AM I ONE OF THE BADDIES? can help with the roll.
When you do something that touches on your life as a human, On one level, this game is about good and evil.
roll HUMANr over the balance number to succeed. If you roll Whether they fail or succeed on this roll, ask them to move
a 6, something extra good happens. Ask the GM what it is. their balance number one digit HIGHER if they chose a SUPER
Sometimes a superhero turns into a supervillain. If you think action, or one digit LOWER if they chose a HUMAN action. This
your character has turned, simply declare it, hand your
CONDITIONAL ROLLS is the slippery slope of power and responsibility.
character sheet to the GM and they’ll be added to the rogues’
When the GM presents you with a situation involving your gallery in another episode! Then create a new Superhero and
WEAKNESS, roll SUPERq with an extra die and take the join the game!
HIGHEST result. Created by Rex Francis |

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