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The Ultimate Game 

This  is  it!  The ultimate game. You are allowed to do whatever you want, no boundaries, 

no restrictions. 
Here is the tutorial, you might want to take some notes​*​: 
1. Pick a word, any noun can do. 
2. Use it on three sentences. 
3. Come up with an idea (it can be something completely different from the sentences). 
4. Think about the sinopsis, a brief to the story you want to tell. 
5. Present  your  main  character,  his  objective,  an  antagonist  and  the  ​conflict  ​between  the  two. 
Both  should  be  ​the  only ones ​capable of getting to the objective, think why. Either the antagonist 
should  share  the  same  objective  with  the  protagonist,  or  the  protagonist’s  objective  be  in  his 
way to his own objective, thus creating the conflict. [See Fig. 1] 
6. Choose an ​urgency ​for the conflict, any story would be too boring if there is no urgency to it. 
7. You may think about the ending of your story at this point. 
8. Structure your story: ​Setup​, ​Confrontation ​and ​Resolution​. 
9. What is the protagonist’s ​motivation ​against the objective? And the antagonist’s? 
10. Define  an ulterior motive or ​desire ​the protagonist has. You may do the same for the antagonist. 
It may trigger the main motivation. 
11. What  is  the  ​hierarchy  ​between  protagonist  and antagonist? They do not need to be at the same 
12. Define two ​obstacles ​the protagonist has to overcome, and four strategies about how he may do 

Fig. 1 
How  to  play  you  say?  Just  grab  a  pen  and  start  to  write*!  If  you  played  the  tutorial,  you 
should  have  a  clearer  idea  about  how  to  continue.  How  long  should  you  write  your  story  or 
when to stop are questions you should answer yourself, you are free, after all. 
Just remember, be sure to TAKE YOUR TIME. 

Play on hard difficulty 

Here I leave you with some more tips that should help you make the game more interesting:

● The  antagonist  doesn’t  need  to  be  a  man,  it  can  be  nature,  an  idea,  the  protagonist’s 
own  mind,  the  supernatural  (existing  or  not),...  This  should  allow  you  to  think  about 
different kinds of objectives too. 
● The protagonist doesn’t need to be able to accomplish the objective. 
● The ​desire ​plays against the main character or the antagonist. 
● Make the protagonist reflect about what’s happening, and even be autocritical. 

* You can use the reverse of this page for the tutorial, but you will need extra sheets for the complete 











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