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Epistle To A Friend

Nick Drotar



My dearest friend, As I sit here on this damp, rainy Wednesday morning I ponder the existence

of life and the universe. I think about what the meaning of everything around us could be, what

the deeper purpose of all of it is. As I gaze at the rain falling from the heavens above, I reflect on

how different things could be even with the most miniscule differences of the past. How much

different would life be right now if we never crossed paths? How different could my life be if I

could go back and undo a few mistakes I made in the past? In the grand scheme of things,

mistakes usually help us more than they hurt us. You can’t grow as a person if you can’t come to

peace with your mistakes. About a fortnight ago, I had a dream. I dreamt of everyone I have ever

loved in life (you included), living in the most beautiful meadow you could ever imagine, with

the sky gleaming a spectrum of colors so vivid it felt like you could go up and touch them with

your own two hands. The sun glistened an iridescent rainbow color, and you could even see a

Saturn-esque ring planet faintly in the distance. In this fantasy there were no bad days, no

negative people, absolutely nothing to bring down the spirit of the ones closest to me. It was the

most beautiful thing I have ever witnessed, and the feeling was indescribable. Sadly, this dream

was bittersweet, as I awoke the next morning crestfallen that this dream world was really nothing

more than a dream. I wanted to escape reality; I didn’t feel like dealing with any of my problems,

I just wanted to go back to this fantasy. The entirety of my week felt ruined, as this dream

crowded my mind constantly. A little over a week later, still as gloomy as ever, I decided to go

for a walk. Contemplating life more than ever, I eventually made it to a clifftop with an overlook
of muddy fields from below. Up here while staring at the grey skies above, I had the most

important realization of my life. I spent the entire week feeling sorrowful and detached from

reality, when I could have been making the most of the reality I’m living in. No living creature

on this planet knows 100% sure of exactly what happens in the afterlife. Could you imagine

spending all of the time you have on this Earth sulking about a fantasy that isn’t real? Whenever

anyone enters this world, they have a certain amount of time they get to spend before everything

is said and done. Nobody knows how much time you get, so you have to make the most of life

while you’re still here. It’s okay to have blue days, because after all we’re only human, not a soul

on this planet is completely perfect. But, if you spend all of your time in this world worrying

about things you have no control over, you’re going to drive yourself crazy with worry and fear.

Time is precious, live life for happiness. Take care.

Best Wishes,

Nick Drotar

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