Parts of A Lesson Plan

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I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:

1. Learning Objective of the lesson

2. Learning Outcomes of the lesson

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: (Write here the topic or the skill you will teach)

B. Materials: (Enumerate the materials to be used for the lesson)

C. References: (List down your sources- could be books/ modules or from online sources)

D. Value Focus: (Integrate the value that you have to teach in any part of the lesson)

E. Science Ideas: ( For lessons in Science only)

F. Process Stressed: (For lessons in Science only)

III. Learning Experiences/Procedure

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Prayer/Song/ Greetings/ Information sharing

2. Checking of Attendance (Roll call by the teacher/ Assigned to a class monitor)

3. Checking of Assignment (Let students submit assignment or Allot time for checking)

4. Drills (Could be word drills, math drills, science word drills. Use an instructional

Material is advised)

5. Review of the past lesson (Prepare an activity- could be question and answer/

identification/ enumeration. Use of instructional material is advised.

B. Lesson Proper

1. Motivation ( Use of an instructional material is advised. Ask questions and let

students answer the questions. Questions should be related to the lesson)

2. Presentation (Tell students your learning objectives and learning outcomes)

3. Springboard of the Lesson with Comprehension Check (Use of instructional material

is advised. Present to the students the material/text that will become the basis of your

discussion. Could be read silently or read-aloud. Follow-up with questions about the

reading text)

4. Discussion of the New Lesson (Present the new skills to be learned by the students.

Teacher explains the rules with examples. Let students give their own examples

following the rules presented)

5. Practice Exercises ( Use of instructional material is advised) Prepare activities for the

students to practice about the lesson just discussed)

6. Generalization (Ask students what they have learned from the lesson. Give them time

to explain what they have learned).

7. Application (Use of instructional material is advised. Prepare activities for the

students to do leading towards your learning outcomes.)

IV. Evaluation:
A. Paper-pencil Test (Quiz)

B. Performance Assessment (Depends on the learning outcomes)

V. Assignment/Enrichment Activities
(Note: Could be a continuation of the learning outcomes)

Instructional Decision:

Reteach – If less than 75% of the students have shown mastery of the lesson

Proceed – If more than 75% of the students have shown mastery of the lesson

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