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Little Frog

A story about a little tadpole’s journey finding his missing mother. In the middle of journey, he met a
human child, who is searching for the lost item. Both lending hands together to achieve their goal, but
will they succeed?


Act 1: The Beginnings

Somewhere in Quiet Forest…
Mother Frog see her two weeks hatched eggs finally grow, and an army of tadpoles start swimming.
Pole the little tadpole alongside with his fellow army brothers and sisters, are swimming in the
swamp with his Mother. Mother Frog is delighted to finally see her children starts grow faster and
sooner enough they will live in their own life independently. She stayed for two days, nurturing the
children with love and compassion. Mother Frog remembered that she has a duty to do, her last duty
and something she has to “pay”. She simply told all of her children she needs to go for a while, asked
them to wait patiently, not to leave the swamp because “Outside World is Dangerous, especially
Human”, and been told that she will come back soon. There, Pole watched his mother hopped away
from the puddle of swamp, whilst the army of tadpoles just only say Yes. Day by day, Pole starts
growing eerie, Pole decided he will search the mother. The tadpole itself grows legs as days by days
had passed. When he decided to leave the swamp, his siblings asked him where would he go, tell him
that he cannot leave the house. Pole said he will look for his mother, and he promised that he will
return. His siblings told him to be careful, since the “Outside world is dangerous” , just like the
mother said. Pole said not to worry, he will be cautious. The siblings cannot stop him, and so Pole

Act 2: Meeting Human Girl

As Pole swim thru puddle and puddle, swamp thru swamp, he found an “odd cave” covered in mist,
It seems dark by looking at it. Being brave, Pole just swim inside the cave. Unknowingly, he entered
into a “different world”, where he didn’t see a lots of trees and the water is dirty. Once he swim, he
saw a surface and he hopped on. Without his notice, the water from behind starts draining slowly.
Anxiety starts hitting the young froglete, but he must find his mother soon. The young froglete
hopped a few steps, and suddenly saw a different creature that’s not like him. A human girl holding a
glass bottle/ jar saw the froglete which startled Pole. Pole about to hide, but the girl asked him to stop.
Pole begging for mercy not to hurt him, the human girl told him she will not harm him. Surprised,
Pole ask the human girl whether or not the human understand what exactly he said, and the girl said
she completely understand him. Pole ask the human girl what she’s doing in this odd place, especially
she’s a human. The human girl told him she is looking for an item, but she didn’t remember much. All
she knows that she accidentally lost it after she had a fight with her father, and she asked him what a
young froglete like Pole doing in a murky place like this, since the place is not suitable for him. Pole
answered he was looking for his Mother, who said will be back in few days. But he has no clue where
exactly Mother Frog went. The human girl offered Pole that she will help Pole to find his mother, as
in exchange Pole has to help the Human Girl to look for her lost item. Pole agreed, and the human girl
introduced herself as Chi. Chi ask Pole to hope inside the glass bottle/ Jar, Pole comply, and their
journey starts here.

The little girl was dead too, and before her death she want to return her father’s memento she stole
in a stormy day. The glass bottle she bought is to help scooping around in the muddy surface.

Intinya dia berusaha mencari ibunya, dan ternyata dari sejak ibunya pergi itu, kejadian sesungguhnya
para tadpole itu mati kekeringan, dan semua permainan yg kita mainkan itu adalah perjalanan si
pole kecil untuk bisa hidup Kembali (tenang).
at the end credit, We’re going to get shown / sound that the 5 little tadpoles are reincarnated as
siblings human.

Refrence theme :
Fran Bow
Little Misfortune

Theme : Dark Fantasy, Indie, Supranatural Horror

Art(?) : semi Gothic???

Refrence Visual :

Swamp like Forest(?)


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