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Parity computations are used in RAID drive arrays for fault tolerance by calculating the data in two drives
and storing the results on a third. The parity is computed by XOR'ing a bit from drive 1 with a bit from
drive 2 and storing the result on drive 3 (to learn about XOR, see OR). After a failed drive is replaced, the
RAID controller rebuilds the lost data from the other two drives. RAID systems often have a "hot" spare
drive ready and waiting to replace a drive that fails. See RAID.

OSI Model Reference TCP/IP Model Reference

Service, interface and protocol are not
clearly defined. For example, the only real Protocols in the OSI modelare better
Service, interface 
services offered by the Internet layer are hidden and can be replaced relatively easily
and protocol
- Send IP Packet as the technology changes, which is one of
- Receive IP Packet the main objective of layeredprotocols.

Because models were invented

In this case, the protocolshave been
Functionalities before protocols, functionalities put in
invented before models, so the functionalities
each layer are not very optimized.
are perfectly described.
Seven layers, Network (Internet),
Numbers of layers Transport and Application layers being
Only four layers.
similar to TCP/IP
Both connectionless and connection-
oriented communication are supported in Only one mode in the network layer
the network layer, but only connection- (connectionless) but both modes in the
oriented communication in the transport transport layer are supported, giving the users
layer. a choice.

A hub is typically the least expensive, least intelligent, and least complicated of the three. Its job is very
simple: anything that comes in one port is sent out to the others. That's it. Every computer connected to
the hub "sees" everything that every other computer on the hub sees. The hub itself is blissfully ignorant
of the data being transmitted. For years, simple hubs have been quick and easy ways to connect
computers in small networks.

A switch does essentially what a hub does but more efficiently. By paying attention to the traffic that
comes across it, it can "learn" where particular addresses are. For example, if it sees traffic from machine
A coming in on port 2, it now knows that machine A is connected to that port and that trafficto machine A
needs to only be sent to that port and not any of the others. The net result of using a switch over a hub is
that most of the network traffic only goes where it needs to rather than to every port. On busy networks
this can make the network significantly faster.

A router is the smartest and most complicated of the bunch. Routers come in all shapes and sizes from
the small four-port broadband routers that are very popular right now to the large industrial strength
devices that drive the internet itself. A simple way to think of a router is as a computer that can be
programmed to understand, possibly manipulate, and route the data its being asked to handle. For
example, broadband routers include the ability to "hide" computers behind a type of firewall which
involves slightly modifying the packets of network traffic as they traverse the device. All routers include
some kind of user interface for configuring how the router will treat traffic. The really large routers
include the equivalent of a full-blown programming language to describe how they should operate as well
as the ability to communicate with other routers to describe or determine the best way to get network
traffic from point A to point B.
An authoritative DNS server is one that has a complete copy of a domain's information. That is, a copy that is
not simply cached from another server.
What is HTTPS - Why Secure a Web Site
If you're going to run an online store or ecommerce Web site, you should be aware of HTTPS - or
HyperText Transfer Protocol with Secure Sockets Layer. HTTPS is a protocol to transfer encrypted data
over the Web.

There are two primary differences between an HTTPS and an HTTP connection work:

 HTTPS connects on port 443, while HTTP is on port 80

 HTTPS encrypts the data sent and received with SSL, while HTTP sends it all as plain text

Most Web customers know that they should look for the https in the URL and the lock icon in their
browser when they are making a transaction. So if your storefront is not using HTTPS, you will lose
customers. But even still, it is common to find Web sites that collect money including credit card data
over a plain HTTP connection. This is very bad.As I said above, HTTP sends the data collected over the
Internet in plain text. This means that if you have a form asking for a credit card number, that credit card
number can be intercepted by anyone with a packet sniffer. Since there are many free sniffer software
tools, this could be anyone at all. By collecting credit card information over an HTTP (not HTTPS)
connection, you are broadcasting that credit card information to the world. And the only way your
customer will learn it was stolen is when it's maxed out by a thief.

What You Need to Host Secure Pages?

There are only a couple things you need in order to host secure pages on your Web site:

A Web server such as Apache with mod_ssl that supports SSL encryption

A Unique IP address - this is what the certificate providers use to validate the secure certificate

An SSL Certificate from an SSL certificate provider

If you aren't sure about the first two items, you should contact your Web hosting provider. They will be
able to tell you if you can use HTTPS on your Web site.

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