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Sandeep Singh Anushka Atri



Hewlett-Packard usually known as Hp, is an Information technology company operating

worldwide. Established in the year 1939, Hp continues to witness magnificent growth in
both their software and hardware operations. Working of such a multinational company
requires synchronised and effective working in all its facilities, while orders being
directed from main headquarters. In this case, it stands to be in Palo Alto, California.
While Hp’s global operations flow under the allowance of headquarter facility, the rest of
the work is performed by other facilities in their respective regions. Numerous offices
have been constructed in different countries for smooth working and implementation of
the operations. Some of these stand to be, European office built in Meyrin,Switzerland
and In London,Uk. US operations primarily are executed in facility at Texas. Similarly,
offices are there in Florida, Vancouver, Romania, Ireland, Massachusetts and also in
Bangalore, India.

Started with software and hardware components, the company has immensely
diversified its product offerings. Various items such as printers,
Laptops, digital cameras, scanners, tablet computers, pocket computers and dekstop
calculators come under the list of its offerings in current times. Not restricting to their
initial phase of hardware and software parts, the company expanded their services for
the enhancement and betterment of IT infrastructure. It was introduced as HP’s imaging
and Printing Group which was associated with intricately designed services such as
inkjet printers, Hp SPaM etc. At successive steps, the company introduced more and
more types of business Pc’s and accessories. The concept of digitally connected
environment including Mediasmart TV’s, DVD, HP media vaults were also made public.
Later, in the year 2005, the company also begin to market it’s software categories
including mobile apps, automation services, portfolio management software etc.

Credits to the success of this multi-millennial company stays rooted with the efficient
and profoundly innovative technologies. The main source of these applaud-worthy
technology and techniques remain to be HP labs which first came into play in the year
1966. The main objective of these Labs was to provide the company with such modern
technology so they could outdo their own set of goals. These highly capable techniques
provided them the opportunity to go beyond their limited success which is why these
labs are termed as ‘the research arms of HP’. These Labs thrived on certain rules and
guidelines which highlighted the importance of fostering the company’s technical
community and leading the company’s assets and developments to world-wide platform
thereby achieving exceptional marketing opportunities for the corporate sector.
Technologies used by HP

From first innovation to the latest innovation a lot of technologies entered, some was to
retain the customer and some was for having an edge over competitors, either way new
technologies or innovation were introduced by HP . Some of them are as follows:-

a) Custom Manufacturing via 3D Printing

It was predicted back in 2017 that there will be a huge rise till 2020. 3d printing
has already taken over healthcare sector but now it is moving towards
prosthetics. What is better than customized affordable solution?
There are lot of workstation made and 3D orienting is done for better

Z by HP workstations
Digital workflow is completely dependent on personal desktops and workstations.
Feature like expandability, reliability and innovation are big need of an hour
which is provided by HP Z Workstations.

HP Jet Fusion 500/300 series 3D printers

Thee printers are basically for small manufacturers. Functional parts are
produced in black & white

HP Jet Fusion 3D 4200 Printing Solution

The delivery of output is increased 10 times and is of very low cost

There are many more examples for the same technology.

HP Jet Fusion 3D 4210 Printing Solution

This is basically for large production manufacturers. It increase the cost and also
decrease the rates of part by 65%
HP Metal Jet

This is for mass production and really helps to manufactures difficult and
complex very easily.

Functioning of 3d printing

Step 1- 3D model is prepared using CAD

Step2- Model is then converted to tessellation language, mostly STL files are
Step3- STL files are transferred to computer which has access to 3D Printinng
Step4- blinders, refilling the polymers is set up
Step5- start the printer
Step6- movement of printed object from machine
Step7- post –processing such as brushing etc is done

b) Virtual and Augmented Reality

For an ultimate experience for customers usually virtual reality and augmented
reality is collaborated
Virtual Reality incorporates sounds, scents, haptic or ‘touch’ feedback which
gives customer amazing experience. On the other hand augmented reality gives
customer experience to compare, it can be comparison between colours or
anything. HP is trying to meet VR and AR in 2020 so that customers could have
both experiences together.

c) HP Innovative Portfolio

Portfolio designed by hp is basically for service providers so that they can get
increased speed, agility and can grow business. Open design principle Built
system are provided by Hp to services providers so that they can fulfil demands
of customers and all this work can be done in sustainable way. Open design
principle is basically when full access is granted to the user. This way
unauthorized users stay away.
Range of servers is provided by HP meet all the needs of service providers.
New Servers like HP Cloud line server family, which is also result of HP Foxconn
joint venture provides low cost and flexible operations as it is customizable and
cost focused. Management and company interface are supported by cloud nine.
This will not only increase speed and agility but it also in growing the business.

Supply Chain Network

Supply Chain shows the movement of material & information. HP has one of the largest
and most sophisticated supply chains in IT industries. There are almost hundreds of
production suppliers and almost thousands of non production suppliers. Hp suppliers
are almost in six continents

Standerized electronic Data Interchangable mesaging and collaboration methodology

between HP & Partners
One standered used everywhere

Supplier Supplier Supplier Invoicing

planning purchasing Shipping

Upward Supply Chain

Raw material such as brass, aluminium etc are received from different big supplier. Hp
has its own lab where different technologies are worked and whole planning is done
then the final material is they supplied to various hp showrooms and then the related
supplier purchase stock and then does the invoicing
Downstream Supply chain

When customers collect a product it is not necessary that customers always like the
product or it can also be a possibility that customer really liked the product and the new
innovation. So the that particular information is taken from customer to distributor,
distributor than forward all the feedbacks to manufacturers then changes and
innovations are done accordingly this is downstream supply chain. HP follows the same
supply chain.

Technological challenges

1. Raw material cost gets affected due to change in commodity prices

High tech industries like HP need raw material like aluminium etc. It the price of these
metals increases directly id directly affects the prices of raw material. Supply chain
managers needs to know that price are affected by the external factors.

2. Sourcing and routing complexities cause delay in technology management

In any product different parts are made at different places then they are assigned
together to form one product. Assembling the entire product on time is very important. If
there is delay in transportation of any of the part whole product has to wait.

Assembling these complex parts is one of the important work it needs skills, time, and
trust worthy suppliers.

Delays can cause lot problems like out of stock inventories, revenue loss and
unsatisfied retailers.

3. Late response to Customer expectation & Competition

Every in technology one or the other keeps on upgrading their products. There is
a cycle research – inception- manufacturing-up gradation each step needs its
own time but extra time can result in loss of customers to competitors.

4. Distribution Issues are caused due inefficient Transportation

Transportation plays an important part in whole supply chain. If you want your
product to launch on time meet specific deadline then efficiency in transportation
is very important. Inefficiency can cause lots of losses like delay in launch etc

5. Security issues & IP thefts

There are two types of problem firstly all the parts of any technological product is quite
expensive. So thieves always have their eyes on them. Second is the data which can
also be stolen. These two are biggest challenges of any technology company.
It is very necessary that each step of supply chain is followed properly even problem in
single step can cause a lot of issues like theft, delay in launch etc. suppliers, retailers.
Manufacturers should know how to tackle their part.

Company like HP try to keep everything on its place they take care of ever single step,
they also have people to solve problem at every step but sometimes loopholes are
ignored which can cause problems in such reputable company. Every challenge should
be handled properly whether it is big company or a small one.

Innovation to mitigate Challenges

From the invention of first computer the high tech companies have always relied on their
supply chains. Companies tried making much technological solution for the smooth
running of supply chain. But these have led the companies to pricey dead ends.

One or the other came out with solution an stepped in another problem. Problems like
Manufacturing resource planning system was made to find solutions for difficult
production scheduling activities but ended it up inflexible approach and it could not face
the real problems. So to solve these real problems radio frequency identification tags
were made, they were made to solve all the problems which are in real world but RFIT
was itself way to costly and there were lot of difficulties which were faced to implement

Over the time companies has found out lot of innovation which can support the supply
chain but there were only few which were actually good. There are lot of innovative
technologies which are being invented for the smooth working of supply chain. These
help in overcoming the challenges which hinders supply chain movement

There are three areas of Innovation which attracting attention to themselves

1) Automation and robotics

2) Open IT platforms
3) On demand Transportation

These technologies are basically difficult to access but are really helpful for movement
of supply chain.

These methods help the company to gain valuable approach and help to deal with
certain problems. These help in minimizing the risk and helps in making decisions

a) Automation and Robotics

All the operations which take place in ware house like picking and packing, are
the steps which are performed by labours and these are crucial steps in supply
chain. In manufacturing field innovation is taking a new step. Warehouse
automation is at really great speed. Using automation like robots has been
increased rapidly. Big Robotics Company is entering the market with various
types of specialisation and innovation. These innovations are way too flexible.
Size and overweight are no more issue. This innovation can take over almost
every work which a human is capable of. Even if there is a failure in system,
there is very less maintenance cost. The main thing is since warehouse
automation there is lot of improve and efficiency in productivity. It also frees
company for network footprint decisions

b) Efficient Tracking systems

These days innovation has gone to a next level from small microchips to big robots all
them are part this century’s innovation. When we talk about supply chain things which to
mind at first are warehouse and transportation. And If we are concentrating on
warehousing and transportation then theft is also the part of this game.

Every product made by any high tech companies is very costly and precious it is not just
hardware which is of all the cost but the software and material used within is also a
masterpiece. So to protect both the part trackers are made. Trackers exactly tell the
location of the product. Trackers can not only be installed software’s but also can
chipped to the products till they are in warehouse or are transported from one place to
another. This way if any theft happens it will be easy to locate where the product is at
that particular time.
c) On-demand Delivery

Different Customers may want different same product at same time in different places.
So the way out is online delivery , In this the product i ordered online and product is
delivered from the warehouse directly. Big companies are now involved in this circle. It
becomes very efficient for both seller and customer. Small companies and retailers are
also involved on this omni channel. Hence this innovation is not only making eaire for
manufacturer or seller but is helping customers also.

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