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a.     Airlines do not like flights with empty seats. Suppose that, on average, 95%
If the airline sells 105 tickets for a 100-seat flight, what is the probability that the flig

Ans . p n x
0.95 105 100

let x equal the number of ticket holders who show up.

Then we have to find the probability that x -> 101.
So to compute the probability that flight is overbooked we will use the formula:

b. Suppose that teenage drivers have an average of 0.3 accidents per year.
What is the probability that a teenager will have not more than one accident during
The mean in the question 0.3 per year. So
Ans. probability that the teenager will have not
more than one accident during entire year will
be calculated by poisson's distribution. Here
mean will remain same as duration is same
i.e., one year. Here we will use true function
as it is asked not more than. Therefore less
than equal to one will be calculated. Formula
used: POISSON.DIST(1, 0.3, TRUE)

chance that
he will have not more
than 1 accident in a

c.    Again if, teenage drivers have an average of 0.3 accidents per year,
what is the probability that the time between accidents will be 6 months or less?
Ans. Here 0.3 accidents in 0ne year,
therefore mean time for one accident
is 1/0.3=3.3333
EXPON.DIST(0.5, 1/3.3
Therefor ethere will be 13.9% chance
that time between 02 accident will be
6 months or less

D.     Suppose that in a group of 100 people, 20 are COVID positive and 80 are not.
If you randomly select 30 people, what is the chance that at least 10 people are CO

Ans. distribution. By using formula

HYPGEOM.DIST(9, 30, 20, 100, TRUE) we
will calculate probability for at most 9 people
having covid positive. Then we will subtract it
from 1 to calculate probability for at least 10
3.0696 that 10
3.07% chance
or more out of 30
people will have covid

e.   Annual demand for a drug is normally distributed with a mean of 40,000 units an
If the company wants to have only a 5% chance of running out of the drug, at what

Ans. Let the amount of drug required to have only 5% chance of running out of d
So, P(x 0.05
P(Z> 0.05

Normal Distribution:
symmetric distribution, therefore, the skewness coefficient for the distribution is
zero, which represents a perfectly normal distribution.
z = 1.64(using the z- distribution table)

we know: mean = 40,000

z = x - µ / SD z = 1.645
SD 10000
When x = a and z = 1.645

a= 56450

Therefore, the amount of drug required to have only a 5% chance of running out of
hat, on average, 95% of all ticket purchasers show up for a flight.
probability that the flight will be overbooked?

use the formula:

dents per year.

n one accident during a year?

nts per year,

6 months or less?
ositive and 80 are not.
east 10 people are COVID positive?

ean of 40,000 units and a standard deviation of 10,000 units. you set the annual production?
ut of the drug, at what level should

ce of running out of drug be a

for the distribution is

ance of running out of the drug is approximately 56450.
al production?

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