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1. What is aliasing? What are its effects on transmission & reception of digital signals? How it
can be avoided?
2. 4-digital channels-3 having identical bit rate R and one having bit rate 3R are time division
multiplexed. Draw neatly the commutating scheme and the time sequence in which the samples
are transmitted?
3. What is the effect of multiplying a sequence of impulses with a low-pass signal? Explain
4. what is the need of signalling in PCM system?
5. Compare Delta modulation with Adaptive delta modulation?
6. What do you mean by quantization error? Derrive an expression of signal to quantization error
ratio considering the message signal to be a sinusoidal signal?
7. Drive the expression for the sampling process in time domain. (16)
8. What are all the types of sampling technique and explain about any two. (16)
9. Explain the generation of PPM and PWM with neat circuit diagram. (8)
10. Explain the quantization process with PCM block diagram. (8)
11. Write brief notes on 1) TDM 2) FDM (8)
12. Compare DM with ADM and explain linear prediction filter
13. Describe about different multiplexing techniques compare with T1-carrier system.

1. Define FSK
2. Draw the Basic block diagram of FSK
3. Define MFSK
4. Draw the wave form of the MPSK
5. What is MSK
6. Define Non-coherent FSK
7. Differentiate coherent FSK from Non-coherent FSK
8. What do you mean by Probability error.
9. Define Pass-band transmission.
10. Draw the base band signal.
11. Derive the expression for the BPSK technique. (16)
12. Explain the MFSK and derive the Pe. (16)
13. Draw the space diagram of MSK and explain about the same. (16)
14. Derive the error probability expression for the MPSK. (16)
15. Compare the all types of Pass-band transmission. (16)
16. Derrive an expression for bit error probability of BPSK signal.
17. Compare bit error probability of BPSK & BFSK.
18. What is the advantage of QPSK over BPSK? Give the signal space constellation of both the
modulation schemes.
19. Compare BPSK with DPSK with the help of appropriate diagram. In which case the bit error
probability is higher & why?
20. Draw the signal space representation of BPSK & QPSK. By drawing the spectrum of BPSK
signal estimate the bandwidth required by both types of signal. What information do you obtain
from this spectrum? Which is spectrally efficient?
21. For what kind of modulation can you employ envelope detection? Justify by drawing necessary
transmitter & receiver block diagrams. What is the advantage of this kind of digital modulation?
22. Derrive the expression for the output SNR of a signal m(t) converted into PCM. What are the
sources of error in PCM signal ? How do you model these errors? Explain the significance of
the expression that you have derived?
23. Why DPSK is preferred over BPSK? A bit stream d(t)=1011000110 is input to DPSK
transmitter. Draw the transmitted bit streams d(t).
24. a bit stream 1011000110 is to be transmitted by QPSK using a sinusoidal carrier. Draw the odd
sequence, even sequence & the carrier wave transmitted. Instead of QPSK, the bit stream would
have been transmitted by Π/4 QPSK, what advantages have been acquired. What is the
probability of error of QPSK?

1. Define matched filter
2. what is decision device
3. draw the block diagram of base band binary data transmission system
4. what is Nyquist channel
5. draw the frequency and time response of raised cosine spectrum
6. list out the use of eye patterns
7. define zero crossing effect
8. Derive the expression for the matched filter and prove any one property.
9. Prove the effect ISI using necessary block diagram and design.
10. Write brief notes on Nyquist’s criterion for distortion less base
11. band binary transmission.
12. Define the Channel coding
13. List out the uses of the Channel Coding
14. Differentiate Sourced coding from the Channel coding.
15. What do you mean by Bandwidth-SNR tradeoff? What is its significance?
16. Consider a AWGN channel with 4 KHz bandwidth and the noise power spectral density
ƞ/2=10-12 W/Hz. The signal power required at the receiver is 0.1 mW. Calculate the capacity
of this channel?
17. A DMS X has five equally likely symbols having P(xi)=0.2, construct Shanon-Fano code &
Huffman code for X & compare their efficiency?
18. For what kind of noise is Shanon's channel capacity theorem valid? Hence compute the capacity
of a typical telephone channel?
19. What is base band transmission? Explain a base band signal receiver by explaining each block?
Give one example of base-band transmission?
20. Why timing extraction is required in digital communication system? Explain any scheme for
21. What do you mean by optimum filter? Why it is called so?
22. State the properties of MSK modulation?
23. What is the need of pulse shaping? Explain how ISI is avoided by using Nyquist criterion?
24. Derrive Shanon's channel capacity theorem. What assumptions are made in derriving this
expression? What is the significance of this result?
25. A transfer function of optimum filter with AWGN is given by

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