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Solving Optimal Dispatch Problem for a Competitive

Wholesale Power Market by using PowerWorld

Dong Zhang, Student Member, IEEE and Shuhui Li, Senior Member, IEEE


Abstract -- The transition to competitive wholesale and retail Because the deviation of LMPs exists in the wholesale
markets for electric utilities around the world has been a difficult market, buyer’s payment can be significantly different from the
and controversial process. One of the difficulties that hindered revenue of sellers [5]. In a wholesale power market, there are
the development and growth of the competitive wholesale power three net surpluses: ISO, LSEs, and generation companies
market is the absence of efficient computational tools to assist the (GenCos) net surpluses. In [6], all the three surpluses are
design, analysis and operation of competitive power markets.
determined based on the auction basics in a competitive
PowerWorld simulator is a software that has strong analytical
and visualization functions suitable for extensive power flow market [7], in which both seller and buyer offer the biding
study of an electric power system. However, PowerWorld is not respectively until they settle at a certain price. The total net
designed in such a way that can be used for the analysis and surplus (TNS) is defined as summation of ISO, LSE, and
evaluation of a competitive wholesale power market. This paper GenCos net surpluses.
investigates mathematical models associated with a competitive However, within the field of competitive wholesale power
wholesale power market and how these models can be converted market, most conventional studies are based on individually
and transformed in such a way that makes it possible to use the developed software without using existing power flow
PowerWorld for the competitive power market study. To validate simulation tools, making a lot of powerful analytical and
the effectiveness of proposed strategy, models of several small-
visualization functions available in the commercial software
scale competitive power markets are built by using Matlab.
Results generated by both PowerWorld and Matlab are
unable to be integrated with wholesale power market studies.
compared. Finally, the paper demonstrates how PowerWorld In [6], an AMES Wholesale Power Market Testbed is
simulator is used to investigate an 8-bus competitive wholesale developed based on Java. In [8], a continuous LMP is
power system. proposed and is applied to a small five bus system. In [9],
although a computer program PROCOSE is used, the price
Index Terms –wholesale power market, locational marginal price, sensitive loads and generations are not properly reflected in
demand-bid price sensitivity, PowerWorld Simulator. the program. Therefore, developing an efficient computing
system become an important issue that was also emphasized
I. INTRODUCTION and discussed during 2012 IEEE PES General Meeting in the
Session of ISS Panel and TF on Agent-Based Modeling of
T HE Standard Market Design was proposed by the US
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) in 2002 Smart-Grid Market Operations [10].
[1, 2] by using locational marginal pricing (LMP), load The main goals and contributions of this paper include: 1)
serving entities (LSEs), and an independent system operator studying what are characteristics and models associated with
(ISO). Under this structure, the purpose of the ISO is to competitive wholesale power markets, 2) investigating how
formulate the optimal power flow study and calculate the price these models can be converted and transformed in such a way
by concerning both the location and time scheme of the that PowerWorld simulator can be used for the wholesale
injection and withdrawal of electric power in the grid. power market study so as to take many advantages provided by
Conceptually, LMP is the least cost to serve the next MW the commercial software, and 3) understanding what is the
of load at a specific location under the limitations of relation between the optimal power flow computed by using
transmission lines [3]. It has been widely implemented in the PowerWorld and conventional optimization methods and tools
Mid-Atlantic states, Electric Reliability Council of Texas, New for a competitive wholesale power market.
York, New England, California, and New Zealand [4]. In the sections that follow, the paper first presents the
Intuitively, LMPs can separate the whole power networks into economic dispatch models of a competitive wholesale power
different pricing zones or locations. With this mechanism, it market in Section II. Section III presents approaches for the
encourages the generator with cheap marginal price provide development and conversion of the economic dispatch models
more energy to the grid. into PowerWorld compatible models. Section IV validates the
PowerWorld based economic dispatch mechanism through a
This work was supported in part by the U.S. National Science Foundation comparison study with results generated by using Matlab.
under Grants #1059265. Section V presents a detailed optimal power dispatch study for
D. Zhang and S. Li are with the Department of Electrical & Computer
Engineering, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487 (e-mail:
a larger and more practical competitive power system. Finally,; the paper concludes with the summary of the main points.

978-1-4799-1303-9/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE

II. ECONOMIC DISPATCH MODELS WITH NODAL PRICES payments PayLj(h), paid to ISO according to the LMP structure
For an economically efficient electricity wholesale market as shown by (7).
to flourish, it is essential that a number of criteria are met PLjS ( h )
RevLj (h)   Fj (h)  PLjF (h)
  Vj (h, p) dp
typically through a bid-based, security-constrained, economic 0
dispatch with nodal pricing or locational marginal pricing 1 2
  (h) P (h)
 j (h) P (h)   j (h) PLjS (h) 
(LMP) [11]. The method relies on the actions of the pool ISO: 2
(i) receiving demand bids and supply offers, (ii) selecting the PayLj (h)  LMPj (h)   PLjF (h)
PLjS (h)  (7)
most efficient sources to satisfy prevailing constraints, and (iii)
making financial transactions that involve payments from LSENet j (h)  RevLj (h)  PayLj (h) (8)
consumers and payments to suppliers [5]. The prices that The profit of GenCo j as shown by (11) on day (d) and
govern these payments are based on the bids submitted by hour (h) is the difference of the revenue RevGi(h), paid by ISO
dispatched generators, and on an adjustment made by the ISO according to the LMP structure as shown by (9), and GenCo
to reflect the locational value of suppliers in terms of their expense ExpGi(h), obtained based on the true cost function as
contribution to the system losses and transmission constraints. shown by (10).
In general, the LMPs are higher at consumer locations than
those at source locations. The price differentials between a RevGi (h)  LMPi (h)  PGi (h) (9)
sending and a receiving node result in a net income or surplus 1
CstGi (h)   CiT (h, p)  dp  aiT (h) PGi
biT (h)  PGi  (10)
PGi 2

to the ISO. 0 2
A. Demand Bids and Supply Offers GenNeti (h)  RevGi (h)  CostGi (h) (11)
For each day (d), the demand bid reported by LSE j for The profit of the ISO on day (d) and hour (h) is the
each hour (h) of the day-ahead market in day d+1 consists of a difference of payments received from all the LSEs and
fixed demand bid and a price-sensitive demand bid. The fixed GenCos as shown by
demand bid has a constant increment bidding rate jF(h) for a ISONet (h)   PayLj (h)   RevGi (h) (12)
fixed power demand PLjF(h). The price-sensitive demand bid j i
has a variable increment bidding rate jV(h,p) for an adjustable
demand PLjS(h) that drops as power demand increases [5] C. Optimal Dispatch with Nodal Prices
 Vj (h, PLjS )   j (h)   j (h)  PLjS (h) (1) For each day (d) and hour (h), the optimal dispatch for a
competitive power market is to find power supply by
The price-sensitive demand is defined over an interval of individual GenCos, power demand by each LSE, and system
0 PLjS (h) PLjS _ max (2) LMP levels so as to maximize the total net surplus involving
For each day (d), the supply offer of GenCo i for each hour all the three parties. At the same time, the power balance
(h) of the day-ahead market in day d+1 consists of a reported constraint at each bus, GenCo power generation capacity,
increment cost function and a true increment cost function. price-sensitive demand capacity, and power capacity of
The true increment cost CiT(h) represents the actual power transmission lines should not be exceeded. In terms of DC
production cost of GenCo i per MWh as power flow [12], this results in a quadratic programming
strategy [13] as shown below
CiT (h)  aiT (h)
biT (h)  PGi (h) (3) Maximize:
where PGi(h) is defined over a maximum and minimum TNS (h)   LSENet j (h)
 GenNeti (h)
ISONet (h) (13)
j i
operating capacity interval
PGiMin PGi (h) PGiMax (4) Subject to:
k (h )  m (h)
In a competitive power market, the reported increment cost  xkm

PLkF (h )
PLkS (h )  Pk (h ), k  1, , N (14)
function CiR(h) represents the minimum dollar amount that m 1
GenCo i is willing to accept per MWh and is always larger
PGiMin PGi (h) PGiMax (15)
than the true increment cost CiT(h). Thus, the coefficients of
the reported increment cost function is different from (3) and 0 P (h) P
Lj _ max (16)
is represented by k (h)  m ( h)
PkmMin PkmMax (17)
CiR (h, PGi )  aiR (h)
biR (h)  PGi (h) (5) xkm
where Pk is the active power of the generator injected into the
B. Profits and Net Earnings network at bus k, and xkm is the branch reactance between
The profit of a wholesale power market consists of three nodes k and m, and k(h) is the voltage angles at bus k. Note
parts: LSE profit, GenCo profit and ISO profit. that in a competitive power market, GenNeti(h) in (13) is
The profit of LSE j, as shown by (8) on day (d) and hour computed by using the reported increment cost function rather
(h), is the difference of the revenue RevLj(h), corresponding to than the true cost function. This is a little bit different from
payments received from its customers as shown by (6), and Eqs. (10) and (11). For a large power system, it is very
complex and time consuming to develop a program to solve To solve the optimization problem, the PowerWorld uses
the optimal dispatch problem. Most conventional studies are linear programming [16] in Optimal Power Flow Analysis
developed by using DC power flow strategy (Eqs. (13)-(17)). Tool (OPF), an optional add-on to the base Simulator package.
But, this would cause some errors compared to an AC power The PowerWorld OPF starts with all the functionality of the
flow mechanism. In addition, to accurately capture changes original Simulator, but then adds an optimal power flow [14].
and solve the optimization problem throughout a day, The OPF provides the ability to optimally dispatch the
calculations must be repeated hour by hour using practical generation with the minimum overall cost in an area or group
system data. of areas while simultaneously enforcing the transmission line
and interface limits. Simulator OPF also calculate the marginal
III. OPTIMAL POWER DISPATCH FOR COMPETITIVE POWER price to supply electricity to a bus (LMP), while taking into
MARKET USING POWERWORLD account of transmission system congestion.
PowerWorld Simulator is an interactive power systems However, the objective of the PowerWorld OPF is to find a
simulation package designed to simulate power systems solution that minimize the overall generation cost of all the
operation on a time frame ranging from several minutes to generators. This is different from the objective function to
several days. The software contains a highly effective power maximize the total net surplus as shown by (13). Therefore, to
flow analysis package capable of efficiently solving systems use the PowerWorld OPF, the objective function must be
with up to 100,000 buses [14]. represented in terms of the overall generation cost. By
The first step for the optimal power flow evaluation using integrating (8), (11), (12) into the TNS(h), it is obtained
PowerWorld Simulator is to develop a single-line diagram. TNS (h)    RevLj (h)  PayLj (h) 
  RevGi (h)  CstGi (h) 
j i
The simulation program can read in impedance data of each
line and the length of the line and then automatically transfer
 PayLj (h)   RevGi (h)
j i
the impedance of each line into per unit. The MVA limit of
each line is also specified.   RevLj (h)   CstGi (h) (19)
j i
The next step is to define the generation units for the
optimal power flow study. This includes maximum and Also, the maximization of TNS(h) is equivalent to the
minimum power generation of each unit and the increment cost minimization of -TNS(h) as shown below
function associated with each generation unit based on the TNS (h)   CstGi (h)   RevLj (h) . (20)
cubic cost function model defined in the PowerWorld. To find i j

the optimal power flow solution in a competitive power Considering Eq. (6) and the price-sensitive load that is
market, the reported increment cost function is used for each represented in the PowerWorld by a negative power generation
unit. This reported cost function is converted into a piecewise PPW_LjS(h), i.e., PLjS (h)   PPW
_ Lj (h)
, Eq. (20) then becomes
linear cost function [15] in the PowerWorld for optimal power
 1 2
flow computation. TNS (h)   CstGi (h)
   j (h) PPW
_ Lj ( h)
 j (h) PPW

_ Lj ( h)  
The final step is to create a special technique so that the i j  2 
fixed and price-sensitive loads can be properly implemented in    Fj (h) PLjF (h) (21)
the PowerWorld simulator. For fixed loads, it is only needed j

to specify the fixed power demands because these loads do not Combining both positive generation units (representing
participate in the open market bidding process. Therefore, a normal generators) and negative generation units (representing
fixed load can be represented by the conventional load defined price-sensitive loads) together, then, the optimal power
in the PowerWorld. However, for the price-sensitive loads, dispatch problem (13) can be represented as normal optimal
they will participate in the wholesale power market auction so power flow problem as shown below plus constraints and
that both power demands and variable increment bidding rates solved by using PowerWorld OPF, in which CstPW_LjS(h)
must be specified. Hence, the conventional load defined in the represents the equivalent generator cost associated with the
PowerWorld cannot be used for a price-sensitive load. To price-sensitive load PLjS(h) and the corresponding increment
overcome the challenge, we use a specially developed strategy bidding rate function is provided by (18). Note: the fixed
to model a price-sensitive load based on the conventional demand component in (21) is constant and therefore is not
generator model defined in the PowerWorld. The strategy included in the following optimization problem.
requires: 1) the power generated by the generator is negative Minimize: TNS (h)   CstGi (h)
_ Lj ( h)
instead of positive, and 2) an increment bidding rate function i j

PW_jV(h,p) that is different from Eq. (1) as shown by

_ j (h, PLj )   j (h)
 j (h)  PPW _ Lj (h) .
Validation of the PowerWorld based optimization strategy
This increment bidding rate function for the price-sensitive is important and necessary. We use MatLab optimization
load is obtained from Eq. (1) based on a special mechanism toolbox [17] for the validation. The optimization toolbox
that makes it possible to solve the optimal power disptach provides widely used algorithms for standard and large-scale
problem (13) in the PowerWorld as explained below. optimization. The toolbox includes functions for linear
programming, quadratic programming, binary integer evaluated and visualized. For any change of system conditions,
programming, nonlinear optimization, nonlinear least squares, the difference between the two adjacent system changes can be
multi objective optimization, and systems of nonlinear demonstrated by using the Difference Flows function in the
equations [17]. Hence, it provides an accurate and fast PowerWorld as shown by Fig. 1.
approach for validation of PowerWorld based competitive To evaluate the optimal power dispatch for variable loads
power market models developed in Section II-D. The over time, the optimal power dispatch study can be done
validation is conducted for several small power systems based through Time-Step simulation option in the PowerWorld. For
on DC power flow strategy. In general, the comparison shows the 8-bus system, three different types of variable loads are
that the results generated by using MatLab and PowerWorld considered as shown by Fig. 2. Type 1 loads are located on
are very close, demonstrating it is adequate to use PowerWorld Bus 2 and 8, Type 2 load is located on Bus 6, and Type 3
to solve the optimal problem for a competitive power market. loads are located on Bus 3 and 4. The power factor is 0.85
It is necessary to point out that one advantage of PowerWorld lagging for Type 1 load and 0.9 for Type 2 and 3 ones.
is the convenience to do the optimal power dispatch study by
using either DC or AC power flow approach.


With the successful validation conducted in Section IV,
this section presents an extensive optimal power dispatch study
for a 8-bus system (Fig. 1) by using PowerWorld [18]. The
system has six generators located on Bus 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, Fig. 2. Daily load curves of the three feeders
respectively. Bus 1 is the slack bus. Five fixed loads are Under variable load conditions, the LMP on each bus and
located on Bus 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8. Each load bus could contain a average LMP vary with the loads. The LMP curves could be
price-sensitive load. The study focuses mainly on 1) how much quite different depending on the congestion condition of the
difference is between ac and dc OPFs, 2) what impact the lines connecting a bus (Fig. 3a). For example, LMP at Bus 6 is
price-sensitive loads and capacities of transmission lines and much higher than other buses due to the congestion of the line
generators can cause, and 3) how variable loads affect optimal between Bus 5 and 6. The two exceptions are peak and low
power dispatch of a competitive power market. load conditions. During a low load condition, there is no
For the 8-bus system, the difference between AC and DC congestion in the system so that LMPs at all the buses are the
OPFs is small. In general, results generated by DC OPF do not same. During the peak load, when the capacities of all cheap
have line losses, and the bus voltages on all buses are 1pu; generators have reached their limits, any additional MW power
while results generated by AC OPF contain line losses because production must be supplied by the expensive generator,
line resistance is included and the bus voltages on PQ buses making the LMPs very close on all the buses in another way.
could be lower than 1pu. Due to the line losses, the LMP on The surplus of each generator is calculated by using the
each bus is normally higher for AC OPF than DC OPF. generator true cost (Eq. (11)) and is affected by the cost and
capacity of the generator. For example, the cheap and high
capacity generator on Bus 7 supplies most of the power,
making its net surplus higher than other generators, especially
at peak load conditions. The surplus of a generator could be
negative under a light load (Fig. 3b). The primary cause for
this is the low LMP at a low load as well as the minimum
amount of generation that a generator must supply. Thus, for
the expensive generator at Bus 6, if the generator cost is higher
than the LMP at the Bus, the surplus of the generator, could be
trivial or negative especially at a low load condition when the
generator supplies the minimum amount of generation,.
The ISO net surplus is determined by the payments
received from LSEs and payments given to generators by ISO,
both of which are calculated based on LMPs. Therefore, if the
Fig. 1. AC OPF difference between two adjacent system condition changes
LMPs at all the buses are close or the same, the net surplus of
The impact of price-sensitive loads and capacities of ISO could be very low or even negative due to the line losses
transmission lines and generators to the optimal power that are not reflected in the LMP payment structure (Fig. 3d).
dispatch solution is very convenient to study using the The LSE gain depends strongly on the price structure of the
PowerWorld too. By connecting or disconnecting a price- LSE to sell the power to customers as shown by Eq. (6). An
sensitive load and changing capacities of transmission lines or interesting issue shown in Fig. 3c is a high LSE surplus at Bus
generators, the optimal power dispatch solutions can be easily 6 for a low load condition between 1am to 7am. This is due to
the fact that during that time period, the primary load is the becomes very easy due to powerful analytical and visualization
Type 2 load at Bus 6. Since the LMPs are low at that time tools available in the PowerWorld.
period, the LSE can gain a large profit if the LSE price For variable loads over time, the load profiles can be first
structure is not modified during a low load period. created by using other software tools (such as Excel) and then
loaded into the PowerWorld simulator. Then, the Time-Step
simulation option can be used for the optimal power dispatch
study. Under variable load conditions, the LMP curves could
be quite different depending on the congestion condition of the
lines connecting a bus. If the LMPs at all the buses are close or
the same, the net surplus of ISO could be very low or even
negative due to the line losses. The surplus of each generator is
affected by the cost and capacity of the generator. The LSE
gain depends strongly on the price structure of the LSE.

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