Economics: Affordable Care Act Interview

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Affordable Care Act Interview

In this assignment, you will briefly interview someone you know about the Affordable Care Act
(ACA), or “Obama Care”, which we learned about in the last lesson. During your interview,
ask the questions shown below and try to assess what the person truly knows about the topic.
You’ll use this information to write a short paper, so take good notes during the interview!

Part 1: Interview Questions: (10 points)

1. What was the Affordable Care Act (ACA) intended to do?

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was enacted to make health insurance more accessible to
individuals who meet certain criteria. The plan includes premium tax credits and cost-
sharing reductions to assist low-income individuals and families in cutting expenditures.

2. Why did so many Americans oppose the ACA?

They disagree on whether or not everyone should have access to health care. They also
oppose the government's involvement in the health-care system and universal coverage.

3. Do you support or oppose the ACA? Why?

My Mother likes the Affordable Care Act because it provides several benefits. She
believes that everyone should have health insurance since it assures that everyone is
protected and that everyone can afford it. She appreciates the government's efforts to
ensure that everyone is covered, and I agree with her.

4. Have your views changed on this issue since it was first debated?
Her views have not altered, and neither have mine, because it is such a fantastic program
with so many benefits for the American people.

5. Do you agree with the solutions proposed under the ACA? If not, what solutions would
you pose to solve the American health care problems?
I agree because of the various advantages it provides. Vaccines such as flu shots and
HPV shots became more readily available. Pregnant ladies can take advantage of
screenings. Overall, this act has so many benefits that it is indisputable.
Part 2: Analysis: (10 points)
Now that you have conducted the interview, it is time to assess their (and your) knowledge
of the ACA. On the next page, write a paper of at least 200 words to include the following
information in paragraph form.

What information did your interviewee share that you know to be inaccurate?

On which points do you agree or disagree with your interviewee?

Do you agree with the solutions proposed under the ACA? If not, then what solutions
would you pose to solve the American health care problems?

My interviewee looked to have a good understanding of the goal of the ACA. My speaker was
living in Mexico at the time, so she didn't have to worry about it. Due to her lack of
understanding of the act, none of the information she shared was accurate in any way. I agree
with my interviewee on the Affordable Care Act. When it comes to universal access to
affordable health care, I believe President Obama had the finest intentions, but not
necessarily the best strategy. was not always the best course of action

Original content 2019 by Michigan Virtual, remixed by Idaho Digital Learning Alliance, and licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

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