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TERMS AND CONDITIONS GOVERNING decompile or disassemble the ERGO/IBV

THE CONTRACTING OF THE “ERGO/IBV Software, and patching and derivative works are
EDUCATIONAL” SERVICE OFFERED BY expressly prohibited (iii) make copies of the
THE INSTITUTO DE BIOMECANICA DE ERGO/IBV Software, other than to the extent
VALENCIA (“IBV”). permitted by applicable law, (iv) make the Software
publicly available or accessible to the public, (v)
THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS rent, lease, sublease or assign all or any part of the
GOVERNING THE CONTRACTING OF THE Software, including the transfer of the Software by
ERGO/IBV EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT electronic means, (vi) transfer this Agreement, this
(hereinafter, the “ERGO/IBV EDUCATIONAL Software, the Licence, or the devices on which the
Product”) REGULATE THE RIGHT OF IBV Software is installed without having previously
CUSTOMERS TO USE THE “ERGO/IBV removed the Software from such devices.
SOFTWARE” (hereinafter, “ERGO/IBV Any reference to the ERGO/IBV Software in
Software”, or the “Software”), AND ACCESS TO these contractual terms and conditions includes the
SUPPLEMENTARY SERVICES (hereinafter, documentation.
“ERGO/IBV Services”). The Educational Licence provided to the Customer
CERTAIN TERMS EMPLOYED IN CAPITAL shall grant a maximum number of Simultaneous
LETTERS IN THIS CONTRACT ARE DEFINED Accesses Permitted (19 or 39 depending on the
IN ANNEX A. contracted fee).
FOR SERVICE CONFORMITY, installed on computer equipment that is the property
FUNCTIONALITY AND ACCESSIBILITY, AS of the Customer and/or the Students, or to which the
WELL AS THE CUSTOMER'S OBLIGATIONS Customer and/or the Students hold the exclusive
IN THIS REGARD. BY SIGNING THIS right of use. Notwithstanding the impossibility of
AGREEMENT, THE CUSTOMER access to the ERGO/IBV Software after expiry of
ACKNOWLEDGES THAT HE/SHE IS AWARE the Educational Licence, the ERGO/IBV Software
OF AND ACCEPTS THESE CRITERIA. must be removed from such computer equipment.
To this end, the Customer shall transfer this
obligation to the Students.
1. Description of the ERGO/IBV Product. The Customer acknowledges and accepts that
The ERGO/IBV EDUCATIONAL Product consists in order to install and use the ERGO/IBV Software,
of an authorisation or licence to use the ERGO/IBV the computer equipment from which it is run must
Software and the ERGO/IBV Services. always be connected to the Internet. The Customer
will be able to acquire as many Licences as he or
2. License to use the ERGO/IBV Software. she wishes by paying the current Fee.
Use of the ERGO/IBV EDUCATIONAL product By using the Software, the Customer
by the Customer requires an ERGO/IBV Software authorises the IBV to obtain the serial number of its
Educational License. The ERGO/IBV Software is application, the version of the licensed Software,
not sold but distributed under licence only. The the name of the Customer and its corporate and
ERGO/IBV Software is the property of IBV. bank details, the IP address from which the
The IBV hereby grants to the Customer a Software is installed and will be run, the start and
Educational Licence to use the ERGO/IBV end time of each user session and, for statistical
Software (hereinafter referred to as “the Educational purposes, the characteristics of how the Customer
Licence”) and reserves all rights to the ERGO/IBV uses and browses the website.
Software. This does not entitle the Customer to any manner of
The Educational Licence is temporary, compensation.
conditional, territorial, limited, non-exclusive,
revocable and fee-based. Purchase and payment of 3. Access to ERGO/IBV Services.
the Educational Licence by the customer implies Possession of an ERGO/IBV Software Educational
acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Licence gives the Customer the right to access and
contract. enjoy the following ERGO/IBV Services:
The Educational Licence entitles the Customer a) ErgoBD - a database to support ergonomic
to use the ERGO/IBV Software and its updates work design. It offers relevant information
during the term of the Licence, in accordance with
to analyse and solve the ergonomic
these Terms and Conditions and its Annexes.
problems of a given workstation and
Use of the ERGO/IBV Software must be
carried out within the technical limitations of the provides recommendations for the
ERGO/IBV Software. In particular, you may not (i) ergonomic design and selection of the
circumvent such limitations, (ii) reverse engineer, different elements thereof.
b) “Expert advice” is aimed at solving any obtained the Educational Licence and may not be
methodological questions the Customer assigned to third parties under any form in law, nor
may have regarding the use of the leased, nor transmitted or transferred, not even on a
Ergo/IBV modules. This does not however trial basis.
include methodological advice on the Possession of a valid Licence is a prerequisite
ergonomic assessment of a specific for gaining access to the ERGO/IBV Services.
task/job (expert assessment of the
4. Fees, invoicing and payment. The
task/job). Expert advice is intended to payment of the corresponding Fee is an essential
resolve general questions concerning the and indispensable condition for the validity of the
methodologies included in the Ergo/IBV Educational License, and therefore, for the use of
application. The resolution of questions the Software and access to the Services.
applied to the evaluation of specific The amount of each Fee will be such amount
workstations is excluded, as our as is indicated as being in force for each Licence at
technicians do not have all the necessary any given time on the website
and specific information for each IBV may change the amount of any Fee at any time.
individual case. The response time to these The amount of the Fee shall be increased by the
queries will be a maximum of 48 hours and legally applicable taxes.
they will be coordinated through the Payment of the Fee shall entitle the Customer
Customer Service Department and the rest to obtain the Educational Licence and the right to
access the ERGO/IBV services for a maximum
of the Ergo/IBV benefits.
period of two (2) months.
c) Our Technical Support Service which is on Once payment of the Fee has been verified,
hand to solve any operating or installation IBV will issue the corresponding invoice.
problems you may have with the Any purchase order issued by the Customer in
ERGO/IBV Software, through the connection with the purchase of the ERGO/IBV
Customer Service Department. EDUCATIONAL product shall not bind the IBV
d) Free access to annual webinars on how to and shall serve solely for the Customer’s internal
use Ergo/IBV and application updates, as administrative purposes and to facilitate payment.
well as other matters of interest. Under no circumstances shall the terms and
e) Access to exclusive +ERGO content: this conditions of any such purchase order modify or
is a library or hub containing material form part of these Terms and Conditions or be
related to occupational risk prevention that considered binding on the IBV, even if the IBV
the IBV considers to be of interest were to sign a copy of such purchase order
(documentation, articles of interest, cases acknowledging receipt thereof.
solved using Ergo/IBV, unlimited access
to a non-tutored online course on how to 5. Ownership. Ownership of the ERGO/IBV
use the software during the term of the Software, the ERGO/IBV Services and their
licence, etc.). contents, as well as any related documentation,
f) Promotional discounts for training courses copies, modifications thereof, or documentation
derived therefrom (in whole or in part) and all
on risk prevention and occupational health
related copyrights, patents, commercial secrets and
that the IBV provides for this purpose, as other proprietary rights, are and shall remain the
well as for the purchase of exclusive property of the IBV.
products/services from third-party IBV reserves all rights not expressly granted to the
companies involved in occupational health Customer in these Terms and Conditions. There are
and ergonomics with which the IBV has no implied rights.
reached an agreement. The Customer may not use, disclose or provide any
Software or related documentation (or any
IBV is free to extend or curtail the ERGO/IBV modifications or derivatives thereof), nor any
Services at any time. information or Service content that is confidential ,
Access to the ERGO/IBV Services will be and/or not in the public domain relating to IBV's
made through channels provided by the IBV, products, services or business, to any other party,
including the customer service area of the website other than as permitted under these Terms and by entering the user IDs and Conditions.
instructions provided together when the Educational
Licence was granted. These must be used by the 6. Use of the Internet. The Customer
Customer in the country for which he or she has acknowledges and accepts that, for verification
purposes, the use of the Software and access to the denied access to the Ergo/IBV Service and to the
ERGO/IBV services, Services requires that the use of the Software.
Customer has the necessary hardware and software The IBV reserves the right to terminate the
to operate the ERGO/IBV EDUCATIONAL duration of the Licence prematurely and
Product, as set out in Annex B. immediately for whatsoever reason, reimbursing
The Customer shall be solely responsible, at its the Customer with the proportional part of the
own expense, for establishing, maintaining and Fee in respect of the period thereof not
operating its connection to the ERGO/IBV consumed, in which case the aforementioned
EDUCATIONAL System over the Internet (the reimbursement shall constitute the only
speed and strength of which may have a significant compensation and indemnity to which the
impact on the provision of the ERGO/IBV Service Customer shall be entitled.
in terms of its response capability), including but
not limited to all computer hardware and software, 9. Warranty/Disclaimer of Warranty. The
properly configured web browsers, modems and Customer acknowledges and accepts that the use of
access lines. the ERGO/IBV Software and the ERGO/IBV
The Customer exonerates the IBV from any Service is provided solely on an “as is” basis as
liability and damages caused by delay in, failure to described in Annex B, and therefore without any
provide, or incorrect or non-compliant provision of guarantee of marketability or of any specific result
the ERGO/IBV EDUCATIONAL Product, arising or application.
from the use of the Internet, including those caused Notwithstanding the educational nature of the
by the use of servers external to the IBV used to Educational Licence, the Customer accepts that the
provide the ERGO/IBV Service and, by way of Product ERGO/IBV EDUCATIONAL is a product
example, telephony or networks. Access to the that applies knowledge in the specific field of
ERGO/IBV Services implies acceptance of the use occupational risk prevention, so, in its commercial
of external servers. versions, it is recommended that it be handled by
Furthermore, the Customer acknowledges and professionals trained in occupational risk
accepts that the Internet and the communications prevention assigned by the Customer, under whose
that take place over it may not be secure and that its criteria and responsibility the evaluation of
use increases the possibility of unauthorised access ergonomic risks to the health of workers during the
to computer systems, networks, equipment and all normal course performance of their work is carried
Data held therein. Data, whether or not of a personal out. Therefore, and assuming, at the same time, that
nature, transmitted over the Internet or stored on any the reports generated by the use of the ERGO/IBV
equipment, whether or not they are needed to use Service, and their interpretation in each specific
the ERGO/IBV Product, may not remain case, may vary due to the use that the Customer or
confidential, and the IBV is therefore not the User makes of this tool, or to the information
responsible for and does not guarantee the privacy, and Data supplied to it, and other imponderable
security, authenticity thereof nor the protection factors, including, by way of illustration, those
against damage, theft, sequestration, or destruction external to the Software or those inherent to the
of any such Data or equipment. The Customer workers whose jobs are being assessed, the
assumes the risks inherent to the use of the Internet Customer shall exonerate the IBV from any liability
at its own expense. arising from the use of the ERGO/IBV Software and
For all other matters relating to Data, the the ERGO/IBV Service and shall also undertake to
parties shall refer to the separate agreement that they hold the IBV harmless against any claim, including
have entered into vis-à-vis the processing of claims for damages, which may be brought, made
personal data. or repeated by the Worker, or by any Third Party in
which the ERGO/IBV Product is used.
7. Language. All ERGO/IBV Software Therefore, the ERGO/IBV EDUCATIONAL
functionalities are provided in the language Product may not be used for purposes other than
selected. that which constitutes its educational purpose,
accepting, if this is not the case, to exonerate and
8. Term and Termination. Renewal. Unless hold IBV harmless against any claim that may be
otherwise stated in the Offer, the term of each made against it.
EDUCATIONAL Licence shall be two (2) months IBV warrants that the Software will perform
from the date of deliver of the License. substantially as described in said Annex B, provided
Those Services that include a consultation system that the instructions for use are followed and the
must necessarily be consumed within the term of the minimum equipment requirements described in
Educational License. Annex B are met.
Once that period were to expire, the Licence The IBV warrants that the ERGO/IBV
shall come to an end and the Customer shall be Software is its intellectual and industrial property or
free to use, and that, to the best of its knowledge, it FAILURE OF PROPRIETARY AND/OR THIRD-
does not infringe the intellectual or industrial PARTY SECURITY SYSTEMS).
property rights of any third party. Were a third party THE LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS SET
to allege an infringement of its intellectual or FORTH IN THIS CLAUSE SHALL APPLY
industrial property rights, the most that the IBV EVEN IN THE CASE OF CLAIMS INVOLVING
shall have to pay the Customer in respect of all DEATH OR PERSONAL INJURY IN THE USE
damages, shall be the amount of the Fee in force. OF THE ERGO/IBV PRODUCT.
LIABILITY FOR (AND THE CUSTOMER (A) Force majeure. The IBV shall not be in default
WAIVES AND RELEASES IT FROM) ALL of its obligations whenever such default is due to
WARRANTIES, BOTH EXPRESS AND causes beyond its control, including, without
IMPLIED, CONTRACTUAL AND limitation, acts beyond its control, acts of the
STATUTORY, WRITTEN OR ORAL, Customer, acts of third parties not under the control
RELATING TO THE USE OF THE ERGO/IBV of the IBV even when bound by contractual
SOFTWARE INCLUDING WHATSOEVER relationship thereto, acts of any governmental body,
WARRANTY OF QUALITY OR war, insurrection, rebellion, sedition, civil or
PERFORMANCE OTHER THAN AS SET military conflict, armed or otherwise, sabotage,
FORTH IN ANNEX B. IN PARTICULAR, THE embargo, fire, flood, weather or climatic
IBV SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR THE phenomena, epidemic, strike or other labour
UNSUITABILITY OF THE SERVICE FOR ANY disturbance, interruption or delay in transportation,
SPECIFIC PURPOSE, WHETHER unavailability or interruption or delay in
COMMERCIAL OR OTHERWISE, OR telecommunications or third-party services, attacks
EXPECTATION OF PROFIT. IBV DOES NOT by viruses or hackers, errors in third-party software
WARRANT THAT THE OPERATION OR ANY (including, without limitation, e-commerce
OTHER USE OF THE SOFTWARE OR software, payment, chat, statistics or free script
SERVICES WILL BE CONTINUOUS. systems), as well as the inability to obtain raw
In any event, and where it might be understood materials, supplies or energy or the equipment
that the above disclaimer of liability does not apply, required to use the ERGO/IBV EDUCATIONAL
ANY CAUSE WHATSOEVER ARISING OUT (b) Legislation. These Terms and Conditions shall
OF OR RELATED TO THE PROVISION OF OR be governed by and construed in accordance with
FAILURE TO PROVIDE THE SERVICE the laws of Spain, excluding its rules of renvoi. All
(WHETHER BASED ON THESE TERMS AND disputes arising out of or relating to these Terms and
CONDITIONS, THIS CONTRACT, Conditions, and in particular, to the use of the
OR CONTRACTUAL WARRANTY, those arising out of the License, shall be resolved
CONTRACTUAL OR EXTRA CONTRACTUAL exclusively in the courts and tribunals of the City of
LIABILITY), SHALL NEVER EXCEED THE Valencia (Spain), with the Customer expressly
AMOUNT PAID BY THE CUSTOMER TO THE waiving its own jurisdiction.
IBV FOR THE FEE IN FORCE. (c) Notices. Any notice or communication required
UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL THE or permitted under these Terms and Conditions, and
IBV OR ANY OF ITS DIRECTORS, the performance of the contract for the provision of
EMPLOYEES OR AGENTS BE LIABLE FOR the Services, shall be made in writing and sent to the
CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OTHER THAN email address exchanged between the parties during
THOSE SET FORTH IN THE PRECEDING the process of purchasing the ERGO/IBV
SPECIAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES (d) Assignment, Waiver and Modification. Except
(INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION AND as provided in this contract with respect to the
BY WAY OF EXAMPLE, DAMAGES FOR LOST permitted use by the Students, the Customer may
PROFITS, CESSATION OF BUSINESS OR not assign, transfer, sell, lease, sublet, share,
PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY, BUSINESS delegate, license or sub-license any of the
INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF USE OF DATA FOR Customer's rights or obligations under these Terms
ANY CAUSE AND ANY LOSS CAUSED BY and Conditions, whether directly or by means of,
THE INTERRUPTION, TERMINATION OR individually or by way of transfer of all or
MALFUNCTION OF THE INTERNET OR OF practically all of the Customer's assets, securities or
ANY THIRD-PARTY OR PROPRIETARY interests (whether by merger, acquisition or in any
TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE, OR THE other way), without the prior written consent of the
IBV. A lack of written confirmation shall in no case
be construed as acquiescence or tacit consent. Any
attempted transfer, sale, lease, sublease, delegation,
assignment, license or sub-license shall be null and
void and a breach of these Terms and Conditions.
The aforementioned cases shall be understood to
include any change or modification of the
Customer’s shareholding and/or governing bodies.
(e) Any waiver, consent, modification, amendment
or change with respect to the terms of these Terms
and Conditions shall only be binding when made in
writing and signed by the IBV and the Customer.
(f) Export. The Customer hereby warrants that
the application to its business activity of the use
shall be limited to the country or countries to
which the Fee allowing the use of the Product is
associated, and that the use thereof, directly or
indirectly, in countries other than the country for
which it was purchased is strictly prohibited. The
Customer acknowledges and accepts that a
breach of this prohibition could cause
substantial economic and reputational damage
to the IBV, in which case the Customer shall be
obliged to indemnify it accordingly. The
Customer shall indemnify the IBV and hold it
harmless from and against any damage, loss,
liability or expense (including attorneys' fees)
that the IBV may incur as a result of a breach of
this clause by the Customer.

ANNEX A: DEFINITIONS. Unless expressly stated otherwise, the following terms used
in the offer, general conditions, particular conditions or annexes shall have the following
“Simultaneous Accesses Permitted” refers to the maximum number of Customer and
Student computer equipment that may run the ERGO/IBV Software at the same time.
“Student” refers to the natural person who, upon agreement with the Customer, is authorised
by the Customer for the use of an Educational Licence.
“Customer” means the natural or legal person who, upon acceptance of the terms and
conditions of the Contract for the ERGO/IBV EDUCATIONAL product and payment of the
corresponding Fee, acquires the temporary right to use said product in accordance with the
aforementioned terms and conditions, in order to apply said product to his or her or its training
or educational activity of students in the framework of a regulated or non-regulated education,
being expressly prohibited its use for activities of a commercial, business, trade or profession
nature, either through the provision to third parties of ergonomic risk assessment services in
workplaces, or for the internal evaluation of workplaces of their own company or activity.
“Data” is defined as the set of information about a natural person, identified or identifiable,
and about a legal person, which must be entered by the Customer or by the Students into the
ERGO/IBV Software in order to run said Software. Such data will refer to the Customer, the
Student or to those employees of companies who may have access for the purposes of training
practices in the use of the ERGO/IBV Educational Product, or of video images over which
the Customer and/or Student have rights that allow them to use them.
“ERGO/ IBV Report” refers to the results provided by the processing of the Data that are
entered by the Customer and the Student during the assessment of a given Worker’s job,
according to the chosen ergonomic risk assessment method.
“Educational License” means the temporary, conditional, limited, territorial, non-exclusive,
revocable and fee-based authorisation granted by the IBV to its Customer, in accordance with
the terms and conditions of the contract, for the use of the ERGO/IBV Software, and which
entitles the Customer to install the ERGO/IBV Software on a device that is the property of
the Customer or to which the Customer or his or her Students hold an exclusive right of use.
In any case, it allows him or her to use the device on which the ERGO/IBV Software is
installed on which may not be used by unauthorised persons. Consequently, the Software may
not be installed on shared devices, nor may the Customer nor the Student transfer the use of
the device on which the ERGO/IBV Software is installed to a third party. In accordance with
the terms and conditions of the ERGO/IBV EDUCATIONAL product, the Licence allows
the Customer to use the ERGO/IBV Software and to access the ERGO/IBV Services.
As far as the Licence is concerned, it shall be understood that it is:
- Temporary: limited to a period of two months.
- Conditional: subject to the condition of payment of the corresponding Fee.
- Limited: implies that by means of the Educational Licence only the right to use the
ERGO/IBV Software is acquired, and such use is in accordance with the definition of
Customer. The Licence also grants the Customer the right to allow its Students, under
the terms of this agreement, to use the Ergo/IBV Software up to the maximum number
of Simultaneous Accesses Permitted.

- Territorial: means that the Customer may use the ERGO/IBV EDUCATIONAL
Product only in the country for which the Educational Licence was purchased.
- Non-exclusive: IBV may grant Licences, Student or not, to third parties, in equal,
inferior or superior conditions to those granted herein, without limitation, or do so
- Remunerated: in accordance with the Fee or annual price in force at the time of its
acquisition by the Customer.
- Revocable: This implies that the IBV is free to terminate the Educational License, or
temporarily suspend the term thereof, in accordance with the terms and conditions, at
any time.
“Offer” refers to the proposal for the contracting of the ERGO/IBV EDUCATIONAL
Product sent by email to the Customer by the IBV, under the contractual terms and conditions
attached thereto.
“ERGO/IBV EDUCATIONAL Product” refers to the IBV product made available to
Customers and comprising, inseparably, the ERGO/IBV Software Educational Licence and
access to the ERGO/IBV Services, as defined in this Annex and in the Terms and Conditions
of this contract.
“ERGO/IBV Services” refers to the additional services that IBV may make available to
CUSTOMERS at any given time, the use and enjoyment of which requires a valid ERGO/IBV
Software Educational Licence.
“ERGO/IBV Software” is a computer program developed by the IBV to assess occupational
risks through the application of occupational risk assessment methodologies of the common
acquis of the occupational risk prevention sector, and which provides recommendations for
the design of workstations that IBV makes available to Customers together with the
ERGO/IBV Services, while the Licence remains in force, and which includes the latest
version developed by IBV, and its updates and new versions, also integrating a number of
functionalities that were previously marketed as optional modules, such as MMC
multitasking, MMC variable, MMC sequential and MAPO. This is not a program developed
specifically for the Customer.
“Fee” means the price that a Customer must pay to obtain the right to use the ERGO/IBV
EDUCATIONAL Product in accordance with the offers in force at any given time.
"Third Party" means any natural or legal person who intends to engage or engages the
services of the Customers and/or the Students for the provision of ergonomic risk assessment
services at workstations where the Customer makes use of the ERGO/IBV Service free of
charge or in return for payment.

Description of ERGO/ IBV
ERGO/IBV is a computer application for the assessment of occupational ergonomic and
psychosocial risks that has been developed by the Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia
(IBV). The ERGO/IBV structure includes the following evaluation modules:

- ErgoCheck.
- Post-Covid assessment
- Manual Handling of Loads - Simple and Multiple.
- Manual Handling of Loads - Variable.
- Manual Handling of Loads - Sequential.
- Manual Handling of Loads - Injured individuals.
- Manual Manipulation of Patients [MAPO].
- Repetitive Tasks.
- OCRA Multitasking.
- [OWAS] Postures.
- [REBA] Postures.
- UNE EN 1005-3 [FORCES].
- Office.
- Ergo+50.
- ErgoMater.
- Psychosocial [CoPsoQ-istas21].
ERGO/IBV brings together in a single application the most relevant ergonomic risk
assessment methods on the market.
This application includes ergonomic and psychosocial risk assessment procedures that
comply with the criteria laid down in Article 5 of the 'Prevention Services Regulations', and
which are included in the 'Action Guidelines' of the Labour and Social Security Inspectorate
(ITSS). It also includes a configuration mode that allows you to activate the use of the
technical criteria contained in the ISO 11228 standard, part 1, part 2 and part 3.
To calculate the risk of the task to be analysed, the assessor must select the most appropriate
module. Sometimes more than one module may be used to analyse the same task, as the
assessment procedures are not necessarily mutually exclusive. Once the risk assessment
module has been selected, the program presents user-friendly windows in which to enter the
task data needed to calculate the risk and obtain the reports.
In addition, it has a module for the anthropometric design of workstations, which, based on
the characterisation of the workstation and the tasks, provides a report with recommendations
for the design of the workstation. Optionally, the worker can be measured, which also makes
it possible to obtain recommendations for the personalised adjustment of the workstation.
Advantages of ERGO/IBV
- In a single application, it responds to the different challenges posed by ergonomic
risks, with what are considered benchmark assessment modules by ergonomists.
- A quick checklist facilitates the initial identification of critical workstations.
- It helps to find solutions for the design and redesign of workstations.
- It contains an anthropometric design module.
- It has a wizard that helps you select the most appropriate risk assessment module.

- It allows you to work and obtain reports in Spanish and English, selecting the
language at the time of installation.
- It offers detailed, easy-to-interpret reports that can be customised with images and
company information.
- If necessary, it allows you to configure the calculation according to ISO standard
- It allows you to work with videos that are recorded by the company.
- Possibility of carrying out faster and more efficient field studies through the
ERGOIBV/TOOL app, which facilitates data collection in the field.
- It makes it easier for workers to fill in psychosocial risk questionnaires
anonymously from their own computer: all the prevention technician has to do is
prepare the report.
- It offers the option of incorporating assessment modules for more complex
- It allows you to consult IBV experts.
- It has a library or content hub where you can find documentation, articles of interest,
cases solved using ERGO/IBV, , unlimited access to a non-tutored online course on
how to use the software during the term of the licence, etc.
- Regularly updated with new features.

System requirements

To use the ERGO/IBV program, a computer with the following characteristics is required:

• Windows 8.1/10 operating system (32-bit versions), Windows 8.1/10 and Windows
Server 2012/2016/2019 (64-bit versions).
• An Internet connection to access the Ergo/IBV license, ErgoBD, the Questionnaire
Manager, the Client Service Department, user manuals and online updates.
• To use the video that is built into Ergo/IBV, you must have the elements that allow you
to display the video on your computer:
o If you are going to use a MiniDV camera, you must have a card with an IEEE
1394 port (FireWire or i.LINK).
o If you are going to use a DVD camera, you must have a DVD player and DVD
codecs compatible with Microsoft Media Player.
o If you are going to use other video files, you must have the appropriate video

As far as possible, the IBV will try not to alter the original technical requirements. However,
this is not always possible and new versions of ERGO/IBV may require more resources than
previous versions. In this sense, the IBV recommends that the Customer does not strictly
adhere to the minimum access and usage requirements that ERGO/IBV needs if it is to work,
and that he or she should dedicate more resources than strictly necessary. This on the one
hand will allow ERGO/IBV to function more smoothly and on the other hand, it may save
time and money in future extensions.

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