Lesson Plan Wed Week 19

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Day : Wednesday Week: 19 Date: 15th May 2019


THEME: World of Stories Application
8:30 -9:00am TOPIC: YearIn, Year Out
( 30 minutes) Review of present simple; prepositions
Language Arts Language Arts
5.3 5.3.1 ( )/( )
Express an imaginative response to Respond imaginatively and intelligibly through creating pupils were able
literary texts simple action songs on familiar topics. Other imaginative to achieve the
responses as appropriates learning
objective and
Writing Writing were given
4.2 4.2.1 reinforcement/
Comple- Communicate basic information Express simple opinions enrichment
mentary intelligibly for a range of purposes activities.
in print and digital media
( )/( )
At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: unable to achieve
1. Main Skill: the learning
- act out the story in group (groupwork). objective and
2. Complimentary Skill: were given
- write 5 sentences about the magic globe (advanced). remedial
- write 5 words/ 2 sentence to describe the magic globe (average and low) activities.
1. Teacher shows a globe and asks pupils to share their opinions on the use of the globe.
Lesson delivery
2. Pupils read a story called The Snow Globe.
3. Pupils tell what they think the story will be about. Put some of the ideas in note form on the board.
4. Teacher shows pupils the first picture of the story (Student’s Book, p.42) and asks them to tell
about the picture. Teacher chooses some pupils to read different characters’ parts and asks pupils what they think will
happen next.
5. Pupils read the second page of the story silently before playing the CD.
6. Teacher asks pupils where they would like to go if they found a magic globe. Give pupils the worksheet (below)
and ask them to draw their ideas and to write at least one sentence about it. They can give it a title or a name.
7. Teacher displays pupils’ work and comments on their imagination and creativity.
Get Smart plus 3 Student’s Book p.42–43, Teacher’s Book p.70–71, A snow globe or large clear ball if
Magic globe worksheet (see below)
6L Theme: World of Knowledge REFLECTION

9:30- 10:30am Topic: You Can Be An Entrepreneur Attendance: /

( 1 hour ) Content Standard(s): 2.2, 2.3 pupils were

able to achieved the
Learning Standards:- objectives.
2.2.4 - Able to apply dictionary skills :
(a) recognise abbreviations pupils were
(b) understand meaning of words in context able to answer the
2.3.1 - Able to read for information and enjoyment with guidance: questions correctly.
(a) fiction
(b) non-fiction pupils need
extra guidance.
Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:-
use abbreviations correctly Teacher's action:
*Today's lesson
Cross Curricular Elements: Thinking Skills will be carried
forward due to
HOTS: Knowledge Acquisition

Teaching Aids: Litespeed, PPslides, manila cardboard,

PBD: Band 3

Moral Values: Co-operation, Cleanliness, Grateful, Hardworking

Activities:- 1. Teacher teaches abbreviations.

2. Pupils look at the words.
3. Pupils give abbreviations and their meanings.
4. Pupils complete the exercises. PL3
5. Teacher instills moral values for closure.

5J Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends REFLECTION

10:45-11:45am Topic: Money Matters Attendance: /

(1 hour) Content Standard(s): 5.1 pupils were

able to achieved the
Learning Standards:- objectives.
5.1.7 Able to use articles correctly and appropriately.
pupils were
able to answer the
Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:- questions correctly.
- fill in the blanks correctly.
pupils need
Cross Curricular Elements: Contextual learning extra guidance.
Teaching Aids: Visualiser, flashcards Teacher's action:
*Today's lesson
Moral Values: Co-operation, hardwork will be carried
forward due to
Activities: 1. Teacher teaches articles.
2. Pupils shows them examples.
3. Pupils write the sentences out.
4. Pupils answer the questions.

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