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Structural Panel Diaphragms— Design Example 3—Open End Buildings ‘Structural Wood Panel Diaphragm — Design Example Open End Building wipsp PANEL ROOF DIAPHRAGH ‘SHEAR WALLS cep (oPEN) 7 777 41. Diaphragm Shear (v) Fen x0 = 9 Note: Se 80580 Se. 2580) Insc and I be Vax. veo nae = “5 O2) tar (ig Notes: 2) Vinx is constant along end shear wal. ) Along sidewalls, shear varies linearly irom 0 at open end {0 Vmax at end shear wall 2 ©) Diaphragm chords are not restrained trom bending, so chord forces are 0, Therefore, chord does not have to be continuous (spiced); however, a con: tinuous member along the wall-roof intersection is recommended a8 ood engineering practice. Proof of Note c: oon zm =0 era Assume clockwise moments are poste 17 a : wot2) yg ml y I rma = (moe (Bh) - [ baa | ome z Baer OPEN therfore: Fe = Fi = 0 END kext we) 4) Panel diaphragm nailing to chords, and chord (top plate) connection to panel shear vall, must be adaquate to transfer diaphragm shear loads calculated above Diaphragm Deflection @) 4p (bending deflection) = 0 (see Note c above) 1b) Ac (chord splice sip) = 0 Gee Note c above). ©) As (shear deflection — panel diaphragm): m 4s = Go (max at end shear wal) hy (ey. with Mnax = (9) (G) = MR vr = LIVE, ay = Me (max) (2b) Lh (EE TEE inant was Gat Tat 0) Aq (shear deflection — nail sip) i dna oh Ay es 'n = {otal elongation of framing (due te nai sip), measured along Panel diagonal = 2.68 e, Note: Soe Table 25-9.K in 1982 UBC Standard 25.9, and Paragraph IC of ICBO Research Report No. 1952 for Oy values. 85 = elongation of panel (due to shear stress in pang), measured along panel diagonal = 284141 _ Ovi by ° 3a G | 22 | Wed (6) _ Ymax vi hear sires itt = Snax, (Panel shear stress when shearit = vj = “naet = Li (panel ckagonal length) = 107.33" for 48° x 96" panel combining terms, wh (2.68 on) ("Bp L(120(@) "GD 04) (why Oras 2b = 0376Le, 3. Shear Wall Deflection 8) Asy (side wall deflection), Calculate using shear wall deflection formula with y = “mex ar OPEN END A ) ey (end wail deflection). Calculate using shear wall deflection formula with V = Vinax 4. Total Deflection of Building (at Corner A) o = Be 2s BT 2 Diaphragm rotation due to side wall shear detection: 2 gal Aa (at Comor A) = ot. = Bent Vina) L 2Aayl oral ay = Mele . osrete, + 2 eee eee ee, eat el ag elton 23

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