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Towards a Hybrid Co-Simulation Framework:

HLA-Based Coupling of MATSim and SUMO

Moritz Gütlein, Reinhard German, and Anatoli Djanatliev
Computer Networks and Communication Systems, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany

Abstract—Recent topics of interest such as smart cities and confronted with massive problems in terms of feasibility, as
autonomous driving are currently in focus of many research for example recently stated in [15]. This particularly applies
activities. In this context, simulations are used to evaluate for simulations of holistic cross-domain traffic scenarios that
new algorithms, performance of current technologies, or the
impact of upcoming products. In particular, they allow finding consider a broader time frame than few minutes and cover the
errors and optimizing parameter sets prospectively, prior to a space of a whole city.
real-world implementation. Simulation models of many traffic In order to evaluate large-scale scenarios in the field of
problems need to handle large-scale scenarios, connect entities transport simulation, we suggest a new framework for multi-
from different domains, and run in feasible time. In order to level co-simulation. This framework enables modeling of
meet these challenges, an extendable multi-level traffic simulation
approach is proposed in this paper. We briefly introduce existing complex scenarios, allows a flexible performance usage, and
traffic simulation techniques, name upcoming problems, available is dynamically extendable by tools from different problem
solution approaches, and topics regarding the development of our domains. Moreover, it allows scaling of model parts to differ-
framework. As a first step, we coupled two different resolution ent abstraction levels. We initially coupled MATSim [16] and
levels of traffic simulation by using High Level Architecture SUMO [17] using High Level Architecture (HLA). Both tools
(HLA) and evaluated this approach in light of simulation results
and simulation performance. are representing popular open source candidates from two
Index Terms—Multi-level simulation, traffic simulation, simu- different modeling paradigms for traffic simulations, namely
lation coupling, HLA, SUMO, MATSim mesoscopic and microscopic. This contribution is structured as
follows: First, we give an overview of recent works focusing
I. INTRODUCTION on this problem domain and introduce base elements of traffic
Since the early 2000’s many publications have been pub- simulation in Section 2. Thereafter, we present core ideas of
lished in the area of multi-level simulation considering use our framework in Section 3 and describe our first coupling
cases where one single modeling paradigm is not sufficient approach in Section 4. Finally, we present performance mea-
[1]–[14]. Modeling and simulation of a real world system surements in Section 5 and discuss future issues.
requires the selection of an adequate technique that usually
has to fit two requirements at the same time. Firstly, the mod- II. RELATED WORK
eling paradigm needs to offer the possibility to answer posed Co-simulation may be defined as “the coordinated execution
questions. Secondly, it has to provide realizability in terms of of two or more models that differ in their representation as well
the available data basis and computational resource aspects. as in their runtime environment” [18]. We want to define co-
One solution approach to handle these two requirement is simulation as the coordinated execution of two or more models
to cover multiple levels of abstraction. Furthermore, many that differ in their domain as well as in their runtime environ-
real-world scenarios are not homogeneous at all and embrace ment. Otherwise, we would confuse with the other separation
problems that differ greatly in their way to be modeled and types, whose focus may rely on the combination of different
simulated. With that, on the one hand there is a need to modeling paradigms (hybrid simulation) or levels of detail
combine different simulations with different levels of detail. in the same domain (multi-level simulation). Applications for
On the other hand, this implies the additional need for tool co-simulation in the traffic domain include the simulation of
combinations from different domains. This is covered by the vehicular ad hoc networks. There are toolkits available that
field of co-simulation. couple one traffic simulation tool with one network simulation
In the area of transport simulation, there are articles that tool, e.g., Veins [19] coupling SUMO with OMNeT++ [20].
cover one of them; topics of co-simulation or topics of multi- Hybrid simulation [21], [22] is defined as the combined
level and hybrid simulation. The combination of these two application of different modeling paradigms like Discrete
concepts at once would offer the advantage of high perfor- Event Simulation (DES) and System Dynamics (SD). As a
mance, a more flexible level of detail, and decent adaptation result, it enables possibilities to model large complex systems.
to the use case at the same time. However, to the best of our Classical applications can be found in healthcare (e.g., [23]),
knowledge the interaction of applying and combining both but also in the field of traffic simulation (e.g., [8]) when
concepts of coupling simultaneously is not investigated yet. modeling macroscopic traffic with analytical models and cou-
Although being equipped with modern hardware, we are still pling them with DES. Looking at co-simulations, there is even

978-1-5386-5048-6/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE

placed between the two just presented paradigms. Usually, the
traffic flow is already broken down to an (semi-)individual
level. Such models are implemented in a more coarse way
than microscopic simulations, e.g., vehicles can traverse streets
as groups or streets are represented as simple FIFO-queues
[3]. Finally, the submicroscopic simulation gets even more
into detail and permits, e.g., to simulate information flow
between control units inside a vehicle, or to take into account
what rolling friction the car’s tires have on the current road
segment’s surface.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [30] [11] [12] [13] [14]
Macro X X - X X - - X X X - X - - -
Meso - - X - X X X - - - - - X X X
Micro X X X X X X X X X X - X X X X
Submicro - - - - - - - - - X X - - - -
Modality v v v v p v v v v v v v p tp v
Submicro Additional
- - (X) - - - - - - - X - - - (X)
v= vehicles, t = public transport, p = pedestrians

Fig. 1. Four categories of traffic simulations.

[31] recently gave an overview of current developments
in multi-level traffic simulation. We supplemented parts of
their work with additional information, resulting in a summary
more potential in using hybrid simulations to solve problems
given in Table I. According to the table, one can derive that
from the traffic domain, for example by using SD models
there is no approach that is able to connect all four established
for general traffic flows and micro simulations to simulate a
traffic simulation levels. Besides that, barely any attention
certain junction.
is paid to multi-modality support. Existing approaches for
[24] published one of the first articles investigating HLA in connecting simulators, which represent different levels of
the field of traffic simulation by splitting up tasks to multiple detail, mostly narrow down to pure car traffic, although nowa-
instances of the same tool. HLA also offers the possibility to days many simulation tools offer a wide range of modalities
implement co-simulations. Further details on HLA follow in including pedestrians, trains, trucks, bicycles, and buses.
the next section. Generally, it can be stated that there neither exist a fully
As drawn in Figure 1, different types of traffic simulation connected and at the same time bidirectional approach that
are typically divided into four categories depending on their is covering all abstraction levels of traffic simulation, nor
level of detail: macroscopic, mesoscopic, microscopic, and a combined multi-level and cross-domain concept. In this
submicroscopic. In a macroscopic view, traffic is seen as a paper, we introduce initial ideas for a new flexible simulation
flow or stream and therefore widely modeled continuously framework based on HLA that permits to investigate future
with first or higher order differential equations, mostly based questions regarding trending topics like smart cities or au-
on gas-kinetic concepts. Famous models are Aw-Rascle-Zhang tonomous driving.
[25], [26] and Lighthill-Whitham-Richards [27], [28]. Besides
the lack of detailed information, this modeling paradigm III. MULTI-DIMENSIONAL FRAMEWORK
has several advantages (i.e., computational performance and As just mentioned, the proposed framework should provide
low data requirements). In particular, there is no significant multi-level ability granting support for hybrid coupling, co-
influence of the density scaling of traffic on the computational simulation, scalability through a distributed architecture, ex-
effort. On the other hand, scenarios are not modeled straight- tendability, and an easy control interface (multi-dimensional).
forward. Microscopic traffic simulation enables to represent We divide a set of components that are forming an entire
every road user as an individual actor that behaves indepen- and composed scenario in a three dimensional grid. The
dently. This kind of model can be realized by using DES, grid contains an axis for level-of-detail, spatial coverage,
based on so-called car-following models like the Intelligent- and domain affiliation as depicted in Figure 2, representa-
Driver Model [29]. In a car-following model, the behavior of tively filled with some possible commercial, open source, and
each vehicle is calculated by taking into account its desired conceptual tools. Drawing a picture of a fictional use case,
velocity and the distance and speed of the vehicle in front one could image having tools from four different domains:
of it. It provides possibilities to represent additional aspects environment, population, traffic, and network. The first domain
at a detailed level (e.g., acceleration), but at the expense could be populated by a tool for weather simulation. Generated
of computational performance. Mesoscopic simulation can be information would influence the behavior of vehicles in the
traffic domain and decisions made in the population domain. surrounding motorway ring in a coarse level as well as single
Mobility plans would be created in this domain. Fictional crossings in the city center at highest level of detail.
needs to get to a destination result in planned trips with a 2) Distributed Simulation: Naturally, multi-level simulation
route, mode, and departure time. These trips would act as input is closely related to co-simulation and by some definitions, it
parameters for the traffic simulation. In the traffic domain, it is even part of it. Furthermore, it is also related to the field
would be conceivable to split up the work for different regions of distributed simulation (DS). As the name suggests, DS is
to tools with different levels of detail. Some region may be a technology enabling the distribution of a single simulation
considered as very important. This would result, besides a program to a system composed of multiple interconnected
microscopic traffic simulation of this area, in an additional computers [33]. By means of scalability, simulation splitting
simulation of vehicular network communication by OMNeT++ and distribution enables the feasible simulation of large-scale
from the network domain in this region. real world scenarios.
The main concepts of the framework that enable such 3) High Level Architecture: HLA as a standard describes
simulation compounds are briefly described in the following. rules and methods to realize a distributed simulation, enabling
the interoperability of simulation tools [34]. Rising up from the
level military field it gained importance in multiple new application
fields nowadays, and is used, for instance, in the field of

traffic simulation. A participating simulation tool is called
WeatherSim federate. Multiple federates can be connected by using a Run-
meso Time-Infrastructure (RTI). The RTI acts as a middleware,
coordinates the interactions of the federates, and handles the
time management. Together with a Federation Object Model


(FOM), they form a federation. The FOM is a file that contains

a specification of the possible interactions in the federation.

OMNeT ++
Sim B. General Capabilities
environment space As initially mentioned, we create a framework that allows

population complex simulation scenarios to be run in feasible time.

traffic This will be realized through the connection of the different
network vertical and horizontal layers. Besides that performance and
domain interoperability criteria, we want to assure the following two
major points.
Fig. 2. Three-dimensional partitioning grid.
1) Extendability: Extendability is important to us to not
only fit the needs of one type of a problem, but to model and
simulate as many different problem types as possible. Regard-
A. Simulation Tool Coupling
less of this, it is sometimes necessary to replace tools. This can
The horizontal plane of Figure 2 represents the framework’s be because of licensing reasons, or a limited support. In terms
co-simulation layer. The different domains are distinguished of extendability, HLA includes further suitable features. An
by the different vertical planes of the grid. As mentioned already existing and well-defined HLA setup of tools can be
in Section II, one famous application of co-simulation is the extended easily and seamlessly with other tools by just writing
combination of a traffic simulation with a network simulation. a corresponding federate. Other techniques that couple two
This allows to investigate phenomena of wireless car com- tools directly through deep code intrusions have the potential
munication and their impact on specific traffic situations like to be more performant, but cannot provide flexibility at this
accidents or optimization of traffic light phase times. level at the same time.
1) Multi-Level Simulation: The vertical plane represents the 2) Consistency: Another main topic is going to be the
different levels of modeling resolution whose combinations realization of consistency between all simulation parts of a
come down to multi-level simulations. These can be defined scenario. [3] names consistency in route choice and network
as “tools that can operate at more than one level of resolution” representation, consistency of traffic dynamics, and consis-
[32]. Thinking of standard abilities of recent online map tency in traffic performance as main requirements for coupling
providers, the zoom function illustrates possible use cases for mesoscopic and microscopic traffic simulations. Combining
multi-level applications. In a coarse view, you can observe not only these two, but also all four levels of traffic simulation
traffic situations and plan your route, or identify congested and additionally components from different domains makes
roads. On the other side, when you zoom in, you may be able this problem even more important for us.
to get information about the direction of a one-way road or
nearby parking spaces. Of course, this concept can be applied C. Information Transfer Between System Boundaries
to traffic simulation, too. Multi-level simulation can be used to The core idea of information transfer between different
model holistic scenarios of whole cities, e.g., concerning the simulation tools relies on the already addressed point of
extendability. Every instance is responsible to interpret dif- 2) Ghosting: Usually, it is not enough to transfer solely
ferent subsets of incoming data based on a defined superset the information of a single car. The context also matters. To
of properties of a so-called trafficTransferInteraction. This preserve the already named consistency of traffic dynamics, it
interaction can result either in the direct adoption of incoming is important to have a common link in neighboring simulation
road users or just a slight modification of the receivers current regions. That common border link is simulated in both worlds
internal traffic state. These changes depend on the given traffic to be able to transfer congestion information across system
information, configuration parameters, current state, and the boundaries. Without common links, it would be necessary to
modeling level and paradigm of the receiver. have a high communication and controlling overhead between
In the opposite way, when sending out flows or vehicles, the two simulation instances to know if the border link can be
the sender instance does not know the type of the receiver. entered. Due to the concept of having these two representations
All relevant information (from a sending point of view) is put of an entity, this is called ghosting.
into the transfer interaction. In this way, new simulation tools
can be easily integrated without the need for adjusting the
existing tools, what meets our need for extendability. Besides MATSim and SUMO are two very famous representatives
the question of what information has to flow to achieve the of open source mesoscopic and microscopic traffic simulation
transfer of traffic, we need to specify how to detect at which tools. Therefore, they seem like a good draw to implement
point in time and space that traffic has to be transferred. In core-concepts and capture first measures on them.
order to satisfy the consistency rule regarding the network SUMO is an open source tool for microscopic traffic sim-
representation, we create a global view on the scenario that ulation. It uses car-following models to calculate the actions
can be used to define system boundaries. These boundaries are of road users in discretized time steps. MATSim on the other
represented in shape of road segments that form border links. hand is a tool for mesoscopic traffic simulation, simulating
daily plans of agents with a queue-based model named QSim
1) Aggregation and Disaggregation: When representation
in the default case. Its authors label it microscopic, due
levels between system boundaries do not differ, the inter-
to the individual representation of each traffic participant,
pretation and adoption of transferred traffic information is
but the traffic characteristics are mesoscopic according to
straightforward. In case that traffic information from a more
our definition. Concisely, this means that travel times of an
detailed level is adopted, aggregation is needed to synthesize
individual agent that has no properties like current speed are
information, e.g., by averaging. More complicated to realize is
dependent on the capacity, utilization, minimal travel time, and
the other way round, when traffic from a more coarse level has
outflow-rate of a link.
to be adopted. Disaggregation has to be used to make smart
guesses to collect additional information needed in the new A. Architecture
representation level. An exemplary concept for achieving this
To meet the requirements arising from the points mentioned
are so-called flux capacitors used by [8]. It utilizes Poisson
before, we decided to use HLA as an architecture to couple the
processes that are well known to model arrival times.
used simulation tools. Therefore, we implemented two simu-
[35] proposed the concept of superagents in the healthcare lation wrappers containing federates to enable communication
domain. An adaption of the concept to the traffic domain between the simulation tools and the RTI. Additionally, we
would be another possible solution that works in both direc- implemented a component called SimulationController as a
tions. In mesoscopic queue-based models, vehicles influence third federate besides the MATSim and SUMO federates (Fig-
each other only in an indirect way. That is because no ure 3). It publishes the scenario setup, e.g., the underlying road
car-following or similar models, which calculate individual network, time step sizes, and simulation start and end time.
behavior dependent on the vehicle’s surrounding area, are This is done by setting up the configurations inside the tool
used. The indirect influence happens for example when a road that comes with a GUI as depicted in Figure 4. Afterwards,
is fully occupied. Due to the queue-based approach, no further it announces the parameters (like system boundaries) for each
vehicles will be added to the full queue representing this road. connected simulation instance (Figure 5).
In this way, traffic jams can be modeled. Therefore, the com- Two different types of data need to be exchanged. Control
putational effort of the simulation can be reduced by scaling data contains information about the global simulation time
down the capacity of the road network while simultaneously and information about the current boundaries of the simulation
scaling down the number of traveling vehicles. Phenomena tools in the whole scenario. Simulation data contains runtime
of interest, e.g., congestion, can still be observed. In order to information about traffic flows or road users that need to be
transfer traffic information into finer levels, individual agents transferred between simulation instances. To enable scalability
need to be derived. They have to be realistically distributed in and distribution abilities, we explicitly hide global knowl-
space and time. Naturally, when going back to upper levels, edge of available information between the simulation tools.
they need to be aggregated again. Moreover, we accept that there are different representations of
Speaking about multi-dimensionality, there is a need for traffic in each detail level. We solely use HLA interactions
analogous (dis)aggregation concepts for all additional domains to signal the border crossing of traffic between tools and
that are going to be connected. let these interactions influence the local traffic situation, but
FOM Legend:
MATSim SUMO configInteraction
Simulation Mandatory Attribute
Controller staticConfigInteraction
Federate Federate Optional Attribute
scenarioName Possible Extension

timeStepSizes, startTime, endTime


Fig. 3. Coupling architecture. linkResponsabilites




sourceLink: id, speed, flowRate, travelTime, length

sourceInstance, sourceAgentId


subroute:linkList, transportMode
Fig. 4. SimulationController GUI.
transportMode, scalingFactor

Fig. 6. Federate Object Model.

incoming border link. Similarly, the instances only know about

their own outgoing border links, not about the destination, and
not about incoming border links, as this is not needed for
This leads to a Federation Object Model (FOM) that con-
Fig. 5. Coupled scenario: SUMO (inside) and MATSim. tains the three named interactions with the given attributes
(Figure 6). Extending the framework to multi-modality would
require modification of the base case. It would especially
do not preserve predefined objects over borders. As a result, require the specification of what type of transportMode needs
three custom interaction types besides the time management to be transferred and provide the ability to partition a single
functionalities have been defined: staticConfigInteraction, dy- route to subroutes with different transport modes. At the
namicConfigInteraction, and trafficTransferInteractions (tTI). moment, the difference between the two used detail levels
The staticConfigInteraction is needed for an initial setup consists of how movement for a single entity is calculated.
before the simulation run is started. In a minimal setup, this Multi-resolution can also be achieved by scaling up a small
contains the scenarios name to load the corresponding map, subset of entities to represent an entire population. In that
the time step lengths, and the start and end time of the case, a scalingFactor would be necessary to achieve consis-
simulation. Afterwards, but also before simulation is started, tency across system boundaries. Integrating tools of different
the dynamicConfigInteraction is used to publish (border-)link simulation domains into the federation would demand to add
responsibilities. Therefore, responsibilities and border links additional interaction types to the FOM.
could be changed during runtime by publishing this again.
When published, the simulation instances know which regions B. Time Management
they have to care about and on which border links they may For time synchronization, we use the integrated conservative
have to start a tTI. time management functionalities of the RTI. After each simu-
A tTI can have multiple properties from which all except lation step, the simulation tools are requesting an advance in
for newLink are optional: newLink, sourceLink (id, speed, simulation time (HLA terminology: Time Advance Request)
flowRate, travelTime & length), sourceInstance, sourceAgen- that is corresponding to their own step length. If only two
tId, route. Even route information is not a necessary property. tools are connected, it is sufficient and possibly more efficient
Thinking of a macroscopic instance initiating a tTI that is if both tools are requesting an advance for the maximum
triggered by the relation between flow rate and past time since step length. As soon as possible, the RTI provides the new
last discretization or other stochastic decisions, there is no simulation time, which enables the federate to proceed (HLA
destination. There is just the need to create a road user on the terminology: Time Advance Grant). A tool can continue once a
simulation time stamp is received that is at least equal to their • ... checks, if based on subscribed interactions actions have
current simulation time plus their own time step length. In a to be made. This can be the adoption of incoming vehicles
typical case, this may be 10ms for SUMO and 1000ms for or the modification of link responsibilities and border
MATSim. They both would request an advance to t0 +1000ms, tags.
which leads to one simulation step in MATSim and 100 • ... checks, if based on the internal SUMO state inter-
simulation steps in SUMO before they get synchronized again. actions have to be published, namely the dismissal of
C. Implementation 2) MATSim: Unfortunately, MATSim does not provide an
As middleware, we used an open source HLA implementa- API like SUMO. Therefore, it was necessary to look into
tion called Portico [36]. Portico supports different HLA ver- the code base and modify some parts of the core logic. The
sions and provides C++ and Java interfaces. In the following, advantage of the required code intrusion is that the result is
the specific details of connecting SUMO and MATSim are much more efficient than the SUMO variant, where the API
presented. has to be called over TCP. Only when the transfer of an agent
Ax from a link L1 to a link L2 is going to be processed and
1) SUMO: SUMO offers an API called Traffic Control
is possible, e.g., due to no congestion, it is checked if the
Interface (TraCI). With this API, it is possible to retrieve
link L2 is labeled as a border link. In the case it is, a tTI is
information about road users and streets, to create new road
published and the plans of agent Ax are modified locally to
users, and modify plans and behavior of existing ones. Addi-
end his trip after reaching the end of link L2 . To give finer
tionally, it is possible to control the simulation run. Therefore,
modeled tools a starting point to assume unknown properties
the implementation of the wrapper and the federate for SUMO
like speed, the tTI is filled with the length of L1 , the time Ax
was straightforward and no direct interference with the SUMO
needed to traverse L1 , and its current route. When receiving
source code was needed.
a tTI either from SUMO or from MATSim, all parameters
In the other way round, this means that we cannot directly
besides newLink, sourceAgentId, and route are dismissed. A
subscribe to something like a “road-enter-event”. Instead, we
new vehicle is created and spawned, based on the remaining
constantly have to check for all road users An , if they are
types of information. While the simulation is running, a loop
now on a lane that is part of a road labeled as a border link.
continuously asks for a time advance and checks if actions
When a particular road user Ax is located on such a link, we
have to be made, as it is done in the SUMO federate.
need to generate a tTI, containing relevant data like speed and
3) SimulationController: The SimulationController orches-
route, and let Ax end its trip in the local world after traversing
trates the synergy of the different tools, in this first use
the current link. This means at the same time that we need to
case MATSim and SUMO. Initially, a road map is loaded
listen for incoming tTI of other instances and react to them
and converted to the different needed MATSim and SUMO
by putting new road users in our local world. In this specific
formats. Secondly, the user can define a spatial area in which
setup, there are two possibilities: A tTI has already current
SUMO handles the simulation by dragging up a window. The
speed and further detailed information embedded or not. In
surrounding area will be simulated by MATSim. Roads that
the first case, the tTI was sent from another SUMO instance
intersect the drawn window are identified and labeled as border
and the data can therefore directly be used to spawn a copy of
links. Additionally, the user can define the simulation step size
the transferred road user in the local SUMO instance. In the
of the tools and the start and end time. In a third step, it is pos-
second case, the tTI was sent from a MATSim instance, where
sible to start up a HLA federation and the SUMO and MATSim
no speed attribute exists. It only contains information about
wrappers. Once the federation is established, we can announce
the length l and travel time t of the last traversed link. This
the static settings by using the staticConfigInteraction and the
information is used to calculate the average speed vavg = tl ,
current responsibilities and system boundaries by publishing
which will be used as initial speed for the road user that has
(border-)link-instance pairs via dynamicConfigInteractions to
to be created. In both tools, an agent id is transmitted and
MATSim and SUMO and finally start the simulation.
inherited, to be able to keep track of vehicles across borders.
In order to know which of the network’s links are currently V. EVALUATION
labeled with a border link property, the federate needs to In order to evaluate the gains and drawbacks, a real world
subscribe to dynamicConfigInteractions and save the received scenario was simulated in multiple ways. This was done pure
information. Parameters transmitted over staticConfigInterac- mesoscopically (MATSim), pure microscopically (SUMO),
tions are processed in the same way. When the wrapper is and in a coupled way (MATSim coupled with SUMO) where
started up, it spawns two processes: SUMO and the federate. only the city center was simulated microscopically. Measured
The federate has to connect itself to the spawned SUMO values are the computational effort on one hand, scenario
instance over TCP by using SUMO’s Traffic Control Interface specific the average of travel times, average route lengths, and
(TraCI) and furthermore has to connect to the federation. the number of departed and arrived cars on the other hand.
When this is done, it continuously... Additionally, aggregated link volumes per time were captured.
• ... asks the federation for a time advance t and when Link volume is defined as the number of vehicles that pass
granted lets the SUMO simulation run for t. over a link in respect to time.

Simulator MATSim SUMO SUMO SUMO SUMO Step size (ms)

Step size (ms) 1000 1000 100 10 1 MATSim 1000 1000 1000
Departed cars 3300 3330 3330 3330 3330 SUMO 1000 10 1
Not arrived 0 0 18 18 0 Departed cars
Lengtha (m) 12682.80 12887.58 12855.75 12855.75 12855.75 MATSim 4025 4023 4022
Duration (s) 714.23 759.0 761.60 759.99 740.84 SUMO 1015 1015 1015
CPU time (s) 3.02 28.06 213.42 1751.02 14723.48 Not arrived
a: Average over all simulated trips in simulation run. MATSim 0 0 0
SUMO 1 1 1
Avg. trip length (m)
MATSim 11251.82 11250.43 11261.29
TABLE III SUMO 5482.41 5503.52 5481.46
F IVE S OLO RUNS OF Cottbus 3k S CENARIO IN OWN F EDERATIONS . Avg. trip duration (s)
MATSim 639.82 639.74 639.48
Simulator MATSim SUMO SUMO SUMO SUMO SUMO 131.54 132.69 133.96
Step size (ms) 1000 1000 100 10 1 CPU time (s) 2208.71 2210.56 2850.71
Departed cars 3330 3330 3330 3300 3300
Not arrived 0 18 18 0 0
Lengtha (m) 12682.80 12887.58 12855.75 12855.75 12887.58
Duration (s) 714.23 759.08 761.60 759.99 740.84 TABLE VII
CPU time (s) 1101.23 2239.00 2474.67 4204.59 17666.45 T HREE C OUPLED RUNS OF Cottbus 11k S CENARIO .
a: Average over all simulated trips in simulation run.
Step size (ms)
MATSim 1000 1000 1000
SUMO 1000 10 1
Departed cars
The simulations were run single-threaded on a standard MATSim 13460 13417 13417
laptop having an i7-7600U at 2.8Ghz. In the coupled scenarios, SUMO 3469 3467 3467
Not arrived
each part of the federation was run on its own core. The MATSim 0 0 0
scenarios that we used are based on an existing scenario that SUMO 2 1 1
was published by [37]. It represents commuter traffic in the Avg. trip length (m)
MATSim 11400.76 11419.87 11419.87
German city Cottbus on a regular working day. We derived two SUMO 5421.90 5403.99 5403.99
scenarios out of it. To achieve this, we filtered out all trips that Avg. trip duration (s)
did not start between 7am and 9am and reduced randomly the MATSim 646.03 646.73 646.73
SUMO 130.86 134.25 134.52
number of trips contained in the base scenario to have 11100 CPU time (s) 2210.58 2502.97 4223.22
trips (called 11k Scenario) left to be taken and another time
to have 3300 trips (called 3k Scenario) left to be taken.
Both scenarios are simulated with a step time of 1000ms
and 1ms in SUMO. These are usual times investigating ve-
in MATSim and with a step time of 1000ms, 100ms, 10ms,
hicular communications. Having a fixed step time of 1000ms
for MATSim is appropriate, keeping in mind that there is
no information about current speeds, absolute positions, or
F IVE S OLO RUNS OF Cottbus 11k S CENARIO . behavior of vehicles due to the mesoscopic simulation. In
the coupled runs, the scenario was distributed in such a
Step size (ms) 1000 1000 100 10 1
way that the city center was simulated by SUMO and the
Departed 11100 11083 11082 11085 11084 surrounding areas by MATSim. When running MATSim with
Not arrived 0 1609 1518 1367 1367 a fixed step size of 1000ms, it is sufficient that connected
Lengtha (m) 12923.86 11973.35 12061.43 12156.16 12156.23
Durationa (s) 725.17 1477.19 1420.41 1326.63 1327.45
tools are each requesting time advances of 1000ms from the
CPU time (s) 8.32 134.19 1192.80 9851.38 105381.27 federation. Additionally, the scenarios are simulated separately
a: Average over all simulated trips in simulation run. with MATSim and SUMO forming independent federations
(Table III & Table V). Time requests are instantly granted, if
the tools are the only members of their federation. In this way,
TABLE V it is possible to analyze the overhead of the time management.
Regarding the computational times, there is nothing much
Simulator MATSim SUMO SUMO SUMO SUMO surprising in the outcome of the different solo runs at first
Step size (ms) 1000 1000 100 10 1 glance. With decreasing step length the calculation time in-
Departed cars 11100 11083 11082 11085 11084
Not arrived 0 1609 1518 1367 1367 creases, up to 105381.27s in the case of SUMO with 1ms on
Lengtha (m) 12923.86 11973.35 12061.43 12156.16 12156.23 the 11k Scenario (Table IV). More surprising is the amount of
Durationa (s) 725.17 1477.34 1420.43 1326.63 1327.45 time needed for the HLA time management: Comparing Ta-
CPU time (s) 1102.33 2557.19 3677.54 12752.08 104612.72
a: Average over all simulated trips in simulation run. ble II and Table III, the federated MATSim run takes almost a
factor of 400 longer than the unfederated run with a CPU time
of 3.02s. In absolute numbers: 1101.23s − 3.02s = 1098.21s. 7000
Volume per Time - Cottbus 3k Scenario

The scenario has been run for 3 hours in simulation time MATSim
6000 SUMO
with a step size of 1000ms, resulting in 3 · 60 · 60 = 10800 Coupled Sum
Coupled MATSim
time steps. This means that we have an average overhead of 5000 Coupled SUMO

1098.21s ÷ 10800 = 0.10169s ≈ 102ms per time step just

Link Volume
for time management. Similar conclusions can be drawn when
comparing the managed and unmanaged SUMO runs or when 3000

looking at the 11k Scenario in Table IV and Table V. This

requires more investigation to determine whether time can
be saved on side of the HLA implementation, within of our 1000

wrappers, or on both sides. 0

7AM 8AM 9AM 10AM
However, we still can benefit from using HLA in the Simulation Time

coupled way, where the scenario is distributed across both

Fig. 7. Aggregated traffic volumes per time: Cottbus 3k Scenario.
tools (Table VI & Table VII). Naturally, this is the case when
the computational effort overcomes the timing overhead. First,
Volume per Time - Cottbus 11k Scenario
we look at the column of Table VII, where the scenario is run 20000
with MATSim and SUMO each having a 1000ms time step SUMO
Coupled Sum
length. It took 2210.58s. The pure SUMO run took 134.19s 15000 Coupled MATSim
Coupled SUMO
(Table IV) at a 1000ms time step. Due to the full microscopic
simulation, it is even considered more accurate. Looking at the

Link Volume
coupled simulation run of the 11k Scenario with MATSim and
SUMO having a 1000ms and 1ms time step respectively, the
benefits can clearly be seen. Instead of 105381.27s in the pure 5000
SUMO run (Table IV) at a time step of 1ms, the coupled
simulation of the scenario took 4223.22s (Table VII). This
corresponds to almost a factor of 25. Figure 7 and Figure 8 7AM 8AM 9AM 10AM
are showing the simulated traffic volumes of the different runs. Simulation Time

’MATSim’ and ’SUMO’ curves describe the traffic volume of

Fig. 8. Aggregated traffic volumes per time: Cottbus 11k Scenario.
the solo runs. ’Coupled Sum’ describe the aggregated traffic
volumes of the coupled runs, with ’Coupled MATSim’ and
’Coupled SUMO’ showing their corresponding amounts to VI. CONCLUSION AND OUTLOOK
that aggregation. Besides time considerations, a varied traffic
In this paper, we proposed a multi-dimensional frame-
pattern outcome can be seen because of different modeling
work enabling flexible couplings of tools using HLA. We
presented possible benefits of coupling two different traffic
Therefore, the need for reasonable tool choices can be simulation tools that are representing two different levels of
deduced. Assuming the microsimulation to be more precisely, detail, namely mesoscopic and microscopic. It was possible to
improper results of the mesosimulation can be observed when reduce the computational effort of a complex traffic scenario
it comes to crowded traffic scenarios as in the 11k Scenario. In tremendously. We are able to set the underlying network,
the relaxed 3k Scenario, almost no difference can be noticed. system boundaries, and simulation parameters via the simula-
This probably can be traced back to congestions at crossings tion controller component, enabling dynamic adaption during
either due to missing information like signal light placements simulation runs in future. By using the HLA architecture, it
and timings needed for a proper microsimulation, or having is possible to integrate additional tools seamlessly. Therefore,
an amount of traffic volume that has to lead to congestions. the potential gains related to large-scale scenarios are definitely
Furthermore, it can be seen that especially in the 11k Scenario worth further work.
the amount of cars that cannot reach their destination is As a first next step, we are going to bring in the scaling
quite high in the SUMO simulation, whereas every vehicle factor that was addressed in Section III, moving us more into
reaches its destination in the MATSim simulation (Table IV). the hybrid field. As a second step, we want to couple more
In the SUMO solo runs, more than 15 vehicles could not than two different levels of traffic representation and combine
even depart because their spawning links were congested. this coupling with tools from another domain. This will require
Another outcome of this phenomenon can be observed in the extending the FOM. Moreover, we will investigate about the
average trip durations. Whereas the times are around 1400s in influence of optimistic time management approaches and the
simulation time for the SUMO runs, MATSim trips take only dynamic switching between optimistic and conservative time
725.17s in average. If the scenario is not crowded by so many management based on current scenario situation. In parallel,
vehicles, the results of both MATSim and SUMO are between we need to decrease the time management transmission la-
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