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Common Adjectives in English

Adjectives are words that describe the qualities or states of being of nouns:
enormous, silly, yellow, fun. These are some examples of common adjectives:

Aburrido(a) Bored

Amigable Friendly

Caro(a) Expensive

Cerca Near

Difícil Difficult, hard

Delicioso Delicious

Divertido(a) Fun

Educado(a) Polite

Emocionado(a) Excited

Enojado(a) Angry

Fácil Easy

Feliz Happy

Feo(a) Ugly

Frio(a) Cold

Fuerte Strong

Generoso(a) Generous

Hermoso(a) Beautiful

Importante Important

Inteligente Intelligent
Joven Young

Largo(a) Long

Loco(a) Crazy

We also use nationality adjectives to describe where people and things come

Country Nationality

America American

Brazil Brazilian

Canada Canadian

China Chinese

France French

Germany German

India Indian

Ireland Irish
Italy Italian

Japan Japanese

Korea Korean

Peru Peruvian

Spain Spanish

Vietnam Vietnamese

And remember that adjectives do not have a plural form

● You don’t say: We are happys

● You say: We are happy

The same situation happens with nationalities but there is something curious

We are American and we are Americans …. Are both possible but they are

We are American = We are talking about our nationality. Here you can also say
“We are from America”, and both ideas have similar meanings.

We are Americans = The word “Americans” here is a noun (a proper noun), not
an adjective. Imagine you say We are doctors, or we are friends. These are
nouns, not adjectives.

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