Read The Passage, Heart of Gold, Carefully

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Name ____________________________________ Standard IV

Day 1 Language Arts

Read the passage, Heart of Gold, carefully.

Read the passage above and answer the following questions in complete sentence.

1. Where did Veronica Campbell-Brown spend her early years?

2. What difficulties did she face when she was small?

3. How did her life change when she went to Vere Collage?
4. How old was Campbell-Brown when she won her first Olympic medal?

5. Explain in your own words the meaning of the expression made history.

6. What was the general feeling when Campbell-Brown was selected to carry the Jamaican flag in the Beijing

a. Most people agreed with her choice.

b. Everyone was in favor of the decision.
c. Some people felt she did not deserve the honor.
d. People thought the honor should go to a male athlete.

7. How does Campbell-Brown use her position as UNESCO Ambassador to help girls?

8. Why do you think the writer describes her as a shining example?

9. What do you think is Veronica Campbell-Brown’s greatest achievement? Why?

10. What do you think are the qualities of a good sportsman or woman?

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