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2.1 The Definition of Utilization

Utilization is find or determine the truth or reality of something, especially

to find a profitable or practical use for, turn to profitable or practical account.
(KBBI Online, 2010)

2.2 Turmeric

Turmeric is one of the tribe-finding plants (Zingiberaceae) is usually

planted in yards, gardens, and around the teak forests. Turmeric is known as a
flavoring, rancid odor neutralizers in foods such as curry, soup and coloring in
yellow rice. Turmeric is also often used as a herbal medicine to cure various
diseases.Nowadays, turmeric has been used extensively by the food industry,
beverages, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, textiles.

2.2.1 Classification
Kingdom : Plantae
Subkingdom : Tracheobionta
Super Divisi : Spermatophyta
Divisi : Magnoliophyta
Kelas : Liliopsida
Sub Kelas : Commelinidae
Ordo : Zingiberales
Famili : Zingiberaceae 
Genus : Curcuma
Spesies : Curcuma longa L.

2.2.2 Rod

Turmeric has a pseudo-stem is composed of a petal or leaf midrib

or cover each other. Turmeric rod is wet because it is able to store water
well, round and green colored purple. Stem height reaches 0.75 - 1 m.
2.2.3 Leaves

Turmeric leaves composed of leaf midrib, leaf handles, and heali

leaves. The leaves are arranged alternately follow the petals. Long strands
of between 31-84 cm. leaf width between 10-18 cm. Turmeric leaves are
oval elongated with a somewhat rough surface. Flat and slightly pointed
leaves. surface light green leaves. One plant has 6-10 leaves.

2.2.4. Flowers

Saffron flower tapered cone-shaped white or pale yellow with a

white base. Each flower has three petals, three flower crown, and four
strands of stamens. Flowers appear from the end of the pseudo-stem and
usually bloom simultaneously. This flower leaf have white protective
relationship. At the end of the top of the protective leaves are green stripes
pink. Flower stalks are hairy and scaly with long 6-10 cm.

2.2.5 Rhizome

Turmeric rhizome branching form clumps. Rhizome or root also

called the elliptic shape in the form of rods rhizome branch that is in the
ground. The main rhizome usually overgrown shoots that grow curved.
The amount is generally quite a lot, and up to 10.85 cm. Turmeric
rhizomes grow from the main tuber elliptical, short, thick, and straight.
Rhizome skin color orange brown, yellow or yellow-black with a
distinctive odor that is bitter and spicy. (2004: 3-8 Khasiat dan Manfaat

2.3 Tofu

Softness texture of tofu makes this easy to chew, foods like meat without
bones. Protein content results in a highly qualified tofu because the basic idea is
soy ingredients. Digestibility tofu the body can reach 85% -98% and total body
protein that can be used is 65%.
Nutrient content of tofu per 100 g can be seen in the following table :

Nutrient Content Total

Energy(Kal) 68
Protein(g) 7,8
Lemak(g) 4,6
Calcium(mg) 124
Water(g) 84,8

Animal side dishes generally contain higher protein, such as eggs 20%,
18% meat, fish 20%. the amount of calcium in the tofu quite high (124 mg). Value
was almost equivalent to the calcium content of milk. The age range period-
childhood to adulthood indispensable compaction nutritional intake.
In the land of China, tofus has become a popular food since 2000 years
ago. Tofu is often used as a mock meat for invertebrates. Knew the popularity
spread everywhere. Taste to tofu and experience the speed smell is highly
dependent on the quality of soybeans, making water sources, sanitation equipment
manufacturing tofu and workers. if all the elements considered, the quality can be
kept out 1-2 days in the refrigerator. (2008: 26-28 Sehat itu Mudah)

2.3.1 The kind of Tofu

1. Yellow Tofu:

From the name was predictable that this idea is yellow. The yellow
color comes from turmeric. Type tofu this is kind of out of the most
widely circulated in the markets. If you settled on this idea to be cooked,
make sure the color yellow instead of dye but turmeric.

2. Sumedang Tofu:

Sumedang Tofu an idea that came from the sumedang, West Java.
tofu this kind of raw while still having the same texture and color as usual
tofu, only smaller pieces. and when it is not fried curly smooth surface
looks like in general

3. Sutera Tofu :
As the name implies, this idea soft texture and very smooth, as
smooth until no visible pores. Tofu more popouler as tofu is mostly sold in
supermarkets and supermarkets to resemble an ice lolly packaging.In
addition to the original flavor is now being offered silken tofu that has
been enriched variety of ingredients such as shrimp and eggs. because the
texture is soft, a lot of people who tofu this process for cooking sapo,
wedang tofu and pudding

4. Pong Tofu:

Tofu this type is called out pong because if it is fried will expand,
and the middle hollow or hollow in the Javanese language. after a rather
cool new idea will shrink slightly.Pong Tofuis specially processed so that
it can produce a cavity and light after being fried. Tofu this much fun
anyway eaten warm and dipped in a variety of chili or cayenne pepper
fresh vegetables.

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