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~» INDIAN Tuesday, March 8, 2016 “HERTAG CIHC Early History and Progress Early History 1927 First state collection of Indian artifacts loaned by Hathaway. ~ 1940 State Indian Museum constructed at Sutter’s Fort funded by the Native Daughters of the Golden West. = 1976 Native American Advisory Council (NAAC) formed to gather input of facilities and sites for the State Indian Museum project. = 1980's Regional museums constructed at Lake Perris (Ya‘i Heki), Indian Grinding Rock (Chaw’se), Antelope Valley and Patriok’s Point (Sumeg Village) ($4.6 M). = 1989 State Indian Museum exhibits refurbished with a $300K fund sponsored by Assemblyman Lloyd Connelly. - 1990 Statewide series of public meetings by DPR and NPS to obtain input from tribes addressing “management, research, interpretation, protection and development of sites of historical significance of Indian lands”. - 1991"The California Indian Museum Study” is published endorsing the idea of developing a new statewide Califomia Indian Museum and museum network. - 2002 SB 2063 establishes the California Indian Cultural Center and Museum Task Force to advise and make recommendations for the development of the Center including its location, design, content, and governance structure. = 2003 $5M allocated in Governor's budget for planning and phase one development. = 2004/6 Task Force receives ten nominations from entities throughout the state for potential sites for the Center and ultimately chooses the West Sacramento site as the preferred location in 2006. = 2005/6 A series of three workshops is held with six advisory groups of subject matter experts/native people to provide guidance and input for the development of the Center. we» INDIAN HeriTac: Tuesday, March 8, 2016 Project Documents - 2007 The Developing Vision an interim project planning and interpretive programming report is published with the guidance of Indian advisors. ~ 2008 The Concept Masterplan an interim site and facility masterplanning and programming report is published under the guidance of an Indian advisory group. = 2010 The California Indian Heritage Center Business Plan is published addressing site, available markets, attendance and physical planning parameters, governance under a public/private partnership model, financial and fundraising assessment. Incorporation documents filled with the Secretary of State to create a nonprofit Foundation ‘called the California indian Heritage Center Foundation (CIHC Foundation) - 2011 The final General Plan and EIR is adopted by the Parks Commission and City. The Land Deal = 2008 Master Agreement between State and City of West Sacramento Redevelopment ‘Agency is adopted to transfer 43 acres of land at the confluence of the American and ‘Sacramento Rivers from City Redevelopment to the State of California for the development of the CIHC. = 2008 Adjacent 8 acre parcel is acquired by the state on the dry side of the levee. = 2009/10 City and State negotiate various options and conditions for land transfer. INDIAN Tuesday, March 8, 2016 HERITAGE - 2011 The California Legislature approves the dissolution of the state's 400 redevelopment agencies. = 2012/13 City of West Sacramento becomes successor entity to the Redevelopment ‘Agency after passage of AB1X 26 that enables City to dispose of the property for public use. Parks administration is restructured. = 2013/14 Negotiations resume between City of West Sacramento, successor agency and State of Califomia. State commissions an updated environmental site assessment that discovers additional contaminants and potential UST. = 2014/16 State asks City to remediate site as a condition of the land transfer. City takes exception to the request and negotiations for land transfer are stalled. = 2016 California indian Heritage Center Foundation requests active support from tribes and agencies to restart dialogue concerning the fulfilment of this long standing vision and commitment to indian people.

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