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ctober 20
Volume 6, Number 5 form


National Strength and Conditioning Association

Bridging the gap between science and application
9 OunceOfPrevention
Plyometrics Introductory Plyometric Training
Program for Golfers
Jason Brumitt, MSPT, SCS, ATC, CSCS,*D

12 Practical Guidelines for

Plyometric Intensity
Participating in a comprehensive strength and conditioning
training program may help to improve the golfer’s game and
reduce his or her risk of injury. This article presents a basic ply-
William P Ebben, PhD, CSCS,*D ometric training program that is appropriate for most golfers.
This article focuses on understand the basic types of plyometric

exercises and provides some guidelines regarding the pro-
gression of plyometric exercises through increasing exercises TrainingTable
intensity over the course of a program. Nutrition for Ultra Endurance Events:
Fluid and Electrolytes Guidelines
19 Introduction to Plyometrics:
Converting Strength to Power
Part 2 of 2
Debra Wein, MS, RD, LDN, CSSD,
Ed McNeely, MS NSCA-CPT,*D
This article discuss the basics of plyometrics including Part one of this article discussed the energy and macronutrient
how they work, safety precautions, and provides a sample needs of ultra endurance athletes. In the conclusion of this two
beginners program. part series, fluid and electrolyte guidelines for ultra endurance
athletes will be reviewed.

23 MindGames
Departments Childlike Simplicity
Suzie Tuffey Riewald, PhD, NSCA-CPT,*D

Take a look at how to bring childlike simplicity back into
FitnessFrontlines your training and your approach to competition and see how
G. Gregory Haff, PhD, CSCS,*D, FNSCA this act can enhance your enjoyment of your sport while also
The latest news from the field on performing plyometrics improving your performance.
in water, static stretching and vertical jump performance,
plyometrics in the sand, and the affects of stretching on jump

6 InTheGym
Upper Body Plyometrics
Joseph M. Warpeha, MA, CSCS,*D,
This article introduces three upper body plyometric exercises
that can be incorporated into the program of any person for
whom upper body power and explosiveness is required. On the Cover
Jimmy Radcliffe demonstrates to attendees at the 2004 NSCA Plyometrics
and Speed Development Symposium at the NSCA World Headquarters
in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

NSCA’s Performance Training Journal | Vol. 6 No.5 | Page 2

NSCA’s Performance Training Journal is a publication Editorial Office
of the National Strength and Conditioning Association
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All material in this publication is copyrighted by Editor: Keith Cinea, MA, CSCS,*D, NSCA-CPT,*D
NSCA. Permission is granted for free redistribution of email:
each issue or article in its entirety. Reprinted articles
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reprint or redistribute altered or excerpted material will
be granted on a case by case basis; all requests must be
made in writing to the editorial office. Editorial Review Panel
Kyle Brown, CSCS
Scott Cheatham DPT, OCS, ATC, CSCS, NSCA-CPT
NSCA Mission John M. Cissik, MS, CSCS,*D, NSCA-CPT,*D
As the worldwide authority on strength and
Chris A. Fertal, CSCS, ATC
conditioning, we support and disseminate research–
based knowledge and its practical application, to Michael Hartman, MS, CSCS,*D
improve athletic performance and fitness. Mark S. Kovacs, MEd, CSCS
Matthew Rhea, PhD, CSCS
David Sandler, MS, CSCS
Talk to us… Brian K. Schilling, PhD, CSCS, FNSCA
Share your questions and comments. We want to hear
from you. Write to Performance Training Editor, Mark Stephenson, ATC, CSCS,*D
NSCA, 1885 Bob Johnson Drive, Colorado Springs, David J. Szymanski, PhD, CSCS,*D
CO 80906, or send email to
Chad D. Touchberry, MS, CSCS
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The views stated in the NSCA’s Performance Training Joseph M. Warpeha, MA, CSCS,*D, NSCA-CPT,*D
Journal are those of the authors, and do not necessarily
reflect the positions of the NSCA.

NSCA’s Performance Training Journal | Vol. 6 No. 5 | Page 3

FitnessFrontlines G. Gregory Haff, PhD, CSCS,*D, FNSCA

Does Performing Plyometric Miller MG, Cheatam CC, Porter AR, treatment groups. Based upon the data
Exercises in Chest and Richard MD, Hennigar D, Berry DC. presented in this investigation it can be
Waist Deep Water Result (2007). Chest- and waist-deep aquatic concluded that static stretching offers
plyometric training and average force, no benefit when compared to a standing
in Improvements in
power, and vertical-jump performance. control when examining vertical jump
Performance? International Journal of Aquatic Research performance. The authors suggested
Scientific inquiry into the efficacy of and Education, 1:145 – 155. that neither protocol optimized jump-
aquatic based plyometric training has ing performance and suggested that ath-
recently received a lot of attention. In letes utilize warm-up protocols which
Static Stretching and
a recent investigation the effects of a activate the stretch-shortening cycle and
six week aquatic plyometric training
Inactivity Do Not Maximize
were dynamic in nature as these types of
program on vertical jump performance Vertical Jump Performance warm-ups appear to optimize jumping
was tested. Twenty-nine subjects were Several studies have suggested that the performance.
divided into three groups 1) chest deep use of static stretching does not opti-
aquatic plyometric group, 2) waist deep mize vertical jumping performance. Brandenburge J, Pitney WA, Luebbers
aquatic plyometric group, and 3) a con- However, very few studies have exam- PE, Veera A, Czajka A. (2007). Time
trol group which did no specific jump ined the effects of the time interval of course of changes in vertical-jump-
training. Each plyometric group trained the stretching intervention and the actu- ing ability after static stretching. The
two days per week with a periodized al vertical jump performance. To address International Journal of Sports Physiology
program where the volume of training this question researchers from Emporia and Performance, 2:170 – 181.
ranged from 90 – 140 foot contacts State University examined the effects
and intensity was manipulated. Both of static stretching and inactivity on
Does Performing Plyometrics
plyometric groups performed an iden- vertical jump performance immediately,
tical training program with the only three, six, 12, and 24 minutes after the
in the Sand Improve
difference being the depth of the water stretching or control intervention. Each Performance?
utilized. Prior to and after the 6 weeks session began with a five minute cycle Some strength and conditioning profes-
of training the subjects vertical jump ergometer warm-up and a pre treat- sionals suggest that performing plyo-
performance and force-time curve char- ment vertical jump was performed. After metrics in the sand can result in greater
acteristics were assessed via the use of completing the pre-treatment vertical improvements in performance without
a forceplate analysis system. When the jump test the subjects performed either the impact on the skeletal muscular sys-
three groups were analyzed, no signifi- the stretching protocol or the control tem seen in traditional plyometric envi-
cant differences were noted between the intervention. The stretching protocol ronments. Recently, researchers from
three treatment groups when examining consisted of nine minutes of lower body the Human Performance Laboratory
vertical jump displacement. Additionally, static stretching, while the control treat- at the Mapei Sport Research Center in
no significant differences were noted ment consisted of nine minutes of stand- Italy examined the effects of four weeks
between the three treatment groups for ing. After the nine minute intervention of plyometric training on grass or sand
peak force and power values. Based upon period, vertical jump performance was on selected jumping and sprinting tasks.
these findings it was determined that assessed at the previously mentioned Before and after the four week interven-
performing plyometric training in an intervals. The results of this study sug- tion period 37 soccer players performed
aquatic environment offers no marked gested that static stretching resulted in 10 and 20-m sprints, squat jumps, and
benefit to athletes. It is likely that this no effect on vertical jump performance countermovement jumps. Results of the
lack of performance gain occurs because when compared to the standing control. testing revealed no significant differ-
the aquatic environment changes force Interestingly, across the 24 minute post ences between the treatment groups for
characteristics associated with tradition- intervention period vertical jump per- changes in sprint times at either 10 or 20
al plyometric exercises. formance decreased in response to both meters or squat jump with both groups

NSCA’s Performance Training Journal | Vol. 6 No. 5 Page 4

FitnessFrontlines G. Gregory Haff, PhD, CSCS,*D, FNSCA

experiencing similar benefits. Conversely, stretch, and 4) no stretching. Each test-

the grass group experienced significantly ing session consisted of a pre-test jump
greater increases in countermovement test, a stretching intervention, and five
vertical jump performance when com- minutes after stretching the jumping
pared to the sand group. Based upon protocol was repeated. When examin-
these results it appears that performing ing the data it was determined that all
plyometric training on sand impedes the stretching protocols resulted in a signifi-
ability to maximize countermovement cant decrease in jumping performance.
jump performance, but may be equal to There were no significant differences in
grass when trying to improve running the amount of stretch induced perfor-
speed. Taken collectively it can be con- mance impairments between the three
cluded that there is no reason to perform intensities of stretches. Therefore, all the
plyometric training on sand, unless the stretching protocols were collapsed into
athlete is training for a sport which is one analysis and it was determined that
performed on sand. static stretching resulted in a significant
decrease in drop jump performance
Impellizzeri FE, Castagna C, Rampinini (-4.6%), squat jump performance
E, Martino F, Fiorini S, Wisloff U. (-5.7%), and countermovement jump
(2007). Effect of plyometric training performance (-3.6%). Based upon this
on sand versus grass on muscle sore- data it can be concluded that perform-
ness, jumping and sprinting ability in ing static stretching prior to performing
soccer players. British Journal of Sports jumping activities has the potential to
Medicine, in press. Epub ahead of print impair jumping performance.
Behm DG, Kibele A. (2007). Effects
Acute Bouts of Sub-Maximal of differing intensities of static stretch-
and Maximal Stretching ing on jump performance. European
Impair Jumping Performance Journal of Applied Physiology, (in press),
epub ahead of print (doi: 10.1007/
Recently, researchers from the University
of Kassel in Germany investigated the
effects of various intensities of stretch-
ing on drop jump, countermovement About the Author
jump, and squat jump performance. G. Gregory Haff is an assistant professor
To establish stretching intensities the in the Division of Exercise Physiology
researchers determined the point of dis- at the Medical School at West Virginia
comfort (POD) for three different static University in Morgantown, WV. He
stretches (quadriceps, hamstrings, and is a member of the National Strength
plantar flexors). The subjects then par- and Conditioning Association’s Board of
ticipated in four treatment conditions, Directors. Dr. Haff received the National
which required them to be stretched Strength and Conditioning Association’s
four times for 30s with a 30 s recov- Young Investigator Award in 2001.
ery: 1) 100% or POD stretch, 2) 75% ▲
of the POD stretch, 3) 50% of POD

NSCA’s Performance Training Journal | Vol. 6 No. 5 | Page 5

IntheGym Joseph M. Warpeha, MA, CSCS,*D, NSCA-CPT,*D

Upper Body Plyometrics

Joseph M. Warpeha, MA, CSCS,*D, NSCA-CPT,*D

W hen one hears the word crucial to success in jumping. However,

plyometrics, the first plyometric exercises for the upper body
thought that comes to receive less attention. Certainly, the
mind is likely some type of jumping performance of many athletes would
movement; for example, on and off benefit from implementing upper body
boxes of various heights. Plyometric plyometric training into their routine.
exercises take advantage of a phenom- This article is meant to introduce three
enon known as the stretch-shortening upper body plyometric exercises that
cycle (SSC). Briefly, when a muscle is can be incorporated into the program of
stretched very rapidly in an eccentric any person for whom upper body power
fashion immediately prior to a concen- and explosiveness is required. Some of
tric shortening (rebound), stored elastic the exercises may be familiar and others
energy and neural mechanisms cause the might be new, but all are effective in
resultant concentric contraction to be terms of explosive power.
more forceful than if the rapid stretch-
Figure 1. Medicine Ball Throw
ing of the muscle did not occur. The Medicine Ball Throws
SSC phenomenon can be seen in a
(Figure 1) One thing to think about is the weight
vertical jump test. A person performing
Medicine ball throws have long been of the medicine ball. This exercise is fre-
a vertical jump test will always achieve a
used for training and if any of the three quently performed with a medicine ball
higher jump with a preceding counter-
exercises described in this article are that is too light. The movement should
movement. Try descending for the jump
familiar, it is most likely the medicine be performed with as much power and
and then hold that bottom position for
ball throw. This exercise is often accom- speed as possible. However, what you
a few seconds before jumping and you
plished with two people standing about will realize with a light medicine ball is
will see the difference. The same holds
five to ten feet from one another and that if you push as hard and fast as you
true for a familiar exercise like the bench
throwing a medicine ball horizontally can, the ball will travel very high and
press. Do a touch-and-go 1-repetition
back and forth. While this is effective, either hit the ceiling or be difficult to
maximum (1RM) test and then do one
the fact that gravity is pulling the ball catch. This problem can be solved simply
in which you pause the bar on your chest
downward means that the ball must be by using a heavier medicine ball. Most
for a couple of seconds and see which
propelled with great velocity to achieve facilities have medicine balls under 20
one allows you to lift more weight.
the desired loading on the upper body. pounds in weight which is not optimal
An alternative to this is to lie flat on a for stronger individuals. For example,
Plyometrics are often performed as a
bench and simply throw the medicine medicine balls in the range of 40 – 60
shock method to increase power and
ball straight up, catch it while lowering pounds would be appropriate for many
explosiveness. For example, jumpers in
it to the chest, and repeat as quickly as college football players or track and field
track and field often employ lower body
possible in a fluid motion. throwers. Powerlifters have been known
plyometric exercises in order to increase
their power capabilities which are to perform medicine ball throws with

NSCA’s Performance Training Journal | Vol. 6 No. 5 Page 6

IntheGym Joseph M. Warpeha, MA, CSCS,*D, NSCA-CPT,*D

balls in excess of 100 pounds. While the

local sports store may not carry these
behemoths, the performance-oriented
equipment companies usually do. As a
precaution, a spotter should always be
present so that they can ensure the ball
is safely guided back into your hands
after each throw.

Bench Press Throws

This exercise is very similar to the medi-
cine ball throw with one major dif-
ference, it is performed on a smith
machine where the barbell is propelled
into the air as opposed to a medicine
ball. The idea is the same as the afore-
mentioned medicine ball throw: propel Figure 2. Band Push-Up
the bar into the air with as much power
and velocity as possible, catch it in an and explosive. The disadvantage is that repetition, three to five sets of three
eccentric fashion while lowering the many people lack the necessary strength to five repetitions will suffice. Higher
bar to the chest, and reverse the move- to perform clap pushups. By securing volume with these types of power move-
ment with as much velocity as possible elastic bands overhead (as in a power ments that significantly tax the neuro-
throughout the entire concentric range rack) and then attaching the other muscular system generally lead to poorer
of motion with a release at the end. This ends to the body (preferably under the quality repetitions and less-than-optimal
variation is nice because most facilities arms/armpits), a person’s bodyweight is long term effects.
already have the necessary equipment effectively reduced. Keep in mind that
(bench, a smith machine, and plates). A maximal power is generally achieved at A major advantage of the three exercises
spotter is also crucial for this exercise to loads between 30 – 70% of maximum mentioned here is that each allows for
make sure the bar is always safety guided (2) which means that an unloading of a maximal effort throughout the entire
back into the hands. Maximal power bodyweight via band tension will allow range of motion. Most traditional exer-
production in this exercise appears to for maximal or near-maximal power cises (like the barbell bench press, for
take place at a load between 30 – 45% production in most people assuming a example) do not allow for this because
of the 1-RM (2). maximal effort is given. the lifter will either consciously or sub-
consciously began to decelerate the bar
Band Push-Ups (Figure 2) The three exercises discussed in this toward the end of the range of motion
If there are any exercises new to you article can easily be implemented into to avoid injury and undue stress/trauma
in this article, it is probably the band the program of any person interested in on the joints. The key to performing
push-up. This exercise is a modification training upper body power and explo- plyometric or SSC exercises is speed
of the old-fashioned clap pushup where siveness. As with other power-type exer- in both the eccentric and concentric
the goal is to push the body up as hard cises such as weightlifting, fewer repeti- phases. This should be the major goal
and fast as possible so as to allow for a tions are ideal as the ability to generate of the individual performing the three
clapping of the hands. The beauty of maximal levels of power drops off after exercises discussed above.
the clap pushup is that it can not be the first few repetitions (1). If you are
accomplished without being powerful truly giving a maximal effort on each

NSCA’s Performance Training Journal | Vol. 6 No. 5 | Page 7

IntheGym Joseph M. Warpeha, MA, CSCS,*D, NSCA-CPT,*D

1. Fleck SJ, Kraemer WJ. (2004).
Designing Resistance Training Programs,
3rd Edition. Champaign, IL: Human
2. Zatsiorsky VM, Kraemer WJ. (2006).
Science and Practice of Strength Training,
2nd Edition. Champaign, IL: Human

About the Author

Joe Warpeha is an exercise physiologist and
strength coach and is currently working
on his PhD in exercise physiology at the
University of Minnesota-Minneapolis. His
current work focuses on NASA-funded
research related to the application of inno-
vative technology to manipulate thermo-
regulatory physiology in humans working,
living, and performing in extreme hot
and cold environments. Joe teaches sev-
eral courses at UM including “Advanced
Weight Training and Conditioning”,
“Measurement, Evaluation, and Research in
Kinesiology”, “Strength Training Program
Design” and “Introduction to Kinesiology”.
He has a master’s degree in exercise physiol-
ogy and certifications through the NSCA,
and YMCA. He has over 15 years of resis-
tance and aerobic training experience and
has been a competitive powerlifter since
1997. Joe is a two-time national bench
press champion and holds multiple state
and national records in the bench press
while competing in the 148, 165, and
181-pound weight classes.

NSCA’s Performance Training Journal | Vol. 6 No. 5 | Page 8

Ounceof Prevention
Introductory Plyometirc
Training Program for Golfers
Jason Brumitt, MSPT, SCS, ATC, CSCS,*D

Table 1. Basic Plyometric Training Program for Golfers
any amateur golfers play Standing Horizontal Throws (each side) 1 – 3 sets x 10 repetitions
the game of golf for the Seated Horizontal Throws (each side) 1 – 3 sets x 10 repetitions
shear enjoyment of the
Overhead Ball Throw 1 – 3 sets x 10 repetitions
sport and for the benefits of physical
activity. Despite the fact that golf is a Lateral Jumps over Barrier (or cone) 1 – 2 sets x 15 repetitions
non-impact sport, both amateur and Front-to-Back Jumps over Barrier (or cone) 1 – 2 sets x 15 repetitions
professional golfers are at risk of sustain- Jump from Box (small height) 1 – 2 sets x 8 repetitions
ing sports-related injuries. Injuries to
the low back, the shoulder, the wrist, Each training program should include Basic Plyometric Training
and the hand are frequently experienced plyometric exercises. Plyometric forms Program
by amateur and professional golfers (7, of exercise consist of a rapid deceleration The program presented in table 1 should
8). An epidemiological study has found of movement followed by a rapid accel- be performed one to two days a week
as many as 57% of amateur golfers risk eration in order to develop explosive with 48 to 72 hours rest in between ses-
injury in any one year period (1). power (2). Research has demonstrat- sions. Between each set rest for approxi-
ed that the integration of plyometrics mately one minute and rest up to five
The biomechanics of the modern golf into a golf training program increases minutes between each exercise.
swing has been cited as the reason for club head speed and driving distance
the high number of injuries experienced (4,5). Plyometric training may also help Standing and Seated Horizontal
by professionals and amateurs. High to protect the body from potentially Throws (Figures 1 & 2)
torques, shear and lateral bending forces, injurious forces and loads, ultimately Position yourself perpendicular to a
and compression loads to the spine reducing the risk of sustaining a golf rebounder approximately eight to ten
increase the risk of lumbar muscle strains related injury. feet away. While standing (figure 1)
and disc herniations (6). Compression or in a seated position, throw a light
loads alone are eight times one’s body This article presents a basic plyometric plyoball or medicine ball across your
weight during the golf swing (6). training program that is appropriate for body toward the rebounder. As the
most golfers. In a forthcoming issue I ball rebounds back to you, catch it,
will present an advanced golf plyometric and quickly throw it back toward the
Including Plyometrics in a
training program. rebounder. Repeat this sequence for the
Strength Training Program
Participating in a comprehensive desired number of repetitions. When
strength and conditioning training pro- sitting on a physioball (figure 2), main-
gram may help to improve the golfer’s tain an upright, neutral spine posture.
game and reduce his or her risk of injury.

NSCA’s Performance Training Journal | Vol. 6 No. 5 Page 9

Ounceof Prevention Jason Brumitt, MSPT, SCS, ATC, CSCS,*D

Overhead Ball Throw

Face the rebounder holding a light ply-
oball or medicine ball overhead. Throw
the ball towards the rebounder, catch
it off the bounce, and quickly throw it
back to the rebounder again. Repeat for
the desired number repetitions.

Lateral Jumps and Front-to-Back

Jumps Over a Barrier (Figures 3 & 4)
Place a cone or small barrier on the
ground (approximately four to six inches
high). As fast and as safely as you are able,
jump side-to-side (figure 3) or front-to-
back (figure 4) over the barrier/cones for
the desired number of repetitions. Figure 1. Standing Horizontal Throw Figure 2. Seated Horizontal Throw

Jump from Box (Figure 5) References 6. Hosea TM, Gatt CJ Jr. (1996). Back
Stand on the top of a six inch step or box 1. Batt ME. (1992). A survey of injuries pain in golf. Clinics in Sports Medicine,
(figure 5). Take a step off of the box, land in amateur golfers. British Journal of 15(1): 37 – 53.
on the ground with both feet, followed Sports Medicine, 26:63 – 65. 7. McCarroll JR. (1990). Injuries in
by immediately jumping straight up as
2. Chu DA. (1998). Jumping Into the amateur golfer. The Physician and
high as you can. Repeat for the desired
Plyometrics 2nd ed. Human Kinetics, Sportsmedicine, 18: 122 – 126.
number of repetitions.
Champaign: IL. 8. Parziale JR. (2002). Healthy swing:
It is recommended that before an athlete 3. Chu DA, Cordier DJ. (2000). a golf rehabilitation model. American
performs lower extremity plyometrics Plyometrics in rehabilitation. In Journal of Physical Medicine &
he or she should be able to perform five Ellenbecker TS (ed): Knee Ligament Rehabilitation, 81: 498 – 501.
squat repetitions, squatting 60% of one’s Rehabilitation. Churchill Livingstone,
body weight, in five seconds. At the bot- New York.
tom of each squat, the thighs should be
About the Author
4. Doan BK, Newton RU, Kwon YH, Jason Brumitt is an Instructor of Physical
parallel to the ground (3).
Kraemer WJ. (2006). Effects of physical
Therapy at Pacific University in Hillsboro,
conditioning on intercollegiate golfer
Oregon. He is currently completing
Conclusion performance. Journal of Strength and his Doctor of Science degree at Rocky
All golfers should consider participating Conditioning Research, 20(1): 62 – 72.
Mountain University of Health Professions.
in strength and conditioning training His professional interests include epidemi-
program. Inclusion of plyometric exer- 5. Fletcher IM, Hartwell M. (2004). ology of sports injuries, training techniques
cises can not only improve facets of a Effect of an 8-week combined weights to prevent sports injuries, and sports and
golfer’s game, it can help to reduce the and plyometrics training program on golf orthopaedic rehabilitation. To contact the
risk of becoming injured. drive performance. Journal of Strength
author email him at jbrumitt72@hotmail.
and Conditioning Research, 18(1): 59 –

NSCA’s Performance Training Journal | Vol. 6 No. 5 | Page 10

Ounceof Prevention Jason Brumitt, MSPT, SCS, ATC, CSCS,*D

Figure 3. Lateral Jumps Over a Barrier Figure 4. Front to Back Jumps Figure 5. Jump From Box
Over a Barrier

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NSCA’s Performance Training Journal | Vol. 6 No. 5 | Page 11


Practical Guidelines for

Plyometric Intensity
William P. Ebben, PhD, CSCS,*D

S trength and conditioning pro-

fessionals have long relied
on plyometrics as one of the
primary tools for developing athletic
power and speed. It is not surprising
focus of this article is to help the reader
understand the basic types of plyometric
exercises and to provide some guidelines
regarding the progression of plyometric
exercises through increasing intensity
guidelines have been gleaned from these
studies. Assuming all plyometric exer-
cises are performed maximally:

• Any single leg plyometric exercise is

that training exercises such as plyomet- over the course of a program. more intense than the same exer-
rics, which are performed with high cise performed on both legs.
movement speeds would improve the Categorizing Plyometric
performance of activities requiring speed,
Intensity • Despite being considered a low
such as jumping, running, and agility.
Classic text books describe typical cat- intensity category, “jumps in place”
The technical term for this idea is “speci- such as the pike and tuck jump
egories of plyometric exercises and
ficity.” In other words, training that is have the highest knee joint reaction
intensities (2). These categories are a
“specific” or similar to the activity to be forces.
useful starting point for understanding
performed is believed to be optimal. As
plyometric exercise options, their inten-
a result, recreational athletes, as well as
sity, and program design. Common • The height that the athletes jumps
those who desire to increase their overall
categories and examples of plyometric up to or down from (as in depth
fitness and add variety to their training,
exercises are briefly described in table jumps) is one of the most potent
often incorporate plyometric training
1, which represent increasing exercise predictors of plyometric intensity.
into their programs.
intensity from jumps in place to depth For example, a person who per-
jumps. Intensity has been defined as the forms a “jump in place” with a 30
Plyometrics can be thought of as exer- inch vertical jump will experience
amount of stress the plyometric drill
cises that train the fast muscle fibers greater ground reaction force and
places on the muscle, connective tissue,
and the nerves that activate them, as thus stress, than if they performed
and joints (2). As such, for plyometrics,
well as reflexes, and include a variety of a “depth jump” from an 18 inch
intensity depends on the specific exercis-
hopping, jumping, and bounding move- box. Thus, “jumps in place” may
es performed. However, recent research
ments, which ideally are organized into be of higher intensity than “depth
has advanced the understanding of the
a cohesive program. The main difficulty jumps.”
intensity of plyometric exercises based
with creating a plyometric program may
on the muscle activation, connective
be the choosing the correct exercises
tissue, and joint stress associated with
and progression of intensity (1). The
various plyometrics (1,3). The following

NSCA’s Performance Training Journal | Vol. 6 No. 5 | Page 12

Plyometrics Practical Guidelines For Plyometric Intensity

• Jumps performed with added weight, Table 1. Exercise categories for a number of plyometric drills
such as a weighted vest or dumb-
bells held at the side are typically • Jumps in place. These are drills where involving repeated jumps
only moderate in intensity as a and landing in the same place. Some examples include multiple
result of the ground reaction forces. vertical jumps while reaching an overhead object, squat jump
For this type of plyometric inten- (figure 1), pike jump (figure 2), or tuck jump.
sity is determined more by the
jump height than the added weight. • Standing jumps. These plyometrics can be performed with either
Since the added weight limits jump a horizontal or vertical emphasis, but typically are performed for
height, these plyometrics are only one maximal effort. Examples include the single leg jump (figure
moderately intense. 3), maximal vertical jump (figure 4), standing long jump (figure 5),
or lateral long jump.
• Jumps performed while reaching the • Multiple hops and jumps. These drills involve the performance of
arms overhead, particularly when multiple hops or jumps. Examples would include multiple long
trying to reach to a challenging jumps (figure 6) or cone hops performed in succession, such as 5
goal (e.g. basketball rim) result in hops in a row (figure 7).
higher jump height and as a result
are of higher intensity. • Box drills. This type of plyometric is performed using special
boxes or other stable elevated surfaces that the exerciser
attempts to jump up to. Examples of these drills include box
Plyometric Program jumps (figure 8), repeated box jumps, and single leg box jumps.
Design Guidelines
• Depth jumps. These drills are also referred to drop jumps and
Table 2 presents a ranking of plyometric
are performed by jumping down from a plyometric box or other
exercise intensity based on the research
elevated surface such as the first row of bleachers. Examples
(1,3). With the knowledge of exercise
include stepping off the box and landing, stepping off the box
intensity one can begin to create a program. and jumping vertically immediately after landing (figure 9), or
A number of design variables for creating stepping off the box, landing, and sprinting.
plyometric programs have been described
(2). Plyometrics, like other forms of
of repetitions such as sets of one, three, contacts of high box depth jumps, single
training are usually only performed two
five, and ten repetitions in order to train leg jumps, pike jumps, and maximal
or three times a week. Training should
explosiveness as well as power endurance overhead jumps and reaches.
occur in a non-fatigued state. Therefore,
across a continuum.
these exercises should not be performed
Plyometric programs should start with
after resistance training or aerobic condi-
The amount of plyometric training, or low intensity exercises such as those
tioning. Ample rest between sets should
volume, which is performed in any given described in table 2. Over time, moder-
be used in order to avoid turning these
training session is measured by the num- ate and eventually higher intensity exer-
speed and power enhancing exercises into
ber of foot contacts. Beginners often cises can be incorporated for those who
endurance training. As a general rule, rest
perform approximately 80 to 100 foot are healthy and fit. A sample program for
five to ten times more than it takes you
contacts per session (2). However, half of a fit and moderately trained exerciser is
to perform the set of plyometrics. Thus, if
that amount may be appropriate, particu- described in table 3. You will notice that
you do a set of multiple hops that takes
larly for children, older adults, or those this program increases the volume (foot
four seconds, you should rest 20 to 40
who are untrained. Obviously, exercise contacts) to a point and then volume
seconds prior to the next set or exercise.
intensity is an important consideration eventually decreases as exercise inten-
Another good rule to follow is to limit
as well. Eighty foot contacts of a variety sity increases, in order to reduce exerciser
your sets to no more than 10 repetitions.
of line hopes, cones, and ankle hopes fatigue and increase adaptation to the
In fact, it is probably good to use a range
is dramatically less intense than 80 foot program.

NSCA’s Performance Training Journal | Vol. 6 No. 5 | Page 13

Plyometrics Practical Guidelines For Plyometric Intensity

Table 2. The Approximate Highest to Lowest Intensity Plyometric

Summary Exercises
Plyometrics can be thought of as one
of the important tools in the tool box • Single leg jumps
for those who wish to add another • Depth jumps from heights that are similar to the exercisers actual
dimension to their training programs. vertica jump height
If improving variables such as speed,
jumping ability, and agility is a goal, • Tuck and pike jumps
plyometrics may be the most important • Maximum jump and reach to overhead goals
of these tools. Maximizing plyometric
program effectiveness and preventing • Maximum jump and reach without overhead goals
injuries depends on the logical pro-
• Low box and depth jumps
gression of exercise intensity. Therefore
the goal of this article was to provide • Weighted jumps
information about the intensity of plyo-
metric exercises, as well as to offer some • Squat jumps
general guidelines for plyometric pro- • Sub-maximal jumps in place (tall cone hops)
gram design.
• Sub-maximal jumps in place (short cone hops, ankle hops, split
squat jumps)
1. Jensen RL, Ebben WP. (2005).
Ground and knee joint reaction forces and researcher at Marquette University.
during variation of plyometric exercises.”
He has previously served as a strength
In: Proceedings of the XXIII International
and conditioning coach for the University
Symposium of the Society of Biomechanics
of Wisconsin, U.S. Olympic Education
in Sports, (K.E. Gianikellis, ed.) Beijing,
Center, Green Bay Packers, Marquette
China: 222 – 225. University, as well as in small college and
2. Potach DH, Chu DA. (2000) high school position. He also conducts
Plyometric Training. In: Essentials of plyometric, vertical jump, and speed devel-
Strength Training and Conditioning. TR opment camps and works with personal
Beachle and RW Earle (eds). Champaign, training clients.
Il: Human Kinetics. ▲

3. Simenz C, Leigh D, Geiser C, Melbye

J, Jensen RL, Ebben WP. (2006).
Electromyographic analysis of plyomet-
ric exercises. In: Proceedings of the XXIV
International Symposium of the Society of
Biomechanics in Sports, (H. Schwameder,
G. Strutzenberger, V. Fastenbauer, S.
Lindinger, and E. Muller, eds.) Salzburg,

About the Author

William Ebben is an assistant professor

NSCA’s Performance Training Journal | Vol. 6 No. 5 | Page 14

Plyometrics Practical Guidelines For Plyometric Intensity

Figure 1. Squat Jump Figure 2. Pike Jump Figure 3. Single Leg Jump

Figure 4. Maximal Vertical Jump Figure 5. Standing Long Jump Figure 6. Multiple Long Jumps

NSCA’s Performance Training Journal | Vol. 6 No. 5 | Page 15

Plyometrics Practical Guidelines For Plyometric Intensity

Figure 7. Multiple Cone Hops Figure 8. Box Jump Figure 9. Depth Jump

Table 3. Sample 5 week program to be performed twice a week.

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5
Volume 60 FC 80 FC 70 FC 60 FC 50 FC
line hops line hops squat jumps squat jumps squat jumps
Exercises 3x10 3x10 1 x 10 1 x 10 1 x 10
ankle hops ankle hops split squat jump split squat jump multiple long jump
1x10 2x5 3x5 2x5 5x3
cone hops cone hops multiple cone hops tuck jump lateral long jump
2x5 3x5 5x3 5x1 5x1
squat jumps squat jumps lateral long jump lateral long jump pike jump
2x5 2x5 5x1 5x1 5x1
split squat jump weighted squat weighted squat two leg jump/reach
2x5 jump 10 x 1 jump 10 x 1 5x1
long jump box jump box jump single leg jump/reach
5x1 2x5 2x5 5x1
12 inch depth 18 inch depth jumps
jumps 10x1 5x1

FC = Total foot contacts per training session as determined by the total sets and repetitions for that session

NSCA’s Performance Training Journal | Vol. 6 No. 5 | Page 16

TrainingTable Part 2 of 2

Nutrition for Ultra Endurance

Events: Fluid and Electrolyte Guidelines
Debra Wein, MS, RD, LDN, NSCA-CPT,*D

I n the last issue of the NSCA’s

Performance Training Journal, we
discussed the energy and macro-
nutrient needs of ultra endurance ath-
letes. In this issue, we will review fluid
on fluid intake during exercise recom-
mends intake of 600 – 1200ml/h of
‘palatable’ cooled fluid containing 4-5%
carbohydrate and 0.5 – 0.7g/l sodium in
events greater that one hour in duration.
Marathoners should likely ingest 400
– 800ml/h (4). It is now accepted that
5 – 10% concentrations of glucose, glu-
cose polymers, and other simple sugars
do not impair gastric emptying, making
and electrolyte guidelines. Ultra endur- Recent research findings are, however, it possible to simultaneously achieve
ance exercise is classified as prolonged questioning the appropriateness of these fluid and carbohydrate requirements of
exercise lasting longer than four hours in recommendations (5). This volume may endurance exercise (6).
duration and most commonly, involves be considered too high for ultra-distance
running, skiing, cycling or swimming athletes competing at relatively low-in- Electrolytes
(1). tensities or for smaller athletes with rela- Sodium needs vary according to the
tively low metabolic and sweat rates dur- concentration of the sodium lost in
Fluids ing exercise. It has also been postulated the sweat, the amount of sweat lost,
Meeting nutritional and fluid intake that female ultra endurance athletes may environmental conditions, as well as the
demands is a first priority to ultra- have lower fluid requirements and are duration and intensity of the exercise.
endurance athletes (6). Any loss of body at significantly greater risk of develop- Taking in 0.3 – 0.7 grams per liter of
weight in excess of three percent of body ing hyponatremia due to fluid overload. fluid (2) can help to offset salt losses
weight seriously disrupts temperature This is thought to be due to lower sweat and minimize muscle cramping and
regulation and physical performance. rates as women are usually smaller and the risk of hyponatremia. Measuring
Even a 2% loss of body weight can have smaller fluid compartments, and sweat rate is important in order to
degrade aerobic exercise and cognitive / also due to the longer time taken by customize the sodium requirement.
mental performance while more severe women to complete events (6). Devising a diet with individualized
dehydration (3 – 5% body weight) may recommendations for foods, beverages,
not degrade muscular strength or anaer- Ultra-endurance athletes are therefore and supplements, when necessary, is
obic performance but can result in other advised to adhere to more conserva- imperative. This is because some reports
serious consequences (8). Consequences tive fluid intake volumes than those show sodium supplementation unneces-
of dehydration include increased body who exercise more intensely for shorter sary to maintain serum sodium con-
core temperature, increased cardiovascu- periods. For instance, in ironman tri- centrations in athletes completing an
lar strain, increased glycogen utilization, athlon events the recommendation is ironman triathlon (5), whereas other
altered metabolic function and possibly to limit fluid intake to 500 – 800ml/h reports show hyponatremia as a real risk
altered CNS function (8). during the cycling portion and 300 – (9,10). Hyponatremic runners seeking
500ml/h during the running portion, medical assistance present with a variety
The American College of Sports with lightweight men and women being of symptoms that range from nausea,
Medicine’s current position statement advised to drink even lower volumes (6). weakness, confusion, and incoordina-

NSCA’s Performance Training Journal | Vol. 6 No. 5 Page 17

TrainingTable Fluid and Electrolyte Guidelines

tion to grand mal seizures and comas. References 7. Rehrer NJ. (2001). Fluid and
Athletes engaged in very prolonged exer- 1. Burke JH, Hawley JA. (2002). Effects Electrolyte Balance in Ultra-Endurance
cise should ingest 1g/hour of sodium of Short term fat adaptation on metabo- Sport. Sports Medicine, 31(10):701 –
(3). lism and performance of prolonged exer- 715.
cise. Medicine and Science in Sports and 8. Sawka MN, Burke LM, Eichner ER,
Fluid and electrolyte balance are critical Exercise, 34(3): 1492 – 1498. Maughan RJ, Montain SJ, Stachenfeld
to optimal exercise performance and,
2. Casa DJ, Armstrong LE, Hillman SK, NS. (2007). Exercise and Fluid
moreover, health maintenance. Ultra
Montain SJ, Reiff RV, Rich BSE, Roberts Replacement. Medicine and Science in
endurance sportsmen and women typi-
WO, Stone JA. (2000). National Athletic Sports and Exercise, 39(2):377 – 390.
cally do not meet their fluid needs dur-
ing exercise. (7). Therefore, a consulta- Trainers’ Association position statement: 9. Sharp RL. (2006). Role of Sodium in
tion with a qualified sport nutritionist fluid replacement for athletes. Journal of Fluid Homeostasis with Exercise. Journal
may enhance performance and prevent Athletic Training, 35(2): 212 – 214. of the American College of Nutrition,
serious consequences. 3.Glace,B., Murphy, C., McHugh, M. 25:231S – 239S.
(2002) Food Intake and Electrolyte sta- 10. von Duvillard S, Braun W, Markofski
About the Author tus of ultramarathoners competing in M, Beneke R, Leithäuser R. (2004)
Debra Wein, MS, RD, LDN, CSSD, extreme heat. Journal of the American Fluids and Hydration in Prolonged
NSCA-CPT is a faculty member at the College of Nutrition, 21(6): 553 – 559. Endurance Performance. Nutrition,
University of Massachusetts Boston and 20(7-8): 651 – 656.
4.Hew-Butler T, Verbalis JG, Noakes
adjunct lecturer at Simmons College.
TD. (2006). Updated Fluid recom-
Debra is the President and Co-founder of
mendation: Position Statement From To read part 1 of this article, download
Sensible Nutrition, Inc. (www.sensiblenu-
the International Marathon Medical issue 6.4 of the NSCA’s Performance, a consulting firm established
Directors Association. Clinical Journal Training Journal on
in 1994 that provides nutrition services
of Sports Medicine, 16(4): 283 – 292.
to athletes, individuals, universities, cor-
porate wellness programs and nonprofit 5. Noakes T. (2004). Sodium ingestion
groups. Debra is one of only 60 RDs and the prevention of hyponatraemia
across the country Certified as a Specialist during exercise. British Journal of Sports
in Sports Dietetics (CSSD) through The Medicine, 38;790 – 792.
American Dietetic Association. Her sport
6. Peters E. (2003) Nutritional aspects
nutrition handouts and free weekly email
in ultra-endurance exercise. Current
newsletter are available online at www.
Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and
Metabolic Care, 6(4): 427 – 434.

NSCA’s Performance Training Journal | Vol. 6 No. 5 | Page 18


Introduction to Plyometrics:
Converting Strength to Power
Ed McNeely, MS

P ower, the combination of speed

and strength, is crucial for suc-
cess in many sporting events.
The purpose of plyometric work is the
same as that of strength training, to
The Stretch Shortening
Cycle (SSC)
Muscles are capable of three types of
Behind the SSC
The stretch shortening cycle results in
more powerful concentric contractions.
How does this happen? There are two
develop greater physical power. Many 1. Isometric contraction in which mechanisms that help to contribute
athletes spend all their time in the the length of the muscle does not to the explosive concentric contraction
weight room trying to increase power change these are the elastic potential of the
with barbell and dumbbell exercises. muscle and the muscle spindles. The
2. Concentric contraction in which
While these exercises have their place, muscles contain elastic fibers made up
the muscle is shortened
they are not the most efficient means of a protein called elastin. These fibers
of developing power. Traditional weight 3. Eccentric contraction in which the
are easily stretched and return to their
muscle is lengthened
room exercises do not allow the athlete original length. They function similar to
to move at the speed, or use the move- a rubber band and when stretched can
ments needed, to develop sport specific In normal activity, these contractions add to the power of a movement. Since
power. seldom occur alone. Due to the influ- much of the original research into the
ence of gravity, compression and impact SSC was done on isolated muscles fibers
While strength training can create the forces, from running and jumping that had been removed from a frog, the
muscular and nervous system adap- activities, there is usually an eccentric elastic response was thought to be the
tations necessary for power develop- contraction followed by a concentric main cause of the greater power output.
ment, plyometrics focuses on the speed contraction. This combination of eccen- However, the muscle spindle also plays a
component of power and transforms tric-concentric contractions is known as role when living muscles are activated.
the physiological changes into athletic the stretch shortening cycle. The addi-
ability. It does this through the use of tion of an eccentric contraction prior to Muscle spindles are located within a
the elastic properties of muscle and the a concentric contraction has been found muscle near the point that it joins the
stretch shortening cycle. to increase the force, speed, and power tendon. A spindle consists of a modi-
output of the concentric contraction. fied skeletal muscle fiber with a sensory
nerve wrapped around one end of it.
The muscle spindle senses changes in
the amount of stretch in a muscle. A

NSCA’s Performance Training Journal | Vol. 6 No. 5 | Page 19

Introduction to Plyometrics:
Plyometrics Converting Strength to Power
signal is sent through the sensory nerve The amortization phase, the time on the
to the spinal cord where motor nerves ground, is the most important part of
are stimulated and the muscle that was a plyometric exercise. It represents the
stretched contracts. This is called the turn around time from landing to take
myotatic or stretch reflex. The most off and is crucial for power development.
common example of this is the knee tap If the amortization phase is too long,
examination that doctors perform dur- the stretch reflex is lost and there is no
ing an annual check-up. When tapping plyometric effect.
the knee, the patellar tendon and quad-
riceps muscle group is rapidly stretched. The take off is the concentric contrac-
The quadriceps muscle group will react tion that follows the landing. During
to this by contracting. An impulse is this phase the stored elastic energy is
also sent to the antagonist muscle group used to increase jump height and explo-
inhibiting its contraction. During jump- sive power.
ing activities the rapid stretching of the
muscles on landing causes the spindles Getting Ready for Figure 1. Landing
to be activated and thereby add to the
Plyometrics Landing Surface
power output. The spindles are sensitive
Plyometrics are a very high intensity Plyometrics can be performed indoors
to the rate of stretch, the more rapid the
form of training, placing substantial or outdoors. The landing surface should
stretch the greater the activation level of
stress on the bones, joints, and con- be able to absorb some of the shock of
the spindle. Since most natural move-
nective tissue. While plyometrics can landing. Gymnastic or wrestling mats
ments will involve the activation of both
enhance an athlete’s speed, power, and are good indoor surfaces as are the
the muscle spindle and the elastic com-
performance, it also places them at a sprung wood floors found in many
ponents of the muscle, they both play
greater risk of injury than less intense aerobics studios. Outdoors, plyometrics
a role in the increase in power output
training methods. Prior to starting a are done on the grass or sand. Jumping
following SSC movements.
program there are several variables to on concrete or asphalt can lead to knee,
consider so the training sessions are per- ankle, and hip problems, as such these
Plyometric Sequence formed in a safe and effective manner. surfaces should be avoided.
Plyometric exercises always follow the
same specific sequence: Landing Strength
• A landing phase As a general rule an athlete should not Having a good strength base is essen-
• An amortization phase be jumping if they do not know how to tial for performing plyometrics safely
• Take off land. A good landing involves the knees and effectively. Without good lower
remaining aligned over the toes, the body and core strength, the amortiza-
The landing phase starts as soon as the trunk inclined forward slightly, the head tion phase becomes too long and much
muscles start to experience an eccentric up, and the back flat (figure 1). When of the benefit of the plyometric is lost.
contraction. The rapid eccentric con- an athlete is learning to do plyometrics Over the years, the need to squat one
traction serves to stretch the elastic com- for the first time they should spend to two times body weight has been sug-
ponent of the muscle and activate the the first two to three weeks focused on gested as a requirement for plyometrics.
stretch reflex. A high level of eccentric landing and being able to move out of While this is a good guideline for some
strength is needed during the landing a landing before moving on to more of the higher intensity drills, simple
phase. Inadequate strength will result in intense drills. jumps in place and hops over very low
a slow rate of stretch and less activation barriers can be used with most athletes
of the stretch reflex. as long as they have demonstrated the
ability to land properly.

NSCA’s Performance Training Journal | Vol. 6 No. 5 | Page 20

Introduction to Plyometrics:
Plyometrics Converting Strength to Power

Injury History until you are comfortable and confident About the Author
Those athletes with a history of lower with the technique of the exercise. Ed McNeely is a founding partner in
body injury must be full rehabilitated StrengthPro Inc. A Las Vegas based sport
and have medical clearance prior to Plyometrics should not be performed science and nutrition business. He has been
starting a plyometric program. The pro- more than two to three times per week a consultant to 17 Canadian National
gram should start with basic running unless you are alternating days of upper and professional sports teams. Ed is the
and change of direction drills including and lower body plyometric drills. If you author of five books; The Resistance Band
cuts, corners, and rotations before mov- are just starting to incorporate them Workout Book, Power Plyometrics, One
ing on to higher intensity hops, throws, into your current conditioning program, Hundred Strength Exercises, Training for
and jumps. two sessions per week is adequate. Rowing, and Skillful Rowing, and has
published over 100 articles on training
Rest Between Sets and athlete conditioning covering top-
Designing a Plyometrics
Rest and recovery are crucial variables in ics such as strength training, plyometrics,
Program Intensity a plyometric program. Rest refers to the making weight, assessing fitness, speed and
Intensity is a measure of how hard you time that is taken between each exercise power development, planning and peri-
work, often compared to the maximum or set. Recovery refers to the amount of odization, and aerobic fitness.
amount that you can do. Intensity is a time that is needed before the workout ▲
factor in determining the overall stress can be repeated.
a training sessions creates. As a power
training technique, the speed of move- The amount of rest that is taken depends
ment and power produced in each repe- upon the duration of work and the type
tition of plyometric training determines of drill or exercise used varying from
whether or not you will get a training zero to seven minutes between sets
adaptation. All repetitions in a plyomet- or exercises. Table 2 summarizes the
ric exercise are performed at maximum duration of work and rest periods for
speed and power, anything less deceases a variety of work periods. In this table
the stretch shortening response and ply- the work period refers to the period of
ometric effect of the movement. continuous work and may not represent
the total time for each set. In the case of
Contacts Per Session
single response drills, it is common to
Plyometrics are recorded by the number
take five to ten seconds between repeti-
of single foot contacts with the ground.
tions to reset your body position, this
For example 80 contacts would be four
can make the total time for the set quite
sets of 10 repetitions with a two-legged
long even though the continuous work
type movement or a total of 80 steps
time is very short, usually less than one
with walking lunges. The volumes listed
in table 1 represent the total number of
contacts per training session, not the
number of contacts per exercise. This Sample Beginner Program
table assumes that each movement is at Table 3 contains a sample lower body
100% effort. Plyometrics performed at program that is suitable for someone
anything less than 100% do not get the starting plyometrics. It is assumed that
benefit associated with rapid elastic force landing technique and body control are
production. However, new plyometrics both good and that a dynamic warm up
drill should be performed at 70% – 80% is done prior to the workout.

NSCA’s Performance Training Journal | Vol. 6 No. 5 | Page 21

Introduction to Plyometrics:
Plyometrics Converting Strength to Power

Table 1. Foot or Hand Contacts per Session

Level Low Intensity Med. Intensity High Intensity
Beginner 80 60 40
Intermediate 100 80 60
Advanced 140 120 100

Table 2. Work and Rest Periods

Work Time Rest between reps Rest between sets Rest between exercises
< 1s 5 – 10 s 1 – 2 minutes None
1 – 3 seconds None 2 – 3 minutes None
4 – 15 seconds None 2 – 4 minutes None
15 – 30 seconds None 3 – 5 minutes 5 – 10 minutes

Table 3. Sample Beginner Lower Body Plyometrics Program

Exercise Sets Reps Total Rest Between Rest Between Sets
Contacts Jumps
Single response vertical jumps 3 5 30 5s 3 minutes
Hurdle Hops 3 4 24 No rest 3 minutes
Box jumps onto box 3 4 24 5s 3 minutes
Totals 9 78

NSCA’s Performance Training Journal | Vol. 6 No. 5 | Page 22

MindGames Suzie Tuffey Riewald, PhD, NSCA-CPT,*D

Childlike Simplicity While there is no one answer as to how

to keep competition light and fun, I
present some thoughts and ideas about
how to help you bring the simplicity
Suzie Tuffey Riewald, PhD, NSCA-CPT,*D and ease back to competition:

Alter Your Perspective
o the following phrases will take a look at how to bring this I had an athlete once tell me that to
sound familiar to you? childlike simplicity back into your train- get in an effective competition mindset
“Race you to the light pole,” ing and your approach to competition he recalls when he used to race with
“Whoever gets ten points first wins,” and see how it can enhance your enjoy- his childhood friends. Specifically, he
“Coach said I get to start in the game ment of your sport while also improving would remember walking home from
today. I can’t wait.” They are all things your performance. school when someone would yell “race
that you likely would hear come from you to the end of the block” and all the
the mouths of young athletes. Think for a minute abut your own kids would take off. Everyone would
childhood athletic experiences. What just race, there was no worrying about
Contrast that with the following quote, words come to mind when recalling who was going to win. Now, in his
“I’ve never played so poorly in my entire competition? Ask a group of adults to competitions as an elite athlete, he tries
life. I can’t believe how nervous I was reflect back and you will hear them use to bring back this unencumbered, sim-
and how I collapsed under the pressure.“ words like “fun,” “easy,” “enjoying the plified approach. He reminds himself to
This actual quote came from an athlete process of performing,” “naive,” “not too “just race to the end of the block.” It can
who had been playing and competing stressed.” And now ask yourself about be that simple.
in her sport for years and years. It came how you perceive competition as an
after a poor performance in a major, adult? You are likely to come up with What, Really is the Task?
international competition where she felt words like “overly complex,” “stressful,” Kids do not get too caught up in the
she had prepared herself to do well yet “not so much fun” and “anxiety provok- environment. It is about getting from
failed to do so. ing,” and that is what competition can point A to point B or hitting the ball
become, if we let it. over the net. This is true whether it is
In these competitive scenarios, there competing with friends after school or
seems to be contrasting emotional expe- Many elite athletes tell me, when competing on a local or regional team.
riences. In one, there is an overrid- recounting competitions as a child, that As adults, we sometimes let the envi-
ing pressure or expectation to perform “it was so easy back then.” By easy, it ronment complicate what needs to be
and in the other the athlete exhibits a seems athletes are referring to having the done. Athletes often make the task more
joy and excitement about performing. ability to just compete, to get up and do difficult by telling themselves it is the
Which emotional reaction or perspec- what they have been training for while Olympics, or that a college recruiter is in
tive of competition do you think facili- not worrying too much about the out- the stands and that they have to be even
tates optimal performance? come or the environment. Somewhere better, faster, and more perfect. This is
along the way a shift occurs where ath- not true, the task is the same regardless
There is something positive to be learned letes worry about the outcome, worry of the environment. Remind yourself of
from kids and competition; have fun about the environment (“This is the US this. Get back to the task stripped bare
and treat your sport like the game it is Open” or “This is my first nationals”) of the surrounding, getting from point
and this attitude will translate over to and they then force their performances. A to B as fast as possible or hitting the
great performances. In this article, we And such thinking sure takes the fun out ball over the net.
of competition.

NSCA’s Performance Training Journal | Vol. 6 No. 5 Page 23

MindGames Suzie Tuffey Riewald, PhD, NSCA-CPT,*D

Let the OutcomeTake Care It is not often you are instructed to act About the Author
of Itself like a child, in fact in most cases we are Suzie Tuffey Riewald received her degrees
Of course, kids want to win. They want told to grow up or act our age. However, in Sport Psychology/Exercise Science
to be the first to the end of the block, they in this one regard, you should be like a from the University of North Carolina
want to catch the ball and they want to child. Leave all your baggage at the door. – Greensboro. She has worked for USA
score a goal. But, they seem caught up Simplify things in your mind so all you Swimming as the Sport Psychology and
in the joy of competing and trying one’s are doing is really jumping as far as you Sport Science Director, and most recently
hardest. As adults, instead of direct- can or racing your buddy across the as the Associate Director of Coaching with
ing our energies to the process, we are pool. Bring this attitude to your com- the USOC where she worked with various
consumed with the outcome. We forget petition and watch your performances sport national governing bodies (NGBs)
that the process of performance is what improve. to develop and enhance coaching educa-
influences the outcome. Acknowledge tion and training. Suzie currently works
that winning, placing, running a spe- as a sport psychology consultant at the
cific time are important. Then, let it go University of Miami.
and focus instead on what you need to ▲
do to perform well. The joy and ease of
competing is sure to manifest itself with
such an approach.

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NSCA’s Performance Training Journal | Vol. 6 No. 5 | Page 24

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