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Chapter 2: Linearized flow equations

Ferry Schrijer

Luis Laguarda Sanchez

Aerodynamics Section
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Delft University of Technology

August 27, 2020

Linearized flow equations
1D acoustics
Piston problem
Riemann’s initial value problem

Chapter 2: Linearized flow

1D acoustics

I Physics of acoustic wave propagation in a fluid at rest

I 1D case in a constant area tube
Reference state: ρ0 , p0 , a0 and u0 = 0 Introduce perturbations:
∆ρ, ∆p and ∆u

ρ = ρ0 + ∆ρ, p = p0 + ∆p, and u = u0 + ∆u = ∆u. (1)

The entropy is kept constant in space (x) and time (t)

∆p = a02 ∆ρ (2)

Valid for any pair of nearby states.

1D acoustics

Introduction of relative density change (condensation)

S̃ = , (3)

and the Mach number:

∆u u
M= = (4)
a0 a0

Notation is from Liepmann and Roshko, do not confuse S̃ with

S = entropy These are now substituted in the equations for 1D
unsteady flow:
Ut + Fx = 0. (5)

1D acoustics
Continuity equation:

∂ρ ∂(ρu) ∂ ∂
+ =0→ (ρ0 + ∆ρ) + ((ρ0 + ∆ρ)u) = 0
∂t ∂x ∂t ∂x
which becomes
∂∆ρ ∂u ∂
+ ρ0 + (u∆ρ) =0 (6)
∂t ∂x |∂x {z }
second order perturbation

Neglect 2nd order perturbations:

∂ S̃ ∂M
+ a0 =0 (7)
∂t ∂x

1D acoustics
Momentum equation:
∂ ∂  
(ρu) + p + ρu 2 = 0
∂t ∂x
Inserting perturbations:
∂ ∂  
(ρ0 u + u∆ρ) + p0 + ∆p + ρ0 u 2 + u 2 ∆ρ = 0
∂t ∂x
∂u ∂∆p ∂ ∂  2  ∂  2 
ρ0 + + (u∆ρ) + u ρ0 + u ∆ρ = 0
∂t ∂x |∂t ∂x {z ∂x }
2nd and 3rd order perturbations
Neglecting 2nd and 3rd order terms
∂u ∂∆p
ρ0 + = 0,
∂t ∂x
∂M ∂ S̃
+ a0 =0 (8)
∂t ∂x
1D acoustics
Relation with the wave equation

By respectively adding and subtracting (7) and (8), we get the

following equations:

(M + S̃)t + a0 (M + S̃)x = 0 (9)

(M − S̃)t − a0 (M − S̃)x = 0 (10)
M + S̃ is constant along dt = +a0 : ‘characteristic’ Γ+
M − S̃ is constant along dt = −a0 : ‘characteristic’ Γ−

Linear acoustics: characteristics appear to be straight lines

For non-linear gasdynamics they are generally curved.

1D acoustics
Riemann invariants

Riemann invariants:

J + = M + S̃, J − = M − S̃
Characteristic equations:

∂J ± ∂J ±
± a0 =0 (12)
∂t ∂x

J + is constant along Γ+ : dt = +a0 and
J − is constant along Γ− : dt = −a0

1D acoustics
Riemann invariants

Other texts call the equation the describes the characteristic

= ±a0 along Γ± (13)
the “characteristic equations” and

J ± = M ± S̃ = constant along Γ± (14)

the “compatibility relations”

1D acoustics
Relation with the wave equation

Differentiate (7) and (8) w.r.t time or space:

∂ 2 S̃ 2
2 ∂ S̃
− a 0 = 0 (15a)
∂t 2 ∂x 2
∂ M 2
2∂ M
− a0 = 0 (15b)
∂t 2 ∂x 2

Both S̃ and M satisfy wave equation with a0 as the wave speed.

General solution of wave equation by d’Alembert:

S̃(x, t) = F (x − a0 t) + G(x + a0 t) (16a)

M(x, t) = f (x − a0 t) + g(x + a0 t) (16b)

Where F (X ), f (X ), G(Y ) and g(Y ) are arbitrary functions

(∈ C 2 ) of the single arguments X = x − a0 t and Y = x + a0 t.

1D acoustics
Relation with the wave equation

F (X ) and f (X ): right-running waves

G(Y ) and g(Y ): left-running waves

Method of characteristics
Forward M.O.C

Assume: initial values are given on

the x-axis for t = 0

Draw characteristics Γ+A and ΓB which
intersect in P where:

along Γ+
A : (M + S̃)A = (M + S̃)P
along Γ−
B : (M − S̃)B = (M − S̃)P

Solving for MP and S̃P :

MA + S̃A MB − S̃B
M(xp , tp ) = + (17)
2 2
MA + S̃A MB − S̃B
S̃(xp , tp ) = − (18)
2 2

Method of characteristics
Backward M.O.C

The backward M.O.C and forward M.O.C are very similar

Backward M.O.C to get the solution in a point P (xp , tp )
I Initial values of M and S̃ are
known on the x-axis (t = 0)
I Draw Γ+ and Γ− backwards
through P
I Lines intersect x-axis in points A
and B: initial values for M and S̃
I Again use the equations from
forward M.O.C

Method of characteristics
Initial value problem for the wave equation
Wave equation for S̃:

∂ 2 S̃ 2
2 ∂ S̃
− a0 =0 (19)
∂t 2 ∂x 2
and initial conditions on the x-axis (t = 0):
S̃(x, 0) = f (x), (20)
∂ S̃
(x, 0) = g(x) (21)
How does the solution S̃(x, t) depend on the initial data f (x)
and g(x)?
The solution of d’Alembert gives:

S̃(x, t) = F (x − a0 t) + G(x + a0 t) (22)

0 0
S̃t (x, t) = −a0 F (x − a0 t) + a0 G (x + a0 t) (23)
Method of characteristics
Initial value problem for the wave equation
Evaluate both expressions on the x-axis (t = 0):

S̃(x, 0) = F (x) + G(x) = f (x) (24)

S̃t (x, 0) = −a0 (F 0 (x) − G0 (x)) = g(x) (25)

Integrate the last equation with respect to x:

Z x
F (x) − G(x) = − g(ξ) dξ. (26)
a0 0
Now we have two equations for two the unknown functions
F (x) and G(x):
Z x
1 1
F (x) = f (x) − g(ξ) dξ (27)
2 2a0 0
Z x
1 1
G(x) = f (x) + g(ξ) dξ (28)
2 2a0 0

Method of characteristics
Initial value problem for the wave equation
The general solution for S̃(x, t) for an arbitrary point (x, t) is
now found as
Z 0t
1 1
S̃(x, t) = {f (x − a0 t) + f (x + a0 t)} + g(ξ) dξ (29)
2 2a0
x−a0 t

Domain of Dependence (D.O.D.) of

point P: area enclosed by the
characteristics Γ+ , Γ− and the initial
line t = 0
the Domain of Influence (D.O.I) of
point P: area above P between Γ−
and Γ+

Method of characteristics
Equations for linear acoustics:

∂ S̃ ∂M
+ a0 =0 (30)
∂t ∂x
∂M ∂ S̃
+ a0 =0 (31)
∂t ∂x
The solutions are characterized by:
I M + S̃ is constant along Γ+
I M − S̃ is constant along Γ−
Now we will show that the following solution is valid even when
the condition that M and S̃ cannot be individually differentiated:

(M + S̃)(x, t) = (M + S̃)(x − a0 t, 0) (32)

(M − S̃)(x, t) = (M − S̃)(x + a0 t, 0) (33)

Method of characteristics

Consider a charasteristic Γ+
1 with a
constant Riemann invariant
J1+ = M + S̃
M + S̃ is constant but M and S̃
may vary along Γ+1 and contain

Assume M is discontinuous with a jump ∆M between A and B:

MB = MA + ∆M
To satisfy the condition J1+ is constant, the variable S̃ also
jumps between A and B:

S̃B = S̃A + ∆S̃, with ∆S̃ = −∆M. (34)

Method of characteristics

Discontinuous solutions have to satisfy the jump relation:

∆S̃ + ∆M = 0 on Γ+ (35)

and similarly
∆S̃ − ∆M = 0 on Γ− (36)

Method of characteristics

The discontinuity is carried along the Γ− -characteristic going

through A and B:
Apply the condition: M − S̃ is constant along Γ−A and ΓB

Take neighbouring points P and Q on Γ− −

A and ΓB :

along Γ−
A MP − S̃P = MA − S̃A
along Γ−
B MQ − S̃Q = MB − S̃B = MA + ∆M − S̃A − ∆S̃
Method of characteristics

Subtract both equations:

MQ − MP − S̃Q + S̃P = ∆M − ∆S̃.

Take P and Q on the same Γ+ -characteristic:

∆S̃ + ∆M = 0 → MQ − MP − S̃Q + S̃P = 2∆M

MP + S̃P = MQ + S̃Q or MQ − MP + S̃Q − S̃P = 0.

From this follows:

MQ − MP = ∆M and S̃Q − S̃P = ∆S̃. (37)

Characteristics serve as discontinuity lines

Method of characteristics

Apply the jump equation to S̃t + a0 Mx = 0:

VD ∆S̃ = a0 ∆M (38)

Application to Mt + a0 S̃x = 0 gives:

VD ∆M = a0 ∆S̃. (39)

VD2 = a02 or VD = ±a0 (40)
In linear acoustics, characteristics are candidates to be
discontinuity line D

Piston problem

Constant area tube with gas at rest

I rest conditions: a0 , p0 , ρ0 and T0
I tube closed at the left (x = 0)
I piston at rest for t < 0 and starts moving on t = 0
I piston velocity Vp (t) and position Xp (t) may be a function
on time and assumed small
I Xp (t) =
0 Up (τ )dτ
Piston problem

Question: how does the gas in the tube react to a piston

First message telling that the piston has moved (Γ+ ): sound
wave with path x − a0 t = 0:
I gas contained within x − a0 t < 0: undisturbed
I gas contained within x − a0 t > 0: disturbed
I on t = 0: M = 0, S̃ = 0
Use backward M.O.C to find the flow variables M and S̃ in a
point À:
I draw Γ− from À backward in time until t = 0 → Á
I draw Γ+ from À: cross piston path in Â, here only Mp is
I draw Γ− from  backward to t = 0 → Ã

Piston problem

Equations along the characteristics:

along Γ−
(1) : M1 − S̃1 = M2 − S̃2 = 0 (41a)
along Γ+
(1) : M1 + S̃1 = M3 + S̃3 (41b)
along Γ−
(3) : M3 − S̃3 = M4 − S̃4 = 0 (41c)
on piston path: M3 = Mp (t3 ) (41d)
Point (x3 , t3 ) is intersection of piston path Xp (t) = 0 Up (τ ) dτ
with Γ+ through À: x − a0 t = x1 − a0 t1
Linear acoustics → piston excursion is small x3 = 0
t3 = t1 −

Piston problem

The system can now be solved:

x x
M1 (x, t) = Mp t − , S̃1 (x, t) = Mp t −
a0 a0

Apparently the state variables are transported unaltered from

the piston into the gas
Not only J + = M + S̃ is constant along Γ+ but also M and S̃
Flow with only one varying Riemann invariant is called a simple
In the current situation J − = M − S̃ is constant → all Γ−
emanate from t = 0

Piston problem
Sinusoidal single period excursion

a0 sin ωt, 0 ≤ t ≤ 2π
ω ,
Up = (42)
0, for any other time,
With  small. This can be rewritten as:

Mp =  sin ωt, 0≤t ≤ . (43)
Piston problem
Sinusoidal single period excursion

Piston path:

Between t = 0 and t = ω
Z t
xp (t) = up (τ ) dτ = (1 − cos ωt) (44)
0 ω

Undisturbed region when piston stops again: t = ω
The solution in the various domains becomes:

À: (x − a0 t) > 0 : S̃ = 0, M = 0;
Á : −a0 2π
ω < (x − a0 t) < 0 : M(x, t) =  sin ω(t − ), S̃ = M;
Â: (x − a0 t) < −a0 2π
ω : M = 0, S̃ = 0.

Piston problem
Sinusoidal single period excursion
Particle paths:
Initial particle postion xi (0) = xi,0 . The position of the particle
can be described by:
for 0 < t < : xi (t) = xi (0) = xi,0
xi,0 xi,0 2π
for <t < + : xi (t) = a0 Mi dτ
a0 a0 ω

= a0 ε sin ω τ − dτ

a0 ε xi,0
xi (t) = xi,0 + 1 − cos t − ω (45)
ω a0
Piston problem
Sinusoidal single period excursion
Disturbed gas motion:
Piston causes a sinusoidal wave in the gas at rest that travels
to the right with speed a0
Observer at x = a0 2π
ω :
I t < 2π/ω: gas at rest
I 2π/ω < t < 3π/ω: gas moves
to the right
I t = 3π/ω: gas is stopped
I 3π/ω < t < 4π/ω: gas moves
to the left
I t > 4π/ω: gas at rest
I discontinuities are carried along characteristics
I discontinuities are not diffused
I initial wave is not steady; it moves with speed a0
Piston problem
tube with two pistons

Motion of the gas determined

by M.O.C:
I À: undisturbed
I Á & Â: simple waves, in Á
J − = constant and in Â
J + = constant
I Ã: non-simple region, both
J − and J + vary

Riemann’s initial value problem
Riemann’s problem formulation: take two uniform states on a
initial line (t = 0) separated by a discontinuity (at x = 0):

x < 0 :M = M1 , S̃ = S̃1 ;
x > 0 :M = M4 , S̃ = S̃4 .

Riemann’s initial value problem
Use backward M.O.C to get solution in a point P:

1 1
MP = (M + S̃)A + (M − S̃)B ;
2 2 (47)
1 1
S̃P = (M + S̃)A − (M − S̃)B ,
2 2
The solution in P can have three different solutions depending
on the location in the (x, t)-plane:
I P in domain À → A and B on x < 0 so:
MA = MB = M1 and S̃A = S̃B = S̃1
I P in domain à → A and B on x > 0 so:
MA = MB = M4 and S̃A = S̃B = S̃4
I P above Γ− and Γ+ , then xA < 0 and xB > 0 so:
MA = M1 , S̃A = S˜1 , MB = M4 and S̃B = S̃4

Riemann’s initial value problem

The general solution to Riemann’s problem now becomes:

domain À : MP = M1 ,
S̃P = S̃1 ;
M1 + M4 S̃1 − S̃4
domain Á + Â : MP = + ,
2 2 (48)
S̃1 + S̃4 M1 − M4
S̃P = + ;
2 2
domain à : MP = M4 ,
S̃P = S̃4 .

Now lets look at some examples

Riemann’s initial value problem
density discontinuity

Two uniform states separated by a diaphragm at x = 0

I Left from the diaphragm: p0 and ρ0
I Right from the diaphragm: p0 + ∆p and ρ0 + ∆ρ
Both sides of the diaphragm u = 0 → M = 0
Riemann’s initial value problem
density discontinuity

What happens when the diaphragm is removed?

Solve the Riemann problem with initial conditions: M1 = M4 = 0
and S̃1 = S̃4 = ε:

domain À M = 0, S̃ = 0;
1 1
domain Á and  M = − ε, S̃ = + ε;
2 2
domain à M = 0, S̃ = ε.

Riemann’s initial value problem
density discontinuity
I Gas in domains À and à remains unperturbed w.r.t initial
I In domain Á and Â: u = a0 M = −a0 ε/2

Riemann’s initial value problem
density discontinuity

Particle paths:
I À and Ã: gas at rest, straight lines, x = constant
I Á and Â: gas move to the left: lines with slope u = −a0 ε/2
Particle path going through x = 0, t = 0 separates domains Á
and Â
I domain Á: gas that originally was at x < 0
I domain Â: gas that originally was at x > 0
I characteristic separating À and Á is a compression wave
I characteristic separating  and à is an expansion wave
I conditions in Á and  are similar, this is typical for linear
acoustics. For a non-linear case Á and  are different and
four uniform states are present.

Riemann’s initial value problem
density discontinuity
Alternative way of solving by using the (M, S̃)-diagram.

Look at (x, t)-diagram:

I À, Á,  and à are uniform states
I À, Á and  are connected by Γ+ → the images lie on the
same straight line in a (M, S̃)-diagram with slope −1.
I Á,  and à are connected by Γ− → the images lie on the
same straight line in a (M, S̃)-diagram with slope +1.
I homentropic linear theory → Á and  are equal and have
the same spot in the (M, S̃)-diagram.
Riemann’s initial value problem
density discontinuity

Initial conditions: M1 = 0, S̃1 = 0, M4 = 0, S̃4 = ε

Solution is the intersection of the locus of all possible states Á
obtainable from À, with the locus of all possible states Â
obtainable from Ã

M2 = M3 = − ε
S̃2 = S̃3 = ε

Riemann’s initial value problem
two colliding flows

Now consider to flow running into each other with the same
velocity but opposite direction.

The initial conditions on t = 0 in

this case are:

State 1: x < 0, M1 = +ε, S̃1 = 0,

State 4: x > 0, M4 = −ε, S̃4 = 0,

Riemann’s initial value problem
two colliding flows

Solution: M2 = M3 = 0 and S̃2 = S̃3 = ε

Riemann’s initial value problem
two separating flows

Similar to previous example but now with opposite velocities.

The initial conditions on t = 0 in

this case are:

State 1: x < 0, M1 = −ε, S̃1 = 0,

State 4: x > 0, M4 = +ε, S̃4 = 0,

Riemann’s initial value problem
two separating flows

Solution: M2 = M3 = 0 and S̃2 = S̃3 = −ε

Riemann’s initial value problem
moving piston

Dynamic creation of a Riemann by two pistons at x = ±l/2

At t = − 2al 0 pistons
are moved:
Left piston: UP,L = 2εa0 ,
Right piston: UP,R = εa0

Riemann’s initial value problem
moving piston

State 1: M1 = 2ε, S̃1 = 2ε,
State 4: M4 = ε, S̃4 = −ε (49)
State 2,3: M2,3 = 3ε, S̃2,3 = ε.

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