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For you to understand the true impact, the immense pain and hole that Brian’s loss has

left in my life, I
need to tell you just who Brian was….

Brian was such a light, one that people gravitated to. He had the ability to make people who were
having the worst day see something good and walk away from him feeling a little better. He never met a
stranger who did not instantly form a connection with him and he truly was everyone’s best friend. He
had experienced so much heartbreak and pain in his short life, but you would never know, you would
never see his pain, only his smile. Strangers have told me how much he meant to them, how he changed
them by one meeting, one moment. He positively impacted so many lives; his family, his friends, his co-
workers, even those he arrested. He was the good in this world.

I was the one who won the lotto meeting Brian, and was the luckiest girl that Brian chose me to spend
the rest of his days with. I was married to the best of the best. He was the absolute joy of my life, my
soulmate, my best friend. It took me many years to find Brian and when I did there was no turning back,
no letting go. I fell in love with him almost instantaneously. He was the missing piece; he was what I had
been searching for. We had so many plans, so much living to do together. You robbed us of our life
together…. you took my joy, you took my life right along with his that day.

Every day I wake up hoping and praying this was all a dream, only to realize I’m waking up to live the
nightmare of Brian being gone…. every single day I wake up and he is gone.

Each day is a new day of trying to learn how to survive and how to live my life without him. Some days
are crippling, the pain unbearable, most days I am just numb.

Your sentencing has an end date. My sentencing is for a lifetime. A lifetime of heartache, grief and a
lifetime without my husband, without Brian. Brian and I did nothing wrong but yet we are the ones who
are punished forever. Your actions have caused us a lifetime sentence of pain, my life will be spent
without Brian because of you.

Although he is not here physically, his spirit shines through even more because the life I am living, I live
for Brian. Along with his family and friends we are living more like Brian. We are doing good in this world
in honor of him and his name. We are not, and will not allow his death to be in vain.

You may have taken the ability for us to see him, but he is not gone. Every day he lives on through us.

I am trying to figure this new life out. I’ll never know the reason Brian was taken from me, from us, but
I’ll make sure he lives on by continuing to do good and for all to see the good man that he was. I will do
this in Brian P. Simonsen’s name.

I know the correct and the Christian thing to do is, to look you in the eye and forgive you, but I can’t and
I don’t. You took the most amazing man from this world, from me….so today I cannot forgive you and I
do not know if I ever will.

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