Why Was It A Free Flight? Where Did The Flight Go To? Who Got The Free Flight? When Did It Happen?

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1- Sometimes, we talk about neutral topics such as


2- The informal word of “obtain” is ……………………..

3- Skimming is ………………………………………….

4- Mention an expression to begin a talk.

5- When you give a talk, it is very important to help your

listener understand you

by ……………………………..

6- A cell phone is

7- I will attend ……………………… next Monday. Put a suitable

noun to collocate

with the verb.

8- Do you find it difficult to ……………………………………. in

English. Put a suitable verb

and noun collocation.

9- The synonym of “large” is …………………………….

10- Translate into English: ‫ذرة صفراء‬


Unit 3: Newspaper articles



 Why was it a free flight?

 Where did the flight go to?

 Who got the free flight?

 When did it happen?

 What happened?

 How did the story end?



1- The article is about Frank Verdee.

2- The other people mentioned in the article are flight

attendant, the pilot, a

passenger, doctors, the Managing Director, friends, relatives,

reporters, his

boss and mother.

3- The events happened in Schipol Airport, abroad a plane

and Dubai.

4- The events happened last Friday night.

5- Frank was tired and fell asleep in the hold of a plane. This
was dangerous

because the hold is very cold and he might have died.

6- Frank made a noise which a passenger heard. The pilot

pumped a hot air into

the hold, so Frank would not die of cold.


Q5: baggage handler (n.) = person who puts bags in a plane.

 hold (n.) = part of a plane for baggage.

 took off (v.) = leave the ground

 horrified (adj.) = frightened, terrified, scared

 banged (v.) = hit noisily

 unhurt (adj.) = not hurt

 relatives (n.) = family

 shift (n.) = part of the working day

 apologized (v.) = to say sorry

 petrified (v.) = very scared


 Biomimicry: The emulation of the models, systems, and

elements of nature for the purpose of solving complex
human problems.

 Topic sentence is a sentence that summarizes the main

idea of a paragraph. It is usually the first sentence in a
paragraph. It encapsulates or organizes an entire

 Register: The way people use different words, phrases

or grammar when talking to different people in a
different context of situations. For example, people
might be more formal or polite to strangers.

Skimming is reading very quickly to get the general idea from

a text (a book, an article, a chapter, or just a paragraph).

Scanning is reading quickly to get a particular piece of

information, such as a date, a telephone number, or a name of
a restaurant.

Intensive reading (study reading) is reading more slowly and

carefully to understand every detail, such as a textbook, an
article, or a report.

Extensive reading is a type of reading for pleasure or for

interest to get a general understanding, but not to understand
every detail, such as reading a novel.
Biomimicry: The emulation of the models, systems, and
elements of nature for the purpose of solving complex human

‫ محاكاة نماذج وأنظمة وعناصر الطبيعة بغرض حل المشكالت البشرية المعقدة‬:‫تقليد الطبيعة‬.

Biomimicry‫تقليد الطبيعة‬

The emulation‫محاكاة‬

the models‫نماذج‬

complex human problems‫المشكالت البشرية المعقدة‬.

Topic sentence is a sentence that summarizes the main idea

of a paragraph. It is usually the first sentence in a paragraph.
It encapsulates or organizes an entire paragraph.

‫ عادة ما تكون الجملة األولى في‬.‫ هي جملة تلخص الفكرة الرئيسية للفقرة‬:‫جملة الموضوع‬
‫ يقوم بتغليف أو تنظيم فقرة كاملة‬.‫الفقرة‬.

Topic sentence‫جملة الموضوع‬


Encapsulates‫بتغليف يغطي تغطية أو يؤطر‬


entire paragraph‫فقرة كاملة‬

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