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Singular and Plural English Verbs

Verbs That Add -s Verbs That Add -es

Singular (he, she, it) Plural (I, you, we, they) Singular (he, she, it) Plural (I, you, we, they)
agrees agree attaches attach
bakes bake catches catch
calls call crashes crash
counts count fixes fix
drops drop guesses guess
enjoys enjoy itches itch
forces force kisses kiss
invents invent pitches pitch
makes make pushes push
points point taxes tax
pulls pull teaches teach
stirs stir waltzes waltz
uses use washes wash
waves wave wishes wish

Singular Verbs That Change Singular Verbs That Don’t

from -y to -ies Change from -y
Singular (he, she, it) Plural (I, you, we, they) Singular (he, she, it) Plural (I, you, we, they)
applies apply annoys annoy
bullies bully brays bray
carries carry buys buy
cries cry delays delay
defies defy employs employ
dries dry lays lay
flies fly obeys obey
hurries hurry pays pay
marries marry plays play
pities pity prays pray
replies reply says say
spies spy sprays spray
try tries stays stay
worries worry sways sway

Irregular Singular and Plural Verbs

Singular (he, she, it) Plural (I, you, we, they)
is/was are/were
does/did do/did
goes/went go/went
have/had has/had

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