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IB Global Politics: Case Studies- Unit 2 Human Rights

Concept Definition Country/Organization Summary: What Causes, factors and Impact Reflection/Significance
Example happened?

Chapter 2.1:Human Rights

Human Rights
Universal (Human Rights
Interdependent (Human
Inalienable (Human Rights)
Indivisible (Human Rights)
Negative Rights
Positive Rights
Chapter 2.2: Justice
Rule of Law
Codification of Law
Chapter 2.3: Liberty
Civil Rights
Political Rights
First Generation Rights
Degrading Treatment
Chapter 2.4: Equality
Second Generation Rights
Progressive Realization
Economic Rights
Social Rights
Cultural Rights
Collective Human Rights

2.4-2 Human Rights Violations

Human Rights Violations
Systemic (HR violations)
Human Trafficking
Child Soldiers
Female Genital Mutilation
Dispute Resolution
2.4-4 Upholding Human Rights
UN Security Council
UN Human Rights Council
UN High Commissioner for
Human Rights
International Criminal Court
European Court of Human
African Comissions for Human
UK Equality and Human
Rights Commission
2.5-6: Human Rights and Power
Cultural Relativism
Separation of Powers
Principal Violator
Essential Protector
Responsible Sovereignty
Responsibility to Protect
Example Test Questions:

Chapter 2.1 Human Rights :

1) “Human rights covenants and treaties limit development in newly industrializing economies”. To what extent do you agree with this claim?
2) “A national or regional approach to Human Rights enforcement is more effective than a global approach” Discuss.
3) Has globalization made the protection of human rights more or less difficult? Discuss.

Chapter 2.2: Justice

4) The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) is no longer relevant for dealing with Human Rights issues in the twenty-first century”. To what extent
do you agree with this claim?
5) Compare and Contrast and institutional approach to ratification and enforcement of Human Rights (for example, through the Hague Courts) with non-
institutional approaches (for example, through human rights NGO’s, such as Amnesty international).
6) Evaluate the importance of justice and human rights in resolving violent and non violent conflict.

Chapter 2.3: Liberty

7) Evaluate the claim that increasing interdependence makes it more difficult to protect Human Rights
8) Evaluate the extent to which universal human rights challenge state sovereignty
9) Examine the claim that different interpretations of human rights by states, cultures and people are unjustifiable in modern global politics.

Chapter 2.4: Equality

10) Discuss the extent to which cultural relativism can be used to justify different concepts of human rights
11) Examine the effectiveness of non-state actors in advancing the protection of human rights.
12) Discuss the view that non-Western views of Human Rights should be treated equally to UDHR
13) To what extent do the complex realities and relationships of power in global politics make the concept of human rights an unachievable ideal

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