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Bullying is when someone repeatedly

and on purpose says or does mean or

hurtful things to another person
who has a hard time
defending himself or herself.
- Dan Olweus
Bullying Pre-Test
True or False?
1. Bullying is just teasing. True False
2. People deserve to be bullied. True False
3. Friends can’t be bullies. True False
4. People who complain about bullies are babies. _______________
5. Bullies will go away if you ignore them. ______________________
Answer the Questions.
6. If you tell an adult about bullying are you tattling? _________
7. If someone is being bullied you should ignore it. Why? ________
8. If your friend tells you that she does not want to play with you or
be your friend any more because you are mean to her and hurt
her feelings. Is she a bully? Why or why not?
When Is It Bullying?
> Issue has happened over and over again.

> The same people are involved.

> What happened was on purpose.

> It hurt (body or feelings).

All 4 characteristics should be present to be defined as bullying.

Was it Bullying? Was it Bullying?
What happened? What happened?
___________________________________ ___________________________________
___________________________________ ___________________________________
___________________________________ ___________________________________
___________________________________ ___________________________________
___________________________________ ___________________________________
Bullying Checklist Bullying Checklist
Issue has happened over and over Issue has happened over and over
again. again.

The same people are involved. The same people are involved.

What happened was on purpose. What happened was on purpose.

It hurt (body or feelings). It hurt (body or feelings).

Was it bullying? Yes No Was it bullying? Yes No

If its not bullying what
Moment is it? Conflict
> No one is
> Someone is
having fun.
being hurt on Teasing Rude
> Possible
purpose > Everyone is > Someone is solution to
> Reaction to a having fun being hurt or the
strong feeling > No one is bothered disagreem
or emotion getting hurt > It is ent
> An isolated > Everyone is unintentional > Equal
event (does participating > It does not balance of
not happen equally. happen power
often) often
I will not bully
I will try to help
students who are
I will try to include
students who are
left out.
If I know someone is
being bullied, I will
tell an adult at
school and at home.
What is a bully? Bully’s Point of View
Draw how a bully may feel, think, or say.




Why would someone act like a




Why might someone be bullied? Point of View of Someone
_____________________________________________________________ Being Bullied
Draw how someone may feel, think, or say
when they are being bullied.


What should someone do if they

are being bullied?



Bully Signs
How can you tell if someone is being How can you tell if someone is
bullied? being a bully?

___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

t Bu
ll ying llyin
B u g
What does bullying look like?
Draw a picture of someone being bullied.
Then write a sentence describing what is What might you hear?




What might see?





Bullying or Not Bullying
Read each scenario and circle if it is bullying or not bullying.
Susan tells Mary that she does not like her. Bullying Not Bullying

Tim is saying bad things about Mark to a group

of students for two weeks. Now Mark’s friends do Bullying Not Bullying
not want to play with him in the playground.

Sam and Jane are working together on a project Bullying Not Bullying
and Jane screams at Sam for forgetting to write
the answer.

Sonia accidently bumped into Tiffany. Bullying Not Bullying

John and Tony keep on calling each other dumb. Bullying Not Bullying

Every day Mario sneaks into Lucy’s desk and

Bullying Not Bullying
takes pencils, snacks, homework, or her lunch
Helping Others Who Are Being Bullied
How can you help others that are How will you help?
^ During lunch Sonia was going to sit by Eli. As she was sitting
being bullied? down Eli looks at her and says, “You can’t sit here, only cool
kids sit here.”

___________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

___________________________________________________ ^ During math time Frank stands up to get a pencil. As he

walks to his cubby, Kevin sticks out leg on purpose and
laughs as Frank falls to the floor.

Why would you help others that ______________________________________________________
are being bullied? ______________________________________________________

___________________________________________________ \ How have you helped someone who is being bullied?

___________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________
___________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________
Including Others
Why do you think some students are Have you ever seen a student in our
alone during recess or lunch? by themselves during lunch or
recess? Yes No
What were they doing?

How can you include others?

How do you think they felt? Why?
Did you do something to include them? What did
___________________________________________________ you do or why didn’t you do anything?

When could you include others? ___________________________________________________


Telling an Adult
Why might someone not tell an adult about Make a list of adults who you can tell
another student or themselves being bullied? about someone being bullied.
^ __________________________________

^ __________________________________

^ __________________________________
Have you ever seen someone get bullied? Did you
tell an adult? Why or why not? How did you feel? ^ __________________________________


tt ling g
If I was being bullied, I would. . .












Illustrate what you would do.

Use an iMessage

I feel ____
when you __
Complete an iMessage for each situation.

You are 3rd in line and Tommy cuts you in line.

I feel _____________________________________________ when _______________________________________________________

___________________________________________________ because _____________________________________________________.

You do not have anyone to play with outside. When you ask Mary if you can play
with her she says no because you have red hair.

I feel _____________________________________________ when _______________________________________________________

___________________________________________________ because _____________________________________________________.

The teacher says to find a partner to work with during math. When you ask Sofia
to be your partner she says, “I don’t want to be your partner.” She then asked
another student to be her partner.
I feel _____________________________________________ when _______________________________________________________

___________________________________________________ because _____________________________________________________.

During recess you heard your friend Marcus saying mean things to other students.

I feel _____________________________________________ when _______________________________________________________

___________________________________________________ because _____________________________________________________.

You do not have anyone to play with outside. When you ask Mary if you can play
with her she says no because you have red hair.
I feel _____________________________________________ when _______________________________________________________

___________________________________________________ because _____________________________________________________.

The teacher says to find a partner to work with during math. When you ask Sofia
to be your partner she says, “I don’t want to be your partner.” She then asked
another student to be her partner.
I feel _____________________________________________ when _______________________________________________________

___________________________________________________ because _____________________________________________________.

Write your own iMessage for any situation you would like.
I feel _____________________________________________ when _______________________________________________________

___________________________________________________ because _____________________________________________________.

Reporting VS Tattling

\ To keep someone safe [ To get someone

in trouble
\ Need help from an
adult [ You can solve
the problem
\ Important
[ Unimportant
\ Harmful or dangerous
[ Harmless
\ Behavior is on
purpose [ Behavior is an
Reporting or Tattling
Read each scenario and circle if it is reporting or tattling.

You are 3rd in line and Tommy cuts you in line. Reporting Tattling

Mary takes Jill’s snack from her backpack. Reporting Tattling

Sam and Jane are working together in a project

and Jane screams at Jane for forgetting to write Reporting Tattling
the answer.

Karina made a mean face during reading. Reporting Tattling

Rob always plays on the monkey bars and never Reporting Tattling
lets anyone else use them.

When the teacher is not looking Mary keeps on Reporting Tattling

saying mean things about Jane because Jane
was the student of the month.
Write two situations that would be a reporting and two situations that would be

Reporting Tattling
\ ______________________________
[ ______________________________
\ ______________________________
[ ______________________________

Draw a picture that explains the difference between reporting and tattling.
Why is it important to learn about bullying
and how to prevent it?
Bullying Post-Test
True or False?
1. Bullying is just teasing. True False
2. People deserve to be bullied. True False
3. Friends can’t be bullies. True False
4. People who complain about bullies are babies. _______________
5. Bullies will go away if you ignore them. ______________________
Answer the Questions.
6. If you tell an adult about bullying are you tattling? _________
7. If someone is being bullied you should ignore it. Why? ________
8. If your friend tells you that she does not want to play with you or
be your friend any more because you are mean to her and hurt
her feelings. Is she a bully? Why or why not?
Clipart by Melonheadz

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