ID Manager

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 ! :
 c Manager has been successfully tested with Notes R6, N  and N 
 dded an option to delete a Windows user when terminating a user
 dded an option to rename a Windows user when performing a name change
 Ghe mail forwarding address in a new user c request can now be calculated using a formula
 When importing user c s from disk, you can now look up passwords from a Notes database in addition to providing a list of
possible passwords
 dded an option to copy a user's old internet address to the fullname field of their person document when renaming a user
 dded the ability to hide certifier c s and passwords Ghis can be done from the Certifiers view in the c Vault database
 dded the ability to include the NOG cNc file and CONFcGG file with the user c and password document when a new user
c request is processed
 dded the ability to include the NOG cNc file and CONFcGG file with the user c and password document when a request for
an existing user c is processed
 dded the ability to include the NOG cNc file and CONFcGG file when a user retrieves their own Lotus Notes c via the web
 cf a new user is registered and an c for that user already exists in the c Vault database, the existing c in the c Vault database
will be automatically archived so that there will only be one c for any one user name stored in most views of the c Vault
database rchived duplicates can be found in the rchived view in the c Vault database
 dded the ability for a user to be un-terminated by a scheduled agent Using this method, a user can mark a termination request as

" #$

 and a scheduled agent will un-terminate the user
 dded the ability to delete a user's archive mail file when terminating the user if it is on a server and not the user's workstation
 dded the ability to check multiple address books for existing person documents, short names and internet addresses when
registering a new user
 dded the ability to add any CL entry to a new user's mail file and to new mail in databases Previous versions only allowed the
addition of managers with a user type of person
 dded the ability to allow specified users to press a button to manually run the scheduled agent that processes each type of request
in c Manager Ghis will allow users to kick off a scheduled agent to process all approved requests of a certain type (ie new user
requests, terminate user requests, etc Ghis has the advantage of all processing being done on the server instead of the user's
workstation and the user can press this button without all of the rights that would normally be required by the buttons to process
selected requests ll buttons of this type can be controlled by role so you can easily restrict who can see and use them
 dded the ability to check for existing similar last names when registering a new user Ghis will allow you to check for existing
users with similar names before registering a user Names like mith and mythe are similar and would be found when using this
 dded a new utility in the c Vault database to compare the user name stored in the user c file to the user name as it appears in the
User c document cf any differences are found they are indicated by a red dot icon ny differences found can be corrected by
pressing a button to update the user name in the c Vault document
 For users that need to add their own custom fields to the Ô%# c &'  form, you can now put them in the new Ô%# 
c &' ('  $ subform and they will appear in the new ('   tab Ghis doesn't add any new functionality, but
provides a way to add custom fields to the New User c Request form in a way that will survive c Manager upgrades
 For users that need to add their own custom fields to the # c ) *
+ form, you can now put them in the new # c ) *
('  $ subform and they will appear in the new ('   tab Ghis doesn't add any new functionality, but provides a way to
add custom fields to the User c Profile form in a way that will survive c Manager upgrades
 User c s and certifier c s that are deleted from the c Vault database are now logged in the c Manager Log atabase in the
eleted ocuments view Logged items include, the name of the user or certifier deleted, the date and time that it was deleted and
who deleted it
 cn the Germinate User request form, an option was added to the elete Mail teps tab that will allow user names that were copied to
another user's person document to be removed from that user's person document before the mail file is deleted cn earlier versions of
c Manager, there was no option for this Ghe copied names were always removed before the mail file was deleted
 dded the ability to check for mail forwarded to a terminated user to give you a chance to forward the mail to some other user
before termination
 dded the ability to use a fixed string password when changing HGGP passwords from the c Vault database
 dded additional status fields to the cnitiate Recertifications view in the c Vault database Ghe new fields indicate whether or not a
user has already been recertified cf the user was auto recertified, it will indicate if known possible problems were encountered
during the auto recertify process
 dded an option to send a "tell adminp process new" command after an adminp request to delete a user has been created
 dded an option to send a "tell adminp process new" command after an adminp request to delete a mail file and all replicas has been
 dded an option to sign a user's mail file with the mail server's c when a name change or move user in hierarchy request is
processed Ghis was added as a workaround to a known problem with mail files taking a long time to open after a name change or
move user in hierarchy ee technote 111533 for more information
 When the password digest is cleared (during a name change or recertification , the D (   / ) % ,(  
field is also cleared
 n un-documented feature to disable users has been removed from this version of c Manager Ghe ability to disable a user was
included in the termination request in version 4 Ghis function is no longer necessary and no longer supported
   % ' option has been added to the  # c
!  profile to log additional information to the c Manager
rror Log database Ghis option can be used if the request is not being processed correctly
   % 'option has been added to the   $$)) % , profile to log additional information to the c Manager rror
Log database Ghis option can be used if the request is not being processed correctly
 dded a profile for the ( c "
+ form / process Ghis will allow a default c filename formula to be saved and re-used
 fter resetting the HGGP / internet password, c Manager can now replicate namesnsf with the user's mail server
 Ghe terminate user log has been enhanced significantly
 n option has been added for adminp to create a backup copy of a user's mail file when terminating a user
 When selecting the mail template in a user c profile, the available templates were always from the user's local workstation
regardless of the selected mail template server Ghis has been fixed
 When the option to backup a mail file is used in a termination request, the default CL entry of the backup mail file may be
incorrect Ghis has been fixed
 When creating a terminate user request, the disable date was not calculated correctly based on the profile settings Ghis has been
 When changing the status of a termination request, the log document was not updated to reflect the change Ghis has been fixed
 When a termination request is locked the warning memo does not include the request type in the subject line Ghis has been fixed
 When registering new users, the option to synch Notes passwords and HGGP / cnternet passwords did not work Ghis has been fixed
 When terminating a user, if the option to copy fields from the terminated user's person document to another user's person document
is selected, the name of the person listed in the log as being removed from the person document is incorrect Ghere is no problem
with the actual names being removed from the person document, only incorrectly logged names Ghis problem has been fixed
 c Manager will no longer send a memo reminding you to accept a name change in the c Vault database if the last day to accept
the name change has already passed
 Fixed a problem where the backup mail file was not being created on time when using the "dminp Created Backup Mail File
Replica" option
 cf the 
+.% /(D$ Ô /!! option was not selected when a user was terminated, un-terminating the user will
clear some CL flags in the users mail file CL entry Ghe reported problem stated that the + !' CL flag was being
incorrectly cleared Our own testing found that other CL flags may also be incorrectly cleared Ghis problem has been fixed
 cf a fixed string password was used in a Reset HGGP Password request, the password in the person document was blanked out
instead of being reset Ghis has been fixed
 When forwarding c s from the c Vault database, in some cases, the c and password was not sent to the specified person, but was
sent to the requester instead Ghis has been fixed
 fter recertifying a user c from thec

 view in the c Vault database using the !
button, the user c document will be incorrectly placed in the (
!(  !, view Ghis problem has been fixed for
user c s recertified after this fix is in place
 ue to a bug in Notes, c Manager modifies the adminp request to delete the mail file and all replicas that is generated during a
termination everal users have reported problems with replicas not being deleted Ghe bug that was being worked around has been
fixed in Notes 656 c Manager now checks the version of Notes when creating the adminp request to delete the mail file and all
replicas and will not modify the adminp request if the version of Notes is 656 or later ee technote 01 in the Lotus
Knowledge Base for more information on the bug that is worked around when c Manager modifies the adminp request
 New users are removed from deny access groups when a request is submitted using the short form cn previous versions, users were
only removed from deny access groups when the long form was used
c 0* Ô 2/'' 2
 dded several new roles to control who can see and modify the options of &' /( .*/-

c ,  # c

! , !
*# , #  and $
# requests
 dded the ability to calculate passwords for imported user c s Values from the user's person document can be used to calculate
passwords when importing existing user c s from disk For example *"
 3*D 3 could be used to calculate a
password of the users first name and last name
 dded (" %,# c view that allows admins to set the value of the c (4" %,, field in selected user c
documents in the c Vault database
 dded the ability to manually send welcome documents from the Completed User c s view
 dded enhanced xport Go xcel code to the c Manager Log database Ghis code is written by Ken Pespisa and is used by
 dded New Request uthors field to all profile documents Ghis field is an authors field that can be used to grant author access to
specified users or groups
 dded the ability to request an HGGP password reset through the c Manager Requests database
  new database has been added to store Lotuscript rrors cn previous versions of c Manager, Lotuscript rrors were recorded
in the c Manager Log database Lotuscript rrors are now recorded in the c Manager rror Log database
 When saving a new user c request, c Manager checks for an existing person document, existing shortname and existing internet
address on the specified registration server tarting in this version, c Manager will look in the address book of the specified
address book server for duplicates if one is specified cf no address book server is specified then the address book on the specified
registration server will be used when looking for duplicates
 Roaming replica servers can now be selected using cluster pair tables cn previous versions roaming replica servers had to be
 Ghe number of approved new user requests and termination requests processed each time the corresponding scheduled agent runs
can now be limited by using an entry in the configuration document epending on available bandwidth and the options used, new
users and terminations may take a while to process cn order to make sure that the time that the server document allows for
scheduled agents to run is not exceeded, you may need to limit the number of requests processed each time the agent runs
 c Manager now allows you to specify which server should process a request Ghis is available for all request types Ghis feature
will only be useful for users that have more than one replica copy of R U GNF in their organization Ghis new feature
allows requests to be entered in multiple locations and replicated to other servers, but always processed on the specified server
 c Manager now supports the preferred language setting
 c Manager now automatically approves adminp requests to delete private design elements
 c Manager now automatially approves adminp requests to delete roaming user files when terminating a user
 cn previous versions of c Manager, when registering a user, all failure and warning emails were sent to the people / groups listed in
the c Managerpprovers field tarting in this version of c Manager, warning and failure memos can be sent to specified people
or groups
 dded a new database that contains a sample of each type of custom document available in c Manager Ghese documents can be
imported into c Manager or copied and pasted into c Manager to save some time during setup
 Germinate user logging has been enhanced significantly
 When terminating a user, a user's out of office agent can now be disabled
 When un-terminating a user, the terminated user is now made an owner of all groups that they were an owner of before being
 dded the ability to create a NOG cNc and CONFcGG file that can be used to perform a silent install
 dded the ability to automatically accept name changes and recerts in the c Vault database with no user intervention Ghis new
feature requires Notes or omino  or later
 Ghe roaming replica servers field in a user's person document was not populated during new user registration Ghis has been fixed
 cn some cases, the standard mail file will be deleted memo was being sent instead of the specified custom message document Ghis
has been fixed
 When using adminp to create a mail file, in some cases the name of the server running the agent may be added with an incorrect
user type of    new 
+(,4 option has been added to prevent this problem
 Using the Gest Formulas button when creating a new user c request can cause problems Ghe Gest Formulas tab has been removed
from the new user c request form
 Ghe option to replicate with address books did not work correctly in previous versions Ghis has been fixed in this version
 Fixed a problem where users were not being restored to canonical groups during an un-termination For example if a user was a
member of the group Helpsoft/My Users, they would be correctly removed from the group during termination, but they would not
be re-added to the group if the user was un-terminated
c 01* Ô 2Ô 2
 dded the ability to send an email to a user requesting a copy of their user c and password Ghis email can be sent to selected users
from the results view of "
,)  !' 0
c 5'+ !' utility in the c Vault database You
must have the [CanRequestc s] role assigned to be able to use this tool Returned emails containing c s and passwords can be
imported using the c c " /   tool in the c Vault database
 When terminating a user, c Manager will now save the names of any groups that the terminated user is an owner of
 dminp requests to delete mail files (created by c Manager were not being automatically approved if the user's mail file title had
changed and was different from the user's name in the person document Ghis has been fixed
 Ghe Mail Gemplate erver is no longer supported in c Manager 4 Ghe template on the mail server will be used to create a new
user's mail file Ghe New User c and User c Profile forms as well as the documentation have been updated to reflect this
 Removed the option to delete a user's person document during the termination process Ghis option sometimes caused problems
when c Manager created the adminp request to delete the user Ghe adminp request created during the termination process will will
delete the user's person document
 When terminating a users, the memo sent to a user or an admin that was added to the terminated user's mail file CL stated that the
mail file would be available until the termination date, not the mail file deletion date Ghis error only occurred if the standard memo
was used Ghis has been fixed
c 0* Ô 26'+7
 Ghe workstation work path and the server work path will now allow the string {directory} cf you use this string it will evaluate to
the Notes data directory for the workstation or server currently registering a user or any other task that uses these fields to determine
a temporary work path
 dded additional role /++ %(/9 to R U GNF and c VULGNF to determine who can select the # (
 option in several requests
 ll metrics views in the c Manager Log database have been changed and now include a number of additional fields
 ll scheduled agents except the new agent to accept recertifications can be run on a server and no longer must be run from a
workstation Ghis requires that the server that c Manager is installed on is running N 6x or later, all mail servers and the
registration server are running N 6x or later and that the servers also trust the server that is running the agent Ghis is described in
more detail in the documentation database
 cn previous versions, a new user c profile reader could be specified Ghis field is a readers field that controls who can see and
select new user c profile documents cn previous versions of c Manager this readers field was only available on new user c
profiles  profile readers field has been added to all profile document types allowing more control over who can see and select
each profile document
 dded the ability to control who can approve !
*,  # , Ô(  and $
#  requests based on the
owners and administrators fields in the corresponding person document cf you use this option, a person would not be able to
approve the above requests if they are not a member of the owners field or the administrators field of the person document that will
be modified or deleted when the request is processed Ghis is true even if the user had the appropriate approval role assigned
 dded the ability to specify several new delivery options when sending custom memos Ghese options include ) ( 
c !, 
, ! and  ,
 Find uplicate c Vault ocuments can now be run as a scheduled agent lso added the ability to archive selected duplicate c
Vault documents
 Find Person ocuments With No Matching c Vault ocument can now be run as a scheduled agent
 Find c Vault ocuments With No Matching Person ocument can now be run as a scheduled agent
 dded the ability to clone settings for a new user Ghe certifier, mail server and groups for a new user can be cloned from an
existing user
 dded the ability to generate more secure internet passwords when registering a new user c 
 dded the ability to make any text field in the new user c request a required field
 dded support for the certificate authority process
 dded support for roaming users
 dded support for explicit policies (except the registration policy
 When importing new user c requests from a file, you can now import as many fields as you want cn previous versions only the
first name, middle initial, last name and user c profile name could be imported
 dded the ability to use a cluster server pair table to determine which cluster / failover server to use when creating a replica mail
file cn previous versions a formula was required to determine which cluster / failover server to use
 dded the ability to store the user's c in their mail file (Requires Notes 654 or later
 dded the option to control whether or not a user c is created when registering a user

 dded support for the certificate authority process
 dded support for the certificate authority process
 # c
 dded support for the certificate authority process

 dded the ability to change the status of a termination request to any valid status from the $

 /++ view
 dded the ability to disable a user in addition to terminating the user and deleting the mail file
 dded the ability to add a user to the CL of a terminated user's mail file
 dded the ability to add a name to the mail forwarding address of a terminated user allowing the terminated user's mail to be re-
 dded the ability to clear a user's HGGP password during termination
 dded the ability to copy the terminated user's name to another user's person document allowing the terminated user's mail to be re-
 dded the ability to make a backup copy of the user's mail file before deleting the existing mail file and all replicas
 dded the ability to specify a mail file deletion time in addition to a mail file deletion date Ghis can be helpful if you don't want
mail file deletions to be processed before a certain time Ghe new option to make a backup of a user's mail file can make deleting a
mail file take significantly more time to complete Ghis option will allow you to make the delete mail file routine run during the time
that a server's night time parameters are in effect when more time is usually allowed for agents to run
c 5'+  
 dded the ability to import certifier c s into the c Vault database
 dded the ability to archive user c documents that have no matching person document
 dded a utility to change passwords for user c s in the c Vault database Ghis utility can be useful after you import existing user
c s into c Manager especially if all user c s previously shared a common password
 dded a utility to change file names for user c s in the c Vault database
 dded an option to Un-Hide hidden user c s When a user c is un-hidden the name of the user whose c was un-hidden as well as
the user that un-hid the user c are logged in the c Manager Log database
 dded a process to detect changes in user certificates Ghis process will detect name changes or recertifications performed outside
of c Manager
 dded additional roles (
,c 9,(#
,c 9 and ($#
,c 9 to c VULGNF to determine who can
hide and un-hide user c s
 dded the ability for a user to retrieve their own user c with no admin assistance via the web
 dded additional role (
 c 9 to R U GNF to determine who can use the Retrieve User c function to retrieve
their own user c from the c Vault database with no administrator assistance
 dded a scheduled agent that will automatically accept recertifications into the c Vault database Ghere are a few requirements for
this agent ee the documentation database for more information on this enhancement
 dded a utility to update fields in User c documents in the c Vault database from corresponding fields in person documents Ghis
provides an easy way to update the mail server field or any other field that may need to be updated periodically
 dded a utility to update fields in User c documents in the c Vault database Using this utility, the name of the field to be updated
is entered and the new value for that field is entered Multiple documents can be updated easily with this utility
 When pressing the 
/ /,/
 $ '. button in the c Manager configuration document, agents in
c MRLONF were not processed Ghis has been fixed
 When terminating a user, if you used the option to add an CL entry to the user's mail file, the access level assigned to the new
CL entry may or may not be the correct access level Ghis has been fixed
 When terminating a user with c Manager, the memo sent when a mail file is deleted was being sent to the wrong person/group
Ghis has been fixed
 When processing a name change request from the c Vault database, the name change document sent to the user was not always
correct c Manager always sent the first name change document cf you selected a name change document other than the first one,
the wrong document was sent to the user Ghis has been fixed
 When forwarding a user c from the c Vault database, the name recorded in the " %,,$ field was incorrect if either 
) % ,.+ or 
+c /,) % , was selected Ghis was not a problem when processing a request for an existing user c
from the c Manager Requests database Ghis problem has been fixed
 When forwarding a user c and sending a custom password memo, the password was included at the bottom of the memo whether
you specified it in that location or not Ghis has been fixed
 Fixed a problem when accepting a recertification cf an address book server was specified, it was not used when accepting a
 Ghe form that allows users to change their own internet password has been updated to work correctly when using the   !'

 % , option
 Fixed a problem when registering a new user when an extra space was accidentally added to the end of the first name field Ghe
extra space prevented the user's person document from being updated correctly Ghis problem has been fixed
 Modified code to prevent CL errors/warnings when accepting a name change, accepting a recertification or importing user c s
 Fixed a problem where leading 's on user c passwords and http passwords were stripped off before being emailed to the specified
person Ghis has been fixed
 Fixed a problem where the Owners (Localdmin field is not created as an uthors field Ghis could cause access problems and has
been fixed

c 1:* Ô 2/'' 11

 dded the ability to specify more than one password when importing user c s from disk Ghis was added for users who have
archived user c s that use one of several common passwords c Manager will now check the entire list of supplied passwords and
will only prompt the user for a password if none of the supplied passwords is correct
 dded an option to import omino users (users with no user c  into c Manager Ghis allows you to manage HGGP passwords
with c Manager
  list of available certifiers is now maintained in the c Manager Requests database Ghis makes it possible for requesters to select
various certifiers when creating a new user c request or a move user in hierarchy request even when they don't have access to the
c Vault database cn previous versions of c Manager, requesters without access to the c Vault database had to select a profile
that had the appropriate certifier selected
 dded the ability to put a termination request on hold
 dded an option to verify passwords for user c s stored in the c Vault database
 dded an option to change user c passwords for user c s stored in the c Vault database
 dded support for the comment field in the person document ny information added to the comment field in c Manager will be
copied to the comment field in the new user's person document
 c Manager locks requests bgefore processing to prevent them from being processed by two people/agents at one time cn some
cirumstances, requests can be left in the locked state n agent has been added to c Manager that runs once per day and
automatically unlocks requests left in the locked state
 dded the ability to prevent specified person document fields from being updated by c Manager during new user registration
 Ghe mail file deletion date was incorrectly calculated by adding days, months or years to the current date instead of the user's
termination date Ghis has been fixed
 When terminating a user with the o Not elete Mail File option specified, a completion memo was sent saying that the mail file
had been deleted even though the mail file had not been deleted Ghis has been fixed and the memo is no longer sent
 Custom messages were not being sent to the end user (the user whose name is being changed when processing name changes and
move user in hierarchy requests in the c Manager Requests database Ghis has been fixed
 When registering multiple users, a log document was not always created in the c Manager Log database Ghis has been fixed
 Fixed a problem that would not allow the c Manager pprovers field in the Germination Profile to be changed
 Ghe form for requesting a copy of an existing c contained incorrect validation formulas in the Mail c Go, Mail Password Go, and
Mail c and Password Go fields Ghese have all been fixed
 Ghe utility that imports existing user c s from disk has been updated to handle passwords better When importing existing user c s,
if a password for a user c that is being imported is not the same as the initial password specified, the person importing user c s is
prompted for a new password cn previous versions of c Manager, the new/corrected password was not recorded with the imported
user c  Ghis has been fixed
 dded the ability to find duplicate user c documents in the c Vault database Ghis can help you identify users that have been
registered more than once
 dded the ability to batch update values in user c profiles Ghis tool lets you copy values from one user c profile document to
selected user c profile documents
 dded the ability to generate reports showing various statistics such as the number of users registered over a specified time period,
the number of existing c s forwarded over a specified time period, the number of recertified users over a specified time period, the
number of renamed users over a specified time period and the number of terminated users over a specified time period
 dded the ability to calculate service levels for all tasks performed by c Manager
 dded a request / approval / workflow process for recertifications Ghis allows any designated user to request recertifications for
 dded a request / approval / workflow process for name changes Ghis allows any designated user to request name changes for
 dded a request / approval / workflow process for moving users in hierarchy Ghis allows any designated user to request a move to a
new certifier for users
 dded a request process for creating mail in databases
 dded the ability to customize many of the messages that are sent during routine c Manager processing Ghis will allow you to
determine the text of each message that is sent cn addition, you can include field values with the custom message For example, if
you use a custom document to send installation instructions, you could include field values like Firstname, Lastname,
HGGPPassword, etc from the c Manager request document You can also use @function formulas in the custom message For
example, you could use a formula like @Uppercase(Firstname to include the first name of the new user in the custom message
 Changed the method for resolving duplicate short names and internet addresses
(  You can specify multiple formulas to calculate the short name or internet address cf the first formula evaluates to a
duplicate name, c Manager will try the next formula and will continue until all formulas have been tried
(  cn previous versions of c Manager, duplicate names were resolved by c Manager adding a number at the end of a
short name or before the @ symbol in the internet address c Manager would increment the number until a unique name was
found Ghis method is still possible, but you can now tell c Manager the position of the incrementing number Go do this, place the
; symbol in the position that you want c Manager to place an incremented number For example the formula "
D <=;> + *! = could be used for resolving a typical internet address cf you use this method, it should be the last
formula listed in the shortname formula or internet address formula
 dded framesets, outlines, and navigators to all c Manager databases However, navigators are still used by default in case c
Manager is used in a mixed R46/R5 environment cf you are in an R5 only environment, you can enable the new R5 only framesets
by selecting .,
,*  from the launch tab of each c Manager database
 dded the ability to control the character sets that are used for random character passwords Ghis allows you to remove potentially
confusing characters like (l and 1 and ( and O
 dded the ability to use special characters ±>;?@ABC (shift-1 through shift- on the keyboard in random characters passwords
to make them more secure
 dded the ability to automatically send new user c completed notification to the requester cn previous versions, you could only
specify users or groups to send this completion memo to
 dded the ability to automatically send new user c and/or password to the requester cn previous versions, you could only specify
users or groups to send the c and/or password to
 dded the ability to automatically remove the person who registers a user from the CL of a new user's mail file Previously a list
of names had to be specified and any name in the list was removed from the CL Ghis enhancement can keep you from
maintaining a list of users in a number of user c profiles and should make maintenance of c Manager a little easier
 dded the ability to specify a default user c profile, existing c profile, termination profile, recertify user profile, rename user
profile, and move user in hierarchy profile cf you specify a default profile for any of these request types, it will be automatically
selected when a new request is created and the values from the profile will be used to populate default values for the new request
  link to a view where a request can be approved has been added to the notification memo that is sent when a new user c request,
request for an existing c , termination request, recertify user request, name change request, or move user in hierarchy request is
 dded support for the Web Page field (the actual field name is Website for iNotes users
 When an admin switches to a user's c in the c Vault by pressing the %
! $ c button, it is now logged in the c Manager
Log database
 dded the ability to hide users c s Ghis effectively prevents users from detaching user c s without using the %
! $ c button
or the " %,c button
 dded the ability to copy an c to a network drive when requesting a copy of an existing user c 
 dded the ability to clear the password digest when recertifying and renaming users
 dded the ability to restore a user's name to the CL of their mail file when un-terminating a user dminp removes a user's
explicit CL entry from their mail file when terminating their account, making it necessary to add the user to the CL
 dded the ability to add a new CL entry to a user's mail file when terminating the user's account Ghis will allow a group of people
that did not previously have access to the user's mail file to review it before it is deleted
 dded a number of new fields to the New User c Request and the hort User c Request forms Ghe following fields were added:
mployee c , Pager number, treet address, City, tate/province, Zip/postal code, Country and Office number Ghese fields are all
from the work section of the Person form ll of the fields mentioned will be copied to a new user's person document after
  button has been added to the user c document in the c Vault database that will open the selected user's person document
  button has been added to the user c document in the c Vault database that will open the selected user's mail file
 Profile documents are now available for recertifications, name changes, move user in hierarchy and requests for existing user c s cn
previous versions, profile documents were available for new user c requests and termination requests Profile documents in c
Manager provide the ability to determine default values for specific forms
 dded the ability to check group sizes when terminating a user c Manager monitors group sizes when it adds a user to a deny
access group cf the size of the group exceeds a specified threshold, a warning message is emailed to the specified administrators
 dded the ability to clear the password digest when recertifying and renaming users
 When un-terminating a user, c Manager will now add a user back into the CL of their own mail file
 When terminating a user, c Manager will add an entry to the mail file of the terminated user Ghis will grant access to those who
need to be able to read the user's mail
 dded the ability to create omino only users No c will be created for omino only users
 dded the ability to copy a user's c to a specified network drive when forwarding an c 
 dded a purge agent to delete documents older than the number of days specified Ghe number of days to retain a document is
specified in the c Manager configuration document  purge agent was added to the c Manager Requests database and the c
Manager Log database
 cf the user who submitted a name change request used a different date format that the user who accepted a name change, an error
would occur when accepting the name change Ghis has been fixed
 cf a name change removed a middle initial, the name change was not updated correctly in the c Vault document in the c Vault
database Ghis has been fixed
 Ghe Messagetorage field in a new user's person document was not being populated correctly Ghis has been fixed
 When terminating a user, if you pressed the "Germinate User Now" button without saving the termination request first, adminp
would not delete the user's mail file Ghe request to delete the user's mail file in admin4nsf complained that the ProxyReplicac
field was missing and the request was not processed correctly by adminp Ghis has been fixed
 When registering a new user with adminp creating the user's mail file, the "ee if mail file has been created" agent would not run
properly if the mail file had not been created for the first request checked Once the first request failed, all other requests would fail,
even if the mail file had been created Ghis has been fixed
 Ghe message that c Manager sends to notify administrators that a name change is ready to be accepted contained a link that was
supposed go to the /!!Ô(  view, but the link actually pointed to the Ô(  4' view Ghis has been
 When terminating users, they were not deleted from Mail Only groups Ghis has been fixed
 When un-terminating users, they were not restored to Mail Only groups Ghis has been fixed
 When saving a new user c request with the "ave & Create" button in the short / web form, no notification memo was sent to the
selected administrators Ghis has been fixed
 When saving a termination request with multiple users selected, no notification memo was sent to the selected administrators Ghis
has been fixed
 When registering users from the / ,# c &'  view, new user c requests were still selected after they were
registered even though they were no longer in the view Ghis caused some new user c requests to be processed multiple times You
would see this problem if you did the following: 1 elect one or more new user c requests and register then while in the approved
user c requests view  elect one or more users and register them cf you performed both of these steps without closing c
Manager or selecting ,
  +!/++ from the Notes menu, the users selected in step one would be registered a second time Ghis
problem has been fixed
 Ghe agent that deletes old c Manager Log documents was deleting documents incorrectly Ghis caused newer documents to be
deleted and old documents to be left alone Ghis has been fixed
 Ghe agent that deletes old c Manager Log documents was deleting documents incorrectly Ghis caused some documents in
R U GNF to be deleted Ghis has been fixed

 dded the ability to allow users to change their own internet password (HGGPPassword field When changing the password with
c Manager, the user's person document is updated and the user's c Vault document is updated as well
 dded the following new roles to provide more flexible security: For new user c s, [Newc Requester] and [Newc pprover] For
requests for existing c s, [ xistRequester] and [ xistpprover] For termination requests, [GermRequester] and [Germpprover]
Ghese roles will allow you to set up security for users so they can request or approve one type of request, but not any others
 When importing New User c Requests from a file, users would see the error message: "Gype mismatch on external name:
COPYcG M" Ghis has been fixed
 When importing c s from a file or from a database, c Manager did not detect optional organization units if they were used Ghis
has been fixed c Manager now looks in the ($Certifiers view in the specified address book to determine if the derived certifier
includes an optional organization unit
 When importing c s from a database, c Manager did not import c s with no first name correctly Ghis has been fixed
 When renaming users with c Manager cf the middle initial was changed, it was not shown to be changed in the User c document
in the c Vault Ghis has been fixed
 When renaming users, c Manager only allowed one value in the shortname field Ghis field now supports multiple values
 When terminating users with c Manager, the User c document was not being moved to the Germinated User c ocuments view
Ghis has been fixed
 When c Manager created a calendar profile in a user's mail file, not all fields were populated Ghis has been fixed
 cn previous versions, if mail file creation or replica mail file creation failed, a new user c request was incorrectly marked as
completed Ghis has been fixed Now if mail file creation or replica mail file creation fails, the request state is set to 
+, or 
+, cn addition, two new views were added that will allow you to fix the
problem and try to create the mail file or replica mail file again

1* ' %
 Ô   +
 When registering users, each request is now locked as it is processed We have had reports of approved user c requests being
processed by more than one person or agent When this happens it almost always results in a completed request and a failed request
and more than one c in the c vault Ghe failed request is usually generated when c Manager attempts to create the user's mail file
for the second time Ghis lock will prevent this from happening
 dded the ability to check group sizes during user registration When c Manager add a user to a group, it compares the size of the
group to a threshold specified in the user c profile document cf the size of the group exceeds the specified size, a warning is sent
to the specified person or group letting them know that the group is almost full
 When saving a new user c request, c Manager will now look to see if there are any existing requests for the same person cn
previous version, c Manager would accept multiple requests for the same person
 You can now change the user c profile selected for a new user c request cn previous versions, this was not possible
 You can now update HGGP passwords for users in the c Vault Ghis routine will update the password in a user's c Vault
document (normal text and person document (encrypted cn addition, it will email the HGGP password to the user so they know
that their HGGP password has been changed You can perform this routine from the User c s by Last Name view in the c Vault
 c Manager now supports alternate names (when using Notes 5 and later
 You can now rename users with adminp and maintain a current copy of the c in c Manager
 You can now create flat user c s with c Manager
 dded a new method for recertifying c s that uses adminp Ghis method makes it much easier to recertify large numbers of user
c s
 You can now specify more than one user to be terminated Previous versions would only allow you to specify one user per
termination request Ghis can save a significant amount of time if you need to terminate a large number of users with the same
termination settings
 c Manager now supports "Germination Profiles" Germination profiles let you pre-define settings for Germination Requests and
will automatically populate the termination request for you
 Ghe Germination process has undergone a significant rewrite and handles mail file deletions correctly
 Ghe "Register New Users" database has been renamed "cheduled gents" Ghis is the database that must be installed on a
workstation, not a server Ghis database now includes an agent that terminates users Ghis was necessary because in some cases, the
termination agent needs to run from a workstation
 dded the ability to create mail files and mail file replicas using dminp
 dded the ability to quickly create a large number of new user c requests with the hort request form Ghis can be done using the
"ave & Create" button
 c Manager will now let you specify different administrator groups to notify when new user requests have been submitted and need
to be approved Ghe group that c Manager notifies of new user requests can be specified in each user c profile
 dded the ability to specify additional names (aliases to add the user's fullname field Ghis will allow you to add an alias like
Chuck for Charles, Bob for Robert, etc
 dded the ability to use your own Lotuscript code to resolve duplicate short names and internet addresses

 When creating random character passwords, you can now use the ^ character to create a random upper case character and the &
character to create a random upper or lower case character
 Memos can now be encrypted when forwarding existing user c s
  log entry is now made each time an c is forwarded so you'll have a record of all c s that have been forwarded Ghis entry is
made in the c Manager Log atabase
 uplicate hortnames are now detected and can optionally be resolved
 uplicate cnternet ddresses are now detected and can optionally be resolved
 n editable readers field has been added to Certifier documents in the c Vault to provide a higher degree of access control
 dded a multi-value text field called # c  !c* to Certifier documents Ghis information will be copied to the c Vault
document during registration and recertification Ghis will allow you to keep descriptive certifier information in each user c
 When forwarding an c , it is now an option to clear the Password igest field in the user's person document
 cmporting passwords into the password database from the c Manager configuration document created blank password documents
Ghis has been fixed
 cn some cases, recertified c s were not attached to the user c vault document Ghis has been fixed
 Ghe group that was notified when there was a new Germination request was not the c Manager pprovers group specified in the c
Manager configuration document Ghis has been fixed
 Ghe group that was notified when there was a new xisting c Request was not the c Manager pprovers group specified in the
c Manager configuration document Ghis has been fixed
 When Un-Germinating a user, the c Vault document was not found, even though it existed Ghis has been fixed
 Ghe Mail irectory field is no longer used cnstead, the formula specified in the 
+Ô" '+ in the *'+"
" '+ section will determine the path and file name of the user's mail file
 Ghe Owner of a person document did not include the optional org unit if one was specified Ghis has been fixed
 cn some cases, c s are created with an expiration date of 1/31/1 Gwo additional checks have been put in place to correct this
 When sending user c and password in separate documents during new user registration, the password document contained the user
c when it should not have Ghis has been fixed


 dded the ability to archive c files to a local or network drive in addition to the archive stored in c VaultNF
 cn previous versions, the mail file owner in the calendar profile was always set to the name of the administrator who created the user
c and mail file Ghis has been fixed and now the mail file owner field is properly set


 Code has been added to the ModifyMailFile event in the ModifyMailFile Lotuscript Library that will change the user type of the
mail file owner's CL entry to Person instead of unspecified Ghis code will only for R5 users Ghe code is commented out, but R5
users can un-comment the code and use it ct is important to note that if any R4 users try to register users after un-commenting this
code, errors will occur
 When importing new user c requests from a file, the status was incorrectly set to "Required Field Missing" Ghis has been fixed


 Ghe hortname and cnternetddress fields can now be controlled via a formula on each user c profile document For instance you
can use a formula like >D*"

+D<D  for either of these fields ee the *'+
+," '+ section in the # c ) *
+ form to modify these formulas
 Ghe user c filename and the mail file name can now be controlled via a formula on each user c profile document ee the *'+
+," '+ section in the # c ) *
+ form to modify these formulas
 xposed several Lotuscript routines to allow custom programming during certain parts of user registration ee the appropriate
Lotuscript Library to make changes Ghe portions of code that can be customized are:

+c /,) % , - allows you to control the sending of user c s and passwords after registration
+ - allows you to make changes to the mail file or mail file CL
1 ,
*)  !' - allows you to make changes to a user's person document during registration
 When a new user c request was created using the short form, an error occurred when moving the requests to the 0

/ + view Ghe error that occurred was #+  ,
+ ! * ',
Ô,/,, 4 E Ghis error has
been fixed
 cn some cases, custom fields were not working correctly  second field with the same name was created rather than replacing the
existing field Ghis problem has been fixed


 Ghe setup of c Manager is much faster and easier than previous versions
  new short user c request form has been added Ghis form can be submitted through Notes or over the web  minimum number
of entries are required for this form Ghis form is much easier and faster to complete than the long form
 R U R  , the program that creates new user c s has been rewritten in Lotuscript and no longer uses the Pc
 You can now register selected users on demand You no longer have to wait for specific times for c s to be created
 You can now set the mail file quota for a new user during user registration
 You can now create one or more replicas of a user's mail file at registration time
 You can now remove specific entries from the CL of a new user's mail file
 You can now install c Manager in any directory that you want to, as long as its under the Notes data directory Previous versions
required that all files be installed in a directory named c Mgr
 You can now use any group names you want for c Manager requesters, approvers, and administrators
 You can now specify the new user's c filename
 You can now encrypt the new user c and password memo that is sent to the installer/requester
 When a user's c is recertified, the old copy of the user's c is saved, creating a history of user c s
 cn previous versions, recertifying users from an NG4 workstation or server would result in an error Ghis bug has been fixed

 On the New User c Request, Request for xisting c , and Germination Request forms, changed the name of the hidden field
c /,
 to c /  to more accurately reflect the function of the field Ghe value in this field controls
who receives mail when a new user c request is entered and who receives error notifications when an error occurs during c
 Changed the name of the c file when attaching it to a user's person document cn earlier versions, the user c was named the same
as the user c stored in the c Vault, but it must be named Userc when stored in a person document or the Notes installation
process will not find it
 dded the Purchase Order Number field as a field that can be copied when importing c files from a database
  problem that caused c creations to fail when a user name contained a character with umlauts, accents, etc was fixed
 When importing c s from a database, names with no middle initials were sometimes incorrectly populated cn particular, they ended
up with no values in any of the name fields Ghis has been fixed
 Ghe termination date field was not being populated in the terminated person document when a user was terminated Ghis made it
difficult to figure out when a user had been terminated when looking at the Germinated Person ocuments view in the c Vault
database Ghis has been fixed
 Ghe ll ocuments view in the c Vault did not show a user's name for any terminated person documents Ghis has been fixed
 When using the utility (Ô%# c &'  " Ô/4, the field ( "
+, $ )  ! was not copied to the New
User c Request and R U R  would fail when processing the requests Ghis problem has been fixed
 Ghe ability to un-terminate a user was added
 Ghe ability to import new user c requests from a tab delimited file was added
  new view (Licenses By Order Number has been added to the c Vault to help in tracking Notes licenses ct helps in tracking total
licenses used against purchased licenses
 upport for Lotus Notes Mail c s has been added You can now create and manage Lotus Notes Mail c s using c Manager
 cnstructions for creating c Manager documents (New User c Requests, Requests For xisting c s, and Germination Requests
with Lotuscript has been added Ghis code can be run from a button on one of your own forms or from an agent


 Changed sort order of Requests For xisting c s to be New Request, pproved Request, Completed Request
 Now uses date and time to determine when a user should be terminated instead of just the date
 Changed Germinate Users agent so that message box text won't show up in the log
 Germinate user will now save a copy of the terminated user's person document so it can be restored if the user was terminated by
 Germinate user will now save the names of the groups that a terminated user was deleted from so the user can be re-added to those
 dded button to New User c Requests view to convert a request to a request for an existing c  Useful when a new c request is
made for an c that already exists
 dded ability to add custom fields to the User c Profile and New User c Request form and have them copied to a user's new
person document
 dded support for Notes User etup Profiles
 Fixed bug that would not allow New User c Requests to be saved n error stated that an expiration date was required and had not
been entered
 dded utilities to import existing Notes c s into the c Vault from a database or from a directory
 Ghe HGGP Password stored in a user's person document is now stored in its encrypted format
 Random character passwords can now be formatted dministrators can control if a specific position is a random alpha character or
a random number Ghis makes it possible to create random character passwords like F,+*
0 or ,!,02
 n abbreviated Person form was added so that users can view terminated person documents


 dded the ability to terminate Notes users
 dded the ability to request a copy of an existing Notes c
 llows user to specify the mail template and template server to use when creating mail files
 dded the ability to add managers to the CL of a user's mail file
 dded the ability to specify the user's access level to their own mail file, not automatically manager access
 dded the ability to specify an additional organization unit when creating new user c s

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