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School of Education Lesson Plan Format


Grade Level: ___2nd__ Date: __11/07/21_________ Date Lesson is Taught (if Applicable):

Targeted Content: ___Science ___________________ Integrated Content: __________Health education


For Lessons Taught: # of Students __20____ # of Boys __11_____ # of Girls __9_____

# of IEP Students 3________ # of ELL Students: 2________ # of High Ability Students __4______

State Content Standard and/or Common Core Standard(s):

Students will demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health.

Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risk.

1.2.1  Describe healthy behaviors that affect personal health.

1.2.2  Identify examples of emotional, intellectual, physical, and social health.

1.2.3  Describe ways to prevent communicable diseases.

Instructional Setting: Check all that apply:

Whole Group Centers Other (list)

Small Group Workshop
Individual Student Lab

Lesson Focus: Students will learn about Earth Day and how to reduce, reuse, and recycle. This lesson is focused on how trees
and plants are needed for humans to live and get air to breathe. It is also about learning how to clean up the world to keep it a safe
and healthy place for us to live.

Learning Outcome(s):
SWBAT talk to their group members about what can make this world a healthier place to live.
SWBAT create their own interactive booklet using pictures and describing Earth Day.
SWBAT recognize what certain picture entail and/or mean.
SWBAT work together to help each other learn more about a safe and healthy environment.

Assessment Measures:
List assessments that will be used during and/or after the lesson. Divide them into the following two types of assessment:
Formative Assessment(s): Students will be asked to answer questions as a whole group based on the photos about Earth Day that
are presented to them.
Summative Assessment(s): Students will give a small presentation to their group members about what their booklet entails and
how it can benefit humans and the way we all live.
Please note: You may or may not complete a summative assessment for the lesson, but you will need to include formative
assessment measure(s).

Differentiation: For students who on IEPs or have any sort of disability/language barrier, there will be lots of pictures
presented to give them the chance to come up with their own ideas on their own rather than having to read something and not
understanding it. They will also be split into groups equally, so they all have someone in their group who understands how to
help them succeed during this lesson. For the students who are high ability, they will be expected to help those who need extra
help understanding the assignment.

Paper booklet
Recycling bin
Garbage sacks


Introduction: As the teacher, I will start with each students getting a plastic bottle of apple juice. While they are drinking their
apple juice, I will be explaining how the bottle they are drinking out of can be recycled and how it should never be thrown onto
the group. I will also have them do a ‘memory’ game using different typed of items that can be recycled. This will help those who
struggle to see a visual of what can be recycled.

Procedures for Teaching and Learning:

 After the class finished their apple juice, the teacher will pass the recycling bin around the classroom for
the students to throw their plastic bottles away.
 The teacher will then finish up the ‘memory’ game and ask the students what items they remember from
the game or if they have any other ideas for what can or cannot be recycled.
 Next, the teacher will pull up the PowerPoint that talks about the meaning behind Earth Day and how
different trees and plants can help us to breathe.
 Then, the teacher will talk about how cleaning up the Earth can make it a safer and healthier place for
people to live.
 The teacher will then split the class up into 4 or 5 groups making sure that each group has a student who is
willing to help those who may struggle to understand the assignment.
 Once the students are in their own groups, they will get a paper booklet.
 They will have the chance to draw their own ideas of recycling as well as what trees can do and how they
will benefit people.
 They will also receive some cut out pictures that they can use to glue into their booklet. These pictures will
be different types of items that get thrown away and the students will determine where they need to be
placed as a group.
 At the end, the teacher will take the students outside for about 15-25 mins (depending on time) to see if
they can find any trash to clean up. They will also be planting a tree on the playground around the school.

Closure: At the end, the teacher will ask each group what kind of trash they may have found outside and whether or not it
should be put into a recycling bin or not. They will then talk about the tree they planted and the different ways they can continue
to help it grow and how it can help humans to live. The teacher will have each group present their booklets the next class period
after the glue has dried.

Assignment: Look for different things in their household that can be recycled. (not necessary…more for fun)

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